Pattern Match Fail when `function [] _ = ...; function _ [] = ...` syntax is omitted - haskell

Though disjoint exhausts all possible patterns in its guard conditions, Haskell gives me a PatternMatchFail error when running it.
disjoint :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
disjoint l#(x:xs) r#(y:ys)
| null l || null r = True
| x == y = False
| x > y = disjoint l ys -- reduce right list
| otherwise = disjoint xs r -- reduce left list
-- | Terminates when either list has been reduced to null, or when their head
-- elements are equal. Since lists are ordered, it only needs to compare head elements.
However, it has no problem if I write:
disjoint :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
disjoint [] _ = True
disjoint _ [] = True
disjoint l#(x:xs) r#(y:ys)
-- | null l || null r = True -- now redundant, but included for sake of continuity
| x == y = False
| x > y = disjoint l ys -- reduce right list
| otherwise = disjoint xs r -- reduce left list
Without those additional lines, I get a PatternMatchFail. If I am to infer what the issue for Haskell is in the first case, it is that if given a null list for an input argument, its expected arguments l#(x:xs) r#(y:ys) are already invoking a pattern-match, one that is non-exhaustive in the case of a null list, resulting in a PatternMatchFail, despite having a guard condition that checks for exactly the same condition. It just can't ever reach the guard condition, because it first needs to match on the "argument condition".
However, those additional two lines are a tad off-putting to me in their repetitiveness, and I was just wondering if there was a more succinct way of fixing this. More generally: if I were to be using three or more lists as arguments, I definitely wouldn't want to write out disjoint 3+ more times just to check for null conditions, so what might I do in cases like that? Thank you for your time.

Your explaination for why this gives a pattern match failure is correct. You can write the code the following way to avoid redundant lines:
disjoint :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
disjoint l#(x:xs) r#(y:ys)
| x == y = False
| x > y = disjoint l ys -- reduce right list
| otherwise = disjoint xs r -- reduce left list
disjoint _ _ = True -- catch all pattern, executed if either l or r is []
This is the solution I recommend. There is another solution, to make the pattern match more lazy (the pattern is then only checked if x/xs or y/ys is actually required):
disjoint :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
disjoint l# ~(x:xs) r# ~(y:ys) -- the ~ here says that this is an irrefutable pattern, which makes the match more lazy
| null l || null r = True -- x/y is not required, so pattern not checked
| x == y = False
| x > y = disjoint l ys -- reduce right list
| otherwise = disjoint xs r -- reduce left list
I don't recommend doing this though, since checking for null explicitly does not feel like idiomatic Haskell (also, irrefutable patterns are rarely used). The problem with the second approach is that you have to take care that you don't access y/ys / x/xs in the null cases, and the compiler won't help you. The first approach guarrantes that you can't access them in the null cases.

Another way to avoid the duplication is to take advantage of pattern match/guard fall through:
disjoint :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
disjoint l r
| null l || null r = True
-- If the guard above fails, then this pattern match is attempted:
disjoint l#(x:xs) r#(y:ys)
| x == y = False
| x > y = disjoint l ys -- reduce right list
| otherwise = disjoint xs r -- reduce left list
This is overkill here and personally I prefer the explicit pattern matching over null (the style of the first code block in bennofs answer is what I would go for), but this general technique can be handy in some situations.


