Getting Result of IO Monad in ghci - haskell

Prelude> let x = return 100 :: IO Int
Trying to evaluate x returns its wrapped value.
Prelude> x
But, I can't get its value via show.
Prelude> show x
No instance for (Show (IO Int)) arising from a use of ‘show’
In the expression: show x
In an equation for ‘it’: it = show x
What's going on when I type x in ghci?

If you enter an expression of type IO t into GHCi, it unwraps it and prints the resulting value. That is if you enter ioExp, GHCi executes val <- ioExp; print val (whereas if you enter a non-IO expression exp, GHCi executes print exp).

You can't show an IO Int action. The action may require to perform side effects to produce the Int, such as asking the user for such number. Instead, the type of show promises to return a String, i.e. a plain, pure string without any side effect.
You can define your own effectful variant of show, if you want:
showIO :: Show a => IO a -> IO String
showIO = fmap show
Note how the result above is not a plain string, but is wrapped inside the IO monad, as it should be.


What is the default type evaluation of MonadPlus in Haskell?

I have the following code:
import Control.Monad
coin :: MonadPlus m => m Int
coin = return 0 `mplus` return 1
If I evaluate coin :: Maybe Int on the interpreter, it prits Just 0. That's normal because of the implementation of Maybe as instance of MonadPlus.
If I evaluate coin :: [Int]on the interpreter, it prints [0, 1], because the implementation of mplus on list is an append.
But if I evaluate coin, without any type decorators, it prints 0. Why? What type does the interpreter 'converts' coin to evaluate it?
This code is extracted from:
Yeah, this is a not super-well documented corner of ghci. When you enter an expression into ghci, it uses the expression's type to decide what to do:
IO (): Run the action, do nothing further.
Show a => IO a: Run the action and print the result.
any other IO a: Run the action, do nothing further.
anything else: wrap the whole expression with print.
How does it decide which of these types a thing has? Easy: it tries to unify the type of your expression which each of the above signatures in turn and solve all resulting constraints. (For the cognoscenti: this is in addition to the extended defaulting rules! This explains why it appears to be defaulting the m, even though neither the standard defaulting rules nor the extended defaulting rules say what default to use.)
So, since your expression does not unify with IO () but does unify with Show a => IO a, ghci finds m ~ IO (and a ~ Int) during unification, discovers that there is a MonadPlus IO (and a Show Int) instance to resolve the constraints, runs your action, and prints the result.
GHCi (but not GHC in general) will, in the absence of a signature specifying otherwise, specialise polymorphic type constructors to IO whenever possible. IO actions at the prompt, in turn, are executed and have their results monadically bound to the it variable, which is then printed (i.e. do { it <- action; print it }) as long as there is a Show instance for the result type (cf. Daniel Wagner's answer). For more details, have a look at the I/O actions at the prompt and The it variable sections of the User's Guide.
In your specific case, it happens that there is a MonadPlus instance for IO. You get return 0 from it because mplus for IO only executes the second action if the first one throws an exception. One demonstration:
GHCi> readLn `mplus` readLn :: IO Integer
GHCi> readLn `mplus` readLn :: IO Integer
GHCi> readLn `mplus` readLn :: IO Integer
*** Exception: user error (Prelude.readIO: no parse)

why is this: getLine and putStrLn behave different?

*Main> getLine >> getLine
*Main> putStrLn "foo" >> putStrLn "bar"
Does (>>) have a consistent meaning for all instances?
But how about this:
*Main> [1,2] >> [1,2]
I just want to get what (>>) have in common for all instances. If it just abandon the previous result, I think every type can have this method easily.
getLine has signature IO String, while putStrLn has signature String -> IO (). As a result, when you use >> with getLine, the String part of the result gets discarded, and you only see the result from the second getLine. On the other hand, with putStrLn, the result is actually (), so you don't see the difference when that gets discarded, since the value has already been printed to the output.
I just want to get what (>>) have in common for all instances. If it just abandon the previous result, I think every type can have this method easily.
If you look at the signature: (>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b, you could think it's implemented as _ >> x = x. But you already see it must work differently from your list example. In fact, it's implemented as x >> y = x >>= \_ -> y. So:
it "runs" the monadic action x (of type m a), and ignores the actual values of type a in the result, but >>= can use its "shape" or side-effects (in List case, it's the number of elements; in Maybe case, it's whether you have a Just or Nothing; for IO, it's the side effects; etc);
every type which has >>= does have >> easily; it's only a method of Monad instead of a separate function because for some types you can implement it more efficiently than the default version, but it must always give the same result.

