VBA creating a string based on conditions - string

I need to create a string of the next type:
"<a=1 b=123 c=15 d=19 e=12345>" (rough example)
BUT if any of these variable doesn't exist, it shouldn't be printed at all. Hard to explain, but here is an example.
Desired output: <a=1 c=15 e=12345>
My current output: <a=1 b= c=15 d= e=12345>
I can do this by many case conditions, but is there a more elegant way to do this, ideally in one statement. May be something like (just what I want to find, it's not my expectation code)):
print "<[if a exists]a=" & a & ", [if b exists] b=" & b ...>"

Sounds like the easiest way to do this is using the iif() function. This is more or less what you ask for with [if a exists]. Not sure what condition to test because the information you have given does not make that clear. But I think you should be able to figure it out.


Combining 6 IF formulas

I've written 6 different IF formulas, each will identify a freight carrier based on the tracking number found in cell BM71.
For the life of me I cannot figure out how to combine these, any help would be appreciated.
=IF(AND(LEN(BM71)=18,LEFT(BM71,2)="1Z"), "UPS", "")
=IF(AND(LEN(BM71)=11,LEFT(BM71,2)="06"), "Old Dominion", "")
=IF(AND(LEN(BM71)=9,LEFT(BM71,2)="00"), "Arcbest", "")
=IF(AND(LEN(BM71)=10,LEFT(BM71,2)="00"), "Averitt", "")
With ifS function it gets more clean:
=IFs(AND(LEN(BM71)=18,LEFT(BM71,2)="1Z"), "UPS",
AND(LEN(BM71)=11,LEFT(BM71,2)="06"), "Old Dominion",
AND(LEN(BM71)=9,LEFT(BM71,2)="00"), "Arcbest",
AND(LEN(BM71)=10,LEFT(BM71,2)="00"), "Averitt",
You just add a new IF in the False part. Like this:
=IF(AND(LEN(BM71)=18,LEFT(BM71,2)="1Z"), "UPS",
IF(AND(LEN(BM71)=11,LEFT(BM71,2)="06"), "Old Dominion",
IF(AND(LEN(BM71)=9,LEFT(BM71,2)="00"), "Arcbest",
IF(AND(LEN(BM71)=10,LEFT(BM71,2)="00"), "Averitt", ""))))))
No love for LET?
Something like:
(l=11)*(s="06"),"Old Dominion",
If nothing else it cuts down the formula length, and the function only takes one input cell reference (rather than 12 ...).
EDIT: Though if it were me (as other comments have mentioned) I would use this:
TRUE,7),INDEX(Carriers,c) )
With the range named Carriers holding the list of carriers, with a blank in the last row. Makes it easier to change a carrier name and you keep the list in one place which can be re-used by other formulas. (But then I am a devotee of the Third Normal Form ...)
You can add next one instead of "" of previous formula
=IF(AND(LEN(BM71)=18,LEFT(BM71,2)="1Z"), "UPS", IF(AND(LEN(BM71)=12,ISNUMBER(BM71)),"FedEx",IF(AND(LEN(BM71)=10,ISNUMBER(BM71)),"DHL",IF(AND(LEN(BM71)=11,LEFT(BM71,2)="06"), "Old Dominion", IF(AND(LEN(BM71)=9,LEFT(BM71,2)="00"), "Arcbest", IF(AND(LEN(BM71)=10,LEFT(BM71,2)="00"), "Averitt", ""))))))
However you approach to define something based on length and some chars is not stable
I hope I could help you

If(AND) combination produces "You've entered too many arguments for this function" error

