Tumblr.js official javascript/node API "link" posts with image, title, body - node.js

I'd like to be able to post link posts on a blog exactly the same way as if you were to go on the regular user interface and choose a "link" post and paste in a URL. It automatically grabs the image, sizes it, sets the title and a body/caption.
How do I go about doing this with the tumblr.js api wrapper?
I already have the API working so I do not need to know how to connect/post link articles. I am specifically interested in being able to add link posts that look/work exactly like the link posts you make as a regular user on their web interface. Using the API to do a link post just throws in the title. Using a photo post doesn't allow you to do a separate title/body. I'd love it to look like it does on the website when you paste in a link post and have the tumblr api/feed return it the same way too.

I got a response via github issues that explains that what I was attempting to accomplish is not available via the API. It can only be done using a tumblr client.


How can I know if the post are promoted in facebook using the GraphAPI?

I'm trying to use the graphAPI to see the comments in the posts on my facebook page and I have to know if the post is boosted/promoted. I tried to use the promotion_status, but is deprecated...
In the link https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v14.0/page/feed, is saying for me to search for is_eligible_for_promotion, but is not for the same thing :(

Instagram API - get own posts for website

I read through all the dev docs stuff at https://developers.facebook.com, but I found no simple solution to solve that one simple question. I want to display my own posts detail at my website. Is that even possible?
This is possible using IG Basic Display API and the GET /{user-id}/media endpoint
You will need to build a Login flow which is described in the Get Started guide

Is it allowed to use this link (https://www.instagram.com/[username]/?__a=1)

at the moment I am working on a Instagram implementation for the homepage of my school.
My problem was, that I didn’t got access to the account, so I couldn’t generate an access token (which all free joomla plugins need).
So I have decided to write my own plugin (I am not the best programmer, but it works), because of that I found this link (https://www.instagram.com/[username]/?__a=1) where I could get the JSON of the public page without the need of any token or ID.
My question is if I am allowed to use it or not (because I can’t find this link in the official api)?
We've built a small API that scrapes exactly that data and presents it to you via JSON:
(In case you are still interested in this)
This URL closed by instagram on 14 April. You can get user's information json with this link:
Also you can find user ID like this:
Go to the https://www.instagram.com/USERNAME/
Look source code and find this code:
You'll see the user ID between quotes.
Good luck.

String decode extracted from web log

Working on log analysis, I found a string with odd syntax and contents, by parsing page field of web log (a webshell?):
Could someone guide me how to decode this string and find a clue ? Also why is the following:
included in the string?
I am quoting https://www.facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php
Facebook allows its users to send links to interesting web content to other Facebook users. Part of how this works on the Facebook system involves the temporary display of certain images or details related to the web content, such as the title of the web page or the embed tag of a video. Our system retrieves this information only after a user provides us with a link. You may have found this page because a Facebook user sent a link from your website to other Facebook users. If you have any questions or concerns about any links or content sent by one of our users, please contact us at legal#facebook.com.
My guess is that someone posted a link to your website to Facebook and someone clicked on that link (visited your website through that link). The (probably) encoded stuff seem a bit random though. If I were you I would either post a link from my website on Facebook, click on it and see if I get something similar. If it doesn't look like that, I would contact legal#facebook.com to clarify whether it is linked to them.

Retrieving files from blog media entries

The tool I'm building needs pull data from IBM Connections Ideation Blogs. I therefore use the Connections API with basic authentication to read Blog Entries. This goes well until the description contains images. When I ask the API to provide media resources for the blog, it does not show any entries of the /BLOGS_UPLOADED_IMAGES location - the one containing images uploaded through the blog's richtext editor. The user I use in my API call is the same user who created blog entries and uploaded pictures.
However the API call DOES contain images I publish using the API and a POST request to the blog's media entry collection. This is where the next problem appears. Those Atom entries for images contain various links, one of them with a ref="enclosure", of which the API documentation (link) tells me to "Use the web address in the href attribute to obtain the binary content of the file". However, my calls to this adress are always answered with 404 response code.
Another url in the Atom entry (this time of the element) is described by the same documentation (see link above) as: "Provides access the document's media. The following operation is supported: GET: Use the web address to obtain the media." When I make a call to this url, as always with basic authentication credentials attached, the response contains the html of the login form of Connections, so API authentication does not seem to be supported on this url. This is only the case for non-public communities, which require authentication, of course, if the picture is publicly availabe all works just fine.
Am I missing something out? Is there another way to retrieve the actual image from a blog's media entry through the API? Are manually uploaded pictures never contained in the media entries result or is this a bug?
It now magically works using the link with ref="enclosure" from the atom entry. I might have gotten something wrong with authentication I guess (although I'm not actually realizing what I'm doing different now than I did before).
Problem remaining: Pictures uploaded through the rich-text editor in the folder /BLOGS_UPLOADED_IMAGES do not appear in the media feed of the blog.
