Using type safe routes with persistent datatypes in snap - haskell

I have a Snap application using Persistent for storage and I'm trying to generate type safe routes for data types defined in Persistent. I'm using the snap-web-routes package:.
I have the following Template Haskell function that creates the data type of Group and GroupId:
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"] [persistLowerCase|
name T.Text
deriving Show
In my Application.hs I have:
data AppUrl = AddLink GroupId deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Generic)
The doc's suggest that:
instance PathInfo AppUrl
is all i need to do given the Generic derivation above however this blows up with
No instance for (PathInfo (KeyBackend SqlBackend Group))
arising from a use of ‘Web.Routes.PathInfo.$gdmtoPathSegments’
My assumption is that this error indicates that Haskell does not know how to auto create the instance definition with Persistent's data types.
My next attempt was to manually define the instance:
instance PathInfo AppUrl where
toPathSegments (AddLink groupId) = "add-link" : toPathPiece groupId : []
fromPathSegments (x:y:[]) = ????
I can't seem to figure out how to construct the GroupId data type.
From Yesod's excellent Persistent tutorial I know that the datatype is defined as:
type GroupId = Key Group
newtype Key Group = GroupKey (BackendKey SqlBackend)
But then I run into a problem because BackendKey is not exposed so I can't import it and create my own instance. I can't seem to find a public API to create this data type in Persistent.

The documentation for SqlBackend shows that the associated datatype BackendKey is instanciated for SqlBackend as
data BackendKey SqlBackend = SqlBackendKey {
unSqlBackendKey :: Int64
Which should be enough information to write your own PathInfo instance, along the lines of the following example:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Database.Persist.Sql
import Data.Int (Int64)
foo :: BackendKey SqlBackend -> Int64
foo (SqlBackendKey key) = key
bar :: Int64 -> BackendKey SqlBackend
bar = SqlBackendKey


Is there a canonical way of comparing/changing one/two records in haskell?

