How to derive instances of Data.Messagepack 1.0.0 - haskell

The previous version of Data.Messagepack, supports deriving instances via Template Haskell. The current version (1.0.0), however, doesn't.
I was hence wondering if there is an alternative way to automatically derive MessagePack 1.0.0 instances, possibly using XDeriveGeneric?

As a stop-gap measure, have a look at the msgpack-aeson directory of the message-pack github repo:
You could go from your data values <-> aeson <-> message-pack. Not necessarily efficient, but convenient since you can auto derive ToJSON and FromJSON with DeriveGeneric.
Example code:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.MessagePack.Aeson
import qualified Data.MessagePack as MP
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Aeson
data Foo = Foo { _a :: Int, _b :: String }
deriving (Generic)
instance ToJSON Foo
instance FromJSON Foo
toMsgPack :: Foo -> Maybe MP.Object
toMsgPack = decode . encode
test = toMsgPack (Foo 3 "asd")

You could write your own GMessagePack class and get instances by deriving Generic. I tried doing so to answer this question, but I can't recommend it. msgpack has no support for sums, and the one sum type supported by the Haskell msgpack library, Maybe, has a very poor encoding.
instance MessagePack a => MessagePack (Maybe a) where
toObject = \case
Just a -> toObject a
Nothing -> ObjectNil
fromObject = \case
ObjectNil -> Just Nothing
obj -> fromObject obj
The encoding for Maybes can't tell the difference between Nothing :: Maybe (Maybe a) and Just Nothing :: Maybe (Maybe a), both will be encoded as ObjectNil and decoded as Nothing. If we were to impose on MessagePack instances the obvious law fromObject . toObject == pure, this instance for MessagePack would violate it.


(Generically) Build Parsers from custom data types?

I'm working on a network streaming client that needs to talk to the server. The server encodes the responses in bytestrings, for example, "1\NULJohn\NULTeddy\NUL501\NUL", where '\NUL' is the separator. The above response translates to "This is a message of type 1(hard coded by the server), which tells the client what the ID of a user is(here, the user id of "John Teddy" is "501").
So naively I define a custom data type
data User
{ firstName :: String
, lastName :: String
, id :: Int
and a parser for this data type
parseID :: Parser User
parseID = ...
Then one just writes a handler to do some job(e.g., write to a database) after the parser succesfully mathes a response like this. This is very straightforward.
However, the server has almost 100 types of different responses like this that the client needs to parse. I suspect that there must be a much more elegant way to do the job rather than writing 100 almost identical parsers like this, because, after all, all haksell coders are lazy. I am a total newbie to generic programming so can some one tell me if there is a package that can do this job?
For these kinds of problems I turn to generics-sop instead of using generics directly. generics-sop is built on top of Generics and provides functions for manipulating all the fields in a record in a uniform way.
In this answer I use the ReadP parser which comes with base, but any other Applicative parser would do. Some preliminary imports:
{-# language DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-} -- for the Proxy
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (ReadP,readP_to_S)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec (readPrec_to_P)
import Text.Read (readPrec)
import Data.Proxy
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import Generics.SOP
We define a typeclass that can produce an Applicative parser for each of its instances. Here we define only the instances for Int and Bool:
class HasSimpleParser c where
getSimpleParser :: ReadP c
instance HasSimpleParser Int where
getSimpleParser = readPrec_to_P readPrec 0
instance HasSimpleParser Bool where
getSimpleParser = readPrec_to_P readPrec 0
Now we define a generic parser for records in which every field has a HasSimpleParser instance:
recParser :: (Generic r, Code r ~ '[xs], All HasSimpleParser xs) => ReadP r
recParser = to . SOP . Z <$> hsequence (hcpure (Proxy #HasSimpleParser) getSimpleParser)
The Code r ~ '[xs], All HasSimpleParser xs constraint means "this type has only one constructor, the list of field types is xs, and all the field types have HasSimpleParser instances".
hcpure constructs an n-ary product (NP) where each component is a parser for the corresponding field of r. (NP products wrap each component in a type constructor, which in our case is the parser type ReadP).
Then we use hsequence to turn a n-ary product of parsers into the parser of an n-ary product.
Finally, we fmap into the resulting parser and turn the n-ary product back into the original r record using to. The Z and SOP constructors are required for turning the n-ary product into the sum-of-products the to function expects.
Ok, let's define an example record and make it an instance of Generics.SOP.Generic:
data Foo = Foo { x :: Int, y :: Bool } deriving (Show, GHC.Generic)
instance Generic Foo -- Generic from generics-sop
Let's check if we can parse Foo with recParser:
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ readP_to_S (recParser #Foo) "55False"
The result is
[(Foo {x = 55, y = False},"")]
You can write your own parser - but there is already a package that can do the parsing for you: cassava and while SO is usually not a place to search for library recommendations, I want to include this answer for people looking for a solution, but not having the time to implement this themselves and looking for a solution that works out of the box.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Csv
import Data.Vector
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import GHC.Generics
data Person = P { personId :: Int
, firstName :: String
, lastName :: String
} deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
-- the following are provided by friendly neighborhood Generic
instance FromRecord Person
instance ToRecord Person
main :: IO ()
main = do B.writeFile "test" "1\NULThomas\NULof Aquin"
Right thomas <- decodeWith (DecodeOptions 0) NoHeader <$>
B.readFile "test"
print (thomas :: Vector Person)
Basically cassava allows you to parse all X-separated structures into a Vector, provided you can write down a FromRecord instance (which needs a parseRecord :: Parser … function to work.
Side note on Generic until recently I thought - EVERYTHING - in haskell has a Generic instance, or can derive one. Well this is not the case I wanted to serialize some ThreadId to CSV/JSON and happened to find out unboxed types are not so easily "genericked"!
And before I forget it - when you speak of streaming and server and so on there is cassava-conduit that might be of help.

