Does CMIS allow writeonly properties? - cmis

I want to fill the specified property on create a document. Server will have to calculate another properties and forget about original value.
Have read 1.1 (latest) specification, but didn't find any mentions about the issue.


Liferay 7 - Get Dynamic Attributes from DDLRecord in Freemarker

How can I get the dynamic attributes from a DDLRecord inside an Application Display Template (ADT) that has an Asset Publisher type using Freemarker?
As far as I know, I don’t have any other choice that doesn’t involve an Asset Publisher ADT, since I use the filters provided by the Asset Publisher. In case you need context, my Dynamic Data List (DDL) has a date attribute and I need to show the record from the latest date.
It is totally possible to get dynamic attributes from the asset publisher. However, you can also display your DDL inside a portlet where you can customize your display.
To do this you would need to know the unique id of the DDL (this can be gotten from your liferay admin interface) and the you can elicit the attributes and then order your list as is appropriate for you.
Check out this example

How to change persistence property of cq:inplaceEditing

I wish to use cq:inplaceEditing to modify a property on my JCR whenever it is used by the AEM authors. Unfortunately, I do not know how to modify the name of the property that it actually modifies in the JCR. It appears that it only modifies the value of the property "text" by default.
For my purposes, I want to use its rich-text-editing for properties that have names I define, not just the default name "text."
The image at this link shows the tree which contains the cq:inplaceEditing (courtesy of CRXDE):
These are the attributes of cq:editConfig:
These are the attributes of cq:inplaceEditing:
...and this is what a content node of my JCR looks like when I use the inplaceEditor. I've blotted out the names of some properties for potential security reasons. Note that the "text" property below was changed when I used the inplaceEditor. Also note that I want to be able to define the property name that the inplaceEditor changes, rather than just the "text" property:
Is there a way to use a different property name instead of "text"?
After changing the property "textPropertyName" to the property that I am searching for, it still doesn't appear to actually modify the behavior of the inplaceEditor. It still only modifies the "text" property of my JCR nodes instead of the one that I put in the "textPropertyName" attribute.
This picture contains the attributes of my cq:InplaceEditingConfig:
The picture below contains the attributes of the JCR node at the path specified in the "configPath" variable in the picture above. Note that I set the textPropertyName attribute in this node and the text component still modifies the default attribute "text" instead of the one specified:
Finally, the picture below shows the contents of my JCR tree inside of the text component.
-----------ANOTHER EDIT----------
I discovered that the inline text editor was persisting the correct property after I had switched to the classic UI. For some reason, it doesn't work correctly with the touch UI.
How to find it
The inplace editing capability is defined by subclasses of CQ.ipe.InplaceEditing function. You can find it easily by just searching for editorType through the CRXDE tool.
Searching for the CQ.ipe.InplaceEditing returns multiple results such as CQ.ipe.TextEditor that at the very end of the script registers desired editorType i.e.: CQ.ipe.InplaceEditing.register("text", CQ.ipe.TextEditor);
The answer
Reading through the editor code you can find the first configurable property called textPropertyName which according to it's documentation is just what you are looking for. Combining it with the inplace configuration node (see Adobe's documentation) it is the solution for your case.
An example
You can try it by yourself on an instance of Geometrixx component.
First go to CRXDE and find Geometrixx Text component: /apps/geometrixx-gov/components/text.
Notice /apps/geometrixx-gov/components/text/cq:editConfig/cq:inplaceEditing#configPath property value.
Find /apps/geometrixx-gov/components/text/dialog/items/tab1/items/text resource and add new property: textPropertyName=myPropertyName.
Then just open the Geometrixx Gov page add Geometrixx Text component, edit it inplace and look into the Network console. You'll notice POST request with the altered parameter name
edit after TouchUI clarification
TouchUI case
If you want to achieve the same for TouchUI interface it doesn't go so easy, unfortunately. The text inplace editor for TouchUI is defined by /libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/clientlibs/editor/js/editors/InlineTextEditor.js.
Searching for "text" gives you an overview how hardcoded is this property. For AEM 6.1 (on which I'm testing it) you can find it's occurence in the ns.persistence.readParagraphContent function where the initialContent is extracted from the resource JSON map. Another occurence can be found in finishInlineEdit and addHistoryStep methods. Changing all three occurences of "text" to your value brings expected outcome.
This is obviously non-acceptable - it's a platform-wide change and will affect other (incl. ootb) components where it might no be expected. The simplest would be to just copy-paste whole editor into your clientlib and register the editor into a new name - see last couple of lines: ns.editor.register. If you feel comfortable in JS, it might be worth to extend this editor and alter just three methods that are affected.
As of AEM 6.3, the textPropertyName works correctly with the out-of-the-box PlainTextEditor.js
The property needs to be set on a config node under the cq:InplaceEditingConfig
Note – the source of the editor can now be found at:

