sails js running testProjects issue in ubuntu - node.js

I am new to nodejs and after installing sails when i try to run it, using command sails lift, it gives me below error. Need help to resolve it.
function runInContext(context) {
illegal access

It was an issue with the version of node i was using v0.11.13. I have changed the version and it started working.


Compatibility issues Node and Strapi4

allow me to walk you through some problems I'm encountering when setting up Gatsby with Strapi. Hopefully, somebody can provide me with a solution. Whenever I use the following command yarn create strapi-starter strapi-test gatsby-blog I get the following error:
So what I do next is switching to node v15 using nvm to make strapi compatible with node. The result being that some packages are being installed followed by yet another compatibility error:
Therefore, I am wondering what I am doing wrong and how to make strapi4 compatible with node without having the errors above?
Use Node.js v16 rather than v15. It should fix the issue.
Besides, it's better to use even-numbered version of Node.js, as they're LTS.

truffle unbox react have Type error default.then is not a function

Recently, I used truffle unbox example. (
But, I have facing big problem.
When I run my App.js with npm run start, It hasn't compile error.
However, when I connect my application on web browser, It appear error, like this:
I also upgraded my nodejs and npm version, but all my attempting is fail.
My nodejs version is 7.10.1 and npm version is 6.4.1.
Why this error occur? and What is the solution to solve this problem??
Please help me anyone.
What worked for me was calling getWeb3 as a function, then chaining the then.
so instead of getWeb3.then, it's getWeb3().then.

mongoskin causing node to crash - "Cannot read property 'name' of undefined"

I'm trying to learn to use Node.js, aswell as Express.js, Angular.js and MongoDB by following a tutorial, since this would be my first time dabbling with these technologies.
Everything worked perfectly up until the point where I had to test the JSON Objects. (On the end of Step 2: Creating an API with Express).
For some reason, the browser won't connect at all, and on my command line, I get an error that says nodemon app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting. Could that be related?
I'm sorry for how ambiguous the question is, but I'll gladly answer any questions needed in order to get this to work.
Massive thanks in advance
This seems to be a problem with mongoskin module and not your code. Check the versions of your dependencies by running npm version. And try uninstalling and reinstalling mongoskin with
npm uninstall mongoskin --save
npm install mongoskin#1.3.20 --save
per suggestions here.

node.js server.js module'simple debug' error

I am fairly new at node.js, I am using the most recent node.js available .12 on windows 8.1 OS. I am tring to run a program that controls some robotics using a gesture control device, but whenever I run the node server.js I receive the following:
throw error
module cannot be found 'simple debug'
I ran npm install simple debug to see if the modules didn't install correctly with original node.js. There are two modules simple and debug and they are installed. I tried the faye install and express solutions and got nothing.
Does anyone have any ideas how to solve this?
Assuming you're using this module, you should consider adding the hyphen for simple-debug instead of simple debug.

experienced issue with expressjs/nodejs after updating connect

I am currently using the following versions of node & express (ubuntu):
node: 0.6.12
express: 2.5.8
I believe I am using connect v2.0.3.
The error spawns from the http/https.js files inside the express/lib/http.js files (I am referencing http/https in my main app js file):
TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined
Any thoughts would be welcome on how to resolve the issue - do I need to change the connect version being used or some other solution that can be used to resolve the issue.
Even though the readme file says that it's compatible with node 0.6x, I've generally had plenty of issues with connect and have solved them by installing an older version of it. Try the latest of v1 - npm install connect#1.8.6
