XPages Extlib REST update (HTTP PUT) on calendar event is returning error code (cserror : 1028) - xpages

I am trying to update a calendar event in Domino Mail Calendar by using the REST data service "calendar" from the latest xpages extlib release "ExtensionLibraryOpenNTF-901v00_13.20150611-0803".
Has anybody done this with a successful return?
Unfortunately I haven't had any success trying to update a calendar event. I was successful getting the list of events, creating events, deleting an event, but to update an event seems to be somehow special. The PDF documentation for the calendar service is quite short on this point. My domino server is accepting all protocols including PUT. I am using the JSON format for my REST calls. The UPDATE I tried as described in the documentation with iCAL as well, but getting the same error.
I am using the Firefox REST Plugin for checking out the service, before I am implementing it.
Im using PUT, with content-type "text/calendar" as well "application/json".
My Body looks like this, which is the easiest event type, a reminder (but I tried it with meeting and appointment as well):
{"events":[{"UID:"4D750E2B8159D254C1257E9C0066D48D","summary":"Ein Reminder update","start":{"date":"2015-08-13","time":"13:00:00","utc":true}}]}
This is how I return the event by a GET:
"href": "/mail/padmin.nsf/api/calendar/events/4D750E2B8159D254C1257E9C0066D48D-Lotus_Notes_Generated",
"id": "4D750E2B8159D254C1257E9C0066D48D-Lotus_Notes_Generated",
"summary": "Ein Reminder",
"start": {
"date": "2015-08-12",
"time": "07:00:00",
"utc": true
"class": "public",
"transparency": "transparent",
"sequence": 0,
"x-lotus-summarydataonly": {
"data": "TRUE"
"x-lotus-appttype": {
"data": "4"
This is the error I get:
"code": 400,
"text": "Bad Request",
"cserror": 1028,
"message": "Error updating event",
"type": "text",
"data": "com.ibm.domino.calendar.store.StoreException: Error updating event\r\n\tat com.ibm.domino.calendar.dbstore.NotesCalendarStore.updateEvent(NotesCalendarStore.java:229)\r\n\tat ... 65 more\r\n"
The attributes in the body I tried a lot of different things, using the id, no id, an UID like in the calendar service doumentation, ...
What am I doing wrong here?
The solution:
Using the PUT method, the URL which worked looks like this:
the BODY looks like this:
{"events":[{"id":"4D750E2B8159D254C1257E9C0066D48D-Lotus_Notes_Generated","summary":"Some Reminder update #6","start":{"date":"2015-08-13","time":"10:00:00","utc":true}}]}
What I figured out was, that the "id" attribute is required ! a bit strange, because it is already in the URL.

I just checked against the documentation for Domino Access Services (DAS) 9.0.1 - and the example they have there actually works.
I tried a few things before that, e.g. if I could PATCH (change individual fields) or PUT (change ALL fields) just specifying the non-system fields. None of these worked. But taking the response from creating (or getting) the event and put it into a PUT request and adjust e.g. start time works fine.
Looking at your example I think the issue is similar as you do not include the end time in the request. But even so you seem to have to include the entire record as it is returned from the service - and please note that the url must end on the ENTIRE id (i.e. including "...-Lotus_Auto_Generated") :-)
It seems you don't need to add all fields... But be aware of the side effects of not specifying fields... You need to test it for yourself!


Logic App error - ActionFailed. An action failed. No dependent actions succeeded

I'm running into this error - ActionFailed. An action failed. No dependent actions succeeded - when trying to run this logic app to add an IP to be blocked.
I'm not sure where to start. The input looks ok. Help? Thanks in advance!
p.s. - sorry, it won't allow me to post the pics due to not having enough points.
Tried changing some parts of the body. Not sure what to change really.
According to Microsoft's documentation on Submit or Update Indicator API the request body should be as follows:
"indicatorValue": "220e7d15b011d7fac48f2bd61114db1022197f7f",
"indicatorType": "FileSha1",
"title": "test",
"application": "demo-test",
"expirationTime": "2020-12-12T00:00:00Z",
"action": "AlertAndBlock",
"severity": "Informational",
"description": "test",
"recommendedActions": "nothing",
"rbacGroupNames": ["group1", "group2"]
Since the error you get is too generic, it isn't clear enough to know exactly.
You are not passing in recommendedActions and rbacGroupNames, they may not be required but may want to pass the column even if no value is included.
I would also validate calling this API using manual values (even the exact value from their documentation) and if that does work, use process of elimination to figure out which property is giving you the trouble.
i.e. application might not accept a space value or combining the two values for description should be done outside of the HTTP call using compose and then passed as a single value of the output.