I want to compare two records in haskell, without defining each change in the datatype of the record with and each function of 2 datas for all of the elements of the record over and over.
I read about lens, but I could not find an example for that,
and do not know where begin to read in the documentation.
Example, not working:
data TheState = TheState { number :: Int,
truth :: Bool
initState = TheState 77 True
-- not working, example:
stateMaybe = fmap Just initState
-- result should be:
-- ANewStateType{ number = Just 77, truth = Just True}
The same way, I want to compare the 2 states:
state2 = TheState 78 True
-- not working, example
stateMaybe2 = someNewCompare initState state2
-- result should be:
-- ANewStateType{ number = Just 78, truth = Nothing}
As others have mentioned in comments, it's most likely easier to create a different record to hold the Maybe version of the fields and do the manual conversion. However there is a way to get the functor like mapping over your fields in a more automated way.
It's probably more involved than what you would want but it's possible to achieve using a pattern called Higher Kinded Data (HKD) and a library called barbies.
Here is a amazing blog post on the subject:
And here is my attempt at using HKD on your specific example:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- base
import Data.Functor.Identity
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
-- barbie
import Data.Barbie
type TheState = TheState_ Identity
data TheState_ f = TheState
{ number :: f Int
, truth :: f Bool
} deriving (Generic, FunctorB)
initState :: TheState
initState = TheState (pure 77) (pure True)
stateMaybe :: TheState_ Maybe
stateMaybe = bmap (Just . runIdentity) initState
What is happening here, is that we are wrapping every field of the record in a custom f. We now get to choose what to parameterise TheState with in order to wrap every field. A normal record now has all of its fields wrapped in Identity. But you can have other versions of the record easily available as well. The bmap function let's you map your transformation from one type of TheState_ to another.
Honestly, the blog post will do a much better job at explaining this than I would. I find the subject very interesting, but I am still very new to it myself.
Hope this helped! :-)
How to make a Functor out of a record. For that I have an answer: apply the function to > all of the items of the record.
I want to use the record as an heterogenous container / hashmap, where
the names determine the values-types
While there's no "easy", direct way of doing this, it can be accomplished with several existing libraries.
This answer uses red-black-record library, which is itself built over the anonymous products of sop-core. "sop-core" allows each field in a product to be wrapped in a functor like Maybe and provides functions to manipulate fields uniformly. "red-black-record" inherits this, adding named fields and conversions from normal records.
To make TheState compatible with "red-black-record", we need to do the following:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables,
DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass,
TypeApplications #-}
import GHC.Generics
import Data.SOP
import Data.SOP.NP (NP,cliftA2_NP) -- anonymous n-ary products
import Data.RBR (Record, -- generalized record type with fields wrapped in functors
I(..), -- an identity functor for "simple" cases
Productlike, -- relates a map of types to its flattened list of types
ToRecord, toRecord, -- convert a normal record to its generalized form
RecordCode, -- returns the map of types correspoding to a normal record
toNP, fromNP, -- convert generalized record to and from n-ary product
getField) -- access field from generalized record using TypeApplication
data TheState = TheState { number :: Int,
truth :: Bool
} deriving (Generic,ToRecord)
We auto-derive the Generic instance that allows other code to introspect the structure of the datatype. This is needed by ToRecord, that allows conversion of normal records into their "generalized forms".
Now consider the following function:
compareRecords :: forall r flat. (ToRecord r,
Productlike '[] (RecordCode r) flat,
All Eq flat)
=> r
-> r
-> Record Maybe (RecordCode r)
compareRecords state1 state2 =
let mapIIM :: forall a. Eq a => I a -> I a -> Maybe a
mapIIM (I val1) (I val2) = if val1 /= val2 then Just val2
else Nothing
resultNP :: NP Maybe flat
resultNP = cliftA2_NP (Proxy #Eq)
(toNP (toRecord state1))
(toNP (toRecord state2))
in fromNP resultNP
It compares two records whatsoever that have ToRecord r instances, and also a corresponding flattened list of types that all have Eq instances (the Productlike '[] (RecordCode r) flat and All Eq flat constraints).
First it converts the initial record arguments to their generalized forms with toRecord. These generalized forms are parameterized with an identity functor I because they come from "pure" values and there aren't any effects are play, yet.
The generalized record forms are in turn converted to n-ary products with toNP.
Then we can use the cliftA2_NP function from "sop-core" to compare accross all fields using their respective Eq instances. The function requires specifying the Eq constraint using a Proxy.
The only thing left to do is reconstructing a generalized record (this one parameterized by Maybe) using fromNP.
An example of use:
main :: IO ()
main = do
let comparison = compareRecords (TheState 0 False) (TheState 0 True)
print (getField #"number" comparison)
print (getField #"truth" comparison)
getField is used to extract values from generalized records. The field name is given as a Symbol by way of -XTypeApplications.

Getting Haskell record fields based on their type

I would like to define a typeclass for accessing specific fields in records based on their type. In this toy example, we have a Failable (that's just an Either) that can be present in different records and wrapping different types. I'm interested if it would be possible to define a single function failableFrom and let the compiler select the correct instance based on the context.
type Money = Double
type Name = String
type ErrMsg = String
class HasFailable a b where
failableFrom :: a -> Either ErrMsg b
data SomeRecord = SomeRecord (Either ErrMsg Name) (Either ErrMsg Money)
instance HasFailable SomeRecord Name where
failableFrom (SomeRecord name _) = name
instance HasFailable SomeRecord Money where
failableFrom (SomeRecord _ money) = money
data SomeOtherRecord = SomeOtherRecord (Either ErrMsg Name)
instance HasFailable SomeOtherRecord Name where
failableFrom (SomeOtherRecord name) = name
data SomeOtherOtherRecord = SomeOtherOtherRecord (Either ErrMsg Money)
instance HasFailable SomeOtherOtherRecord Money where
failableFrom (SomeOtherOtherRecord money) = money
-- some record
record = SomeRecord (Right "John") (Right 200.0)
-- let the compiler decide what failableFrom function to use
moreMoney = fmap (\money -> money + 200.0) $ failableFrom record
I'm asking this mainly out of curiosity about what's possible in Haskell.
a typeclass for accessing specific fields in records based on their
Something like this can be accomplished using generic programming, a technique for inspecting the structure of data types and defining functions that work across diverse data types according to the structure of each.
To use generic programming, one must enable the DeriveGeneric extension and import the GHC.Generics module.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
import GHC.Generics
type Money = Double
type Name = String
type ErrMsg = String
data SomeRecord = SomeRecord (Either ErrMsg Name) (Either ErrMsg Money) deriving (Generic)
Writing the generics-based "typed accessor" function by ourselves would be complicated. Fortunately, that functionality is already implemented in the Data.Generics.Product.Typed module of the generic-lens package. That module provides the typed lens that lets us target fields in a record by their (unique) type.
(A lens is a value that packs together a getter and a setter for a record field. The lens package contains the main definitions and functions for working with them, in particular the view function for getting a field's value.)
import Control.Lens (view)
import Data.Generics.Product.Typed (typed)
moreMoney :: Either ErrMsg Money
moreMoney = fmap (\money -> money + 200.0) $ view typed record
Here the compiler deduced we wanted the Money field because of the type signature. But we could have also used an explicit type application:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
moreMoney' = fmap (\money -> money + 200.0) $ view (typed #(Either _ Money)) record

