Liferay Spring Rest services - liferay

Is there a way to expose a Java rest web service in Liferay but not in a portlet, that can receive JSON request and store the data in Journal Article?
Therefore when a user logs into Liferay they will be see web content

Yes there is : JSONWebServiceActionsManagerUtil.registerJSONWebServiceAction
For instance :
Class<?> serviceImplClass;
Method serviceMethod;
Object serviceImpl;
String path = jsonWebServiceMappingResolver.resolvePath(serviceImplClass, serviceMethod);
String method = jsonWebServiceMappingResolver.resolveHttpMethod(serviceMethod);
JSONWebServiceActionsManagerUtil.registerJSONWebServiceAction("/yourwspath", serviceImpl, serviceImplClass, serviceMethod, path, method);
You should then be able to see the new web service in http://SERVER/api/jsonws

Well yes, Liferay has a full API (even JSON-based, SOAP optional, no classic REST though) that you can use. A simple Stackoverflow answer is not the right place to give a full introduction on how to work with Liferay's API, but you might want to look up Servicebuilder (which is used to create Liferay's API) and then look at JournalArticleService and related services: The Web Content Management API is called "Journal" in Liferay (for historical reasons)


OpenNTF Domino API: "org.openntf.domino.utils.Factory is not initialized for this thread"

I'm trying to implement OpenNTF Domino API as a replacement in our project but it fails with this message:
"OpenNTF Domino API: org.openntf.domino.utils.Factory is not initialized for this thread!"
Code snippet:
boolean init = Factory.isInitialized(); // false
Database db = Factory.getSession().getCurrentDatabase(); // This fails of course because no Session
I'm implementing the call in a JAVA DAO behind a EXTLib Servlet in XPages.
So it's not called by an XPage but as an REST API call.
The Domino API Demo DB is working so the server install seems to be OK.
Is there a setup, properties I'm missing to init it ?
Yes, there is specific setup require for non-XPages access, as done in OsgiWorlds on OpenNTF. Nathan has added a DAS extension specifically for REST access from Graph database. You basically need to initialise the session for the Factory before trying to access it, generally done in the Servlet when it initiates the HTTP connection. Please contact me on Twitter (Paulswithers) so the team can work with you. Also it's worth you having a look at the OsgiWorlds source code. Although that's for a Vaadin servlet and allows defining a development user to run as, in production mode it also uses the logged on user name and the configuration class and calls to it from the servlet are effectively what you need from the REST servlet.

How to Upload images from local folder to Sitecore

`webClient.UploadFile("", #"E:\filesImage\Item.png");
I'm trying to upload images to sitecore using webclient.uploadfile() method by sending my sitecore address and the path of my local images.But I'm not able to upload it.I have to do this without any API's and Sitecore Instances.
The upload process would be the same as with any application. However, once the file has been uploaded you need to create a media item programtically. You can do this from an actual file in the file system, or from a memory stream.
The process involves using a MediaCreator object and using its CreateFromFile method.
This blog post outlines the whole process:
Adding a file to the Sitecore Media Library programatically
If you're thinking simply about optimizing your developer workflow you could use the Sitecore PowerShell Extensions using the Remoting API as described in this this blog post
If you want to use web service way than you can use number of ways which are as follows:
a) Sitecore Rocks WebService (If you are allowed to install that or it is already available).
b) Sitecore Razl Service(It is third party which need license).
c) Sitecore Powershell Remoting (This needs Sitecore PowerShell extensions to be installed on Sitecore Server).
d) You can also use Sitecore Service which you can find under sitecore\shell\WebService\Service.asmx (But this is legacy of new SitecoreItemWebAPI)
e) Last is my enhanced SitecoreItemWebAPI (This also need SitecoreItemWebApi 1.2 as a pre-requisite).
But in end except option d you need to install some or other thing in order to upload the image using HTTP, you should also know the valid credentials to use any of above stated methods.
If your customers upload the image on the website, you need to create the item in your master database. (needs access and write right on the master database) depend on your security you might consider not build it with custom code.
But using the Sitecore webforms for marketers module With out of the box file upload. Create a form with upload field and using the WFFM webservices.
If you dont want to use Sitecore API, then you can do the following:
Write a code that uploads images into this folder : [root]/upload/
You might need to create folder structure that represent how the images are stored in Sitecore, eg: your images uploaded into [root]/upload/Import/ will be stored in /sitecore/media library/Import
Sitecore will automatically upload these images into Media library
Hope this helps
Option: You can use Item Web API for it. No reference to any Sitecore dll is needed. You will only need access to the host and be able to enable the Item Web API.
Upload the files using it:
Enable Item Web Api:
I guess that is pretty much what you need, but as Jay S mentioned, if you put more details on your question helps on finding the best option to your particular case.
private void CreateImageIteminSitecore()
filePath = #"C:\Sitecore\Website\ImageTemp\Pic.jpg;
using (new SecurityDisabler())
Database masterDb = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaCreatorOptions options = new Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaCreatorOptions();
options.FileBased = true;
options.AlternateText = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
options.Destination = "/sitecore/media library/Downloads/";
options.Database = masterDb;
options.Versioned = false; // Do not make a versioned template
options.KeepExisting = false;
Sitecore.Data.Items.MediaItem mediaitemImage = new Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaCreator().CreateFromFile(filePath, options);
Item ImageItem = masterDb.GetItem(mediaitemImage.ID.ToString());
ImageItem.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);

