I try to use Spark MLlib Logistic Regression (LR) and/or Random Forests (RF) classifiers to create model to descriminate between two classes reprsented by sets which cardinality differes quite a lot.
One set has 150 000 000 negative and and another just 50 000 positive instances.
After training both LR and RF classifiers with default parameters I get very similar results for both classifiers with, for example, for the following test set:
Test instances: 26842
Test positives = 433.0
Test negatives = 26409.0
Classifier detects:
truePositives = 0.0
trueNegatives = 26409.0
falsePositives = 433.0
falseNegatives = 0.0
Precision = 0.9838685641904478
Recall = 0.9838685641904478
It looks like classifier can not detect any positive instance at all.
Also, no matter how data was split into train and test sets, classifier provides exactly the same number of false positives equal to a number of positives that test set really has.
LR classifier default threshold is set to 0.5 Setting threshold to 0.8 does not make any difference.
val model = new LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS().run(training)
1) Please advise how to manipulate classifier threshold to make classifier more sensetive to a class with a tiny fraction of positive instances vs a class with huge amount of negative instances?
2) Any other MLlib classifiers to solve this problem?
3) What itercept parameter does to the Logistic Regression algorithm?
val model = new LogisticRegressionWithSGD().setIntercept(true).run(training)
Well, I think what you have here is a very unbalance data set problem:
150 000 000 Class1
50 000 Class2. 3000 times smaller.
So if you train a classifier that assumes all are Class1 you are going to have:
0.999666 accuracy. So the best classifier will always be ALL are Class1. This is what your model is learning here.
There are different ways to assess these cases, in general you can do, downsampling the larger Class, or up-sampling the smaller class, or there are some other things you can do with randomforests for example when you sample do it in a balanced way (stratified), or add weights:
Other methods also exist like SMOTE,etc (also doing samples) for more details you can read here:
The threshold you can change for your logistic regression is going to be the probability one, you can try playing with "probabilityCol" in the parameters of the logistic regression example here:
But a problem now with MLlib is that not all classifiers are returning a probability, I asked them about this and it is in their roadmap.
I have this dataset in which the positive class consists of component failures for a specific component of the APS system.
I am doing Predictive Maintenance using Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio.
As you can see from the pictures below, I am using 4 algorithm: Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Decision Tree and SVM. And you can see that the Output dataset in the score model node consists of 16k rows. However, when I see the output of the Evaluate Model, in the confusion matrix there are only 160 observations for the Logistic Regression, and the correct number, 16k for Random Forest. I have the same problem, only 160 observations in the models of Decision Tree and SVM. And the same problem is repeated in other experiments for example after feature selection, normalization etc.: some evaluate model does not use all the rows of the test dataset, and some other node does it.
How can I fix this problem? Because I am interested in the real number of false positive and false negatives.
The output metrics shown are based on the validation set (e.g. “validation metric”, “val-accuracy”).All the metrics computed and displayed are on validation set and not on the original training set. All those metrics are calculated only over the validation set without considering the training set, otherwise we would inflate the performances of the model by considering data already used to train the model.
I have a multi class classification (38 classes) problem and implemented a pipeline in Spark ML in order to solve it. This is how I generated my model.
val nb = new NaiveBayes()
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
.setStages(Array(stages, assembler, nb))
val model = pipeline.fit(trainingSet)
I want my model to be able to predict a class only if it's confidence (probability) is greater than 0.8%.
I searched a lot in Spark documentation to understand better what the threshold parameter means, but the only relevant piece of information i've found is this one:
Thresholds in multi-class classification to adjust the probability of
predicting each class. Array must have length equal to the number of
classes, with values > 0 excepting that at most one value may be 0.
The class with largest value p/t is predicted, where p is the original
probability of that class and t is the class's threshold.
This is why my thresholds are 1.25.
The problem is that no matter the value I'm inserting for the thresholds, it seams it doesn't affect my predictions at all.
Do you know if there is a possibility to predict only classes that have the confidence (probability) greater than a specific threshold?
Another way would be to select only the predictions that have the probability greater than that threshold, but I expect this can be achieved using the framework.
