python escaping an infinity loop of pyqt - python-3.x

I'm using pyqt as an infinity loop, but I don't know how to escape from it programmatically, or pythonically. below is my code.
from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication
loop = QApplication([])
I want to write in my main() function like, if some condition is satisfied, then escape.
I'm absolutely new to programming, I've been trying to find any clue on google, like close() or something, nothing works.
any help, hint would be appreciated. thank you.

Before I give you my solution, can I ask why you are intentionally using an infinite loop?
An infinite loop is exactly what it states, meaning it continues infinitely. Unless you have some conditional check in your loop that can check if some number or value is hit, then closes out, your loop will continue indefinitely.
Now for a solution:
Pressing Ctrl-C in your terminal (or where-ever you're running this loop) will stop the program running. This is a universal command as well.
Program-wise, using break will break your loop. I hope this answers your question.
Here is a code snippet that might help with what you're doing:
def main():
while(Some Boolean Value):
#Things you want to do in your loop
if(Some Boolean Value):
The best course of action for your issue would be multi-threading. Here are two links that address what you're wanting to do:
Stopping a thread after a certain amount of time
Is there any way to kill a Thread in Python?


How to work around opencv bug crashing on imshow when not in main thread [duplicate]

This has been answered for Android, Objective C and C++ before, but apparently not for Python. How do I reliably determine whether the current thread is the main thread? I can think of a few approaches, none of which really satisfy me, considering it could be as easy as comparing to threading.MainThread if it existed.
Check the thread name
The main thread is instantiated in like this:
Thread.__init__(self, name="MainThread")
so one could do
if threading.current_thread().name == 'MainThread'
but is this name fixed? Other codes I have seen checked whether MainThread is contained anywhere in the thread's name.
Store the starting thread
I could store a reference to the starting thread the moment the program starts up, i.e. while there are no other threads yet. This would be absolutely reliable, but way too cumbersome for such a simple query?
Is there a more concise way of doing this?
The problem with threading.current_thread().name == 'MainThread' is that one can always do:
threading.current_thread().name = 'MyName'
assert threading.current_thread().name == 'MainThread' # will fail
Perhaps the following is more solid:
threading.current_thread().__class__.__name__ == '_MainThread'
Having said that, one may still cunningly do:
threading.current_thread().__class__.__name__ = 'Grrrr'
assert threading.current_thread().__class__.__name__ == '_MainThread' # will fail
But this option still seems better; "after all, we're all consenting adults here."
Python 3.4 introduced threading.main_thread() which is much better than the above:
assert threading.current_thread() is threading.main_thread()
For Python < 3.4, perhaps the best option is:
isinstance(threading.current_thread(), threading._MainThread)
The answers here are old and/or bad, so here's a current solution:
if threading.current_thread() is threading.main_thread():
This method is available since Python 3.4+.
If, like me, accessing protected attributes gives you the Heebie-jeebies, you may want an alternative for using threading._MainThread, as suggested. In that case, you may exploit the fact that only the Main Thread can handle signals, so the following can do the job:
import signal
def is_main_thread():
# Backup the current signal handler
back_up = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
except ValueError:
# Only Main Thread can handle signals
return False
# Restore signal handler
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, back_up)
return True
Updated to address potential issue as pointed out by #user4815162342.

How to check if all opened threading processes are finished?

I wanted to implement some threading in my code, and it seemed at first that it was working fine. After checking my results, I have noticed that the code seems not to wait for the threads to be finished, but instead as long as they start, it continues with the rest of the code.
def start_local_process(pair):
name = 'name'
print("Starting a total of %d threading processes." %len(some_list))
for element in some_list:
t= Thread(target=start_local_process, args=(pair,))
print("Closed all threading processes for " + element + "!")
I can see that it does start a thread process for each element in some_list, which exactly what I want -parallel execution for each element. But, I get the last output message immediately after starting them, what I would prefer is, if it would wait for them to finish and then so print a message that they are finished. Is there a way to do it ?
So, here is a link where part of the solution was given. The function that answers if a thread is still active is .isAlive()
With this function I could know if a thread is still active or not, but what would be a neat way of rechecking the same thing until all of the functions return TRUE?
Supposing you're saving your threads to list, you can do the following thing to check if all your threads finished the work:
finished = all(not thread.is_alive() for thread in thread_list)
while not finished:
finished = all(not thread.is_alive() for thread in thread_list)
print('All task finished...')

using threading to call the main function again?

