Extract a specific folder from a zip file using node.js - node.js

I have a zip file with the following structure:
I want to extract the content under Temp in download.zip to a directory say D:\work_del.
This directory after extraction of zip should have abc.txt and Foo\abc2.txt
I am using adm-zip module of node but that doesn't seem to help. (Below code for reference).
var zip = require('adm-zip');
var file = new zip("D:\\Work\\download.zip");
file.extractEntryTo("Temp", 'D:\\Work_delete', false, true);
Any pointers to get the above the scenario working in node.js?

var zip = require('adm-zip');
var file = new zip("D:\\Work\\download.zip");
file.extractEntryTo("Temp/abc.txt", 'D:\\Work_delete', false, true);
The thing that I noticed is that if you specify the path as Temp\\1.txt it doesn't work. So try to avoid backslashes as forward slashes work perfectly fine in Windows with Node.js.
var zip = require('adm-zip');
var file = new zip("C:/Users/harslo/Desktop/node/Download.zip");
file.extractEntryTo("Temp/abc.txt", 'C:/Users/harslo/Desktop/node/Work_delete', false, true);
If you want to extract all the files inside of a folder use FolderName/ as described in adm-zip docs docs.
PS - ADM-ZIP extractEntryTo doesn't seem to be working with zips created with Windows Inbuilt "Send to ZIP".

var zip = require('adm-zip');
var file = new zip("D:/Work/download.zip");
file.extractEntryTo("Temp/", "D:/Work_delete", false, true);


Read all JSON files contained in a dynamically updated folder

I've got multiple json files contained within a directory that will dynamically be updated by users. The users can add categories which will create new json files in that directory, and they can also remove categories which would delete json files in that directory. I'm looking for a method to read all json files contained in that folder directory, and push all the json files into a single object array. I imagine asynchronously would be desirable too.
I'm very new to using fs. I've management to read single json files by directory using
const fs = require('fs');
let data = fs.readFileSync('./sw_lbi/categories/category1.json');
let categories = JSON.parse(data);
But of course this will only solve the synchronous issue when using require()
As I'll have no idea what json files will be contained in the directory because the users will also name them, I'll need a way to read all the json files by simply calling the folder directory which contains them.
I'm imagining something like this (which obviously is foolish)
const fs = require('fs');
let data = fs.readFileSync('./sw_lbi/categories');
let categories = JSON.parse(data);
What would be the best approach to achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
First of all you need to scan this directory for files, next you need to filter them and select only JSONs, and at the end just read every file and do what you need to do
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path')
const jsonsInDir = fs.readdirSync('./sw_lbi/categories').filter(file => path.extname(file) === '.json');
jsonsInDir.forEach(file => {
const fileData = fs.readFileSync(path.join('./sw_lbi/categories', file));
const json = JSON.parse(fileData.toString());

express fileupload : no such file or directory

I am using express-file package. I use it like this:
const upload = require('express-fileupload');
createParentPath: true
This is how I store:
await req.files.main_image.mv('./public/images/movies/'+main_image);
I already have public/images directory created. I don't have movies directory in public/images directory though.
When It works: If I have /public/images/movies directory already created, it works
When it doesn't work: If I don't have /public/images/movies directory created, but have /public/images directory. Then it says:
ENOENT: no such file or directory, open
What to do so that it automatically creates /movies directory and put the image there?
Express-fileupload uses the following code to create the directory-path which you pass to the .mv function:
const checkAndMakeDir = function(fileUploadOptions, filePath){
//Check upload options were set.
if (!fileUploadOptions) return false;
if (!fileUploadOptions.createParentPath) return false;
//Check whether folder for the file exists.
if (!filePath) return false;
const parentPath = path.dirname(filePath);
//Create folder if it is not exists.
if (!fs.existsSync(parentPath)) fs.mkdirSync(parentPath);
return true;
The problem is that fs.mkdirSync() does not create the full path with the parent directories you specifiy (note that you'd use mkdir -p on the shell to create the whole folder structure) -> checkout How to create full path with node's fs.mkdirSync? for more information.
What you could do is use a module like fs-extra and use its function ensureDir which would create the corresponding parent directories (if they don't exist yet) before calling the .mv() function.
Or in case you're node version is >= 10 use the native {rescursive:true} option which you can pass to fs.mkdirSync.

NodeJS Read File Name is Japanese Characters

I have a file name is momo1.json. I can read them in Nodejs
var fs = require('fs');
var jsonWelcome = fs.readFileSync(WELCOME_JSON, UTF8_FORMAT);
var dataWelcome = JSON.parse(jsonWelcome);
But now i change file name is ももたろう.json. I cant read file anymore, tell my why and solutions i can read file name by japanese charaters
Try to use require() instead:
var dataWelcome = require("./ももたろう.json");
//output the data to see if it works
Live Demo

Link to reading, editing and saving INI files in node js

I tried searching for an entire day. Either i am blind or there is no specific answer to my question. How do i do it? I'm developing a steam bot in node js and i want to load accounts - username, pass etc.. of couple of accounts from .ini file. After a long time searching i only found how to read from an .ini file using node-ini module.
var ini = require('node-ini');
ini.parse('./config.ini', function(err,data){
console.log( data.Admin.pass ); //working.
data.Admin.pass = '1136'; //not working how to change value in ini.
data.Admin.H = 'test'; //not working as well.
This library (https://github.com/npm/ini) is a good option to do what you are looking to achieve.
Checkout this example from the docs:
var fs = require('fs')
, ini = require('ini')
var config = ini.parse(fs.readFileSync('./config.ini', 'utf-8'))
config.scope = 'local'
config.database.database = 'use_another_database'
config.paths.default.tmpdir = '/tmp'
delete config.paths.default.datadir
config.paths.default.array.push('fourth value')
fs.writeFileSync('./config_modified.ini', ini.stringify(config, { section: 'section' }))

Parse.com Node js failed to load json file

I'm trying to read a json file using node js/ express and deploying it to parseCloud but i keep getting
*Failed to load filters.json with: Could not find file filters.json *
here is my code:
var fs = require('fs');
var obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('cloud/filters.json', 'utf8'));
or this
var filterJson = require('cloud/filters.json');
Looks like parse.com doesn't allow .json files. You can save your file as .js and load it as plain text file (doesn't work with require()).
var fs = require('fs');
var parsedObject = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('cloud/path/json_file.js'));
It looks ugly, but works for me. :)
Try to add ./
fs.readFileSync('./cloud/filters.json', 'utf8')
