Websphere Application Login - security

I was trying to register an Application Login Module in Websphere but I don´t find any easy example in web.
There are a lot of IBM documents, but too much complex, and I can´t figure out how to register an Application Login Module.
I already have success with a System Login Module bounded to WEB_INBOUND, it works, but affects all my system. I want a Login Module to serve only my applications web, with JAAS authentication.
I´ve tried to bound a login module to existing WSLogin but it doesn´t seems to be working.
Any help ?

You need to setup security domains to get the separation you are looking for wrt to the login configurations. The security framework uses the WEB_INBOUND login configuration to authenticate the user for all web applications irrespective of adminConsole or user applications. When you create a security domain and customize the WEB_INBOUND configuration at the server/cluster domain level, it will be used for all the user web applications deployed in those processes. You need to setup the multidomain in a cell topology and assign the domain to the server/cluster where you applications are deployed.
Once you setup the domains, the WEB_INBOUND configuration at the server/cluster domain will be used by the user applications hosted in that server/cluster while the WEB_INBOUND configuration at the admin/global domain will be used for the adminConsole application at the Deploymener Management process where it is deployed.
The application JAAS login configurations are meant to be used by the applications directly. One can create an application login configuration and programmatically use it in the application to perform direct login -
LoginContext lc = new LoginContext("myAppLoginCfg1", callBackHandler);

I asked around and this is the answer that comes from the owner of container security:
The WEB_INBOUND is a JAAS system login that is always configured by default. However, you can specify your own JAAS application login or customize the existing WEB_INBOUND system login. If you want only one application to use a different JAAS login from all your other applications, you can use a security domain that has those different security configurations. The only catch is that application server has to be in a separate server from the other apps. That way, you can map your security domain to that server.
Here's an info center article about security domains:
And one on application logins:
And system logins:

And here is a much more practical answer that comes from the security dev lead:
So an additional question is - why would you want to do that? Do you want to do anything specific for just one app during login that you do not want for other app logins? (I would think so) You can get the app name in your custom login module and can use that to provide your own app based login requirement in your login module (or skip it) if needed.
Me: Ya, this is what I would do. You can also implement this based on what is in the request. I did one where it would request a SAML token from an STS and put it on the runas subject if I could tell that the request came from WebSeal (and not if it didn't).
If what you need to do for the 'app-specific' case requires skipping what is done in ltpaLoginModule and wsMapDefaultInboundLoginModule (that should run for the other apps), you can't really do that. However, you can modify their behavior.
Read through the task I've given a link to below. Yes, I understand it is a WS-Security task, but its about using APIs. You'll get what I'm talking about if you read closely, particularly the 3rd ("When a caller...") and 5th ("To use a..") paragraphs. The parts that you should be concerned about in the code is the WSCREDENTIAL* stuff.


Grant access Keycloack roles to specific subdomains with traefik

My goal
overall goal
I want to serve various applications running on docker containers hosted on the same server, each on a subdomain of company.com. And I want only people from my organization (Microsoft AD azure) to access subdomains, in some cases even only people having specific AD groups.
goal specific to Keycloak
I simply want to have specific realm roles have access to specific subdomains, and nothing else. And this, using only a single realm client (see further for explanation).
what I have achieved to do
I have linked several applications on a server and serving each using traefik on a specific subdomain. For example app1.company.com and app2.company.com.
I have also made a middleware so that all routers using it will make sure users must login. I have used a thomseddon/traefik-forward-auth container that I called oauth. I am using Keycloak and I have successfully linked an Azure Active Directory as identity provider. For this, I enabled a single-tenant application and used its client id & key. I also mapped successfully some AD group to a Keycloak role.
Within oauth configuration, I have added the client id & secret from a single keycloak client rather than from the azure application. I believe this is mandatory if we want to use traefik to redirect trafic.
Now, only people from within my organization can access each app. Success!
Some documentations I used
Homelab Single Sign-On & TLS
How to Configure Microsoft Azure Active Directory as Keycloak Identity Provider to Enable Single Sign-On
what I want to do
Each application has its own subdomain. However I cannot figure out where to make it so that some subdomains are accessible only if a user has a specific realm role (linked automatically depending on a AD group thanks to the above-mentioned mapper).
I thought of adding resources within the Keycloak client, but I don't find how to do it using subdomains.
other alternative is to make one client per subdomain, but this means I need to run one oauth container per subdomain... This seems overkill & a waste of resources without counting maintenance.
The only relatively simple solution I found was to create one Keycloak client per type of permission rules (aka Roles in Keycloak) I wanted.
Then for each type, I had to make a traefik-forward-auth container and connect it to each Keycloak client. I am still using the same Identity provider, so once you've configured it to generate roles, you only need to tell which roles may use which client.
To give an example, you want to have 3 types of permission rules: one for admin, one for trusted users, and one for untrusted user. It could look like this:
trustedusers.example.com/app1 and trustedusers.example.com/app2
untrustedusers.example.com/app3 and untrustedusers.example.com/app4
You would then have 3 forwardAuth middlewares within traefik.
It is a little bit more cumbersome, but your applications are still connected to your OIDC provider using a single key, then you manage the details using keycloak and these clients.
Of course there is still the solution to have one client per application as is originally planned. This may be unnecessary, and cumbursome if you have a large number of applications (one additional container per application + additional middleware).

