Azure Resource Manager: move VM to availability group - azure

Can't seem to figure out how to change the availability set of an existing Azure VM in the Resource Manager stack. There's no interface for it. Set-AzureAvailabilitySet does not exist in the Azure Powershell tools when in ResourceManager mode. It does exist in service stack mode. But that doesn't help me.

AFAIK, this feature may be addressed by the end of this year. It's a big challenge for the MS team to allow such operation. Changing the availability Set requires a review of the VM mobility architecture on Azure. Fore example, adding a VM in an Availability Set already containing a VM means putting it to different default domain. Becasue VM mobilty is a matter on Azure (No Live Migration), it's not an easy operation.
I have written a Powershell script which let you change the AS of an ARM VM by recreating it.
Give it a try and enjoy:
How to use it ?
1- Download the script and save it to local location
2- Run it and provide the requested parameters
2- ./Set-ArmVmAvailabilitySet.ps1 –VmName ‘The VM Name’ –ResourceGroup
‘Resource Group’ –AvailabilitySetName ‘As Name’ –SubscriptionName
‘The Subscription name’
To remove a VM from an AvailabilitySet:
./Set-ArmVmAvailabilitySet.ps1 –VmName ‘The VM Name’ –ResourceGroup
‘Resource Group’ –AvailabilitySetName 0 –SubscriptionName ‘The
Subscription name’
Download Link
Version 1.01 :

That feature isn't implemented yet in the ARM stack, that's why you're not seeing the cmdlet...


Nutanix VM migration to Azure - VM creation timed out

In the process of Nuntanix Virtual Machine migration to Azure, I had copied ral-rdmbuild-02 copy.ova file into a windows machine and extracted to get .vmdk and .mf. From the extracted file the .vhd file was created, later it was resized on a ubuntu to meet 1MB requirement.
Subsequently, the .vhd was copied to azure and attempted to create a vm to face the following error. Could someone can help me to overcome this issue.
{"code":"DeploymentFailed","message":"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.","details":[{"code":"OSProvisioningTimedOut","message":"OS Provisioning for VM '' did not finish in the allotted time. The VM may still finish provisioning successfully. Please check provisioning state later. Also, make sure the image has been properly prepared (generalized).\r\n * Instructions for Windows: \r\n * Instructions for Linux: \r\n * If you are deploying more than 20 Virtual Machines concurrently, consider moving your custom image to shared image gallery. Please refer to for the same."}]}
• Please check whether the Nutanix VM hard disk is configured as a dynamic disk or not because dynamic disks don’t work with Azure, and they can’t be migrated. Also, the image of the Nutanix VM may not be prepared correctly, thus would suggest you recreate the image of the Nutanix VM and try migrating it to Azure once again.
• To convert the dynamic disk to fixed type of virtual disk, kindly refer to the below documentation link that guides to use the appropriate command for converting the same: -
Convert-VHD -Path c:\test\child1vhdx.vhdx -DestinationPath c:\test\child1vhd.vhd -VHDType Fixed
• Also, based on the error message that you are encountering, the OS deployment might have also failed from the Portal side as it was unable to pass on some of the required parameters which is why you got ‘TimeOut’ message. The VM also didn’t finish the deployment correctly. I would recommend trying stop(deallocate) and start the VM and see if that resolves the issue.
I would recommend you delete the VM and its related resources if created and take a snapshot of the OS disk, create a disk from the snapshot and then create the machine from that disk. Please refer to the link below for creating a VM from a ‘VHD’ by using the Azure portal: -
• Finally, to generalize the VM and execute ‘sysprep’ on a VM to take its correct reference image such that it can be successfully migrated to another environment, please refer to the below link that explains the correct steps to perform for generalizing the VM: -

Azure - Enable Backup on VM with Windows Server 2019 Core server, D4s_v3 sku, is failing with code BMSUserErrorContainerObjectNotFound

