export field from phpmyadmin - texy - text

===Database 201507== Dumping data for table car123|6|bmw|cash
how to remove text on line before data
===Database 201507
== Dumping data for table car123
i want the result :
phpmyadmin from bundling latest xampp installer,
os: win 8.1

solved with upgrade mysql version and put delimited


'mongo' is not recognised as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file [duplicate]

I installed MongoDB community Server from this link. But when I look into C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\6.0\bin
, I am not able to locate mongo.exe file. I am able to see mongod.exe and mongos.exe.
Can someone help. Thank you.
legacy mongo shell (mongo) no longer ships with server binaries (for servers >= 6.0). You can download a new shell version (mongosh) from here
Answer from dododo worked for me.
Download Mongo Shell - mongosh from MongoDB Download Center
Extract the contents of the bin from the downloaded zip file to the bin file of your MongoDB folder and run mongosh instead of mongo.
To run the Mongo Shell , Download msi package from the MongoDB Community Download - https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community
The version 6.0 do not ships with server binaries so mongo.exe file wouldn't be shown. So instead download mongo shell - https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/shell
After downloading unzip the bin directory in your Original bin directory
(You would also need to create a new directory in C: drive named data/db)
Now open the bin directory from Mongodb folder, and run mongod.exe
After that keeping Mongod.exe running in background open mongosh.exe ,
Your mongo Shell will be started.
After version 6.0.0 mongo.exe does not get installed to your bin folder so you have to manually install the new MongoDB shell which is called mongosh then you have to add its path to your system variables and then run mongosh --version to see if it got installed. Afterwards if you want to create your own databases and preform operations run "mongosh" in your terminal to connect to a MongoDB instance running on your localhost with default port 27017.
Read the mongoDB documentation for more information:
install mongosh:
The mongosh shell vs the old mongo shell:
Connect to a Deployment:
It should be noted, that in MongoDB version 6.0 there are two items:
The legacy mongo shell is removed from MongoDB 6.0
The MongoDB Shell (mongosh) is not installed with MongoDB Server. You need to follow the mongosh installation instructions to download and install mongosh separately. This was already announced in MongoDB version 5.0
The legacy mongo shell does not exist anymore on MongoDB version 6.0. If you desire the old mongo.exe, then you can install if from an earlier MongoDB version.
You also need to add a path variable of the bin folder where mongosh application is present (after downloading from the below link:
https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/shell ).
Then you can use mongosh command from anywhere using CMD:
STEPS TO FOLLOW AFTER DOWNLOADING SHELL FROM https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/shell
Include both your mongosh shell and mongod in environment variables.
go to your c drive and create db folder inside data folder
then run your mongosh and mongod in two different cmd windows
..first run mongod
..then run mongosh
if you have check-marked run as a service at the time of download
then next time you are not required to start mongosh , it will
automatically get started.

What is the command to check the version of the postgresql jdbc driver on Linux command line?

I am working on Linux server with PostgreSQL that is installed through the command line.
How could I check the version of the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver using Linux command line?
I use this command psql -V and it shows the PostgreSQL version psql (PostgreSQL) 9.5.24, but I need the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver version. What is the command the should I use?
When you run:
java -jar /path/to/driver.jar
it will report its version.
Obviously you need to replace /path/to/driver.jar with the correct location where you stored the driver when you downloaded it.
By default the file name itself contains the version. So if you downloaded postgresql-42.2.19.jar then it's highly likely its version is 42.2.19
As a side note: psql -V prints the version of the command line tool. That's not necessarily the same version as the server.
From Java, you can use code like this:
java.sql.Driver d = new org.postgresql.Driver();
System.out.println(d.getMajorVersion() + "." + d.getMinorVersion());
See the documentation for details.

Issue with hp-health-10.50-1826.38.rhel6.x86_64 rpm package in customized version of Linux

I am using a customized rh6 version and have a script hpasmxld_reset.sh that is obtained after installing the RPM -> hp-health-10.50-1826.38.rhel6.x86_64.The script hpasmxld_reset.sh display errors on execution.
There is an update/advance version to hp-health-10.50-1826.38.rhel6.x86_64, it is hp-health-10.60-1833.32.rhel7.x86_64.rpm .I want to check if the hpasmxld_reset.sh is fixed in this later 10.60 version .
My query is if I install hp-health-10.60-1833.32.rhel7.x86_64.rpm on an rh6 machine then would that function appropriately or not ? What should be kept in mind before installing a pkg that has a version above than the present version of the OS.
You probably won't be able to install it, since it is the wrong distro. You should be able to download it and extract all the files with rpm2cpio file.rpm | cpio -div and then you'll have a copy of the new script file to compare to the old one.

You database files were created by PostgreSQL 9.0- could not find executables for this version

I attempted to update the version of Postgres-server on an OpenSuse server. There were a few issues and I now want to revert back to using the version of postgres-server that was installed before(9.03).
I've removed version 9.4 and I've tried starting the postgresql server but I'm getting the error:
Your database files were created by PostgreSQL version 9.0.
Could not find executables for this version.
Please install the PostgreSQL server package for version 9.0.
When I run:
rpm -qa | grep postgresql
it shows:
So it looks like version 9.03 is already installed.
I'm not sure what to do now to get the server back to how it was and I'm panicking a bit. Can anyone suggest anything?
Here some more info after some useful info from Ronaldhino.
I discovered my pg_ctl file in /user/bin/pg_ctl and /data appears to be the previous data directory (I deduced this as it contain pg_hbs.conf and postgresql.conf).
As a result I've run this command as user postgres:
/usr/bin/pg_ctl start -D /data/ -l /data/pg_log/new_log.txt
I did get a message initial saying:
server starting
It appears that the server is actually running. However, the psql binary file now appears to be missing so I can't psql into the database service.
I seems that system can not recognize where's your postgresql 9.0 location is.
You should find where's the postgresql 9.0's binary file and start Server directly.
Run command for finding where's postgresql 9.0 location
which postgres
For example:
Start server
sudo /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl start -D <<your DB dir>> -l /var/log/postgresl.log
Good luck!

How to display euro symbol (€) with symfony on centos server

I use the symfony MoneyType field and the twig extension Twig_Extensions_Extension_Intl for display currencies. On my dev computer using Ubuntu, I can see the symbol € but on the prod server, using Centos 6, letters 'eur' are displayed.
I suppose it's due to a missing font, but which one? and how to install?
Maybe you need to install this RPM:
Not certain. Try it.
Edit #2.
In order to find it.
I tried this on my system:
$ yum search iso-codes
Which returns:
iso-codes-devel.noarch : Files for development using iso-codes
iso-codes.noarch : ISO code lists and translations
Thus you could try:
yum install iso-codes
and that might work. My repositories my be setup differently, but try the above command.
