Global Content Block in Grav CMS - twig

I'm using the Grav CMS and would like to have a block of global content present on each page. In other words, every page on the site will have this same block of content (near the footer). I'd like the content of this block to be editable similar to other pages, through a .md file. Instead of hardcoding the content of this block into the base.html.twig (or another) template the content should be editable through a .md file similar to other pages.
One option, use find() to pull the content of the page I want into each page. The downside to this is that I don't want this page to appear in the navigation. If there is a way to hide a page from the navigation this might work however.
What is the recommended way to accomplish this?

I solved this by creating a variable containing the page object from the page I wanted. Within the base.html.twig template I did the following:
{% set secondpage = page.find('/_page_url') %}
The _page_url is hidden due to the _, but still editable as a normal page.


change page template based on querystring

I am using one page template which contains master page layout also. Now when i access the page having layout which is displaying in browser. Now i wanted here if i use querystring like below:
then i wanted here to show only content of the page master layout should not be displayed with page content.
Currently i am using Kentico9.
A page's template is not something you can do with a macro, however you can control a Page Placeholder webpart with a macro/querystring.
So in order to do what you want, this is what you'll need to do.
For the page's actual template, it will pretty much just be a 'blank' page template, with a Page Placeholder webpart in it.
For the page placeholder webpart, set the path to "." (so it shows this page), and the Page Template you can then set with a macro: {% (Convert.ToBool(QueryString.AppMode, false) ? "NotAppModeTemplate" : "AppModeTemplate") %}
Tell me if that does the trick for ya! The only caviote is the only 'control' of the master template used is in the template settings, which can inherit the root or the nearest master template, so if you want one template to use 1 master page, and the other to use a different, you'll have to set the masterpages somewhere in their ancestry and then use the "Inherit from Level 0,1,2..." setting in the Page Template.
Assuming you're doing this using Kentico's ASPX mode of development. Do a simple check for the querystring and set the visibility of the placeholder in code behind. If I were doing this in Portal mode, I'd do that with a macro on a webpart.
I used in master page template conditional layout and that layout i used visible property with macro querystring with my condition except for my content place holder and it is working fine as i wanted.

Orchard CMS 100% unthemed html page

We have a requirement to use the content zone of Orchard CMS to enter in html for a full screen landing page. We managed to get an unthemed page type using the Downplay.Orchard.Layout selector. The problem is that in using the content zone orchard automatically wraps html, head and body tags around it. We want to remove this content so we essentially have a blank page to start off with and then we can create our own html to display on the landing page. Is this possible to do for a single page and if so what would be the best way to do this?
You can have a URL alternate or you can use the new Disable Template part (1.8, i think)
I have done lots of URL alternates in the past. Pretty easy.
Just remembered, a question like this: Using Alternatives for Document.cshtml in Orchard CMS
removing the Wrapper (Document.cshtml) from your (Layout-url-...) and adding a new one, should do the trick.
And it might be better to use the, but thats my opinion...
Suppressing Wrappers and

Orchard - access a content type through different URLs so they use different views

I'm trying to create a CSS documentation library in Orchard. I want to save a description, CSS snippet and HTML snippet against each content type. The first view would show the description and CSS and HTML code written out. The second view would show a preview of what the CSS and HTML look like rendered.
I've created the content type and the first view. But I'm not sure how to create the second view. I can see if I can create the alternative URL I can use the Url Alternates module to create an overriding .cshtml
To create an alternative URL I've looked at the autoroute module but this only allows you to adapt a single URL (unless I'm missing something?) and I've looked at Alias UI but this forces me to manually create an alternative URL everytime I create a content item.
Is this possible in Orchard without writting too much C#? (I'm a frontend developer so I only dabble in the behind the scenes stuff)
Thanks for any help
Best solution is to do this within your own module. But as a secondary option instead of having a second page, combine this content with your first page and hide it with CSS. When the user clicks a button to navigate to the next step render the CSS/HTML result on the same page. You can do this in many ways, here are a few ideas:
Render the CSS/HTML result out straight away on the same page but hide it. Show it when the user clicks a button
using jQuery to render the result on the client side. More dynamic if you allow editing of the HTML and CSS.
Redirecting the user to the same page with specific url parameters which you can pick up in your alternate to modify the output.

display only the content of a page in lightbox2 in drupal

I am using drupal.I have to display the content of a page in lightbox2.(only the content not header,footer,menubar,sidebar etc).The url of that content node is
I have included the lightbox2 module and used the below code
<li>click here to see node content</li>
But the lightbox displays the whole page not only the content.i need only the text content.
One more option in that you can pass a parameter in get method for lightbox2 content.
Based on the parameter add condition in page.tpl.php
Not the best of the solution, but achievable.
Create a new page.tpl for node/1 and print only $content in this.
this way you will make sure you only get content and nothing else
I Agree with Vaibhav Jain, you can create a theme for the page without the header, left and right, footer. only the content and call that page inside the lightbox

Create a Sharepoint page but don't show in breadcrumb

I'm struggling to do something which I thought should be straight forward, basically I need to create an aspx page which I now realise must be put into a document library but the problem I have is it's only one page and when the page is displayed the breadcrumb has a link to the document library.
We really don't want the users to be able to get to the library via the breadcrumb and just want to show the page. From one of my other questions some other helpful people made some suggestions like putting the file in the _layout directory but this won't work because the new page has a master page associated with it.
Any ideas how I can display the custom page but not allow normal users to navigate to the document list?
Having a master page associated with an ASPX page does not prevent it from being placed in the _layouts directory. All of my ASPX pages use a custom master page I wrote, and they're all stored in the _layouts directory. But there's enough methods to hide the breadcrumbs without changing the storage location.
If you want to hide the breadcrumbs on only a specific page, the simplest method to do so is to prevent the contents of the breadcrumbs from being displayed. On the default master page (and I'm going assume that your master page also has this), there is a content called "PlaceHolderTitleBreadcrumb", which is what displays the breadcrumb. By overriding this in the ASPX file, you can prevent this from displaying. A simple way is to just insert the following line in your ASPX file:
<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId="PlaceHolderTitleBreadcrumb" runat="server"> </asp:Content>
By being in the page itself, it becomes a custom version of the breadcrumb instead of the master page's, so it won't evaluate itself and will leave you with a blank line. The will keep content inside the table cell, so it will specifically make a blank line occupy the same space that the breadcrumbs normally would. If you just put an empty content there, then it will instead render nothing there and pull all of your content upwards. Up to you if you think that looks better.
As far as where to place the line, I recommend just beneath the following lines, if your ASPX page has them. If you don't have the following lines, you might have to experiment a bit to find what position works properly.
<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId="PlaceHolderPageImage" runat="server">
<IMG SRC="/_layouts/images/blank.gif" width=1 height=1 alt="">
