Why is my Model.find returning nothing? - node.js

I'm very new to node and sequelize and I'm trying to follow this short introduction.
I've worked through the parts to connect to my database (postgres). I've also defined a model:
var User = sequelize.define('User', {
username: Sequelize.STRING,
password: Sequelize.STRING
I have succesfully synchronized the scheme and created instances. But when I attempt to read from the database using this:
.find({ where: { username: 'john-doe' } })
.then(function(err, johnDoe) {
if (!johnDoe) {
console.log('No user with the username "john-doe" has been found.');
} else {
console.log('Hello ' + johnDoe.username + '!');
console.log('All attributes of john:', johnDoe.get());
That instance does exist, but I only ever see the 'No user with...' message. The query it generates seems correct and when I try it manually, the returned results are what I would expect to see.
Using the same query I can do this, which also works:
sequelize.query("SELECT * FROM my_user_table where username='john-doe'", { type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT})
.then(function(items) {
// We don't need spread here, since only the results will be returned for select queries
What am I missing here?

You're mixing up promises and node-style callbacks. Typically you only expect (err, results) when you pass a callback to the original function. If you call then, you are working with promises and should only expect results. You should call catch to get any errors.
.find({ where: { username: 'john-doe' } })
.then(function(johnDoe) {
if (!johnDoe) {
console.log('No user with the username "john-doe" has been found.');
} else {
console.log('Hello ' + johnDoe.username + '!');
console.log('All attributes of john:', johnDoe.get());
.catch(function(err) {
// Error handling here

Actually, you was too close. But you must not use an argument for error handling on then method.
So you must use like the following;
.findOne({ where: { username: 'john-doe' } })
.then(function(johnDoe) {
if (!johnDoe) {
console.log('No user with the username "john-doe" has been found.');
} else {
console.log('Hello ' + johnDoe.username + '!');
console.log('All attributes of john:', johnDoe.get());


CosmosDB + MongoAPI, updating document workaround?

I've been trying to simply update a CosmosDB document via the mongodb api in my node application, I've been testing in and out, no errors but the value does not update no matter what.
I know updating array elements is not supported which is fine, but this is a top-level key-value pair. Changes simply don't happen with no error whatsoever.
I've been following the Mean.js project with uses CosmosDB + Mongoose + Node + Angular, looking at the API for updating hero and trying some of that code but it still doesn't update.
I've been reading the documentation trying to figure out the default way of handling CRUD operations within CosmosDB and which parts of the MongoAPI it supports but so far no luck.
For tests purposes, I'm using this code:
async function updateUser(id) {
try {
let user = await User.findById(id);
console.log (id);
if (!user) return
user.id = id
const result = await user.save()
catch(err) {
console.log("There was an error updating user", err);
So, I've been playing around some more and managed to update a hero using this code:
async function updateHero(id) {
const originalHero = {
uid: id,
name: 'Hero2',
saying: 'nothing'
Hero.findOne({ uid: id }, (error, hero) => {
hero.name = originalHero.name;
hero.saying = originalHero.saying;
hero.save(error => {
console.log('Hero updated successfully!');
Now I'm just not sure why this has actually worked and why it hasn't before. The main thing that is different is that I'm using an 'uid' instead of the actual ID assigned by CosmosDB.
I tested sample code you provided and they both updated document successfully.
Sample document:
Snippet One:
async function updateUser(id) {
try {
let user = await Family.findById(id);
console.log (id);
if (!user) return
user.id = id
const result = await user.save()
catch(err) {
console.log("There was an error updating user", err);
Output One:
Snippet Two:
async function updateFamily(id) {
const updateFamily = {
_id: id,
name: 'ABCD',
Family.findOne({ _id : id }, (error, family) => {
family.name = updateFamily.name;
family.save(error => {
console.log('Hero updated successfully!');
Output Two:
In addition, you could use db.collection.update() to update document.
{ _id: '5b46eb0ee1a2f12ea0af307f' },{ $set:
name: 'AAAA'
More details,please refer to the doc: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/db.collection.update/
Hope it helps you.

Using connect-flash with sequelize

I am having trouble getting connect flash to work in the sequelize callback function.
.post(function(aRequest, aResponse) {
var data = aRequest.body;
where: {
email: data.email
}).then(function (aUser) {
if (!aUser) {
bcrypt.hash(data.password, null, null, function(err, hash) {
if(err) {
return next(err);
firstname : data.firstname,
lastname : data.lastname,
email : data.email,
password : hash
}).then(function () {
aRequest.flash('success', 'User successfully created.');
}).done(function () {
else {
// aRequest.flash('error', 'This email address is already registered');
Above is my current code, have tried a few variations on it, calling both flash and redirect in the .then(), tried 2 .then()'s and now the .done().
I am getting the following error:
Unhandled rejection TypeError: undefined is not a function
at Instance.set (/home/node/shared/Heroku/landbou/node_modules/sequelize/lib/instance.js:348:68)
Which is easily resolved by removing aRequest.flash(...).
And yes, 'router.use(flash());' is being called higher up.
Everything continues so its not an app breaking error, but I do need the messages to flash up, otherwise I have to create additional wasted routes to handle the success/fail for user registrations.