Haskell working with Math Logic

I'm working on this practice problem in which I have to write a bunch of functions in Haskell functional programming language. I manage to write some of them but not all, and I need those that I couldn't finish to proceed in the practice sheet. Can somebody suggest some ideas?
Here are the types I'm working with:
data Litteral = Pos Char | Neg Char
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Clause = [Litteral]
type Formule = [Clause]
type Distribution = [(Char, Bool)]
Here are the functions I was able to write:
negate :: Litteral -> Litteral
negate (Pos v) = Neg v
negate (Neg v) = Pos v
unitClaus :: Clause -> Bool
unitClaus [_] = True
unitClaus _ = False
associate :: Litteral -> (Char, Bool)
associate (Pos c) = (c, True)
associate (Neg c) = (c, False)
isTautology:: Clause -> Bool
isTautology [] = False
isTautology [_] = False
isTautology (x:xs)
| elem (negation x) xs = True
| otherwise = isTautology (xs)
I still need:
a function isEvidentContradictory that returns True if an expression (logical expression) contains at least two unit clauses, one of which contains a literal while the other contains the opposite literal; ex: [[a], [b], [- b]]
a function hasAlone if an expression contains a clause that contains only one literal ex: [[a], [a, b, - c]]
a function findAlone that checks if an expression verifies hasAlone and also returns the alone literal; ex: [[- a][b, c, e]] => [- a]
a function removeAlone that removes clause containing the alone literal from the expression
Using the functions you have already defined:
A function hasAlone if an expression contains a clause that contains only one literal ex: [[a], [a, b, - c]].
So basically, it checks item by item to see if it is an unit clause in which case it returns True.
hasAlone :: Formule -> Bool
hasAlone [] = False
hasAlone (x:xs)
| unitClaus x = True
| otherwise = hasAlone xs
A function findAlone that checks if an expression verifies hasAlone and also returns the alone literal; ex: [[- a][b, c, e]] => [- a].
In this case, I'm assuming you only want the literal for the first unit clause that shows up. It is the same idea that in hasAlone but instead of returning a Bool it returns the literal.
findAlone :: Formule -> Litteral
findAlone [] = error "No alone litteral"
findAlone (x:xs)
| unitClaus x = head x
| otherwise = findAlone xs
A function removeAlone that removes clause containing the alone literal from the expression.
In this case, I include two version, one that removes all the unit clauses and another that removes just the first one. See that if it isn't an unit clause I keep it by adding it at the top of the list that results from the recursion.
-- Removes all the unit clauses
removeAlone :: Formule -> Formule
removeAlone [] = []
removeAlone (x:xs)
| unitClaus x = removeAlone xs
| otherwise = x:(removeAlone xs)
-- Removes the first unit clauses
removeAlone1 :: Formule -> Formule
removeAlone1 [] = []
removeAlone1 (x:xs)
| unitClaus x = xs
| otherwise = x:(removeAlone xs)
A function isEvidentContradictory that returns True if an expression (logical expression) contains at least two unit clauses, one of which contains a literal while the other contains the opposite literal; ex: [[a], [b], [- b]].
In this case I started by assuming that expression means Formule (I hope that's okay). After that, the function checks item by item to see if it is a unit clause (same thing I have been doing in all the functions so far), in which case it looks for a unit clause containing the oposite literal in the rest of the list.
You could define an auxiliar function that does this part elem ((Main.negate (head x)):[]) xs, which is looking for the a unit clause containing the negative literal, just so that it looks neater.
isEvidentContradictory :: Formule -> Bool
isEvidentContradictory [] = False;
isEvidentContradictory (x:xs)
| unitClaus x = elem ((Main.negate (head x)):[]) xs || isEvidentContradictory xs
| otherwise = isEvidentContradictory xs

Checking for empty list in Haskell: Is (length list == 0) or (list == []) more efficient?

Say I want to check if a list is empty in a guard in Haskell there are two options:
length list == 0
list == []
Which of these two logical tests are more efficient? I'm inclined to say the empty list test because relies on more basic constructs rather than the prelude function length but I'm not sure.
length list == 0 needs to traverse the whole list to get its length, which means it is O(n). list == [] yields an Eq constraint on the element type. null list runs in constant time and has no typeclass constraints.
However, there is a neat trick to do something like length list == 0 which has the advantage that it generalizes nicely to length list1 == length list2 without going through the longer list: you can use genericLength with a sufficiently lazy representation of natural numbers so that comparison will only force traversing the shorter of the lists.
One example is to use the Natural type:
import Data.Number.Natural
import Data.List (genericLength)
nats :: [Int]
nats = iterate succ 0
areThereTenNats :: Bool
areThereTenNats = genericLength nats >= (10 :: Natural)
You can check if your list is empty in constant time with null list, which returns a boolean.
Prelude> null []
Prelude> null [1]
Prelude> null ""
Prelude> null "Test"
As others have indicated, the best way to check if a list is empty (and nothing more) is to use
null :: Foldable f => f a -> Bool
which can be used at type
null :: [a] -> Bool
If you want to check if a list is empty because you want to look at its elements otherwise, you generally should be using pattern matching instead:
f [] = something
f (x : xs) = something using x and/or xs
If you want to compare the lengths of two lists (and no more), the best way is usually something like
compareLength :: [a] -> [b] -> Ordering
compareLength [] [] = EQ
compareLength [] (_ : _) = LT
compareLength (_ : _) [] = GT
compareLength (_ : xs) (_ : ys) =
compareLength xs ys
The best way to check how the length of a list compares to a certain number is
compareToLength :: Foldable f
=> f a -> Int -> Ordering
compareToLength = foldr go (compare 0) where
go _ r n | n <= 0 = GT
| otherwise = r $! n - 1

Check if the list is ascending (Haskell)