hello everyone I'm here and needs help with excel
message from excel is
(you've entered too many arguments for this function)
and that my function.
=IF(AND(H2="A","B"),"group 1",IF(AND(N2H2="C","D"),"group 2",""))
please any one can help ?
The first condition to test within the IF statement "AND(H2="A","B")" will always return false - as this tests "Is H2 = "A" ? AND "Is '"B"'?
H2 cannot equal "A" and "B" simultaneously, and besides, even if you wanted to test that you'd have to use "AND(H2="A", H2="B").
Imagine someone asking you the Q "Is H2 = "A"?"
You could answer this if you knew what was in cell H2 (like Excel does) - and you could answer 'True' (yes) or 'False' (no).
But if you were asked is "B" as well? you would probably be quite puzzled - perhaps you would reply "Is "B" what as well"?
Excel would also be puzzled and in such circumstances the default response is 'False' (until proven otherwise!)
The 2nd AND statement is the wrong syntax - see here for some examples of how to use the AND statement.
This is probably why you are seeing the error you see - again:
If someone asked you "Is N2H2="C" and is "B" as well?
You wouldn't know which cell I was referring to (N2H2 does not exist in Excel)
Further, you wouldn't know what to say to "Is "B"?" (Is it a consonent? Is it capital? Is it the 2nd letter of the alphabet? Is it what?
Using this equation Excel will not return an error "too many arguments", it will return "invalid name error" (because there is no such thing as "N2H2" as far as Excel is concerned")
You need to use the following generic syntax for AND statements of this type:
AND(cell 1=some value1, cell 2= some value2) - not AND(cell1cell2=some value1, some value2)
i.e. this would be correct syntax:
=IF(AND(H2="A",N2="B"),"group 1",IF(AND(H2="D",N2="C"),"group 2",""))
(but it assumes you are trying to test cell N2 = B in the first AND statement because it's impossible for cell H2 to equal both A and B at the same time as I've said above)
As someone has pointed out in the comments - if you're testing whether H2 can be "A" OR "B" then simply use the OR statement - i.e. something like this:
=IF(OR(H2="A",H2="B"),"group 1",IF(AND(H2="D",N2="C"),"group 2",""))

How to skip a Parameter with Default Values in Groovy?

My Groovy method has 3 parameters and the last 2 have default values. I want to skip the second parameter, and only provide values for the first and the third like so..
def askForADate(girlsName, msg = 'Will you go out with me?', beg = 'pretty please!!') {
println "$girlsName, $msg $beg!"
askForADate('Jennifer',,'Because I love you!')
Right now this prints out...
Jennifer, Because I love you! pretty please!!!
So it looks like it is plugging the value I am passing in for the third parameter into the second.
How to fix that?
As doelleri said, you'll need to write two version of thie method.
Unless you'll use some groovy goodness with named arguments!
def askForADate(Map op, girlsName) {
println "$girlsName, ${op.get('msg', 'Will you go out with me?')} ${op.get('beg', 'pretty please!!')}!"
askForADate(beg: 'Because I love you!', 'Jennifer')
Prints out: Jennifer, Will you go out with me? Because I love you!!
See http://mrhaki.blogspot.com/2015/09/groovy-goodness-turn-method-parameters.html for more details
This solution has the clear disadvantage of reordering the arguments as now the girls name is last in line.

Is stringA in StringB in MATLAB

Is there a way to check if a string exists within another string in MATLAB. In python this is done easily with a in b. I do not want indexes or anything like that. I just want to check if its true or not. The answers that I find is "strcmp" or "strfind" and also regexp. regexp returns indexes. strcmp(a, b) does not seem to work. I have a string a = 'ac' and another string b = 'bc_gh_ac'. And want to check if a in b.
Best regards
The answer is indeed strfind. You have to be careful with the order of the parameters which at first seems unusual - the pattern is the second argument, not the first. The following code demonstrates:
If you simply want to test whether the string is present or not then use the isempty function:
if ~isempty(strfind(b,a))
disp('String is present');

select case with variable boolean operator

This is my first question on the forum, but reading previous questions has been enormously helpful in the project I'm working on, so already my thanks. I couldn't find an answer to this, but apologies if I overlooked something.
I am writing an excel macro in vba, and am trying to create a select case... statement in which the expression has a variable boolean and numeric component. For example, the macro can pull "> 3" or "< 3" from another worksheet.
My hope had been that I could assign to a string all of these parameters, i.e.:
test1 = "is " & BoolOperator1 & " " & NumericValue1
and then
Select case ValuetoCompare
Case test1
'Do something
Case test2
Is there a way to do this? I suppose the alternative would be to nest the case with the numeric variable inside a select function that determines the operator, but I thought this would be more elegant.
Thanks in advance for your guidance--
Assuming that you'll get a string BoolOperator1 that is a valid operator, e.g. >=, =, and a numeric value NumericValue1, the easiest way to execute this comparison on another numeric value ValueToCompare is to use the Evaluate function. This will execute a string as VBA and return it's result.
In your case, you could simply use:
If Evaluate(ValueToCompare&BoolOperator1&NumericValue1) Then ...
If you want to use this in a Select Case statement, you'd either need to use a simple If ... ElseIf ... statement - or use this trick:
Select Case True
Case Evaluate(ValueToCompare&BoolOperator1&NumericValue1): ...
Case Evaluate(ValueToCompare&BoolOperator2&NumericValue2): ...
Case Else ...
End Select
