Command Line Calls in Adobe Flash - linux

Is there a way to make a call to the command line, (On Debian) from ActionScript in Adobe Flash? For example, execute files:
Steps for this on Windows would also be appreciated!

If you are using Adobe Air version 2.0.x on Linux, you can use the NativeProcess() class (assuming your is flagged as executable (a+x):
var nativeProcessStartupInfo:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
var file:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("");
nativeProcessStartupInfo.executable = file;
var processArgs:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();
nativeProcessStartupInfo.arguments = processArgs;
process = new NativeProcess();
process.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_OUTPUT_DATA, onOutputData);
public function onOutputData(event:ProgressEvent):void
var stdOut:ByteArray = process.standardOutput;
var data:String = stdOut.readUTFBytes(process.standardOutput.bytesAvailable);
trace("Got: ", data);
Communicating with native processes in AIR
Note: You can not do this via a browser based SWF

I see I can substitute the value of the file variable for what ever I need executed.That's fine if I want to execute that file. What about a simple command like cd MyDir or mkdir ThisAndThat Just plain old passes to the shell will be great. I am also using GNU Gnash with an SFW.


How can I install binary file into NixOS

I'm trying to install external binary inside NixOS, using declarative ways. Inside nix-pkg manual, I found such way of getting external binary inside NixOS
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "goss";
src = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "1q0kfdbifffszikcl0warzmqvsbx4bg19l9a3vv6yww2jvzj4dgb";
phases = ["installPhase"];
installPhase = ''
But I'm wondering, what should I add inside InstallPhase, to make this binary being installed inside the system?
This seems to be an open source Go application, so it's preferable to use Nixpkgs' Go support instead, which may be more straightforward than patching a binary.
That said, installPhase is responsible creating the $out path; typically mkdir -p $out/bin followed by cp, make install or similar commands.
So that's not actually installing it into the system; after all Nix derivations are not supposed to have side effects. "Installing" it into the system is the responsibility of NixOS's derivations, as configured by you.
You could say that 'installation' is the combination of modifying the NixOS configuration + switching to the new NixOS. I tend to think about the modification to the configuration only; the build and switch feel like implementation details, even though nixos-rebuild is usually a manual operation.
installPhase = ''
install -D $src $out/bin/goss
chmod a+x $out/bin/goss
Normally chmod would be done to a local file by the build phase, but we don't really need that phase here.
I have no idea why this was so hard to figure out. Having robust configuration systems is fine, but at the end of the day sometimes you just need to be able to download and expose a single flipping file on the $PATH.
The result of fetchurl is "the unaltered contents of the URL within the Nix store", which is being used for the src. So in installPhase, $src points to the downloaded data, and you just have to copy/install/link that into $out/…..
pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "hello_static";
src = pkgs.fetchurl {
name = "hello_static";
url = "";
sha256 = "sha256:somE27ajbm0TtWv9tyeqTWDW3gbIs6xvlcFS9QS1ZJ0=";
phases = [ "installPhase" ];
installPhase = ''
install -D $src $out/bin/hello_static

Using node-cmd module while handling Squirrel Events function

I'm building a desktop app for Windows using electron-packager and electron-squirrel-startup, I would like to execute some Windows cmd commands during the installation of my application. To do so I was planning to use node-cmd node module, but I doesn't really work inside the handleSquirrelEvents function. An example command like this:
function handleSquirrelEvent(application) {
const squirrelEvent = process.argv[1];
switch (squirrelEvent) {
case '--squirrel-install':
case '--squirrel-updated':
var cmd=require('node-cmd');'touch example.created.file');
Seems to work. A file example.created.file in my_app/node_module/node-cmd/example directory is created.
But any other code does not work. Even if I only change the name of the file to be "touched" nothing happens.
Ok, example.created.file already exists in this directory and I suspect that you can only use update.exe supported commands in case '--squirrel-updated' sections. So this will not work.