I am writing a function to check if a tree if a BST. All I've tried is to print the tree in an in-order traversal to a list and then check if the list is increasing. However I am having this error:
Couldn't match expected type `a' against inferred type `[t]'
`a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for `checkList' at BST.hs:24:18
In the pattern: x : y : xs
In the pattern: [x : y : xs]
In the definition of `checkList':
checkList [x : y : xs] = x <= y && checkList (y : xs)
Here is what I have so far (only a checkList function).
checkList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Bool
checkList [] = True
checkList [x] = True
checkList [x:y:xs] = x <= y && checkList (y:xs)
You want:
checkList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Bool
checkList [] = True
checkList [x] = True
checkList (x:y:xs) = x <= y && checkList (y:xs)
When you tried to use [ ] in the final pattern, you were saying "match against a list that contains x:y:xs (also a list!) as its sole element". Which doesn't match the type [a].
A somewhat ugly one using foldl'
checkList :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
checkList xs = fst $ foldl' (\(b,x1) x2 -> (b && x1 <= x2,x2)) (True,head xs) xs
Note: Using head xs is OK here because of lazy evaluation.
The usual way to do this is to make your tree foldable:
data BST a = Node (BST a) a (BST a) | Leaf
-- Use `deriving Foldable` or this instance
instance Foldable BST where
foldMap _ Leaf = mempty
foldMap f (Node l v r) =
foldMap f l <> (f v <> foldMap f r)
Then you can skip conversion to a list like this. This is similar to bmk's answer, but avoids head.
-- Is this increasing? If so, what is the maximum?
data Result a = Empty | NotInc | Inc a
finalInc :: Result a -> Bool
finalInc NotInc = False
finalInc _ = True
increasing :: (Foldable f, Ord a) => f a -> Bool
increasing = finalInc . foldl' go Empty where
go Empty y = Inc y
go NotInc _ = NotInc
go (Inc x) y
| x <= y = Inc y
| otherwise = NotInc
Warning! Warning!
The property this checks is weaker than the traditional binary search tree property, and weaker than the commonly accepted ways to weaken that property. In particular, you generally want to ensure, at least, that the root of each subtree is strictly greater than all elements of its left subtree, or that the root of each subtree is strictly less than all elements of its right subtree. These weak properties cannot be expressed in terms of the Foldable instance or conversion to a list; they must be checked directly. You can, however, use these techniques to verify the classical BST property by simply replacing <= with <.
A remark on space
All of the answers, including this one, have a somewhat unfortunate property: given a very left-heavy tree (e.g., Node (Node (...) 2 Leaf) 1 Leaf) they will use O(n) additional space to verify the search tree property. Is there some way to write this so it won't have any such bad cases? Unfortunately, the answer seems to be no. The classical BST property can be stated thus:
Each node must be greater than all elements of its left subtree and less than all elements of its right subtree.
The trouble is that "and". If we decide to check the left subtree first, we have to remember to check the right subtree afterwards, and vice versa.
Thus the only way to make verification efficient is to ensure that the tree is balanced.

Is it better to use guards than patterns for recursion functions in Haskell?

