Mac OS X Terminal - "cd.." does not work in terminal [closed] - linux

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Currently, the "cd.." command no longer seems to be operating on my Mac.
See error below:
ShanMacBook-Pro:Documents ShanMacbookPro$ cd..
-bash: cd..: command not found
Not sure if it is a path issue:
Shan-MacBook-Pro:Documents ShanMacbookPro$ echo $PATH
My machine:
Macbook Pro Late 2014
Yosemite 10.10.4
NodeJS installed
MeteorJS installed
Git installed

Use cd ..
You need a space between the cd and the ..
Let me know if that helps!


How to start nethack on solaris 11.3? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I downloaded this package from the package manager:,5.11-
I am not sure what you mean by "downloaded" but everything you need to do is pkg install nethack (as root role) and then run it as any user. According to manifest binary should be in /usr/bin/nethack, so typing:
in your terminal window should do. It is very likely /usr/bin is in your PATH so you can just type
and game should start.

"ar" command not found in Debian [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 1 year ago and left it closed:
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root#joker:/usr/libaio# ar -x libaio1*.deb
bash: ar: command not found
I was trying to extract a .deb package by using 'ar' command in my newly installed Debian.
I tried to find how I can install this utility. But not able to find it.
Can anyone help me with this.
ar is provided by binutils
make sure you have it installed
Can you try with dpkg
dpkg -x libaio1*.deb /tmp/out

Standard contents of /etc/environment file in linux [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm running Linux Mint 14 and accidentally replaced the contents of /etc/environment file. It was originally something like:
but with some extra stuff. At the moment, most commands don't work in the terminal. If I do "ls", I get "command not found". Does anyone know the standard contents of this file is?
On ubuntu 12.04 it is:

Unwanted message when opening the shell [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I just uninstalled a program (ros) from my computer (ubuntu) using the ubuntu software center.
However, since this moment, whenever I open a shell, I get the following message:
bash: /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash: No such file or directory
Did I do anything wrong?
Have a look at ~/.bash_profile

ldconfig - LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not a known library type [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Since a couple of days ago I'm getting this error below whenever I install any package with shared libraries:
"/sbin/ldconfig: $LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not a known library type"
Why I'm getting this error ?
How can I solve it ?
Sounds like something got messed up with ldconfig, try
sudo /sbin/ldconfig -v
Most likely the format in one of the files in /etc/ is messed up. These files just contain paths or comments (lines starting with #) -- anything else will lead to problems similar to the one you are experiencing.