Specify list type for input

I'm learning Haskell and I've decided to to the H-99 problem set. Naturally, I've become stuck on the first problem!
I have the following code:
module Main where
getLast [] = []
getLast x = x !! ((length x) - 1)
main = do
putStrLn "Enter a list:"
x <- readLn
print (getLast x)
Compiling this code gives the following error:
No instance for (Read a0) arising from a use of `readLn'
The type variable `a0' is ambiguous
Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance Read () -- Defined in `GHC.Read'
instance (Read a, Read b) => Read (a, b) -- Defined in `GHC.Read'
instance (Read a, Read b, Read c) => Read (a, b, c)
-- Defined in `GHC.Read' 25 others
In a stmt of a 'do' block: x <- readLn
In the expression:
do { putStrLn "Enter a list:";
x <- readLn;
print (getLast x) }
In an equation for `main':
= do { putStrLn "Enter a list:";
x <- readLn;
print (getLast x) }
No instance for (Show a0) arising from a use of `print'
The type variable `a0' is ambiguous
Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance Show Double -- Defined in `GHC.Float'
instance Show Float -- Defined in `GHC.Float'
instance (Integral a, Show a) => Show (GHC.Real.Ratio a)
-- Defined in `GHC.Real' 26 others
In a stmt of a 'do' block: print (getLast x)
In the expression:
do { putStrLn "Enter a list:";
x <- readLn;
print (getLast x) }
In an equation for `main':
= do { putStrLn "Enter a list:";
x <- readLn;
print (getLast x) }
That's a large error, but it seems to me that Haskell isn't sure what the input type will be. That's fine, and completely understandable. However, as this is supposed to work on a list of generics, I'm not sure how to specify that type. I tried this:
x :: [a] <- readLn [a] is the type that Haskell returns for an empty list (found with :t []). This won't compile either.
As I'm a beginner, I know there's a lot I'm missing, but in a basic sense - how can I satisfy Haskell's type system with input code? I'm a Haskell beginner looking for a beginner answer, if that's at all possible. (Also, note that I know there's a better way to do this problem (reverse, head) but this is the way I came up with first, and I'd like to see if I can make it work.)
You can't hope to write something like this which will detect the type of x at run time -- what kind of thing you're reading must be known at compile time. That's why #Sibi's answer uses [Int]. If it can't be deduced, you get a compile time error.
If you want a polymorphic read, you have to construct your own parser which lists the readable types.
maybeDo :: (Monad m) => Maybe a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
maybeDo f Nothing = return ()
maybeDo f (Just x) = f x
main = do
str <- getLine
maybeDo (maybeRead str :: Maybe Int) $ \i ->
putStrLn $ "Got an Int: " ++ show i
maybeDo (maybeRead str :: Maybe String) $ \s ->
putStrLn $ "Got a String: " ++ show s
There are lots of ways to factor out this repetition, but at some point you'll have to list all the types you'll accept.
(An easy way to see the problem is to define a new type MyInt which has the same Read instance as Int -- then how do we know whether read "42" should return an Int or a MyInt?)
This should work:
getLast :: Num a => [a] -> a
getLast [] = 0
getLast x = x !! ((length x) - 1)
main = do
putStrLn "Enter a list:"
x <- readLn :: IO [Int]
print (getLast x)
why return 0 for an empty list, instead of an empty list?
Because it won't typecheck. Because you are returning [] for empty list and for other cases you are returning the element inside the list i.e a. Now since a type is not equal to list, it won't typecheck. A better design would be to catch this type of situation using the Maybe datatype.
Also, because of returning 0, the above function will work only for List of types which have Num instances created for them. You can alleviate that problem using error function.
However, this should work for a generic list, not just a list of Ints
or Numbers, right?
Yes, it should work for a polymorphic list. And you can create a function like getLast which will work for all type of List. But when you want to get input from the user, it should know what type of input you are giving. Because the typechecker won't be able to know whether you meant it as List of Int or List of Double or so on.

