Not able to rename document of Draft envelope - docusignapi

Our application creates a draft envelope from template using docusign rest API. Based on the user input application renaming the document and send envelope for signing.
We are using API PUT "docusignUrl/envelopes/{envelopeId}/documents" to rename the documents of a draft envelope from past 10 months. It was working till yesterday. All of sudden today it is not renaming the document. It is keeping document name as template name itself.
Can somebody please help me to rename the document. I am using
Following are the request and response contents.
Request body:
Response Body:
"envelopeId": "a499c33a-94c6-46e1-a0f2-bf5cd368529b",
"envelopeDocuments": [
"documentId": "1",
"name": "SOMA_Sign_OrderManagement.pdf",
"uri": "/envelopes/a499c33a-94c6-46e1-a0f2-bf5cd368529b/documents/1",
"order": "1"

Your previous behavior is the desired behavior.
This is a bug that is being looked into by DocuSign, I'll update this answer if I get any additional information.
UPDATE: The issue has been resolved and is working as intended in Demo once again.


Docusign Connect Envelope status when print and upload is used

I have a connect endpoint created and I am trying to differentiate between a digitally signed envelope, and one where the document was downloaded and reuploaded using the Print and Sign feature.
Currently it seems that I get onSigningComplete event in both cases mentioned above when the document is submitted.
I also see that the status of the envelope gets set to Completed when I receive the connect response at my end point.
My questions are as follows:
Is this the expected behavior, or am I missing something?
Is there some flag in the envelope that indicates that a document was downloaded, signed and uploaded vs. signed digitally? If yes, how do I get that flag in my connect end point?
You can refer to
and call endpoint
GET /v2/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/audit_events
to get list of audit events happened for that envelope, for eg: it will show you list of events for Print and Sign like:
a. {
"name": "Action",
"value": "Printable Copy Delivered"
"name": "Message",
"value": "Signer1 received a printable copy of the envelope"
b. {
"name": "Action",
"value": "Uploaded Attachment"
"name": "Message",
"value": "Signer3 uploaded a file that contains paper with hand signature"
These audit events will show if document was download, signed & uploaded vs signed digitally

Getting the email id from the Outlook REST API when sending email

I am trying to use the Microsoft Rest API to send emails on behalf of our users. When I create a message as a draft, I get back an ID that I can use in future requests for editing, deleting, viewing the full conversation (after it is sent), etc.
I do not want to save it as a draft since I have no reason to, I just want to send it directly. After it is sent, I would still like to view the full conversation. However, if I just send the email (using the /sendmail endpoint), I do not get that ID. Is there anyway to get it? Here is my request:
"Message": {
"Subject": "Test",
"Importance": "Normal",
"ToRecipients": [{
"EmailAddress": {
"Address": "<email>",
"Name": "<name>"
"Sender": {
"EmailAddress": {
"Address": "<email",
"Name": "<name>"
"Body": {
"ContentType": "HTML",
"Content": "<html>\\n<head>\\n <style>\\n p { color: red; }\\n </style> \\n</head>\\n<body>\\n <p>Test</p>\\n</body>\\n</html>\\n"
"SaveToSentItems": "true"
The HTTP response code is 202, the email sends, but the body is empty (no content, whatsoever).
I don't think this matters, since I can recreate this in Postman, but I am running this in Nodejs using the node-outlook package.
Emails in Exchange via REST and EWS are submitted for transport, but the actual send and subsequent save to the sent items folder are done async. This is why you don't get the id. Transport is who actually writes the email to the sent items folder, not REST.
If you really need to find the item after it has been saved to the sentItems folder, set something like the PR_SEARCH_KEY and then do a view of the sent items folder and seek to that search key value.
Also note when you save a draft, the id that you get back will be different than the id of the item in the sent items folder because the folder Id is part of the id of the item, so that id wouldn't help you anyways.
I don't know which rest api version are you using (i'm using v2.0) but i will try to explain this issue. Sorry for my english i advance.
You have 2 ways to reply a message: on the fly way or the complete way.
On the fly way
Its the easy way, just send a post request to{message_id}/reply
and with the body
"Comment": "This is your message in plain text or html code"
and thats all.
The problem with this methos that you can only send plain text or HTML, no attachments or anything else. If that's all you need this is your best option.
The complete way
If you need to send an attachment or perform any other action you need to perform these 3 steps:
1. Create a draft from the message you want to reply
Send a post request to{message_id}/createreply
This will give you an json object save the "Id" property {draft_id} of this draft for later use.
2. Update the draft
Send a patch request to{draft_id}
and with the body
"Body": {
"ContentType": "HTML or Text",
"Content": "Your response in plain text or html"
or any other parameter you want to change.
3. Send the draft
Send a post request to{draft_id}/send
And thats it.
If you need more info abut this check