Multiple declaration error in data type declaration

I'm currently building a a Twitter CLI client in Haskell, and I have a data type that represents a DM and one that represents a tweet. However, I get a multiple declaration error because I have to use the same name for both:
data Users = Users { screen_name :: String } deriving(Show, Generic)
data Tweet = Tweet { text :: !Text,
retweeted :: Bool,
user :: Users
} deriving (Show, Generic)
data DM = DM { text :: !Text,
sender_screen_name :: String
} deriving (Show, Generic)
Does someone know a solution for this particular problem?
As defined here, the named members are just functions that are used to call the values in your data structure.
So, if you really want to use them, you can do so by using the language extension. You can do that by declaring this in your file:
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}

how to handle capital case in JSON?

This is a stupid question, and I have tried to understand from different tutorials. When having a JSON with capital case Haskell crashes as explained by others ( As suggested it could be solved with deriving from deriveFromJSON. DeriveJSON requires a function input, how should I write the derive statement in the below code? I am missing something in my understanding, and would appreciate any help.
import Data.Aeson.TH
data Person = Person {
Foo :: String
, bar :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show, deriveJSON)
main = do
let b = Person "t" "x"
print b
deriveJSON and friends are Template Haskell functions which will generate instances for you. As such, you should not try to list them in the deriving clause. Instead, call them in a splice at the top level like this:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Data.Aeson.TH
data Person = Person {
foo :: String,
bar :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Person)
As mentioned in the mailing list, you can customize the field names by overriding the fieldLabelModifier function of the defaultOptions record, for example this will change the JSON name of foo to Foo:
$(deriveFromJSON defaultOptions {
fieldLabelModifier = let f "foo" = "Foo"
f other = other
in f
} ''Person)
Do you have any control of the instance being generated? If so, don't emit keys starting with capital letters.
If not: Just define the instance yourself instead of deriving it. It's just a couple lines of code.

To what extent can I get Aeson to do the heavy lifting?