What is the difference between `DeriveAnyClass` and an empty instance?

Using the cassava package, the following compiles:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
import Data.Csv
import GHC.Generics
data Foo = Foo { foo :: Int } deriving (Generic)
instance ToNamedRecord Foo
However, the following does not:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
import Data.Csv
import GHC.Generics
data Foo = Foo { foo :: Int } deriving (Generic, ToNamedRecord)
The compiler reports:
No instance for (ToNamedRecord Int)
arising from the first field of ‘Foo’ (type ‘Int’)
Possible fix:
use a standalone 'deriving instance' declaration,
so you can specify the instance context yourself
When deriving the instance for (ToNamedRecord Foo)
This leaves me with two questions: Why isn't the second version identical to the first? And why is the compiler hoping to find an instance for ToNamedRecord Int?
NB: As pointed out by David in the comments, GHC has been updated since I wrote this. The code as written in the question compiles and works correctly. So just imagine everything below is written in the past tense.
The GHC docs say:
The instance context will be generated according to the same rules
used when deriving Eq (if the kind of the type is *), or the rules for
Functor (if the kind of the type is (* -> *)). For example
instance C a => C (a,b) where ...
data T a b = MkT a (a,b) deriving( C )
The deriving clause will
instance C a => C (T a b) where {}
The constraints C a and C (a,b) are generated from the data constructor arguments, but the
latter simplifies to C a.
So, according to the Eq rules, your deriving clause generates...
instance ToNamedRecord Int => ToNamedRecord Foo where
... which is not the same as...
instance ToNamedRecord Foo where
... in that the former is only valid if there's an instance ToNamedRecord Int in scope (which is appears there isn't in your case).
But I find the spec to be somewhat ambiguous. Should the example really generate that code, or should it generate instance (C a, C (a, b)) => instance C (T a b) and let the solver discharge the second constraint? It appears, in your example, that it's generating such constraints even for fields with fully-concrete types.
I hesitate to call this a bug, because it's how Eq works, but given that DeriveAnyClass is intended to make it quicker to write empty instances it does seem unintuitive.

How to create an interface for a stateful component where the state type is opaque?

