SSH and run commands mid-script - linux

I'm writing a bash script to setup a GRE Tunnel, on both local and a remote machine.
How would I be able to (in the middle of the script) be able to have a piece of code that logs into the remote machine, runs the required iptables commands, and logs out, then continues with the setup on the LOCAL machine?

If the client machine is running bash as well, and has the OpenSshClient installed: you can just run ssh user#host yourCommandToRunWithoutPty. This runs the command WITHOUT a pty/tty, which is important is some cases, such as sudo (sudo expects a tty to ask for password).
Because of this, I would suggest adding passwordless access to that command by that user in your server's /etc/sudoers, if (securely!) possible.
If configured correctly, your client should be able to just run ssh user#host sudo iptables --some-iptables-switches.
NOTE When adding passwordless commands to your /etc/sudoers, remember to always be as explicit as possible with your arguments, so no one can abuse arguments unintented to be ran without a sudo password.


Run a command on local machine while on ssh in bash [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I want to run a command on local system while I have ssh'd to a remote system in bash. Is there a way to do this? This is what I want:
ssh mysystem#ip <<'SSH'
#Do something
#Run a command here on local machine and not on machine I have sshed to
#Do Something
Edit: I want to echo some message and since echo command output won't show from remote machine, I want to run from local.
WHen you are using SSH, the key sequence <enter>~ is a escape prefix that allows you to pause SSH and send key sequences to the ssh client on the host-side.
The sequence <enter>~<ctrl + z> will pause (stop) the ssh-client job and drop you to a prompt in the calling system. Typing fg (if ou are on a Unix shell) will resume your ssh session afterwards.
You can see other ssh escape sequences avaiable by typing <enter>~?.
The sequence <enter>~. will terminate the connection and is very handy when your session is locked on the remote machine.
(Users with non-US keyboard layouts that use ~ as a dead-key to compose accents and digrams have, obviously, to type ~ twice in all of these sequences)
These sequences are of use from when you are operating the SSH session an d typign commands yourself, not for scripting.
Since you seem to want a way to that in scripts, the straightforward solution is to include an ssh command back to the originating host.
I have an approach which is pretty hacky, but it works.
Overview and security caveats
In brief, you use reverse SSH tunnelling to SSH back to your local machine and run a single command, and you connect back using your SSH keys so that no password is required.
NB This approach involves agent forwarding, which comes with a risk:
anyone with root access on the remote host can discreetly access your local SSH agent through the socket. They can use your keys to impersonate you on other machines on the network.
The risk is lessened in your case because the SSH session is only open for the duration of the command. But I'm not a security expert so can't comment further.
An alternative would be to generate a specific keypair just for this connection and use that, but I'm not sure how scriptable this would be.
The second security caveat is that this approach involves running an SSH server on your local machine. See my notes at the end of this answer for more on that.
First of all, your SSH command needs some extra parameters:
ssh mysystem#ip -A -R 2900:localhost:22
-A forwards your credentials (detailed article on agent forwarding). You'll use them when connecting back to your local machine.
-R 2900:localhost:22 sets up the reverse tunnel. This means that on the remote machine you can run ssh -p2900 yourlocaluser#localhost and it'll SSH back to your local machine. Replace yourlocaluser with the user from your host machine (not the machine you're SSHing into). I picked 2900 as an arbitrary port. It needs to be higher than 1024, I think.
To avoid typing these every time, you can set them in your SSH config (~/.ssh/config) on your local machine. These are the relevant properties:
ForwardAgent yes
RemoteForward 2900 localhost:22
Also, you need to tell your local machine that SSH connections are allowed to connect to it using its own key pair(!) To do this, add the contents of your public key file (e.g. ~/.ssh/ to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
You can now connect to your remote machine and run a command like this to connect back to your local one:
ssh -t -p2900 yourlocaluser#localhost <command here>
Note, however, that the first time you connect back from the remote machine to your local one using the key, you'll get a warning that the host you're connecting to is unknown. Once you say that you want to continue connecting, it'll save the relevant details to ~/.ssh/known_hosts on the remote machine and not ask again.
You could log in and manually do an SSH to get the details saved. Alternatively, you can update the SSH command that you run on the remote machine, but it comes with an additional security caveat.
Here's the updated command:
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new -t -p2900 yourlocaluser#localhost <command here>
The security risk is that you're accepting the key without reviewing it and making sure that it's what you're expecting, so you're vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. Again, I'm no security expert, but given that you're connecting using an SSH tunnel rather than a regular SSH connection, I believe that this reduces the risk. If the known hosts file on the remote machine only contains the entry for your local machine, you could update your SSH config to replace the contents of that file with your local machine's key fingerprint from your local machine on login, and then remove -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new from the above.
Note: If you're prompted for your password when trying to SSH back, that suggests that agent forwarding hasn't worked. You probably need to run ssh-add on your local machine or update your local SSH config for the host in question to include AddKeysToAgent yes.
Note about running sshd on your local machine
The above assumes that you're running sshd on your local machine, and thus accepting SSH connections to that machine. That's a security risk in itself. One way of reducing that risk is to specify that SSH is only allowed from localhost, which will work in this case because you're tunnelling back. You can find instructions on how to configure your local SSH server for this here:
You could also adapt the answer here and use netcat rather than SSH:
If you can change the script, you can use an expect script for that - expect_example_and_tips
This allows you to start an "ssh process" to which can send commands to the remote machine, while still running on the local machine.
Much easier in python though in my opinion - example:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pexpect
PROMPT = "\$|\%|\>"
ssh_cmd = "ssh user#"
ssh = pexpect.spawn(ssh_cmd)
ssh.sendline("echo hello on remote")
print "hello on local machine"
except Exception as e:
print e
If you want to (for argument's sake) run date locally, just don't quote the here document, and any command substitution will be executed locally.
ssh mysystem#ip <<SSH # notice absence of quotes
echo I am logged in from $(uname -n) since $(date)
Here, the uname and date commands will be executed locally, before the ssh command runs, whereas the echo in the here document will then execute remotely.
(As an aside, there is no need to explicitly exit at the end; the shell will exit when it reaches the end of input. It's hard to imagine a scenario where anything else would make any sense whatsoever.)