I'm just wondering about a recursion function I'm laying out in Haskell. Is it generally better to use guards than patterns for recursion functions?
I'm just not sure on what the best layout is but I do know that patterns are better when defining functions such as this:
units :: Int -> String
units 0 = "zero"
units 1 = "one"
is much preferred to
units n
| n == 0 = "zero"
| n == 1 = "one"
I'm just not sure though when it comes to recursion as to whether this is the same or different.
Just not quite sure on terminology: I'm using something like this:
f y [] = []
f y (x:xs)
| y == 0 = ......
| otherwise = ......
or would this be better?
f y [] = []
f 0 (x:xs) =
f y (x:xs) =
My general rule of thumb would be this:
Use pattern matching when the guard would be a simple == check.
With recursion, you usually are checking for a base case. So if your base case is a simple == check, then use pattern matching.
So I'd generally do this:
map f [] = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
Instead of this (null simply checks if a list is empty. It's basically == []):
map f xs | null xs = []
| otherwise = f (head xs) : map f (tail xs)
Pattern matching is meant to make your life easier, imho, so in the end you should do what makes sense to you. If you work with a group, then do what makes sense to the group.
For your particular case, I'd do something like this:
f _ [] = []
f 0 _ = ...
f y (x:xs) = ...
Pattern matches, like guards, fall from top to bottom, stopping at the first definition that matches the input. I used the underscore symbol to indicate that for the first pattern match, I didn't care what the y argument was, and for the second pattern match, I didn't care what the list argument was (although, if you do use the list in that computation, then you should not use the underscore). Since it's still fairly simple ==-like checks, I'd personally stick with pattern matching.
But I think it's a matter of personal preference; your code is perfectly readable and correct as it is. If I'm not mistaken, when the code is compiled, both guards and pattern matches get turned into case statements in the end.
A simple rule
If you are recursing on a data structure, use pattern matching
If your recursive condition is more complex, use guards.
Fundamentally, it depends on the test you wish to do to guard the recursion. If it is a test on the structure of a data type, use pattern matching, as it will be more efficient than redundant testing for equality.
For your example, pattern matching on the integers is obviously cleaner and more efficient:
units 0 = "zero"
units 1 = "one"
The same goes for recursive calls on any data type, where you distinguish cases via the shape of the data.
Now, if you had more complicated logical conditions, then guards would make sense.
There aren't really hard and fast rules on this, which is why the answers you've gotten were a bit hazy. Some decisions are easy, like pattern matching on [] instead of guarding with f xs | null xs = ... or, heaven forbid, f xs | length xs == 0 = ... which is terrible in multiple ways. But when there's no compelling practical issue, just use whichever makes the code clearer.
As an example, consider these functions (that aren't really doing anything useful, just serving as illustrations):
f1 _ [] = []
f1 0 (x:xs) = [[x], xs]
f1 y (x:xs) = [x] : f1 (y - 1) xs
f2 _ [] = []
f2 y (x:xs) | y == 0 = calc 1 : f2 (- x) xs
| otherwise = calc (1 / y) : f2 (y * x) xs
where calc z = x * ...
In f1, the separate patterns emphasize that the recursion has two base cases. In f2, the guards emphasize that 0 is merely a special case for some calculations (most of which are done by calc, defined in a where clause shared by both branches of the guard) and doesn't change the structure of the computation.
#Dan is correct: it's basically a matter of personal preferences and doesn't affect the generated code. This module:
module Test where
units :: Int -> String
units 0 = "zero"
units 1 = "one"
unitGuarded :: Int -> String
unitGuarded n
| n == 0 = "zero"
| n == 1 = "one"
produced the following core:
Test.units =
\ (ds_dkU :: GHC.Types.Int) ->
case ds_dkU of _ { GHC.Types.I# ds1_dkV ->
case ds1_dkV of _ {
__DEFAULT -> Test.units3;
0 -> Test.unitGuarded2;
1 -> Test.unitGuarded1
Test.unitGuarded =
\ (n_abw :: GHC.Types.Int) ->
case n_abw of _ { GHC.Types.I# x_ald ->
case x_ald of _ {
__DEFAULT -> Test.unitGuarded3;
0 -> Test.unitGuarded2;
1 -> Test.unitGuarded1
Exactly the same, except for the different default case, which in both instances is a pattern match error. GHC even commoned-up the strings for the matched cases.
The answers so far do not mention the advantage of pattern matching which is the most important for me: ability to safely implement total functions.
When doing pattern matching you can safely access the internal structure of the object without the fear of this object being something else. In case you forget some of the patterns, the compiler can warn you (unfortunately this warning is off by default in GHC).
For example, when writing this:
map f xs | null xs = []
| otherwise = f (head xs) : map f (tail xs)
You are forced to use non-total functions head and tail, thus risking the life of your program. If you make a mistake in guard conditions, the compiler can't help you.
On the other hand, if you make an error with pattern matching, the compiler can give you an error or a warning depending on how bad your error was.
Some examples:
-- compiles, crashes in runtime
map f xs | not (null xs) = []
| otherwise = f (head xs) : map f (tail xs)
-- does not have any way to compile
map f (h:t) = []
map f [] = f h : map f t
-- does not give any warnings
map f xs = f (head xs) : map f (tail xs)
-- can give a warning of non-exhaustive pattern match
map f (h:t) = f h : map f t