Create lnk shortcut from lua (without lfs)

I would like to write a function to create a windows .lnk file from my lua script. I found a function in the LuaFileSystem library . Is there a way to do this without the library? (The reason: I am writing the script for multiple users, would be nice if we don't have to install the library on every machine.)
I appreciate the help!
To make a shortcut (an .lnk file)
-- your .lnk file
local your_shortcut_name = "your_shortcut.lnk"
-- target (file or folder) with full path
local your_target_filespec = [[C:\Windows\notepad.exe]]
local ps = io.popen("powershell -command -", "w")
ps:write("$ws = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell;$s = $ws.CreateShortcut('"..your_shortcut_name.."');$s.TargetPath = '"..your_target_filespec.."';$s.Save()")
To make a symlink simply use os.execute"mklink ..."
Use luacom is faster than powershell
local luacom=require'luacom'
local shortcut_file_path='test_create_shortcut.lnk'
local target_file_path=arg[0]
local shellObject=luacom.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
local shortcut=shellObject:CreateShortcut(shortcut_file_path)
assert( file exist now
And use FileSystemObject object (another COM), or Windows shell link file format spec for Kaitai Struct (parse binary file struct to get info on various file format) to retrieve shortcut info. Which 'lfs' can't do now.
see: Create a desktop shortcut with Windows Script Host - Windows Client | Microsoft Docs
LuaCOM User Manual (Version 1.3)

TiddlyWiki on node-webkit not displaying content

I followed the tutorial (In the "Getting Started" section) on how to use TiddlyWiki with node-webkit. When I then run nw.exe it doesn't display anything.
Im on windows (64bit) and have installed the 32bit version for windows. Not sure what Im doing wrong or if its just a bug.
I have also tried adding index.html and package.json to an archive (called app.nw) and run it with nw.exe, but still no luck.
I followed the instructions and couldn't get it to work either. I used TiddlyWiki 5.0.13-beta, Windows 64 bit, node-webkit 0.9.2. It throws an exception that it can't find sjcl.js. sjcl.js is packaged into TiddlyWiki.
I suggest to use TiddlyDesktop instead. It's node-webkit ready-made for TiddlyWiki. It works like a charm for me under Windows. You can get it here:
I suspect the plain node-webkit solution has lost attention, now that there is TiddlyDesktop.
The offending code is in bootprefix.js. When bootprefix runs it checks if it is using node and then assumes it is a Node JS file based system. One solution, on a per-TiddlyWiki basis is to modify the following code near the top of bootprefix.js, which is in a script tag in single file TiddlyWiki.
// Detect platforms
$tw.browser = typeof(window) !== "undefined" ? {} : null;
$tw.node = typeof(process) === "object" ? {} : null;
$tw.nodeWebKit = $tw.node && global.window && global.window.nwDispatcher ? {} : null;
if($tw.nodeWebKit) $tw.node = null; //this is the line to add.

How to deliver a node.js + imagemagick tool?

I've developed a node.js tool which uses imagemagick from the command line. That is, exec('my_imagemagick_commands'). What's the best way to deliver that tool to a client using Windows? That is, how can I make a Windows installer that'll install node.js, imagemagick and the tool - preferably as a binary, not the source - in a specific folder?
If you want an easy bundle... Zip the list below, deploy on client and drag/drop images to be processed onto the yourtool.cmd file (I'm doing something similar for image optimizers)
Bundle: (put these in one directory)
node_modules/ (if applicable)
REM Get the drive/path the batch file is in
set batchdir=%~d0%~p0
REM Run tool for items dragged over...
"%batchdir%node.exe" "%batchdir%yourtool.js" %*
// start at 2 for arguments passed...
// 0 is node.exe
// 1 is the js file run
for (var i=2; i<process.argv.length; i++) {
var imagePath = process.argv[i];
//do something with image...
For others interested in imagemagick with node, you should check out node-imagemagick
