Elasticsearch-groovy index template - groovy

Is there any way to define an index template with the API of elasticsearch-groovy or elasticsearch-java? I want to apply "settings" (custom analyzers) and "mappings" (apply analyzer on fields) on it. The documentation only refers to index templatex but does not show a vaild example, how to apply them in a groovy closure. The example shown in the docs, adds the "settings" in the data (source) field.
edit: #Val Thank you for your reply, but if I use the source field as follows:
def templateR = client.admin.indices.putTemplate {
name "template_name"
source {
template "template_*"
... this results in a compiler-error: MissingMethodException No signature of method: ...source(). The following code:
def templateR = client.admin.indices.putTemplate {
name "lemato_template"
template "lemato_*"
settings {
number_of_shards= 1
gives me the compiler error No such property: number_of_shards. I'm not sure if I use the closure delegation correctly. Is something like .asMap() missing?

elasticsearch-groovy definitely provides support for creating/deleting index templates. The source closure may contain anything you can define for index templates. Something like this should work.
PutIndexTemplateResponse response = client.admin.indices.putTemplate {
name "my_template"
source {
template "index_*"
settings {
index {
number_of_shards = 5
number_of_replicas = 1
mappings {
// your mapping definitions
aliases {
// your aliases


Collection or Template in Terraform HCL

I'm trying to find directions on how to do a pretty simple thing in HCL. I have one block like this
resource "aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment" "qa" {
name "qa1"
#insert settings here
And I want to insert a collection of settings where that comment is. But the config is not an array it should be something like
desired_block "settings" {
setting {}
setting {}
How would I inject something like desired block?
Instead of creating multiple blocks you can put an array of settings and It would work. Like
resource "aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment" "qa" {
name = "qa1"
settings = ["${var.settings_array}"]
Here var.settings_array is an array of settings, like [<settings1>, <settings2>, ...].

Setting the Group Bypass property of a Node

I can't seem to find an answer from the documentation http://origen-sdk.org/origen/guides/program/flowapi/
From SmartTest 7.1.3 and later of Advantest, we have the option to set “Group Bypass” property of the Group node testflow component.
if #Alarm then
if #Alarm then
}, groupbypass, open,"DataCollectionTests", ""
I tried using if_flag:, continue: and if_enable properties in my group definition but I’m getting an
if #GROUPBYPASS == 1 then
}, open,"DataCollectionTests", ""
in the flow instead.
What is the correct way of hooking up into this property?
This property is not currently supported, if you want it added please open a ticket describing it here: https://github.com/Origen-SDK/origen_testers/issues
In the meantime, you could generate it by using the render method which allows you to explicitly define code to be injected into the flow.
For example:
render '{'
# Your existing code to be wrapped in the group here, e.g.
test :testA
render '}, groupbypass, open,"DataCollectionTests", ""'
You could create your own helper method for that within your interface:
def group_bypass(name)
render '{'
render "}, groupbypass, open,\"#{name}\", \"\""
Then in your flow:
group_bypass "DataCollectionTests" do
# Your existing code to be wrapped in the group here, e.g.
test :testA

Access parameter from a resource defined using create_resources

I would like to know if it is possible to access a parameter from a class being instantiated using the create_resources function. I want to use that parameter in other class to conditionally install some things or not.
This is my scenario:
define myResource($myParam) { ... }
create_resources(myResource, $hashResources)
$hashResources = { "MyResource1" : { "myParam" : 1 },
"MyResource2" : { "myParam" : 2 }
myFancyPuppetClass($nameOfResource) {
if(******myParam from the resource defined with name $nameOfResource in the same catalog******) { ... }
Is this possible? If it is, how can I do the reference? Thank you!
Since the resources you are attempting to create are defined types, and the parameters in a defined resource are not accessible, this is not possible in the latest version of Puppet.
See a previous answer of mine regarding accessing parameters in defined resources for an alternative.

Groovy DSL: setting properties in closure

I want to implement an 'active' flag for rules in my DSL. Here's how I wanted it to look like:
Shipping("Standard") {
active: true
description: "some text"
rules {
... define rules here
Here's how I got everything running following several tutorials:
Script dslScript = new GroovyShell().parse(new File("Standard"))
dslScript.metaClass.Shipping = { String name, Closure cl ->
ShippingDelegate delegate = new ShippingDelegate()
delegate.name = name
cl.delegate = delegate
cl.setResolveStrategy Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
ShippingDelegate is simple:
class ShippingDelegate {
String name
void rules(Closure cl) {
... do stuff here
It all runs fine without complaints but how can I access 'active' or 'description'?
What does this syntax actually do anyway? It looks like a map assignment, but there is none. Or does the groovy compiler treat it as an incomplete ternary operator?
May I suggest a small change in your DSL so that your design can be simplified?
Edited, it is not clear in you example if you have more than one shipping instance. In my second try, I assume that the answer is yes
class ShippingRules {
boolean active
String description
String name
ShippingRules(String name) {
def rules(Closure c) {
abstract class ShippingRulesScript extends Script {
def shipppingRules =[]
def shipping(String name, Closure c) {
def newRules=new ShippingRules(name)
shipppingRules << newRules
def cfg= new CompilerConfiguration(
Script dslScript = new GroovyShell(cfg).parse(new File("Standard"))
The DSL should be changed to this:
shipping("Standard") {
active= true
description= "some text"
rules {
... define rules here
shipping("International") {
active= true
description= "some text"
rules {
... define rules here
I.e. lose the capital to shipping, and use assignments instead of colons.
You would then later be able to retrieve the shipping rules from your dslScript shippingRules variable.
disclaimer: I cannot test my code right now, so there may be some typos in the code, but you get the general idea: use a base class where you provide your rules and properties to your script.
I asked a similar question on Google+, see here.
The summary is: you can use the map syntax only on constructors (ctors) and as function parameters.
Interesting is that it doesn't throw an exception.

using properties files in groovy

I would like to externalize all my string constants in my groovy classes to a properies file, and then have them called from there. I have seen the example with the configslurper, want to know how can I make the design such that I just include/import/load the resource/property file in my class and call the property I want to on it..
something like this in my controller
include/load propertyfilename
if (propertyfilename.propertyname == mygroovyVar) {
....some code
i.e if possible I want to avoid using "(quotes) when retrieving properties anywhere
like the resource bundle setup for properties in spring mvc
You can do something like this:
def loadConfig(environment,settingFileName) {
levelConfig = new ConfigSlurper().parse(new File(settingFileName).toURI().toURL())."$environment"
To access it :
def configFile = loadConfig("alpha","c:\somewhere\something.properties"
assert configFile.currlevel = "alpha"
alpha {
currlevel = "alpha"
beta {
currlevel = "beta"
prod {
currlevel = "prod"
If you dont want the environment tweak it a bit. Hope this can help.
