Clarification regarding storage account in web applications - azure

I have an on-premises mvc application with a database calls to one more server.
When I deploy this application to windows azure, I am curious to know what will be stored in the storage account for this cloud service?
Is it database records or something else?

Given you mentioned creating a Cloud Service (so, I'm assuming Web Role for your MVC app): The deployment needs a storage account, at a minimum, for storing diagnostic log information, as well as your cloud service package and configuration.

Storage account is mostly used for "Blob" storage. In Azure environment we should not prefer to store blob data( like image and doc/PDF ) in practice to store blob storage link.
Azure Storage provides the flexibility to store and retrieve large amounts of unstructured data, such as documents and media files with Azure Blobs; structured nosql based data with Azure Tables; reliable messages with Azure Queues and use SMB based Azure Files for migrating on-premises applications to the cloud.
for Overview and reference :


When should we use file share in azure as compared to Azure Blobs?

Could someone please tell some examples where we can use Azure file share in azure instead of Azure Blobs. In the internet whenever I search I get it can be mounted or it follows SMB protocol. But still I am not understanding a single case where we can use Azure File share.
For this I tried to look into When to use Azure blob storage versus Azure file share?
-This is a similar question but doesn't answer my question.
Azure provides a variety of storage tools and services, including Azure Storage. To determine which Azure technology is best suited for your scenario, see Review your storage options in the Azure Cloud Adoption Framework.
For detailed information and examples refer to this article:
It depends mostly on your use-case and how you plan to access the data. If you simply want to mount and access your files Azure Files will be your best fit. If you are looking for the lowest cost and want to access your data programmatically through your application Azure Blob would be a better fit. Both are accessible through the portal or Azure Storage Explorer.
I also recommend this Learn module which covers the difference in data types and solutions.
Additional information: Azure Blob Storage vs Azure File Storage
Cost details of Azure Blob Storage pricing & Azure Files pricing
In short: if you ...
have an application that needs to store or access files in the cloud, use Blob Storage
need a file share that can be used by, for instance, a server, use File Shares
Azure Files shares can be mounted concurrently by cloud or on-premises deployments of Windows, Linux, and macOS. Azure Files shares can also be cached on Windows Servers with Azure File Sync for fast access near where the data is being used.
This means a File Share is, somewhat simplified, similar to a network share you would have in a local environment.
Azure Blob Storage helps you create data lakes for your analytics needs, and provides storage to build powerful cloud-native and mobile apps. Optimize costs with tiered storage for your long-term data, and flexibly scale up for high-performance computing and machine learning workloads.
This means Blob Storage is what you need when you're building powerful cloud-native and mobile apps.

Azure Services - Data Security

May I ask what is the security protocol (Https/TCPIP etc) applied in the following scenarios in Azure? I need these details to write my design document.
Between Azure Services
Azure Data Factory interacting with Azure Storage
Azure Databricks interacting with Azure Storage
Azure Python SDK connecting to Storage Account (Is it TCP/IP ?)
If there is any support page in MS Azure, please direct me there.
Inside the Azure data centers used TLS/SSL for communication between
services and you can read about it "Encryption of data in transit"
section on this page.
The main SDK implementations are wrappers around the REST API and
Python SDK is one of them.

MS Azure PaaS Web App Service + Local Deployment

My application is running on Azure PaaS (BLOB Storage, Azure SQL, Web App)
One of my clients requires having the sql database and storage account to be on his premises.
What is the best topography you would recommend? is there a way to replicate the BLOB storage in real-time?
How can I assert high availability knowing that his SQL and his Storage are subject for failure?
Unfortunately there isn't a 1:1 on-premise equivalent of either Azure blobs or Azure web apps. Specifically for SQL DB, you can use SQL Server in it's place.
I hope this helps.
One of my clients requires having the sql database and storage account
to be on his premises.
SQL Database is easy. It is just replacing the connection string.
Storage is tricky. You might be able to modify local storage emulator, and allow access from outside, but I have never tried it.
Your application will be quite slow, since it has to access SQL and Storage from on-premise. My thought will be to host it on-premise where all resources are there.

Azure - Multiple Cloud Services, Single Storage Account

I want to create a couple of cloud services - Int, QA, and Prod. Each of these will connect to separate Db's.
Do these cloud services require "storage accounts"? Conceptually the cloud services have executables and they must be physically located somewhere.
Note: I do not use any blobs/queues/tables.
If so, must I create 3 separate storage accounts or link them up to one?
Storage accounts are more like storage namespaces - it has a url and a set of access keys. You can use storage from anywhere, whether from the cloud or not, from one cloud service or many.
As #sharptooth pointed out, you need storage for diagnostics with Cloud Services. Also for attached disks (Azure Drives for cloud services), deployments themselves (storing the cloud service package and configuration).
Storage accounts are free: That is, create a bunch, and still only pay for consumption.
There are some objective reasons why you'd go with separate storage accounts:
You feel that you could exceed the 20,000 transaction/second advertised limit of a single storage account (remember that storage diagnostics are using some of this transaction rate, which is impacted by your logging-aggressiveness).
You are concerned about security/isolation. You may want your dev and QA folks using an entirely different subscription altogether, with their own storage accounts, to avoid any risk of damaging a production deployment
You feel that you'll exceed 200TB 500TB (the limit of a single storage account)
Azure Diagnostics uses Azure Table Storage under the hood (and it's more convenient to use one storage account for every service, but it's not required). Other dependencies your service has might also use some of the Azure Storage services. If you're sure that you don't need Azure Storage (and so you don't need persistent storage of data dumped through Azure Diagnostics) - okay, you can go without it.
The service package of your service will be stored and managed by Azure infrastructure - that part doesn't require a storage account.

Getting Started with Azure Question

I'm trying to get up-and-going with Windows Azure. I understand that I need to create a "Storage Account". However, what I'm confused about is, how I should set it up. For instance, my Azure subscription is set to my company name. I intend to have multiple ASP.NET web applications (web roles) associated with my subscription. Each web application will have its own database.
My question is, should each web application have its own storage account? Or should only one storage account be used for all of my projects?
Thank you!
There's no one way to answer this, but here are some thoughts to help your decision:
Each storage account is limited to 100TB. If you feel that you will push the limits of this across multiple websites, then create multiple storage accounts for sure.
To make billing easier, I'd suggest separate storage accounts
Storage accounts have an SLA of a few thousand transactions per second across the entire storage account. For performance purposes, it's probably better to have separate storage accounts
Consider putting your diagnostic data in a separate storage account. This way, you can safely give your Storage Account key to a 3rd-party like ParaLeap (creators of AzureWatch) for monitoring your app, while not giving away the key to real customer data, for instance.
If you need more than 5 storage accounts, you'll need to contact Customer Support to increase this number.
Windows Azure Storage server is for simple blob storage. This is for when your app needs a file store. Any application, not just Azure web roles, can target a storage service. It's kind of like Amazon S3 if you're familiar with that.
Storage services are not required to run Azure applications. You just need a "compute" instance.