Multiple output text value setting in watson conversation

I have following node in the conversation. I want to raise the action and based on that need to call the API. In success scenario, will show the output.text[0] and error scenario getting from output.text[1]
"output": {
"text": {
"values": [
"I want to get this with success scenario",
"I want to get this with error scenario"
"selection_policy": "sequential"
"action": "MyAction"
But when I am accessing this conversation node in node.js, it will always give 1st value, i.e. 'I want to get this with success scenario' It will never give output like 'I want to get this with error scenario' .
How to resolve this issue ?
This is really complicated to answer because depends your Business role inside your Chatbot.
But, if you wanna answer one message according to the Condition...
You can see in your output the selection_policy is sequential, in the other words, first will show the 1st phrase, and just if the condition access again by the user, will show the second message.
"The order in which values in the array are returned depends on the attribute selection_policy."
The better form to solve this is to create two conditions inside the Node flow for each phrase.
For example first condition flow:
if bot recognizes successScenario response "I want to get this with success scenario"
In another second condition flow:
if bot recognizes errorScenario response "I want to get this with error scenario"
And your app with Nodejs will get the value according the condition.
See the official documentation about this here, search about selection_policy.
I have resolved that issue with the following way.
"output": {
"text": {
"values": [
"successMsg": "success Message",
"errorMsg": "error message"
"action": "MyAction"
Reason for not going for new node, because with this action, I need to create the API and based on the API call success and fail display this message to the user. Then it will help to save one roundtrip because no need to send results status again to conversation service, it will identify the what to present to user based on the this node itself.

What are the possible kinds of webhooks Trello can send? What attributes come in each?

I'm developing an app that is tightly integrated with Trello and uses Trello webhooks for a lot of things. However, I can't find anywhere in Trello's developer documentation what are the "actions" that may trigger a webhook and what data will come in each of these.
In fact, in my experience, the data that comes with each webhook is kinda random. For example, while most webhooks contain the shortLink of the card which is being the target of some action, some do not, in a totally unpredictable way. Also, creating cards from checklists doesn't seem to trigger the same webhook that is triggered when a card is created normally, and so on.
So, is that documented somewhere?
After fighting against these issues and my raw memory of what data should come in each webhook, along with the name of each different action, I decided to document this myself and released it as a (constantly updating as I find new webhooks out there) set of JSON files showing samples of the data each webhook will send to your endpoint:
For example, when a board is closed, a webhook will be sent with
"id": "55d7232fc3597726f3e13ddf",
"idMemberCreator": "50e853a3a98492ed05002257",
"data": {
"old": {
"closed": false
"board": {
"shortLink": "V50D5SXr",
"id": "55af0b659f5c12edf972ac2e",
"closed": true,
"name": "Communal Website"
"type": "updateBoard",
"date": "2015-08-21T13:10:07.216Z",
"memberCreator": {
"username": "fiatjaf",
"fullName": "fiatjaf",
"avatarHash": "d2f9f8c8995019e2d3fda00f45d939b8",
"id": "50e853a3a98492ed05002257",
"initials": "F"
In fact, what comes is a JSON object like {"model": ..., "action": ... the data you see up there...}, but I've removed these for the sake o brevity and I'm showing only what comes inside the "action" key.
based on #flatjaf's repo, I gathered and summarized all* the webhooks types.
hope it helps!
*I don't know if that list includes all the available webhooks types because as i already said, it's based on flatjaf's repo created 2 years ago

