To match time stamp in excel - excel-formula

In spreadsheet A, I have hourly data corresponding to a particular set of sample numbers (e.g. 1-10). Then I have 7 other data spreadsheets with 7 different time stamps (mm/dd/yyy hh:mm:ss) format. Out of 7, six spreadsheets have data every 2 minutes and the seventh has data every hour.
My objective is to match corresponding data values of 7 spreadsheets (1-7) with spreadsheet A and calculate the mean value of the data for each set of samples.
I have only basic knowledge of working with excel, so I first created a grand time stamp (called it as GTS, which has data entries every second) and then converted each entry of GTS and other time stamp entries into "serial date" format. I am trying to match these entries using functions like "IF", "Match" etc. but haven't found an appropriate method to execute it correctly.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

ok, i'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say but this is what i imagine,
Sheet 1 is your summary sheet, with column A having the times and data to the right. and sheets 2-7 with the source data in a similar set up.
1st question do you need all the data in 1 column or can you have 7 columns with the last one being the mean? if so then
and sheet3 or whatever he sheet name is for the next column
or you can get creative and have the sheet names in the summary sheet as column headings then you can just do
Also if the data isn't available for every time stamp then i'd add this around the formula to return 0s
if you need to do all 6 source sheets in 1 cell then you gotta do some nesting


How to cross reference between data columns and then filter by number of months after a specified date?

I am working with two spreadsheets. Spreadsheet “A” contains data with dates, and an ID number. Spreadsheet “B” contains data with dates and an ID number.
I want to cross reference spreadsheet “A” ID number with spreadsheet “B” ID number. If the ID number in “A” appears in “B”, I want to use that entry and filter by its appearance 12 and 24 months after that date.
I know this reads as very confusing. I am having a difficult time figuring out the best way to do this. I’m working a dataset that has ten of thousands of rows and another spreadsheet with million plus rows.
I have tried to use this formula =IF(ISERROR(MATCH(Y2,$AA$2:$AA$12316,0)),"No","Yes") to filter out if a data is in an array in a column next to it. I pasted data from spreadsheet "b" into spreadsheet "a".
I am now stuck because I need to have another layer of analysis by the number of months after the date.
Any help if appreciated. Thanks for reading.

Calculate the average of columns, then remove the columns using Google Spreadsheet

I have a data set in a Google Spreadsheet with each column representing a year. The data I want from this spreadsheet is the average over five years, so I create a column for each five year interval containing the average (calculated with =AVERAGE(B2:F2) for the second row and first interval). Now I do not want the columns with specific years when I create a .csv file of the data and use it in my program, but only the columns containing the average. If I remove those columns that I don't want I will get an error saying that elements are missing.
Is there a way, in Google Spreadsheet, to "save" the calculated average (or any function for that matter) in the column so that it only contains a single numeric value and has no dependencies?
If i'm understanding your question correctly, you could highlight all the cells with the averages, copy and paste special - values. that would remove all the formulas you have in those cells but would keep the values when you delete the data columns.

Excel Formula, script or Macro that takes data from one SHEET 1, search, compare and inputs data to another SHEET 2

I am trying to create a tracker that will allow me collect attendance data for my employees in Sheet 1. I then want to display that data to track, compare and create some sort of pattern/trending report.
Compare an username from SHEET 1/row x with email ID on SHEET 2/row Y
If STEP 1 finds a match then compare, format and copy the data to the correct cell based on the Date.
Sheet 1
Username Instance Date sick 10/1/2020
Sheet 2
Present Absent
10/1 10/2 10/3 10/4 Total Total
NAME Thu Fri Sat Sun
Joe 1 0 1 2 1 4
I have tried VLOOKUP and MATCH but I am not very familiar with the usage; therefore I am getting lost on choosing the correct cells/columns to compare from one sheet to the other.
Any help will be greatly appreciated...
Id possibly look at how you want to analyse your data. As it seems to be you want to take the data and inject it straight into an absence report of some kind.
Try looking at it this way
1) take your input
2) Validate it (with a vlookup or match)
3) if found write the data to a new line in a data sheet. username, instance, date
This will build a database of sorts that you can then report on.
4) Pivot the data with username for rows, date for columns. Format the date as you wish depending on granularity.
You can use the sheets change event to pick up the data, validate it and copy it to a db sheet.

Merge data from excel files

I have about 70,000 excel files each of size about 300kb. The first column is date and time and rest columns are all doubles.
How do I merge them into 1 single csv file or bring them all together into one sheet of an excel work book. I was thinking about using Matlab but it runs out of memory.
You could try RDBMerge. It's a free add-in for Excel built for this sort of work.
Alternatively, you may find the following info useful:
If it's a one off this is what I would do:
Copy all details from both sheets to a single sheet in a new workbook
Sort descending by your date and time column
Duplicate the data and time column on the end (For vlookup, if you are comfortable using index you can avoid this)
Duplicate the sheet
Delete the data in the date and time column
Data / Remove duplicates to get a distinct set
Use a vlookup on some referential column to get the date and time (Make the last argument in the vlookup 0)
This will pull in the first instance it finds for the data (ie the highest date / time).
Should take about 2 mins all up.

Splitting data into specific, unequal, time ranges

I have to split up an excel vendor report with two thousand instances into a pivot table that displays instances that occured before 5PM, between 5-7PM and after 7 PM and I am stumped as how to do this. I tried adding another column with if and and functions to test where the time stamp falls within the given ranges but the only range that only pulls the before 5 PM category for some reason. Any suggestions?
You are right that you will need a helper column if you want your pivot table to be able to pull in the data. In the column to the right of your current data block, where I assume the timestamp is in column A, with a time/date format that Excel reads as such, try something like this (starting in the column to the right of your current data block, row 1 and dragged down):
=if(hour(A1)>19,"After 7PM",if(hour(A1)>17,"After 5PM, Before 7PM","Before 5PM"))
This will first check if it's after 7pm, and if it isn't it then checks if it's after 5pm, and if it isn't we know it's before 5pm.
If this doesn't work show us your data; my guess would be that your 'time stamp' isn't being read as a time stamp by Excel.
