Change from Remote to Embedded Signing - docusignapi

I have a remote envelope that's out for signature. I know how to create an embedded envelope, but I'm not sure how I can change a remote envelope to an embedded envelope.
Any help?

Note that Embedding vs. Remote does not apply to the "envelope" per say but rather it applies to your recipients.
For instance, you can have an envelope with 2 recipients where the first has been added as a Remote recipient (and thus will receive an email to initiate the signing) and the second has been added as an Embedded recipient meaning you will handle creating the signing URL and navigating them there, etc.
Therefore, if you added someone as Remote and want to change them to Embedded (or vice-versa) you can do a Correction of that envelope. Take a look at the following REST API call:
Modify or Correct and Resend Recipient Information
Note that to configure the recipient as embedded you will need to set their clientUserId property to a non-null value.
Note: If the system does not let you add the clientUserId property of a recipient then you might have to
Delete the recipient from the envelope
Add them back in with the clientUserId assigned
To delete the recipient from the envelope you can make this call:
Delete Recipient
Then to add them back in with the new info:
Add Recipient


Change embedded signature responsibility

I am embedding the signature request with DocuSign in my application. Is there any way that I can allow customers to change embedded signature responsibility(forward the document to someone else)?
I have already checked the setting to enable recipients to Assign to Someone Else according to this link:
enter image description here
Another question, if it is impossible then is there any way that customers can save all the changes that they have made so far?
Embedded Signing doesn't directly support signers changing signing responsibility. This is because out-of-the-box if a captive signer did so, the recipient they changed it to would not have a way to access the envelope.
The most straightforward way to resolve this would be to change the signer to a Remote signer so that the Signer Reassign function you've linked would work.
If it's necessary for a signer to remain embedded/captive, but still have the ability to reassign, you would need to build out functionality in your application that would (outside of DocuSign)
prompt the recipient for the new signer's info
make an UpdateRecipient call on the envelope to change the name/email/clientUserId as needed
Notify the new recipient that they have an envelope to sign
Grant the new recipient access to the envelope.

Embedded signing error when envelope signing order is set

I am integrating a WebApp with DocuSign and use Embedded Signing to allow users sign the envelopes I am creating (and updating recipients) on the fly out of some predefined templates.
Everything works ok in the simple cases but for the templates with the signing order set (Second recipient should sign the envelope only when the first one has done) I've got {"errorCode":"UNKNOWN_ENVELOPE_RECIPIENT","message":"The recipient you have identified is not a valid recipient of the specified envelope."} error message when creating Recipient View.
Could you advise is there a way to show the envelope for such recipient (second) if now is not her turn to sign? Or this is how Embedded Signing works and you are not able to create Recipient View for the recipient whose recipient order is not the current?
Thank you!
You can only show the embedded view for the current signer or recipient. You can have more than one current person at a time by setting their routing orders to the same number.
Eg, two signers can have routing order of 1.
Either change the template, or you may be able to update the routing order via a composite template when you send the envelope

Document Templates - Roles Set to In person or email signing

I have successfully created a system to use a document template to create a new envelope.
The system has a tabbed UI and iframe that fetches new URLs from the Docusign API every time a tab is changed, and when a URL expires.
My problem is that now, some clients will either be sign in-person or sign via email. After reading the docs, I don't see a way to change from an in-person to an email signer after the envelope has been created. Is that correct?
Is it possible to set whether a role will be in-person or email sign at the time of envelope creation, without affecting the original template?
If that is not possible, Is my best option to create a template with duplicate fields for both in-person and email signing, and only use the appropriate ones based on my case?
If you need to change an in-person signer to a remote signer, or vice-versa, or any other recipient type into another recipient type you have two options:
Perform an Envelope Correction
Remove then Add the Recipient back to the in-process envelope as a different type.
For option #1, using an envelope correction you can edit things like recipients, tabs, and even documents if they have not been signed yet. Make the following API call to request the correction URL of an envelope:
POST /v2/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/views/correct
API Docs:
For option #2, the system does not let you convert a recipient into another recipient type - HOWEVER - you can delete a recipient from an envelope then add them back in as a different type. For instance, delete an in-person signer and then add them back in as a signer.
You can see the needed calls through the EnvelopeRecipients Resource.

How to show docusign ID in the document

I am using embedded sign flow. I am able to show signHereTabs in the document, but I also want to show docusign id of the owner. I am not able to find any option in the api on how to show account owner's docusign id (name, sign & company) in the document. Is there any specific anchor for that ?
In order to get that information on the envelope then the sender (or owner) will need to also be a recipient on the envelope and have those tags added.
Another option would be to add data fields for the signer that are locked and populate it with the senders information.
I think there are a few possible solutions here:
Add the sender as a recipient to the envelope (i.e. a Carbon Copy recipient or a Signer).
Use envelope custom fields to pass the data you need.
For #1 if the sender is already a recipient you can add corresponding name, company, email, and other tags to the envelope. If you don't want them to be a signer of the envelope you can probably get away with adding them as a CC recipient (so that they simply get a copy of the doc) and give them the same routingOrder as the one signer.
Alternatively, for #2 you can use envelope customFields which are traditionally used to pass meta data about the envelope around but you can use to store the sender data instead. See the DocuSign Dev Center and API Guides for more info.

DocuSign: Unable to set the email for a CC role upon creating an envelope from a template using the REST API

I'm trying to dynamically populate a non-signer CC role upon creating an envelope from a template using the REST API. Is this possible? Currently, when I add the "receive a copy" recipient role to a template and then set the email for that roleName in the code and send the document off for signing, it automatically "completes" the document which seems like a bug or it may be that I'm doing something that isn't supported? Can anyone help?
Ergin was correct. Using the API call to add the CC role as the envelope is created from the template works as expected. It did not seem to work initially but, not sure why.
Carbon copy recipients are unique in that that is the only recipient type that does not take any actions on the envelope. They simply receive a copy of the envelope when it's their turn in the routing order, they never see the "tagging" workflow (unless they are added as another signing recipient on the envelope at the same or a different routing order).
When you have a CC recipient and it is their turn in the routing order, nothing happens except that they receive the notification email. If they have the highest routing order out of all recipients (i.e. if they are the last recipient) then the envelope status will already be completed by the time it reaches them and it won't change status and will remain as complete.
Are there other recipients? If there's only a single recipient and they are marked as "receive a copy" or "CarbonCopy", and not marked as a "Signer" type, it will probably see the envelope as complete.