I'm trying to avoid writing definitions for toJSON. This is the error I encounter:
No instance for (aeson-
(GHC.Generics.Rep (HashMap Key Project)))
arising from a use of `aeson-$gdmtoJSON'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(GHC.Generics.Rep (HashMap Key Project)))
In the expression:
In an equation for `toJSON':
toJSON = (aeson-$gdmtoJSON)
In the instance declaration for `ToJSON (HashMap Key Project)'
I get similar errors for all my HashMap data declarations.
Here's the relevant code. Let me know if there is missing information.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} -- for JTask and Fields ToJSON instances:w!
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} -- This may be needed for HashMaps
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} -- for the HashMap ToJSON instances
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
import Prelude
import Data.ByteString
import GHC.Generics (Generic )
import Data.Data
import Data.Typeable (Typeable) -- fix HashMap ToJSON instances? maybe
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Generic
import Data.Aeson.Types -- (ToJSON,FromJSON)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
data JTask = JTask {fields :: Fields} deriving (Typeable,Data,Generic)
data Fields = Fields { project :: HashMap Key Project
, summary :: ByteString
, issuetype :: HashMap Name Task
, versions :: [HashMap Name Version]
, description :: ByteString
} deriving (Typeable,Data,Generic)
data Key = Key deriving (Typeable,Data,Generic)
instance Show Key where
show Key = "key"
data Name = Name deriving (Typeable,Data,Generic)
instance Show Name where
show Name = "name"
data Task = Task deriving (Typeable,Data,Generic)
type Version = ByteString -- Placeholder type. Probably using Day for realsies.
data Project = BNAP deriving (Typeable,Data,Generic) -- Fill this out as we go
instance Generic (HashMap Key Project)
instance Data (HashMap Key Project)
--instance GToJSON (HashMap Key Project)
instance Generic (HashMap Name ByteString)
instance Data (HashMap Name ByteString)
instance Generic (HashMap Name Task)
instance Data (HashMap Name Task)
-- JSON instances
instance ToJSON CreateError
instance ToJSON Fields
instance ToJSON JTask
instance ToJSON Key
instance ToJSON Name
instance ToJSON Task
instance ToJSON Project
instance ToJSON (HashMap Key Project)
instance ToJSON (HashMap Name Task)
instance ToJSON (HashMap Name ByteString)
-- instance ToJSON Version uncomment when we change Version's type.
I cannot make an instance for Data.Aeson.Types.Class.GToJSON because Data.Aeson.Types.Class
is not exported. What are my options? What will I have to write manually? Is deriveJSON the best choice?
I implemented the suggestion below.
Here's the code
createObject :: CreateConf -> ResourceT IO Value
createObject (CreateConf iSummary iDesc dd) = do
let jfields = Fields {project = singleton Key BNAP
,summary = iSummary
,issuetype = singleton Name Task
,versions = [singleton Name (calcVersion dd)]
,description = iDesc
return $ toJSON (JTask jfields)
The first instance yields Object fromList [("key",Array (fromList []))])
Second instance yields Object fromList [("name",Array (fromList []))]
any idea why name and key are empty?
How could I find out?
Would it be easier to just use deriveJSON.
Thanks to help from NathanHowell the more important problem has been solved, which is the GToJSON instance for unary types. The solution was to make my own instances for the unary types. The JSON objects are out of order, but I don't know if that matters. If it does, it seems another manual ToJSON instance for Fields would fix that.
Okay a little context. I'm writing a JIRA front-end. I mention that because people in the future may come here to discover the following good news: JIRA doesn't care about Object order.
Aeson provides a ToJSON instance for HashMap String a. The easiest way to get things working is to use this instance by converting the HashMap keys to Strings. Just a touch of boilerplate and it uses the Generic instances for everything else.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} -- for JTask and Fields ToJSON instances:w!
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} -- for the HashMap ToJSON instances
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
import Prelude
import Data.ByteString
import GHC.Generics (Generic )
import Data.Aeson
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
data JTask = JTask {fields :: Fields} deriving (Generic)
data Fields = Fields { project :: HashMap Key Project
, summary :: ByteString
, issuetype :: HashMap Name Task
, versions :: [HashMap Name Version]
, description :: ByteString
} deriving (Generic)
data Key = Key deriving (Generic)
instance Show Key where
show Key = "key"
data Name = Name deriving (Generic)
instance Show Name where
show Name = "name"
data Task = Task deriving (Generic)
type Version = ByteString -- Placeholder type. Probably using Day for realsies.
data Project = BNAP deriving (Generic) -- Fill this out as we go
instance ToJSON Fields
instance ToJSON JTask
instance ToJSON Key
instance ToJSON Name
instance ToJSON Task
instance ToJSON Project
mapfst :: (a -> b) -> [(a, v)] -> [(b, v)]
mapfst f = fmap $ \ (k, v) -> (f k, v)
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (HashMap Key a) where
toJSON = toJSON . HashMap.fromList . mapfst show . HashMap.toList
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (HashMap Name a) where
toJSON = toJSON . HashMap.fromList . mapfst show . HashMap.toList