-- InternalComponent.hs
data ComponentState = ComponentState ...
instance Default ComponentState where ...
componentFunction :: (MonadState InternalComponentState m) => a -> m a
-- Program.hs
data ProgramState = forall cs. ProgramState {
componentState :: cs,
newtype MyMonad a = MyMonad { runMyMonad :: StateT ProgramState IO a }
myFunction a = do
s <- get
let cs = componentState s
let (r, cs') = runState (componentFunction a) cs
put $ s { componentState = cs' }
return r
What I want is to be able to use the componentFunction inside of MyMonad (in myFunction, as presented in the example), without being particularly interested in the actual type of the state the component requires. Keeping the component state inside of my own state isn't a requirement, but that's as far as my ability to use state in Haskell goes.
This can really be viewed as an equivalent of an implementation of a stateful interface in another programming language: instantiation of the interface with some implementation provides default state value, and every function called through that interface can modify that state. In any point isn't the user presented with implementation details.
In case it's not clear, the above example fails because the implementation of myFunction can't prove that the record selector provides an appropriate type (because it's an existential); at least that's how I understand it.
You can parametrize ProgramState by the type of the component state(s), e.g. have
data ProgramState cs = ProgramState { componentState :: cs }
This would mean you'll also have to expose the ComponentState type from InternalComponent.hs, but not the constructors. This way you give the type checker something to play with, but don't expose any internals to the users of InternalComponent.
First, I'd suggest to read Combining multiple states in StateT, just to see other available options.
Since in the case of nested states we need to update values inside more complex objects, using lens can make life a lot easier (see also this tutorial). A value of type Lens' s a knows how to reach a particular value of type a inside s and how to modify it (that is, creating a new value of type s that is the same, except for a modified a). Then we can define a helper function
runInside :: (MonadState s m) => Lens' s a -> State a r -> m r
runInside lens s = lens %%= (runState s)
Given a lens and a stateful computation on a, we can lift such a computation to a stateful computation parametrized by s. The library allows us to generate lenses using Template Haskell, for example:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Lens.TH
data ProgramState cs = ProgramState { _componentState :: cs }
$(makeLenses ''ProgramState)
will generate componentState :: Lens' ProgramState cs (actually the generated function will be slightly more more generic). Combining them together we get
runInside componentState :: MonadState (ProgramState a) m => State a r -> m r
Using Typeable we could go even further and create a map that automatically creates or keeps a state for whatever type it is asked for. I'd not recommend this approach in general, as it sort-of avoids Haskell's strong type system checks, but it might be useful in some cases.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens.TH
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Typeable
data Something = forall a . Typeable a => Something a
type TypeMap = Map TypeRep Something
We defined a generic untyped container that can hold whatever is Typeable and a map that maps representation of types to their values.
We'll need some class to provide default/starting values:
class Default a where
getDefault :: a
-- just an example
instance Default Int where
getDefault = 0
Finally, we can create a lens that given an arbitrary Typeable type, it focuses on its value in the map by looking up its type representation:
typeLens :: forall t . (Typeable t, Default t) => Lens' TypeMap t
typeLens = lens get set
set map v = Map.insert (typeOf v) (Something v) map
get map = case Map.lookup (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy t)) map of
Just (Something v) | Just r <- cast v -> r
_ -> getDefault
So you could have TypeMap somewhere in your state and let all stateful computations use it, regardless of what state they need.
However, there is a big warning: If two unrelated computations happen to use the same type for their state, they'll share the value with very likely disastrous results! So using explicit records for states of different parts of your computations is going to be much safer.

Ignoring/Overriding an Instance generated using TemplateHaskell

I'm using Aeson for some client-server stuff that I'm doing, encoding ADTs as Json. I'm using Data.Aeson.TH to generate the toJSON instances I need, but the instances generated for Map types are really ugly and awful to deal with.
I've defined my own, simpler encoding which just treats them as lists:
instance (ToJSON a, ToJSON b) => ToJSON (Map a b) where
toJSON m = toJSON $ toList m
Naturally, when I use this in my code, I get a Duplicate instance declarations error.
Is there a way to resolve this? I need to either tell Template Haskell NOT to generate the ToJson instance for Map, or I need to tell GHC to ignore that instance and use the one I supply. Can either of these be done?
Note that this isn't an "overlapping-instances" problem. I want to completely throw out the one instance, not mix it with the other one.
To tell GHC to ignore library-provided instance and use your own instead, you can wrap Map in a newtype:
newtype PrettyMap key val = PrettyMap (Map key val)
instance (ToJSON a, ToJSON b) => ToJSON (PrettyMap a b) where
toJSON (PrettyMap m) = toJSON $ toList m
Another solution is to really use OverlappingInstances:
data MyData = ...
$(deriveToJSON ... ''MyData)
instance ToJSON (Map Text MyData) where
toJSON = toJSON . toList

How to apply a polymorphic function to a Dynamic value

Is there a sane way to apply a polymorphic function to a value of type Dynamic?
For instance, I have a value of type Dynamic and I want to apply Just to the value inside the Dynamic. So if the value was constructed by toDyn True I want the result to be toDyn (Just True). The number of different types that can occur inside the Dynamic is not bounded.
(I have a solution when the types involved come from a closed universe, but it's unpleasant.)
This is perhaps not the sanest approach, but we can abuse my reflection package to lie about a TypeRep.
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Reflection
import GHC.Prim (Any)
import Unsafe.Coerce
newtype WithRep s a = WithRep { withRep :: a }
instance Reifies s TypeRep => Typeable (WithRep s a) where
typeOf s = reflect (Proxy :: Proxy s)
Given that we can now peek at the TypeRep of our Dynamic argument and instantiate our Dynamic function appropriately.
apD :: forall f. Typeable1 f => (forall a. a -> f a) -> Dynamic -> Dynamic
apD f a = dynApp df a
where t = dynTypeRep a
df = reify (mkFunTy t (typeOf1 (undefined :: f ()) `mkAppTy` t)) $
\(_ :: Proxy s) -> toDyn (WithRep f :: WithRep s (() -> f ()))
It could be a lot easier if base just supplied something like apD for us, but that requires a rank 2 type, and Typeable/Dynamic manage to avoid them, even if Data does not.
Another path would be to just exploit the implementation of Dynamic:
data Dynamic = Dynamic TypeRep Any
and unsafeCoerce to your own Dynamic' data type, do what you need to do with the TypeRep in the internals, and after applying your function, unsafeCoerce everything back.