Create a Realm in Websphere Application Server 8.5

I am looking for a simple way to create a "realm" within WAS 8.5. I am specifically looking for something similar to the APACHE realm system in which a user, upon first access to a site, is presented with a javaScript username / password dialog and, if authenticated, is allowed to use the site. In Tomcat, this is accomplished by modifying the tomcat-users.xml file, adding a username, passowrd and role. Any suggestions are appreciated.
In WebSphere it is already built in, you just need to configure repository from where you want to take users e.g internal file based, or LDAP.
Than you need to enable Application security via Global Security.
Check this page for more details Enabling security
I followed these steps to implement basic authentication. http://itcareergrowth.com/blog/2018/02/25/configuring-basic-authentication-in-web-sphere-application-server/#.WpQiSOdMGUk

Is it possible to supply custom authentication mechanism to javaee security from within the webapp?

I would like to use javaee security, but I need to authenticate users against an external proprietary authentication mechanism, which is different from LDAP and any other standard mechanisms coming with Wildfly. In particular, I would prefer if the authentication is taken care of by the application, not by the container. I only have come across PolicyConfiguration. But I think that it implies buiding an extension to be plugged into the underlying application server.
What I would like is to let application server obtain credentials in a standard javaee way, then execute a callback into the application in order to authorize them, and then establish current user together with his roles, so that I may use declarative security using annotations.
Is this possible in standard way? Or the only solution is to build an extension module for the application server?
An not so elegant solution would be to perform the login using HttpServlet.login. You still need to configure a realm that would acknowledge the username and password you provide in the method call.
Another, more complex, solution would be to create an JASPIC authentication provider. In short, you are in charge of the whole authentication process. Here is a collection of resources to get you started: Zeef

Is it a good practice to separate the authentication server from the resource server?

As with many applications, my service's authentication logic lives in the application code. Now however, I need to expand my authentication to incorporate 3rd party identity providers for single sign on.
I want to retain the old authentication behavior (database lookup) but also want to add support for 3rd party identity providers.
With this increase in complexity, does it make sense to separate the authentication logic to its own service? In this model the application server will redirect unauthenticated users to the authentication server. After authentication is successful, the authentication server will redirect back to the application server.
Is this approach sound?
If you have available servers and infrastructure budget, let your web application perform the authentication, using a community maintained library.
Generally its no recommended to build one by yourself.
Store your users in a database table.
Authentication using other sites problems:
Your visitor may not want to have an account with 3rd party site.
It results in giving too much information to the 3rd party site (who share much of it with other sites which use their authentication mechanism).
It is generally a good idea to separate your authentication logic and have a different service perform that task. This is also true for other 'cross cutting' concerns such as authorization and SSL offloading. It gives you a simpler development environment and in general an app that is easier to reason about (for example, you don't have to worry about authentication while in development mode and you can develop the services independently which goes a long way in terms of productivity and velocity).
In order to compose the authentication service with your application, it is better to have a third component that orchestrates and routes the calls accordingly (as opposed to having autentication related code in your application).

Authentication in a SharePoint environment

We are developing a Intranet portal that uses integrated authentication, but a few sections of the site will be exposed to users who are not in the domain. For those users we plan to use anonymous access. However, our display logic for the entire application is based on the user logged into the portal, so we are not fully comfortable with this approach. The URL has to be same for both types of users and transitioning between both the environments has to be seamless.
We tried using user controls in pages to authenticate but things didnt pan out. When the page is reached the standard windows authentication grey box pops up.
Is there any way to intercept the request at the IIS level like an HTTP application?
If applicable we would disable anonymous access and for unauthenticated users we will impersonate with a least privileged domain account and redirect to the home page.
SharePoint isn't really designed for the scenario you describe of mixing types of authentication. It dedicates a web application to one type of authentication. You can then 'extend' that web application to use another type of authentication on another address. For example, your intranet portal would use Windows authentication. It could then be extended to use anonymous authentication on another port or domain name.
One option for what you describe is to configure two separate web applications. One is for users that need to authenticate. The other is for anonymous access. Configure the content in the appropriate locations and link between the two as necessary. Users within your domain should not receive a login prompt when connecting to the authenticated site if you use this approach. Users outside your domain will receive a login box and won't be able to access.
Consider using forms authentication for users outside your domain if they need to access your intranet. (Once again the 'forms authenticated' part of your site would be extended to a unique domain name or port.) This would mean they will be prompted to enter their credentials in a form on the page when first connecting.
Read more about authentication on the Authentication Resource Center.
A couple of final points... If you can use SharePoint's default authentication mechanisms rather than writing your own controls, use them as they are well tested and secure. Also, don't be tempted to change SharePoint's IIS settings unless you are certain there is no other way to do what you need. SharePoint regularly updates these itself and may overwrite your changes (or give you grief in other ways).