Google YouTube Data API version 3, videoEmbeddable error

I am trying out the youTube Data API v3, on this page: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/search/list
Every requests works fine, as long as the videoEmbeddable parameter is left blank. As soon as I set it to true or any, I get a bad request response.
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "youtube.search",
"reason": "invalidSearchFilter",
"message": "Invalid combination of search filters and/or restrictions.",
"locationType": "parameter",
"location": ""
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid combination of search filters and/or restrictions."
Am I missing something?
If you set videoEmbeddable=true, you MUST also set type=video, otherwise you'll get the "Invalid combination of search filters and/or restrictions" error.
I think this is a case where you're dealing with the experimental nature of the v3 API (still in beta, technically). If you look earlier on the page, the videoEmbeddable parameter is no longer listed (nor are parameters such as videoSyndicated, publishedBefore/publishedAfter, etc), and so aren't supported in the actual API, even though the API explorer hasn't been updated to match. Hopefully the API explorer will be brought back into sync soon; until then, you could run your own tests following the API reference.

Change notification in CouchDB when a field is set

I'm trying to get notifications in a CouchDB change poll as soon as pre-defined field is set or changed. I've already had a look at filters that can be used for filtering change events(db/_changes?filter=myfilter). However, I've not yet found a way to include this temporal information, because you can only get the current version of the document in this filter functions.
Is there any possibility to create such a filter?
If it does not work, I could export my field to a separate database and the only poll for changes in that db, but I'd prefer to keep together my data for obvious reasons.
Thanks in advance!
You are correct: filters and _changes feeds can only see snapshots of a document. What you need is a function which can see the old document and the new document and act correctly. But that is unavailable in _filters and _changes.
Obviously your client code knows if it updates that field. You might update your client code however there is a better solution.
Update functions can access both documents. I suggest you make an _update
function which notices the field change and flags that in the document. Next you
have a simple filter checking for that flag. The best part is, you can use a
rewrite function to make the HTTP API exactly the same as before.
1. Create an update function to flag interesting updates
Your _design/myapp would be {"updates", "smart_updater": "(see below)"}.
Update functions are very flexible (see my recent update handlers
walkthrough). However we only want to mimic the normal HTTP/JSON API.
Your updates.smart_updater field would look like this:
function (doc, req) {
var INTERESTING = 'dollars'; // Set me to the interesting field.
var newDoc = JSON.parse(req.body);
if(newDoc.hasOwnProperty(INTERESTING)) {
// dollars was set (which includes 0, false, null, undefined
// values. You might test for newDoc[INTERESTING] if those
// values should not trigger this code.
if((doc === null) || (doc[INTERESTING] !== newDoc[INTERESTING])) {
// The field changed or created!
newDoc.i_was_changed = true;
if(!newDoc._id) {
// A UUID generator would be better here.
newDoc._id = req.id || Math.random().toString();
// Return the same JSON the vanilla Couch API does.
return [newDoc, {json: {'id': newDoc._id}}];
Now you can PUT or POST to /db/_design/myapp/_update/[doc_id] and it will feel
just like the normal API except if you update the dollars field, it will add
an additional flag, i_was_changed. That is how you will find this change
2. Filter for documents with the changed field
This is very straightforward:
function(doc, req) {
return doc.i_was_changed;
Now you can query the _changes feed with a ?filter= parameter. (Replication
also supports this filter, so you could pull to your local system all documents
which most recently changed/created the field.
That is the basic idea. The remaining steps will make your life easier if you
already have lots of client code and do not want to change the URLs.
3. Use rewriting to keep the HTTP API the same
This is available in CouchDB 0.11, and the best resource is Jan's blog post,
nice URLs in CouchDB.
Briefly, you want a vhost which sends all traffic to your rewriter (which itself
is a flexible "bouncer" to all design doc functionality based on the URL).
curl -X PUT http://example.com:5984/_config/vhosts/example.com \
-d '"/db/_design/myapp/_rewrite"'
Then you want a rewrites field in your design doc, something like (not
"comment": "Updates should go through the update function",
"method": "PUT",
"from": "db/*",
"to" : "db/_design/myapp/_update/*"
"comment": "Creates should go through the update function",
"method": "POST",
"from": "db/*",
"to" : "db/_design/myapp/_update/*"
"comment": "Everything else is just like normal",
"from": "*",
"to" : "../../../*"
(Once again, I got this code from examples and existing code I have laying
around but it's not 100% debugged. However I think it makes the idea very clear.
Also remember this step is optional however the advantage is, you never have to
change your client code.)