Checking whether a document present in mongodb using mongoose

I am trying to create a nodejs application using mongodb as database. I need to check whether a username exist in mongodb or not. If username present, it will output "username not available", else will list all the user details with that username.
var userSchema = require('../schemas/user');
exports.collect = function(req,res) {
userSchema.find({ username: "bob" }).exec(function(err,display) {
res.send("username not available");
Is there any alternative or simple way for performing this operation?
I would decouple the whole logic from the controller if you ask me, but I'm not going to lecture you on that. I would use findOne as that will find just one record. If the user is not available, you will know that this username is not available. Don't forget that even when an error occurs, you still want to output "some" data, as you don't want the client to wait until it times out.
var userSchema = require('../schemas/user');
exports.collect = function(req,res) {
userSchema.findOne({username: "bob"}).exec(function(err, user) {
if (err) {
// Handle the error properly here, we should not continue!
return res.sendStatus(500);
if (!user) {
return res.send("username not available");
// Don't know what you want to do with it, I just display it like this
return res.json(user);

Pre-populating documents using Mongoose + Express

I am new to Node+Mongoose, and am currently in the process of creating an API using KeystoneJS. I've managed to populate all posts with the author's email and name. My question is, is there a way to populate the post with author everytime, possibly with some middlewear, without having to rewrite it in each method where I retrieve posts? My goal is to not have multiple instances of populate('author', 'email name') scattered throughout the code. For instance, in the future, I'd like to include the author's profile photo url as well, and I'd prefer to be able to make that change in a single place, that will then be reflected in every place that I retrieve posts.
Current implementation:
Post.model.find().populate('author', 'email name').exec(function (err, posts) {
if (!err) {
return res.json(posts);
} else {
return res.status(500).send("Error:<br><br>" + JSON.stringify(err));
Post.model.findById(req.params.id).populate('author', 'email name').exec(function (err, post) {
if(!err) {
if (post) {
return res.json(post);
} else {
return res.json({ error: 'Not found' });
} else {
return res.status(500).send("Error:<br><br>" + JSON.stringify(err));
You can create model using statics. This is example of methods for schema
PostSchema.statics = {
getAll: function(cb) {
return this
.populate('author', 'email name')
You still should use "populate", but it will be in schema file, so you will not care about it in future

Compound JS Relationship Access

I have defined 2 schema objects as below (for use in a mongodb)
var User = describe('User', function () {
property('name', String);
property('email', String);
property('password', String);
set('restPath', pathTo.users);
var Message = describe('Message', function () {
property('userId', String, { index : true });
property('content', String);
property('timesent', Date, { default : Date });
property('channelid', String);
set('restPath', pathTo.messages);
Message.belongsTo(User, {as: 'author', foreignKey: 'userId'});
User.hasMany(Message, {as: 'messages', foreignKey: 'userId'});
But I am unable to access the related messages object:
action(function show() {
this.title = 'User show';
var that = this;
// ... snip ...
Despite a new message being added to the message collection the array of messages is always empty.
I ran db.Message.find({userId:'517240bedd994bef27000001'}) through the mongo shell and that displayed the messages as you would expect, so I am begining to wonder if there is an issue with the mongo adapter.
One to Many relationship in CompoundJS Shows a similar issue (I think).
As far as I can work out from the docs, this should work. What am I doing wrong?
After applying the changes to my schema as suggested by Anatoliy I dropped my mongo database and updated npm but then when I tried to create a new user I got the below:
500 TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'trigger' in users controller during "create" action
at Object.AbstractClass._initProperties (/mnt/share/chatApp2/node_modules/jugglingdb/lib/model.js:123:10)
at Object.AbstractClass (/mnt/share/chatApp2/node_modules/jugglingdb/lib/model.js:31:10)
at Object.ModelConstructor (/mnt/share/chatApp2/node_modules/jugglingdb/lib/schema.js:193:23)
at Function.AbstractClass.create (/mnt/share/chatApp2/node_modules/jugglingdb/lib/model.js:222:15)
at Object.create (eval at (/mnt/share/chatApp2/node_modules/compound/node_modules/kontroller/lib/base.js:157:17), :16:10)....
Create action:
action(function create() {
User.create(req.body.User, function (err, user) {
respondTo(function (format) {
format.json(function () {
if (err) {
send({code: 500, error: user && user.errors || err});
} else {
send({code: 200, data: user.toObject()});
format.html(function () {
if (err) {
flash('error', 'User can not be created');
render('new', {
user: user,
title: 'New user'
} else {
flash('info', 'User created');
It's an issue with ObjectID. In your schema code:
property('userId', String, { index : true });
So userId is string, but when you call user.messages user.id used (and it's an ObjectID).
As a solution just remove this line from your schema definition.
P.S. in your case you can define relations as:
Message.belongsTo('author', {model: User, foreignKey: 'userId'});