how to write expect script to login and run command on remote box

i wanted to execute commands on remote linux box from windows and also wanted to collect result of executed command. Basically i have to pass 2 boxes to execute that command here is flow.
Login to a box
ssh to another box
run command
collect output of command locally (in file)
I tried following
F:\xyz>plink -i F:\x\y\PRIVATEKEY.ppk -pw xyz
ssh -f root# yum upgrade Cyberc
but this is asking for password. I can do it by adding value in to authorized_keys but we dont have permission to do. So instead of that i wanted to write EXPECT script to pass user/pass and commands to complete my job.
Any help on EXPECT script would be much appreciated.
Unless the program on the remote linux host is interactive (i.e. it has prompts that the user must respond to), then you probably don't need to use expect - you can simply use plink to connect to the remote Linux host from your windows machine and run the command. You can specify the username and password to authenticate with the remote host in the plink command. See the following links for more info:

OpenSSH on Cygwin

I have a Linux box (Ubuntu Server 13.04) which needs to run a job on a Windows 7 box (with cygwin installed) under a specific user's account. I have set up a password-less login to access the Windows machine through openSSH.
The problem I face is the following: when I manually ssh into the Win7 machine and launch the job everything is fine. However, when I launch the job using ssh winuser#winmachine command, I end up connecting to the Windows machine under the privileged sshd user 'cyg_server':
$ whoami
$ ssh winuser#Win7
$ whoami
$ exit
$ ssh winuser#Win7 "whoami; exit"
>> This should be 'winuser' too.
Why could this be happening? I have tried running ssh-host-config again to no avail. I don't see what parameters might influence this in sshd_config either.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
I had similar issues when I was connecting to a Cygwin machine using SSH. I used to have no problems logging on until one day I noticed that my path wasn't set correctly. I spent ages recreating the configuration files with ssh-host-config only to find my answer in the man page for ssh:
If command is specified, it is executed on the remote host instead of
a login shell.
The problem was the alias I had used to connect to the machine had been changed to connect to a screen session automatically (screen -DR). That meant that if there wasn't already a screen session to attach to, screen was not being run as a child process of a user login shell and not inheriting any of the relevant user environment.
When you provide a command as an argument to ssh, the resulting command is run as a process started by cyg_server. Ensuring the SSH command is being run as part of a login shell should do what you want:
ssh winuser#Win7 "bash -l -c 'whoami; exit'"
Explanation (from the bash man page):
-c string If the -c option is present, then commands are read from string.
-l Make bash act as if it had been invoked as a login shell.

Shell script for remote SSH

I'm new to shell scripts, and I have centos running. I want to write a shell script that ssh a remote machine and execute a bunch of commands. The problem I'm facing is how to provide the username, the password, the remote machine address, and the private access key to a command that shall connect the remote machine.
I've Google'd and found some scripts, but all of them need a utility called expect, and I don't want to install any utility, only to run my script. Is there a way to do this?
You can pass all you need in a ssh call, doing the following:
ssh -i private_key_path user_name#remote_machine "command"
If you're going to use this connection many times, and want to maintain it configured, add the following lines to you .ssh/config file:
Host host_alias
User user_name
HostName remote_machine
IdentityFile private_key_path
and then access the remote machine, and execute the command you want, by doing:
ssh host_alias "command"
Notice that command, AFAIK, must be embraced in quotes, as it must be considered as only one argument by ssh.

Script to automate two consecutive ssh connections

I know it is possible to write a shell script which passes your hard-coded password to a ssh connection authentication (using expect). However what I need is slightly more complicated.
At my university I have a desktop computer appointed to me. I can connect remotely to this computer by first making a ssh connection with some server, then making another ssh connection from that server to my appointed desktop computer. This goes like:
localuser#localcomputer:~$ ssh -X username#serveraddress
username#serveradress password:
server$ ssh -X username#remotecomputeraddress
username#remotecomputeraddress password:
Is there a way to write a script which could automate the above (i.e. performing two consecutive ssh connections)?
Thanks in advance!
ps: Both the local and the remote computers are running on Linux.
You can do this interactively with:
ssh -t -X username#serveraddress ssh -t -X username#remotecomputeraddress
Note that is not a pipe - the second ssh is the command to run on the connection created by the first ssh. The -t options are necessary to allocate the pseudo-ttys necessary for interaction (password gathering as well as the ultimate goal - an interactive session on the remote system). Wrapping it up with expect left as an exercise for the reader.... ;-)
Bonus points for setting up proper private/public key pairs and ssh-agent so that the passwords aren't necessary (unless, of course, that is disallowed for security reasons).
Yes, you can do this.
Presuming you have your except script in the expect_script:
cat expect_script | ssh -X username#serveraddress sh -s
In this expect_script you must run ssh -X username#remotecomputeraddress.
And of course you can install public keys on the both hosts and use passwordless authentication.
I wrote something to do this with bang paths a while back:
So you'd set up passwordless, passphraseless authentication (or use an agent for the passphrase), like:
And then:
deep-ssh username#serveraddress!username#remotecomputeraddress command
If bash complains about the !, you can just escape it with a backslash.
The old timers will recognize that this is how UUCP paths were specified.