MVC Web API in SharePoint site

We're moving most of our web presence to our SharePoint server in the cloud. Our current setup uses a MVC Web API for data retrieval from DB. We do not want to host the API under a separate domain and thus need to move the API under SharePoint domain as well. There is no relaxation in this requirement.
Is there a way to publish my API to SharePoint? Or is there a SharePoint specific API project template in Visual Studio? If not what are my options?
EDIT Initially I have asked that MVC API needs to be part of the SharePoint 2013. But now things are such that API can reside anywhere - inside or outside - of SharePoint, as long as it is accessible from the root domain - which so far it seems not allowed (Error message: Calls to WebProxy without an app context are not allowed."). Still trying to see if this is possible, and if yes, how?
It sounds like the proxy you want to create is already part of SharePoint JSOM. Have a look at these:
This will allow you to overcome cross origin issues. The SP.WebProxy and SP.WebRequestInfo allow you to use javascript to make a call outside of the domain where the javascript executes.
What really happens behind the scenes is that SharePoint's javascript API sends the request to your tenancy server, which will then invoke the service from the SharePoint server, and return the response back to your javascript. You can implement it like so in a sharepoint-hosted app:
// this javascript executes from
var responseDocument = undefined;
$('#cross').click(function () {
var ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var request = new SP.WebRequestInfo();
responseDocument = SP.WebProxy.invoke(ctx, request); // executes on sp server
ctx.executeQueryAsync(onSuccess, onError);
function onSuccess() {
var response = responseDocument.get_body();
alert('success ' + response);
function onError(err) {
...and since the remote api hosted at the other domain is called from the server, you don't have to worry about any of the cross-domain issues.
To answer your update, please check the results from this link.
Have you added the remote endpoint to your AppManifest.xml?
SharePoint doesn't give you a chance to define you own routes. Thats why you can not use old fashioned SharePoint solution to publish web api. You may consider using apps for SharePoint. It's like separate App with some connections to SharePoint.
Ultimately switched to JSONP solution. Installed the WebApiContrib.Formatting.JsonP in my MVC Web API project in Visual Studio, and modified SharePoint JavaScript, that calls the API, to include ?callback=? (callback is equal to question mark). Everything stays the same. No SharePoint's proxy caller needed! No SharePoint app needed!

SBT SDK Blogs and Activities API error

I setup the Social Business Toolkit against our development system. All APIs are working correct, except for the Blog and Activities API.
For both i recieve within the Java APIs the following error:
org.apache.http.conn.EofSensorInputStream cannot be cast to org.w3c.dom.Document
The blog request url from the sbt is:
But correct would be:
Any idea why that happens?
The blog path is customizable per each IBM Connection installation: to support different blogs homepages, there is a parameter exposed on the BlogService API.
To change the default, try:
BlogService svc = ...
svc.defaultHomepageHandle = "";
Lorenzo's answer is correct, most installations use homepage as the blog handle, but you can configure it using the defaultHomepageHandle member variable in the BlogService.
Just a brief comment, maybe it's better to use the setHomepageHandle() method instead.

Render mobile version of login in Secure class Play! Framework

Is it possible to somehow override the login method of the class of the Secure-Module in Play! Framework, so that another version of the login form is displayed?
In my case, i want to display a mobile version of the login-form if a mobile browser is detected.
I know i should not change the class itself, but i don't really see any other solution to this problem.
As discussed in other posts you have the request in your Play! controller. So in this request you could ask which agent is trying to view your website:
String agentInfo = request.headers.get("user-agent");
The you can determine which template will be rendered for this agent:
if (agentType.isWhatEverHeIs) {
} else {
But what I would encourage you to do is responsive webdevelopment. Create your templates as smart as possible, let the template and css and javascript do this and keep your business logic in your controller.
You could use the Twitter Bootstrap to achieve this, but there are many more! Like Skeleton.
You even got the request object inside your templates so that you can optionally render things in your template (or not) based on the agent.
Even simpler, simply create/override the secure/login.html template and use responsive design : media queries. No need to change the controller or check agent or whatever.