Can anyone explain how to interpret coefficientMatrix, interceptVector , Confusion matrix
of a multinomial logistic regression.
According to Spark documentation:
Multiclass classification is supported via multinomial logistic (softmax) regression. In multinomial logistic regression, the algorithm produces K sets of coefficients, or a matrix of dimension K×J where K is the number of outcome classes and J is the number of features. If the algorithm is fit with an intercept term then a length K vector of intercepts is available.
I turned an example using spark ml 2.3.0 and I got this result.
If I analyse what I get :
The coefficientMatrix has dimension of 5 * 11
The interceptVector has dimension of 5
If so,why the Confusion matrix has a dimension of 4 * 4 ?
Also, can anyone give an interpretation of coefficientMatrix, interceptVector ?
Why I get negative coefficients ?
If 5 is the number of classes after classification, why I get 4 rows in the confusion matrix ?
I forgot to mention that I am still beginner in machine learning and that my search in google didn't help, so maybe I get an Up Vote :)
Regarding the 4x4 confusion matrix: I imagine that when you split your data into test and train, there were 5 classes present in your training set and only 4 classes present in your test set. This can easily happen if the distribution of your response variable is imbalanced.
You'll want to try to perform some stratified split between test and train prior to modeling. If you are working with pyspark, you may find this library helpful: https://github.com/databricks/spark-sklearn
Now regarding negative coefficients for a multi-class Logistic Regression: As you mentioned, your returned coefficientMatrix shape is 5x11.
Spark generated five models via one-vs-all approach. The 1st model corresponds to the model where the positive class is the 1st label and the negative class is composed of all other labels. Lets say the 1st coefficient for this model is -2.23. In order to interpret this coefficient we take the exponential of -2.23 which is (approx) 0.10. Interpretation here: 'With one unit increase of 1st feature we expect a reduced odds of the positive label by 90%'
I am trying to run Spark MLlib packages in pyspark with a test machine learning data set. I am splitting the data sets into half training data set and half test data set. Below is my code that builds the model. However, it shows weight of NaN, NaN.. across all dependent variables. Couldn't figure out why. But it works when I try to standardize the data with the StandardScaler function.
model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(train_data, step = 0.01)
# evaluate model on test data set
valuesAndPreds = test_data.map(lambda p: (p.label, model.predict(p.features)))
Thank you very much for the help.
Below is the code that I used to do the scaling.
scaler = StandardScaler(withMean = True, withStd = True).fit(data.map(lambda x:x.features))
feature = [scaler.transform(x) for x in data.map(lambda x:x.features).collect()]
label = data.map(lambda x:x.label).collect()
scaledData = [LabeledPoint(l, f) for l,f in zip(label, feature)]
Try scaling the features
StandardScaler standardizes features by scaling to unit variance and/or removing the mean using column summary statistics on the samples in the training set. This is a very common pre-processing step.
Standardization can improve the convergence rate during the optimization process, and also prevents against features with very large variances exerting an overly large influence during model training. Since you have some variables that are large numbers (eg: revenue) and some variables that are smaller (eg: number of clients), this should solve your problem.
Would appreciate your input on this. I am constructing a regression model with the help of genetic programming.
If my RMSE on test data is (much) lower than my RMSE on training data for a 1:5 ratio of data, should I be worried?
The test data is drawn randomly without replacement from a set of 24 data points. The model was built using genetic programming technique so the number of features, modeling framework etc vary as I minimize the training RMSE regularized by the number of nodes in the GP tree.
Is the model underfitted? Or should I have minimized MSE instead of RMSE (I thought it would be the same as MSE is positive and the minimum of MSE would coincide with the minimum of RMSE assuming the optimizer is good enough to find the minimum)?
So your model is trained on 20 out of 24 data points and tested on the 4 remaining data points?
To me it sounds like you need (much) more data, so you can have a larger train and test sets. I'm not surprised by the low performance on your test set as it seems that your model wasn't able to learn from such few data. As a rule of thumb, for machine learning you can never have enough data. Is it a possibility to gather a larger dataset?