In Linux, how can I print output for a text file once it's created? - linux

I have a file called /home/myuser/tmp* that is briefly created, logs an output message and is then deleted. I need to see that output, but it's only there for a second at most (I'm working with an annoying open source program). Is there some command like "tail -f /home/myuser/tmp*" that can show me the contents of that file as soon as it's created?

Try opening another terminal and write a loop that attempts to copy the file.
Start it right before the operation that causes the file to be created. Once the creation script is done, CTRL-C to kill the loop in the other session and see if it created the saved file. You may have to try it a couple of times but it should capture that file at some point!
while :
cp /home/myuser/tmpfile /home/myuser/tmpfile.sav 2>/dev/null
Maybe the process that creates the file just appends to it if it already exists. If so, and if you know what the name of it will be, create an empty file by that name and do the tail -f of it in another terminal session, then run the program in the first terminal. Not in a loop, just a tail -f tmpfile.

If there is no other activity in /home/myuser, you could simply do:
inotifywait -e close /home/myuser && cat '/home/myuser/tmp*'
(Is the file name really tmp*, or are you asking about arbitrarily named files that begin with tmp? If the latter, this solution clearly will not work.
Inotifywait will simply block until some file in /home/myuser is closed, and then cat the file. If you want to watch for multiple files, you might prefer something like:
inotifywait -m -e close_write --format %f ~myuser |
while read file; do cat ~myuser/$file; done
But note the standard warnings and caveats about paths containing whitespace.


why doesn't it execute text file?

touch network_detials.txt
while true; do
ifconfig -a | cat >> network_detials.txt
Not executing properly or creating .txt file from TOUCH creation
Piping through cat usually doesn't change or help anything.
touching the file may seem nice, but it is also superfulous since >> will create the file if needed.
Nothing about your problem indicates a problem with execution.
Please indent within the while loop.

How to take control on files in Linux before processing starts - bash

I am currently working on project to automate a manual task in my office. We have a process that we have to re-trigger some of our ID's when they fall in repair. As part of the process, we have to extract those ID's from a oracle DB table and then put in a file on our Linux server and run the command like this-
Example file:
$cat /task/abc_YYYYMMDD_1.txt
...and so on
cat abc_YYYYMMDD_1.txt | scripttoprocess -args
I am using an existing java based code called 'scripttoprocess'. I can't see what's inside this code as it is encrypted( it seems) in my script. I simply go to the location where my files are present present and then use it like this:
cd /export/incoming/task
for i in `ls abc_YYYYMMDD*.txt`;do
cat $i | scripttoprocess -args
if [ $? -eq 0];then
mv $i /export/incoming/HIST/
scripttoprocess is and existing script. I am just calling it in my own script. My script is running continuously in a loop in the background. It simply searches for abc_YYYYMMDD_1.txt file in /task directory and if it detects such a file then it starts processing the file. But I have noticed that my script starts processing the file well before it is fully written and sometime moves the file to HIST without fully processing it.
How can handle this situation. I want to be fully sure that file is completely written before I start processing it. Secondly, Is there any way to take control of the file like preparing a control file which contains list of the files which are present in the /task directory. And then I can cat this control file and pick up file names from inside of it ? Your guidance will be much appreciated.
I used
iwatch -e close_write -c "/usr/bin/pdflatex -interaction batchmode %f" document.tex
To run a command (Latex to PDF conversion) when a file (document.tex) is closed after writing to it, which you could do as well.
However, there is a caveat: This was only meant to catch manual edits to the file and failure was not critical. Therefore, this ignores the case that immediately after closing, it is opened and written again. Ask yourself if that is good enough for you.
I agree with #TenG, normally you shouldn't move a file until it is fully written. If you know for sure that the file is finished (like a file from yesterday) then you can move it safely, otherwise you can process it, but not move it. You can for example process a part of it and remember the number of processed rows so that you don't restart from scratch next time.
If you really really want to work with files that are "in progress", sometimes tail -F works for this case, but then your bash script is an ongoing process as well, not a job, and you have to manage it.
You can also check if a file is currently open (and thus unfinished) using lsof (see ; check if file is open with lsof ).
Change the process, that extracts the ID's from the oracle DB table.
You can use the mv as commented by #TenG, or put something special in the file that shows the work is done:
source file_that_runs_sqlcommands_with_credentials
output=$(your_sql_function "select * from repairjobs")
# Something more for removing them from the table and check the number of deleted records
printf "%s\nFinished\n" "${output}" >> /task/abc_YYYYMMDD_1.txt
source file_that_runs_sqlcommands_with_credentials
output=$(your_sql_function "select * from repairjobs union select 'EOF' from dual")
# Something more for removing them from the table and check the number of deleted records
printf "%s\n" "${output}" >> /task/abc_YYYYMMDD_1.txt

