How to modify the "Filtrar: " Label that can be seen in datatables list? - gvnix

How to modify the "Filtrar: " Label that can be seen in datatables list.
It seems that there are no label properties for this. I try to look in and but is not there.

The datatables configuration and i18n strings are located into src/main/resources/datatables*.properties files.
Good luck!. Chema.


How to customize blog portlet in liferay

I am new to liferay and using liferay-ce-portal-7.0-ga3 i have placed a blog and able to write contents in it. i want to change the blog portlet design by adding thumbnail preview to it . My current view is it has either title,abstract and full content view. How could i customize to get blog view
You can customize Liferay's appearance through Application Display Templates (ADT). Unfortunately there's no sample for the OOTB appearances, but when you go to your site's (or the global site's) Configuration area, you can find/edit/create ADTs there. Depending on the markup and CSS, as well as your typical image size etc., the actual ADT you write would be different, thus impossible to include anything here.
The editor however, has some autocomplete and some predefined entries/fields, that should give you a starting point. E.g. when you just open a blank editor and hit the "Blog Entries" field, you'll end up with
<#-- Application display templates can be used to modify
the look of a specific application. Please use the
left panel to quickly add commonly used variables.
Autocomplete is also available and can be invoked
by typing "${". -->
<#if entries?has_content>
<#list entries as curBlogEntry>
You'll find what you can do with BlogsEntry in it's javadoc, make sure to follow the BlogsEntryModel superclass link as well to see more.
I'll have to leave the exercise to generate proper markup and styling to you though.

How to wrap af:inputFile text name?

I am using JDeveloper,
I have an inputFile component in my page that takes its text value from the name of some components. The problem is that that when the text is long it gets displayed all there and may even occupy the whole window. Is there any possibility to wrap this text value in this case?
I don't think <af:inputFile> has a labelStyle attribute:
You can try adding the CSS in the component's inlineStyle or contentStyle
<af:inputFile inlineStyle="word-wrap:break-word;" />
It depends if the very long text is in the content or the label of the field.
If this doesn't do the trick, you can try creating a custom skin and customizing the label or content style via the adf style selectors: af|inputFile::content , af|inputFile::label.
Btw, you need to check if word-wrap works on all browsers you're targeting.
You can try setting the labelStyle attribute of the <af:inputFile> component to wrap the contents of the label. I am not sure of the CSS style attribtue information for it, but searching on the net I found word-wrap:break-word;.
I too had this problem with af:inputFile.
Just give contentStyle="width:200px" it will solve the issue.
we can adjust the width accordingly.

How can I specifiy an alternate layout for NotFound.cshml and ErrorPage.cshtml in Orchard CMS

I know you can use layout filters for normal pages with urls, but upon errors the view changes while keeping the url the same, so I can't utilize a new layout based on the path. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Off the top of my head:
If you look in Core > Shapes > Views, you will see two files - one called ErrorPage.cshtml and one called NotFound.cshtml. Simply copy these files and paste them into your theme's view folder.
I have not tested this method with these particular pages, but I did do something similar with the LogOn widget.
Something to bear in mind is that the contents of these files will be rendered in the Content zone of your current theme.

Inner tags not parsing with Expression Engine 2 custom plugin

I've written a simple plugin that basically loops through a bunch of entries. The plugin is used to only display entries that contain a feature image, amongst some other minor logical conditions. The use of my tag looks something like this:
{exp:myentries:withimages channel="mychannel"}
<!-- This works fine -->
<!-- But nested exp:... tags don't seem to parse? -->
<p>{exp:ce_img:single src="feature_image"}</p>
I am calling
return $this->EE->TMPL->parse_variables($this->EE->TMPL->tagdata, $data);
from my custom EE plugin, the data is there, but only the nested {exp:... tags don't want to parse.
I've followed the online User Guide for creating plugins as close as I possibly could, but I need some help getting the other tags to parse? If I simply output {feature_image}, the field renders the src value for the image as expected.
Can anyone possibly shed some light on what I'm doing wrong?
You want to put parse="inward" parameter in your {exp:myentries:withimages tag, otherwise the template will try to parse the exp:ce_img call before {feature_image} is set.
{exp:myentries:withimages parse="inward" channel="mychannel"}
The parse="inward" will tell EE to run this tag first before parsing any other tags within the tag pair.
There are two important typos in your code.
{exp:ce_img:singe src="feature_image"}
Should read:
{exp:ce_img:single src="{feature_image}"}
If those differences are actually present in your template, then that would be it I believe.

silverstripe - adding styles to 'styles' drop down menu on editor

from the question above, I thought it would be relatively easy but i can not find any documentation on on how to add styles to the 'styles' drop down menu. can anyone push me in the right direction?
The styles dropdown is automatically populated based on classes found in your theme's typography.css file. To add classes, just ensure that they are defined there. Alternatively, if you want to give the classes friendlier names or to remove some classes from the list, you can explicitly define the styles that you want listed by putting this in your _config.php file.
'Name 1=class1;Name 2=class2');
It's a feature provided by TinyMCE, the WYSIWYG editor component, and this line is just setting the theme_advanced_styles setting of TinyMCE when used by the CMS. This thread on the TinyMCE site also discusses it.
Also note Markus' answer below: editor.css needs to be in the theme css folder and include the typography.css.
The answer of #Sam Minnée only works, if the editor.css is also in the theme css folder and includes the typography.css.
Here is a more detailed description of how these two play together.
If you have troubles getting the new styles appear in the editor, try the following:
Check the file permissions on your mythemes/css/editor.css file. It should be readable by the webserver user.