No instance for Num String arising from the literal `1'

main = do
putStrLn $myLast [1,2,3,4]
myLast :: [a] -> a
myLast [x] = x
myLast (_:xs) = myLast xs
When i try to run this code i get this message:
"No instance for (Num String) arising from the literal `1'
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num String)"
It runs well when I run with the list ["1","2","3,"4"]. I didn't specify the type but it doesn't work with ints.
"No instance for..." error messages are usually misleading.
The problem you have is simply this
Prelude> :t putStrLn
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
i.e. that function can only deal with strings, not with numbers. An often-seen solution is to first translate the thing you want to show into a string: putStrLn (show x), but actually the combination exists as a much nicer standard function:
main = do
print $ myLast [1,2,3,4]
The compiler concludes from
putStrLn x
that x must be a String. The inferred type for
myLast [1,2,3,4]
is Num a => a and when you now substitute a with String you get
Num String => String
This is all quite logical, except that the type checker remembers that the Num constraint originated from the literal 1.
The message you get is thus just another way to say that a number is not a string, and putStrLn badly wants a string. Or, if you want, that the expression would be well typed, if only strings were numbers.
putStrLn has type String -> IO () so you need to convert your list element into a string first.
You can do this with show:
putStrLn $ show $ myLast [1,2,3,4]

Can Either be used for a kind of simple polymorphism?

I tried writing a simple function that takes an Either type (possibly parameterized by two different types) and does one thing if it gets Left and another thing if it gets Right. the following code,
someFunc :: (Show a, Show b) => Either a b -> IO ()
someFunc (Left x) = print $ "Left " ++ show x
someFunc (Right x) = print $ "Right " ++ show x
main = do
someFunc (Left "Test1")
someFunc (Right "Test2")
However, this gives,
Ambiguous type variable `b0' in the constraint:
(Show b0) arising from a use of `someFunc'
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
In a stmt of a 'do' expression: someFunc (Left "Test1")
Ambiguous type variable `a0' in the constraint:
(Show a0) arising from a use of `someFunc'
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
In the expression: someFunc (Right "Test2")
If I understand correctly, when I call the function with Left x, it is complaining because it doesn't know the type of the Right x variant, and vice-versa. However, this branch of the function is not used. Is there a better way to do this?
You can make this work by explicitly specifying the other type:
main = do
someFunc (Left "Test1" :: Either String ())
someFunc (Right "Test2" :: Either () String)
but I agree with x13n that this probably isn't the best way to do whatever you're trying to do. Note that someFunc is functionally identical to
someFunc :: (Show a) => Bool -> a -> IO ()
someFunc False x = print $ "Left " ++ show x
someFunc True x = print $ "Right " ++ show x
because the only information you derive from the structure of the Either is whether it's a Left or Right. This version also doesn't require you to specify a placeholder type when you use it.
This is a good question, because it made me think about why Haskell behaves this way.
class PseudoArbitrary a where
arb :: a
instance PseudoArbitrary Int where
arb = 4
instance PseudoArbitrary Char where
arb = 'd'
instance PseudoArbitrary Bool where
arb = True
reallyDumbFunc :: (PseudoArbitrary a, PseudoArbitrary b) =>
Either a b -> Either a b
reallyDumbFunc (Left x) = Right arb
reallyDumbFunc (Right x) = Left arb
So check this out. I've made a typeclass PseudoArbitrary, where instances of the typeclass provide a (pseudo-)arbitrary element of their type. Now I have a reallyDumbFunction that takes an Either a b, where both a and b have PseudoArbitrary instances, and if a Left was put in, I produce a Right, with a (pseudo-)arbitrary value of type b in it, and vice versa. So now let's play in ghci:
ghci> reallyDumbFunc (Left 'z')
Ambiguous type variable blah blah blah
ghci> reallyDumbFunc (Left 'z' :: Either Char Char)
Right 'd'
ghci> reallyDumbFunc (Left 'z' :: Either Char Int)
Right 4
Whoa! Even though all I changed was the type of the input, it totally changed the type and value of the output! This is why Haskell cannot resolve the ambiguity by itself: because that would require analyzing your function in complicated ways to make sure you are not doing things like reallyDumbFunc.
Well, that depends heavily on what you are trying to do, doesn't it? As you already found out, in order to use Left constructor, you need to know the type it constructs. And full type requires information on both a and b.
Better way to achieve polymorphism in Haskell is to use type classes. You can easily provide different implementations of "methods" for different instances.
Good comparison of both object-orientation and type classes concepts can be found here.
