/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXext Dependencies issue - linux

I am installing ghostscript on my Ubuntu 14.04 server. I am getting error for make command due to dependencies :
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXext collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [bin/gs] Error 1
But I have libraries:
locate libXext.so
Are these sufficient or I need some more libraries?

Run: apt-get install libxext-dev
It worked for me.
I tried to install Ghostscript 9.18 Source version

You need to install libxext-dev package.
Run: apt-get install libxext-dev


Can't install HTK on linux

I wan't to use ALIZE for speaker recognition and after the instalation there is one of the steps: feature extraction using SPRO or HTK So I downloaded zip file of HTK and using terminal I configured everything, but when entering make all I'm getting this error:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lX11
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:56: recipe for target 'HSLab' failed
make[1]: *** [HSLab] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/username/Downloads/htk/HTKTools'
Makefile:108: recipe for target 'htktools' failed
make: *** [htktools] Error 1
what does it mean and how to fix this? I'm looking for answer for hours and can't find anything...
I'm using HTK 3.4.1 stable version and LInux ubuntu 16.10
The error cannot find -lX11 means that ld can't find the libraries for X11 (the X.Org display server). The required libraries can be found in the libx11-dev package which can be installed with:
sudo apt-get install libx11-dev
This should resolve your issue, as long as the libraries install in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (which is likely if apt-get handles it).
On 64-bit systems, you might need to explicitly state the 32-bit version is required:
sudo apt-get install libx11-dev:i386

Error installing RODBC package

Iam trying to install RODBC on my Cloudera server but Iam getting an error when downloading the package... is there anyone that can tell me what Iam doing wrong?
Below my logs:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcurl .. ... : ld returned 1 exit status
-lcurl means libcurl.so : Provided by libcurl4-gnutls-dev, libcurl4-nss-dev, libcurl4-openssl-dev
If e.g. CentOS, RHEL : libcurl-devel
Solved by installing the package via yum
sudo yum install R-RODBC

Installing nvm on bash on ubunutu on windows 10 throws error

I'm testing the new bash on ubuntu on windows 10 and the first thing I tried to do is to install node. Of course, since I now have a "Linux system" I went ahead and installed nvm.
I also had to
apt-get make gcc g++
One done i tried
nvm install v4.4.2
but I got:
make -C out BUILDTYPE=Release V=1
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/.nvm/src/node-v4.4.2/out'
g++ -pthread -rdynamic -m64 -fuse-ld=gold -B/root/.nvm/src/node-
v4.4.2/third_party/binutils/Linux_x64/Release/bin -m64 -o /root/.nvm/src/node-v4.4.2/out/Release/mksnapshot -Wl,--start-group /root/.nvm/src/node-v4.4.2/out/Release/obj.target/mksnapshot/deps/v8/src/snapshot/mksnapshot.o /root/.nvm/src/node-v4.4.2/out/Release/obj.target/deps/v8/tools/gyp/libv8_base.a /root/.nvm/src/node-v4.4.2/out/Release/obj.target/deps/v8/tools/gyp/libv8_nosnapshot.a /root/.nvm/src/node-v4.4.2/out/Release/obj.target/deps/v8/tools/gyp/libv8_libplatform.a /root/.nvm/src/node-v4.4.2/out/Release/obj.target/deps/v8/tools/gyp/libv8_libbase.a -Wl,--end-group -ldl -lrt
/usr/bin/ld.gold: fatal error: /root/.nvm/src/node-v4.4.2/out/Release/mksnapshot: Invalid argument
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [/root/.nvm/src/node-v4.4.2/out/Release/mksnapshot] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/.nvm/src/node-v4.4.2/out'
make: *** [node] Error 2
nvm: install v4.4.2 failed!
Do you know what's causing this? I think that I may have something missconfigured on the make command maybe?
NOTE: installing node using the "official way" works, that is:
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_4.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
I think it's an issue in the bash subsystem. There are several open issues on github.com relating to installing nvm, rbenv, rvm, as well as creating symlinks.
These two issues appear to be directly related to the problem you're experiencing.
Also, FYI, I have attempted to build node 4 and node 5 from source, but fail during the make command with this message:
/usr/bin/ld.gold: fatal error: /root/working/node-v5.10.1/out/Release/mksnapshot: Invalid argument
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Oculus DK2 installation on Ubuntu 14.04 - cannot find ludev

When I run the command, make from the 0.4.4 oculus linux package, I keep getting this error:
g++ -o ./Release/OculusWorldDemo_x86_64_Debug ./Obj/Linux/Debug/x86_64/OculusWorldDemo.o ./Obj/Linux/Debug/x86_64/OculusWorldDemo_Scene.o ./Obj/Linux/Debug/x86_64/Player.o ./Obj/Linux/Debug/x86_64/../CommonSrc/Util/RenderProfiler.o ./Obj/Linux/Debug/x86_64/../CommonSrc/Util/OptionMenu.o ./Obj/Linux/Debug/x86_64/../CommonSrc/Platform/Linux_Gamepad.o ./Obj/Linux/Debug/x86_64/../CommonSrc/Platform/Linux_Platform.o ./Obj/Linux/Debug/x86_64/../CommonSrc/Platform/Platform.o ./Obj/Linux/Debug/x86_64/../CommonSrc/Render/Render_Device.o ./Obj/Linux/Debug/x86_64/../CommonSrc/Render/Render_GL_Device.o ./Obj/Linux/Debug/x86_64/../CommonSrc/Render/Render_LoadTextureDDS.o ./Obj/Linux/Debug/x86_64/../CommonSrc/Render/Render_LoadTextureTGA.o ./Obj/Linux/Debug/x86_64/../CommonSrc/Render/Render_XmlSceneLoader.o ./Obj/Linux/Debug/x86_64/../../3rdParty/TinyXml/tinyxml2.o -L../../LibOVR/Lib/Linux/Debug/x86_64 -lovr -ludev -lpthread -lGL -lX11 -lXrandr -lrt
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ludev
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [Release/OculusWorldDemo_x86_64_Debug] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mo/software/oculus/ovr_sdk_linux_0.4.4/Samples/OculusWorldDemo'
make: *** [Samples/OculusWorldDemo/Release/OculusWorldDemo_x86_64_Debug] Error 2
What do I need to do to make Oculus work? I've had this for over 2 months now and haven't used yet because installation hasnt been possible to resolve.
You need to install the libudevand libudev-dev packages.
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev libudev0
get ludev from http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/i386/libudev0/download
download it, then install package with
sudo dpkg -i libudev0_175-0ubuntu9_i386.deb
you may have to do a
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev libudev0
for good measure
now you can do the make , make run

error executing `cabal install cabal-install`: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz

I was trying to install the latest version of cabal-install on Ubuntu 14.04 with ghc 7.8.2. Here are the error messages and versions of things:
~/D/ghc-7.8.2> cabal install cabal-install
Linking dist/build/cabal/cabal ...
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
cabal-install- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
~/D/ghc-7.8.2> which ld
~/D/ghc-7.8.2> ld -v
GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.24
~/D/ghc-7.8.2> ld -lz
ld: cannot find -lz
~/D/ghc-7.8.2> cabal -V
cabal-install version
It's not a huge deal since my cabal version is pretty new... but I'd like to know how to fix this. I did not have this problem in Ubuntu 13.10.
Perhaps Ubuntu 14.04 has a new version of ld that does not support the -lz flag?
Found the answer:
sudo apt-get install lib32z1-dev
I should have googled longer before asking the question. The answer was here.