Stream specific numbered Bash file descriptor into variable

I am trying to stream a specific numbered file descriptor into a variable in Bash. I can do this from normal standard in using the following function, but, how do it do it from a specific file descriptor. I need to direct the FD into the sub-shell if I use the same approach. I could always do it reading line by line, but, if I can do it in a continuous stream then that would be massively preferable.
The function I have is:
streamStdInTo ()
local STORE_INvar="${1}" ; shift
printf -v "${STORE_INvar}" '%s' "$( cat - )"
Yes, I know that this wouldn't work normally as the end of a pipeline would be lost (due to its execution in a sub-shell), however, either in the context of the Bash 4 set +m ; shopt -s lastpipe method of executing the end of a pipeline in the same shell as the start, or, by directing into this via a different file descriptor I am hoping to be able to use it.
So, my question is, How do I use the above but with different file descriptors than the normal?
It's not entirely clear what you mean, but perhaps you are looking for something like:
cat - <&4 # read from fd 4
Or, just call your current function with the redirect:
streamStdInTo foo <&4
Addressing some questions from the comment, you can use a fifo:
trap 'rm -f $f' 0
f=$(mktemp xxx)
rm $f
mkfifo $f
echo foo > $f &
exec 4< $f
cat - <&4
I think there's a lot of confusion about what exactly you're trying to do. If I understand correctly the end goal here is to run a pipeline and capture the output in a variable, right? Kind of like this:
var=$(cmd1 | cmd2)
Except I guess the idea here is that the name of "$var" is stored in another variable:
You can do an end-run around Bash's usual job control situation by using process substitution. So instead of this normal pipeline (which would work in ksh or zsh, but not in bash unless you set lastpipe):
cmd1 | cmd2 | read "$varname"
You would use this command, which is equivalent apart from how the shell handles the job:
read "$varname" < <(cmd1 | cmd2)
With process substitution, "read $varname" isn't run in a pipeline, so Bash doesn't fork to run it. (You could use your streamStdInTo() function there as well, of course)
As I understand it, you wanted to solve this problem by using numeric file descriptors:
cmd1 | cmd2 >&$fd1 &
read "$varname" <&$fd2
To create those file descriptors that connect the pipeline background job to the "read" command, what you need is called a pipe, or a fifo. These can be created without touching the file system (the shell does it all the time!) but the shell doesn't directly expose this functionality, which is why we need to resort to mkfifo to create a named pipe. A named pipe is a special file that exists on the filesystem, but the data you write to it doesn't go to the disk. It's a data queue stored in memory (a pipe). It doesn't need to stay on the filesystem after you've opened it, either, it can be deleted almost immediately:
pipedir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/pipe_maker_XXXX)
mkfifo ${pipedir}/pipe
exec {temp_fd}<>${pipedir}/pipe # Open both ends of the pipe
exec {fd1}>${pipedir}/pipe
exec {fd2}<${pipedir}/pipe
exec {temp_fd}<&- # Close the read/write FD
rm -rf ${pipedir} # Don't need the named FIFO any more
One of the difficulties in working with named pipes in the shell is that attempting to open them just for reading, or just for writing causes the call to block until something opens the other end of the pipe. You can get around that by opening one end in a background job before trying to open the other end, or by opening both ends at once as I did above.
The "{fd}<..." syntax dynamically assigns an unused file descriptor number to the variable $fd and opens the file on that file descriptor. It's been around in ksh for ages (since 1993?), but in Bash I think it only goes back to 4.1 (from 2010).

Continuously writing output from Linux command to file

I want to write data obtained through a command (Linux) to a file. But, I don't want the file to get overwritten (which seems to happen with Perl scripts I've written thus far). I want the file to update every time my Perl script is executed (which I'm going to set up through crontab). The following script is what I have thus far (and it doesn't do what I'd like):
open FH, ">sysdata.csv";
print FH `ps -e | wc -l`;
print FH "\n";
close FH;
**This script overwrites the file sysdata.csv every time it gets executed. So I need help on how to make this file just get updated.
Thanks in advance.
Using >> instead of > will do an append to file rather than an overwrite

How to make nohup.out update with perl script?

I have a perl script that copies a large amount of files. It prints some text to standard out and also writes a logfile. However, when running with nohup, both of these display a blank file:
tail -f nohup.out
tail -f logfile.log
The files don't update until the script is done running. Moreover, for some reason tailing the .log file does work if I don't use nohup!
I found a similar question for python (
How come I can't tail my log?)
Is there a similar way to flush the output in perl?
I would use tmux or screen, but they don't exist on this server.
Check perldoc,
HANDLE->autoflush( EXPR );
To disable buffering on standard output that would be,