Azure VM Details :
OS : Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Core
Size: Standard D4s v3 (4 vcpus, 16 GiB memory)
Location: Australia East
VM generation: V1
Agent status: Ready
Agent version: 2.7.41491.1010
Azure disk encryption: Not Enabled
Extensions already installed :
Have an existing recovery services vault with 10s of other VMs getting backed up.
Trying to enable the backup from Azure Portal for this VM ( From the VM Blade > Operations > Backup ) but it's failing with the following error code:
I have tried it multiple times.
Provisioning state: Failed
Duration: 1 minute 3 seconds
Status: Conflict
"code": "DeploymentFailed",
"message": "At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.",
"details": [
"code": "BMSUserErrorContainerObjectNotFound",
"message": "Item not found"
All the information on troubleshooting backup relates issues # talk about After the "Enable Backup" step.
I have also tried to enable the backup using azure cli:
az backup protection enable-for-vm --vm "/subscriptions/xxx/resourceGroups/yyy/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm_name" -v vaultname -g vault_resourcegroup -p backuppolicy_name
It throws the following error:
The specified Azure Virtual Machine Not Found. Possible causes are
1. VM does not exist
2. The VM name or the Service name needs to be case sensitive
3. VM is already Protected with same or other Vault.
Please Unprotect VM first and then try to protect it again.
Please contact Microsoft for further assistance.
None of the Point 1,2 or 3 are true.
VM exists, the name is used as shown in the portal, no other VM protection service is in use.
Note: I have faced this issue a few days back on another subscription, but luckily no one was yet using that VM, so I destroyed and re-deployed the VM, and the error went away.
I can't do the same for this VM as it's already in use.
Any help/guidance will be appreciated.
Seems like a portal error or the VM is not able to communicate with Azure Platform. I would suggest you try the "Reapply" feature to update the platform status.
[Snippet of Reapply in Azure Porta][1]
Else, you can try initiating a backup from the "Recovery Services vaults" blade and add the VM to it.
The solution was to contact Microsoft support. Their engineer after some analysis ( aka to and fro, screenshots exchange over email..etc) replied with:
I check from the backend and notice that the VM status is not in synchronize state. I’ve requested the VM engineer xxxxx resync the VM from the backend. Please try to reenable the VM backup again in the Azure portal recovery service Vault page. If you encounter the same issue, please try to configure the VM backup in the Azure Virtual Machine Panel page and let me know the results. Thanks!
After this when I attempted to enable the backup it worked.
So for anyone who faces this problem, it looks like the only option is to get in touch with MS Support.

Using Packer to Spin a VM and extract the image in an availability set

We have our corporate requirement ( due to pricing and whitelisting) to have Availability sets in our Azure subscription and resources like Compute should be spun inside that particular availability set. Since Packer while creating the Image spins up a temporary VM inside a temporary resource Group , I am confused (since did not find any documentation around it) if we can configure packer to spin the temporary VM inside the whitelisted availability set.
One possible way I can think of is to spin up the VM in the Resource Group which we created for the Availability Set (Since everything in Azure needs to be inside the Resource Group) that way I am guessing it will be tracked as part of billing but I am still not sure if the intermittent VM will be part of availability set.
Please help and suggest if there is an alternate way to the same .

Azure manage compute API is failing with InvalidAPIVersion error

I am trying to use Azure resource manager and Azure Compute Management APIs to get list of virtual machines in a resource group and all of virtual machine properties. It's failing with InvalidAPIVersion error even though I have updated to latest version. As per the error it expects older version no but i don't see any old library with such a version. Can someone please suggest what am I missing?
VirtualMachineGetResponse vm = m_computeClient.VirtualMachines.Get("/subscriptions/1f94c869-####-####-####-055e8ae15be3/resourceGroups/TestGroup", "TestMachine");
m_computeClint is an object of ComputeManagementClient class in name space Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute
Is this because resource provider is Microsoft.ClassicCompute?
Error message:
InvalidApiVersionParameter: The api-version '2015-05-01-preview' is invalid. The supported versions are '2015-01-01,2014-04-01-preview,2014-04-01,2014-01-01,2013-03-01,2014-02-26,2014-04'.
If you're using the resource group management api, you're definitely going to get an invalidapiversionparameter using ClassicCompute. The resource management compute provider is "Microsoft.Compute"; ClassicCompute exists only to view VMs that were already created using the service management API.
Right now, you should keep the two APIs and resources separate. Did you create the VM using the preview portal ( or using PowerShell? If the former, it has almost (but not quite) converted over to using the resource management api. Try following these steps:
Hope that helps.

azure vm location default using command line?

I'm trying to use the azure command line to start a vm:
azure vm start myvmnamehere
But it's telling me:
No deployments were found
I'm guessing that I need to specify the location "West US"?
azure vm start is going to start a virtual machine that you've already created, within a specific region. To do that, you'd first need to call azure vm create. You would first create your vm from an image in the gallery (and within a dns name, To see the images available to you, try running azure vm image list.
Also: don't forget to add --ssh or --rdp so you can have remote access, when calling azure vm create.
Jeff Wilcox blogged about this in more detail, here.