I am really trying to wrap my head around the concept of Threading concept in practical applications. I am using the Threading module in python 3.4 and I am not sure if the logic is right for the program functionality.
Here is the gist of my code:
def myMain():
""" my main function actually uses sockets to
send data over a network
# there will be an infinite loop call it loop-1 here
while True:
#perform encoding scheme
#send data out... with all other exception handling
# here is infinite loop 2 which waits for messages
# from other devices
while True:
# Check for incoming messages
callCheckFunction() ----> Should I call this on a thread?
the above mentioned callCheckFunction() will do some comparison on the received data and if the data values don't match I want to run the myMain() function again.
Here is the gist of the callCheckFunction():
def callCheckFunction():
if data == 'same':
# some work done here and then get out
# function and return back to listening on the socket
else data == 'not same':
myMain() ---------> Should I thread this one too??
This might be complicated but I am not sure if Threading is the thing I want. I did a nasty hack by calling the myMain() function the above mentioned fashioned which works great! but I assume there will definitely some limit to calling the function within the function and I want my code to be a bit professional not Hacky!
I have my mind set on Threading since I am listening to the socket in an infinite fashion when some new Data comes in the whole myMain() is called back creating kind of a hectic recursion which I want to control.
So I have managed to make the code a bit more modular i.e. I have split the two Infinite Loops in to two different functions
now myMain is divided into
and the gist is as follows:
def task1():
while True:
# encoding and sending data
#in the end I call task2() since it the primary
# state which decides things
task2() ---------> still need to decide if I should thread or not
def task2():
while True:
# check for incoming messages
checker = threading.Thread(callCheckFunction, daemon=True)
Now since the callCheckFunction() needs the func1() I decided to Thread func1() in the function Note func1 is actually kinda the main() of the code:
def callCheckFunction():
else data == 'not same':
thready = threading.Thread(func1, daemon= True)
with little understanding I do manage to get the code working. But I am not sure if this is really hacky or a professional way of doing things! I can ofcourse share the code via GitHub and also a Finite State Machine for the system. Also I am not sure if this code is Thread Safe ! But Help/Suggestions really needed

make a copy of dead thread

I have a class that subclasses threading.thread. In the daemon that initialises the thread objects i periodically check the thread status. If the status is incomplete and the thread is not alive this means that there has been an error in doing something like an api call to another server.
My question is if this happens is it possible to make a copy of the thread object and call the start method. I had considered calling the run method again on the original object but this would mess up the daemon workflow.
Any ideas greatly appreciated!
Put an infinite loop in the daemon and check the isAlive()/is_alive() method if something has gone wrong. If it has just start up a new object using the same values.
Another way to solve your problem would be to catch the real problem within the thread object and just take care of the problem there. I assume you have a loop in your run() method. Just put everything within the loop in a try/except clause that will re-initialize whatever you are doing to check the other servers.
Something like this:
def run(self):
while 1:
if not server.isconnected():
except server.error as x:
This will reconnect as soon as it is an error of type server.error. You can make the solution a lot prettier and add some intervals before retrying etc. I have done exactly this and it works perfectly.

Jython How to stop script from thread?

I'm looking for some exit code that will be run from a thread but will be able to kill the main script. It's in Jython but I can't use java.lang.System.exit() because I still want the Java app I'm in to run, and sys.exit() isn't working. Ideally I would like to output a message then exit.
My code uses the threading.Timer function to run a function after a certain period of time. Here I'm using it to end a for loop that is executing for longer than 1 sec. Here is my code:
import threading
def exitFunct():
#exit code here
t = threading.Timer(1.0, exitFunct)
for i in range(1, 2000):
print i
Well, if you had to, you could call mainThread.stop(). But you shouldn't.
This article explains why what you're trying to do is considered a bad idea.
If you want to kill the current process and you don't care about flushing IO buffers or reseting the terminal, you can use os._exit().
I don't know why they made this so hard.