Extending Kuali Document Business Object

I am facing an issue with extended attributes on a document (trying to extend a document table). I created the original table’s PK (FDOC_NBR) in the extended table and linked the two via a foreignKey of the customized original table’s ojb entry (as an “extension” reference-descriptor). I created the bo and dd for the extension and customized the original document’s dd to add the new attributes. On the extended BO itself I also added members (with setters and getters) for the 2 new columns + for the PK column of documentNumber. I also added the new attributes to the documet’s jsp. The pertinent module definition was already extended to include custom dd, ojb, etc. files.
Indeed, when opening the document the new fields are shown- however, when trying to submit the document (regardless of doing anything with the new fields) I get an error-
Error Details: OJB operation; SQL []; ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL
exception is java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException:
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into
Seems like somehow the system tries to insert a value of NULL into the extension’s PK field, instead of the actual document number. Trying to debug this, in the action’s route method and all the way down to (which is as far down as I can go) I see the document with the real doc number is passed on, so the problem seems to be purely with ojb trying to set this number to the extension table.
Does anyone have any experience with extended attributes on documents that could help shed some light on this?
KFS is using the KNS, and in the Kuali Nervous System, the primary key on the extended attributes object must be set through manual intervention.
In this case, it looks as if you're adding an extended attribute to a transactional document, the Travel Arranger document (TAA), which simplifies things. Basically, you'll need to extend org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.document.TravelArrangerDocument and override prepareForSave to set the document number there (it may be set already since prepareForSave should be called several times during the routing process, but there's no real harm from overwriting that information as the base document's number will remain the same).
Hope this helps!

How to find unused/non-dependent fields of any entity in CRM 2011?

I am trying to identify unused or non-dependent fields of any entity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. By unused or non-dependent i mean the field that is not used in any of the entity forms.
I have googled to find on the same topic but couldn't get the desired results. One link that i have come across also doesn't address this problem:
Finding unused CRM fields
First I should note that just checking if a field is not on a form does not mean it is not being used somewhere. There is a chance if you have a third party integration, or other logic running on an entity that it could be updating hidden fields. If you're unsure if there is data stored for an attribute you can do a retrieve request where your condition is that the attribute is not null. If nothing comes back then there is no data stored for that attribute.
Assuming that is already clear, what you'd want to do is utilize Dynamics CRM's Dependency Tracking to check for dependencies of individual attributes.
Here's the full article on Dependency Tracking for CRM 2011:
The request that sounds most like what you're looking for is the RetrieveDependentComponentsRequest. This request seems to be the closest match according to what you're looking for and per the documentation:
Returns a list of dependencies for solution components that directly depend on a solution component.
For example, when you use this message for a global option set solution component, dependency records for solution components representing any option set attributes that reference the global option set solution component are returned.
When you use this message for the solution component record for the account entity, dependency records for all of the solution components representing attributes, views, and forms used for that entity are returned.
The basic steps to accomplish what you're looking for would then be:
Execute a RetrieveEntityRequest to retrieve all the attributes for a particular entity
For each attribute in the response, execute a RetreiveDependentComponentsRequest where you set the ObjectId to the MetadataId of the attribute, and the ComponentType to be 2 (attribute).
Parse the EntityCollection property on the response to see if any of the dependencies have a ComponentType of 24 (form).

Custom Metadatafield in Document and Web content in Liferay

I want a metadata field getting values from database record. This metadata field should be added to document.
Can anyone provide a solution to my requirement.??
I presume you are using Liferay 6.1.
Web Content Structures
As for Web Content, you could programmatically create a JournalStructure (see JournalStuctureLocalServiceUtil) and populate the list of possible values for your structure field with values coming out of the database. You can put this "import code" inside a batch job, so your structure field and the values inside the external database are always in sync.
Document Metadata
How to do this with Metadata Sets is probably more interesting, as not only Dynamic Data Lists and Documents & Media use this in Liferay 6.1; as of 6.2, Web Content structures will utilize the same metadata API in favor of the old Journal API.
For this to implement, check out the xsd column of the DDMStructure table. It has more or less the same format as the XML for a JournalStructure, however there are more options available. Use DDMStructureLocalServiceUtil#addStructure to add such a new structure. Again, run this inside a batch so you always have the latest external DB values.