Docusign API integration - how to send multiple templates and populate values

I have a pretty basic question about how the Docusign API works. I tried finding the answer myself but was quickly overwhelmed by the massive amount of information, much of which is outdated, in the support center.
Here’s what I’m trying to do:
I have uploaded and configured multiple templates in my Docusign account
I am writing a web app which will allow my users to request a subset of those templates based on certain criteria
The subset of templates would then be used in my app via an iframe integration (I'm assuming)
I would also like to automatically populate several of the fields in my new copies of the templates
How do I perform the API request in step 2?
How do I perform the API call in step 3? Or are the values injected into the document some other way?
A totally different approach would be to provision a new Docusign account for each of my users but that didn’t seem right. If someone could just point me in there right direction I would really appreciate it.
It's actually not that basic of a question, I'd say if you were asking how to send a signature request on a document or from one template that's basic but how to combine and send multiple templates and populate values in them is a little more involved.
With that said, to combine multiple templates into signature requests you can simply use the Composite Templates node in your envelope definition. Using composite templates you can combine multiple server-side templates from your account, or combine templates with local documents or documents from other sources (i.e. cloud).
Regarding your Questions:
You can make an API call to programmatically retrieve the templates that are available in your account then display whatever aspects you want about them in your UI, such as name, description, template ID, etc. Once the user (or your app logic) indicates which templates they want to combine into a signature request you can combine them like this (this combines 2 server templates):
"emailSubject":"DocuSign Signature Request using Composite Templates",
"name":"John Doe",
"name":"Jane Doe",
Yes if you want to embed your recipients (which means they sign through your UI and not through the DocuSign website or app) then it is recommended you use an iFrame for Web apps and a Webview for mobile apps. To embed a given recipient you must set their clientUserId as I have for both recipients in the above example. This is a string and is defined on the client-side, you just need to remember which values you use for each recipient as you need that to generate each recipient's signing URL (which you will load in the iFrame).
Have a look at the "Signing from within your app" API Recipe for sample code of how to accomplish this. That sample doesn't use templates to create the envelope but it shows how to generate the unique signing URLs:
Signing from within your app
Or if you want to test with raw API calls (that don't use the DocuSign SDKs) you can use the API Explorer to test these calls:
API Explorer
You basically had a third question I think which was how to populate the tabs (aka document fields) in the template. You can identify a given tab by its tabLabel and populate it's value using the value property. For instance, if you had two tabs of type textTab (called Data fields in the UI) you can populate their values like this:
"email": "",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"roleName": "RoleOne",
"recipientId": "1",
"clientUserId": "1001",
"tabs": {
"textTabs": [
"tabLabel": "ApplicantAddress",
"value": "221 Main St. Suite 1000 San Francisco, CA 94105"
"tabLabel": "ApplicantSSN",
"value": "12-345-6789"

Api version change but docs not updated?

I've been trying to do various things through your Mail REST API today and not having much success... My project (using the api) has been running for at least a month now, but requests to your api are failing.
For example:
GET (works)
GET (doesn't work)
Looking at the documentation, still says its available.
Trying to send an email using:
POST also just returns 400 (Bad Request)
Any info about this?
Also, the http status codes returned are not useful at all; almost all errors return as 400's. In one instance, I didn't provide auth creds, and a 400 was returned instead of the appropriate 401. The accompanying status code detail could also be more helpful.
Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the inconvenience. We are currently deploying some non-backwards compatible changes described here, and this is causing your issues. The current set of changes including versioning support, and deploying non-backwards compatible changes won't cause issues for your app in the future. For the queries, that don't work, please use the following:
Accessing Inbox:
Send email (new action called SendMail):
"Subject": "Test message",
"Content": "This is test message!"
{ "EmailAddress": { "Address": "", "Name": "John Doe" }},
{ "EmailAddress": { "Address": "", "Name": "Jane Smith" }}
"SaveToSentItems": true
Hope this helps. We are updating the documentation to reflect the changes, and it should be available shortly. Thanks for the feedback on the HTTP status codes, we will review the status codes returned currently and make any fixes required.
Conversation support is in our roadmap but we don't yet have a timeline to share. Currently, you can search using$filter=ConversationId%20eq%20%%27ConversationID%27 but this will only return messages within the specified folder belonging to that conversation.
Let me know if you have any questions or need more info.

Delete Envelope in created state

How can I delete a draft envelope using REST API? (status=created). I want to be able to destroy the envelope as it needs changes to subject and email blurb which I have been told is not possible via REST API after the creation of the envelope.
To Delete through the DocuSign Console:
You can delete an envelope from your Drafts folder by navigating to that folder, selecting the envelope(s) in question, and deleting through the UI.
To Delete through the DocuSign REST API:
This is not well documented at the moment but this can be accomplished by using the MoveEnvelope() call and moving it into your Recycle Bin folder. The following page from the REST API guide describes the call you need make:
DocuSign REST API Guide - Move Envelopes
The details of the call are as follows:
"envelopeIds": [
"sample string 1",
"sample string 2"
"fromFolderId": "sample string 1"
As with all other calls, this can be formatted in JSON or XML. If using XML request bodies, use the following:
<envelopeMoveRequest xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
<envelopeIds xmlns:d2p1="">
<d2p1:string>sample string 1</d2p1:string>
<d2p1:string>sample string 2</d2p1:string>
<fromFolderId>sample string 1</fromFolderId>