Multiple Statements In Haskell

How do you have multiple statements in haskell?
Here's what I'm trying to do: given a list such as [a,b,c,d], return every other element, so you get [a,c]. I can see the solution, and here's what I have so far:
fact (xs) | length( xs ) `mod` 2 == 1 = head( xs )
| otherwise = fact(tail( xs ))
This works fine the first time around, but then it quits. What I want to be able to say is return the head, and then call fact(tail(xs)) How do I do that?
The function you specified returns only a single element. You'd need to change it to something like:
fact [] = [] -- can't call tail on a list of length 0!
fact (xs) | length( xs ) `mod` 2 == 1 = head( xs ) : fact(tail(xs))
| otherwise = fact(tail( xs ))
You may find it helpful to write out type signatures to help figure out thinkos like this:
fact :: [a] -> [a] -- convert a list of anything to another (shorter) list
However note that this is very slow - O(n^2) in fact, since it's taking length at each step. A much more haskelly solution would use pattern matching to process two elements at a time:
fact :: [a] -> [a]
-- Take the first element of each two-element pair...
fact (x:_:xs) = x:fact xs
-- If we have only one element left, we had an odd-length list.
-- So grab the last element too.
fact [x] = [x]
-- Return nothing if we have an empty list
fact _ = []
There are no statements in Haskell.
You should not abuse parentheses in Haskell. Rather, you should accustom yourself to the language. So your original code should look like
fact xs | length xs `mod` 2 == 1 = head xs
| otherwise = fact (tail xs)
As bdonlan notes, the function you are looking for is really
fact [] = []
fact [x] = [x]
fact (x:_:xs) = x : fact xs
Suppose we have the list [a, b, c, d]. Let us apply the function and fully evaluate the result.
fact [a, b, c, d] = a : fact [c, d]
= a : c : fact []
= a : c : []
= [a, c]
Note that [a, b, c, d] is exactly the same as a : b : c : d : [] because the two ways of representing lists are interpreted interchangeably by the compiler.
Swapping a semaphore
In fact, we can do it following two possible patterns:
[1,2,3,4,..] becomes [1,3,5,7...]
[1,2,3,4,..] becomes [2,4,6,8...]
Both do the same, but they "begin the counting" the opposite way. Let us implement both of them with the same function! Of course, this function must be parametrized according to the "pattern". Two possible patterns exist, thus, we need a boolean for type for parametrization. Implementation: let us use a boolean parameter as a "flag", "semaphore":
module Alternation where
every_second :: [a] -> [a]
every_second = every_second_at False
every_second_at :: Bool -> [a] -> [a]
every_second_at _ [] = []
every_second_at True (x : xs) = x : every_second_at False xs
every_second_at False (x : xs) = every_second_at True xs
We have used an auxiliary function, bookkeeping the "flag/semaphore": it is swapping it accordingly. In fact, this auxiliary function can be regarded as a generalization of the original task. I think, that is what is called a "worker wrapper" function.
Countdown with an index
The task can be generalized even further. Why not to write a much more general function, which can be parametrized by a "modulus" m, and it "harvests" all mth elems of a list?
every_mth 1 [1,2,3,4,...] yields [1,2,3,4...]
every_mth 2 [1,2,3,4,...] yields [1,3,5...]
every_mth 3 [1,2,3,4,...] yields [1,4,7...]
We can use the same ideas as before, just we have to use more complicated a "semaphore": a natural number instead of a boolean. This is a "countdown" parameter, an index i bookkeeping when it is our turn:
module Cycle where
import Nat (Nat)
every_mth :: Nat -> [a] -> [a]
every_mth 0 = undefined
every_mth m # (i + 1) = every_mth_at m i
We use an auxiliary function (worker wrapper), bookkeeping the countdown index i:
every_mth_at :: Nat -> Nat -> [a] -> [a]
every_mth_at _ _ [] = []
every_mth_at m 0 (x : xs) = x : every_mth m xs
every_nth_at m (i + 1) (x : xs) = every_mth_at m i xs
For simplicity's sake, natural number type is "implemented" here as a mere alias:
module Nat (Nat) where
type Nat = Integer
Maybe, in a number theoretic sense, there are also cleaner alternative approaches, not exactly equivalent to the task You specified, but adjusting seems to be straightforward:
let every_mth 1 [0,1,2,3,4,...] yield [0,1,2,3,4,...]
let every_mth 2 [0,1,2,3,4,...] yield [0,2,4,6,8...]
let every_mth 3 [0,1,2,3,4,...] yield [0,3,6,9...]
thus, it is specified here so that it should provide "incidentally" the list of multiples of the parameter, when applied to the lazy list of all natural numbers.
In its implementation, it is worth using numbers as a "zero-based" index. Instead of "every mth", we say: "use i as an index ranging 0, 1, ..., u = m-1, where u denotes the upper limit of the possible indices. This upper index can be a useful parameter in the auxiliary function, which counts down the index.
module Multiple where
import Nat (Nat)
every_mth :: Nat -> [a] -> [a]
every_mth 0 = undefined
every_mth (u + 1) = countdown u
countdown :: Nat -> [a] -> [a]
countdown = countdown_at 0
countdown_at :: Nat -> Nat -> [a] -> [a]
countdown_at _ _ [] = []
countdown_at 0 u (x : xs) = x : countdown_at u u xs
countdown_at (i + 1) u (x : xs) = countdown_at i u xs
