This question is related to this post: Understanding do notation for simple Reader monad: a <- (*2), b <- (+10), return (a+b)
I don't care if a language is hard to understand if it promises to solve some problems that easy to understand languages give us. I've been promised that the impossibility of changing state in Haskell (and other functional languages) is a game changer and I do believe that. I've had too many bugs in my code related to state and I totally agree with this post that reasoning about the interaction of objects in OOP languages is near impossible because they can change states, and thus in order to reason about code we should consider all the possible permutations of these states.
However, I've been finding that reasoning about Haskell monads is also very hard. As you can see in the answers to the question I linked, we need a big diagram to understand 3 lines of the do notation. I always end up opening to desugar the do notation by hand and write step by step the >>= applications of the do notation in order to understand the code.
The problem is more or less like this: in the majority of the cases when we have S a >>= f we have to unwrap a from S and apply f to it. However, f is actually another thing more or less in the formS a >>= g, which we also have to unwrap and so on. Human brain doesn't work like that, we can't easily apply these things in the head and stop, keep them in the brain's stack, and continue applying the rest of the >>= until we reach the end. When the end is reached, we get all those things stored in the brain's stack and glue them together.
Therefore, I must be doing something wrong. There must be an easy way to understand '>>= composition' in the brain. I know that do notation is very simple, but I can only think of that as a way to easily write >>= compositions. When I see the do notation I simply translate it to a bunch of >>=. I don't see it as a separate way of understanding code. If there is a way, I'd like someone to tell me.
So the question is: how to read the do notation?
Given a simple code like
foo :: Monad m => m Int -> m Int -> m Int
foo x y = do
a <- y -- I'm intentionally doing y first; see the Either example
b <- x
return (a + b)
you can't say much about <- except that it "gets" an Int value from x or y. What "get" means depends very much on what m is.
Some examples:
m ~ Maybe
foo (Just 3) (Just 5) evaluates to Just 8; replace either argument with Nothing, and you get Nothing. <- tries to get a value out the Maybe Int value, but aborts the rest of the block if it fails.
m ~ Either a
Pretty much the same as Maybe, but replacing Nothing with the first Left value that it encounters. foo (Right 3) (Right 5) returns Right 8. foo x (Left "foo") returns Left "foo", whether x is a Right or Left value.
m ~ []
Now, instead of getting an Int, <- gets every Int from among the given choices. It does so nondeterministically; you can imagine that the function "forks" into multiple parallel copies, each one having chosen a different value from its list. In the end, the final result is a list of all the results that were computed.
foo [1,2] [3,4] returns [4, 5, 5, 6] ([3 + 1, 3 + 2, 4 + 1, 4 + 2]).
m ~ IO
This one is tricky, because unlike the previous monads we've looked at, there isn't necessarily a value yet to get. foo readLn readLn will return whatever the sum of the two numbers read from standard input is, with the possibility of a run-time error should the strings so read not be parseable as Int values.
You might think of it as working like the Maybe monad, but with run-time exceptions replacing Nothing.
Part 1: no need to go into the weeds
There is actually a very simple, easy to grasp, intuition behind monads: they encode the order of stuff happening. Like, first do this thing, then do the other thing, then do the third thing. For example:
executeMadDoctrine = do
wait oneYear
s <- evaluatePoliticalSituation
case s of
Stable -> do
printInNewspapers "We're going to live another day"
executeMadDoctrine -- recursive call
Unstable -> do
printInNewspapers "Run for your lives"
return ()
Or a slightly more realistic (and also compilable and executable) example:
main = do
putStrLn "What's your name?"
name <- getLine
if name == "EXIT" then
return ()
else do
putStrLn $ "Hi, " <> name
Simple. Just like Python. Human brain does, indeed, work exactly like this.
You see, you don't need to know how it all works inside, unless you start doing more advanced things. After all, you're probably not thinking about the order of cylinders firing every time you start your car, do you? You just hit the gas and it goes. It's the same with do.
Part 2: you picked a bad example
The example you picked in your previous question is not the best candidate for this stuff. The Monad instance for functions is indeed a bit brain-wrecking. Even I have to make a little effort to understand what's going on - and I've been doing Haskell professionally for quite some time.
The trouble here is mathematics. The bloody thing turns out unreasonably effective time after time, especially when nobody is asking it to.
Think about this: first we had perfectly good natural numbers that we could very well understand. I have two eyes, and you have one sword, I better run. But then it turned out that we need zero. Why the bloody hell do we need it? It's sacrilege! You can't write down something that isn't! But it turns out you have to have it. It unambiguously follows from the other stuff we know is true. And then we got irrational numbers. WTF is that? How do I even understand it? I can't have π oranges after all, can I? But they too must exist. It just follows. No way around it. And then complex numbers, transcendental, hypercomplex, unconstructible... My brain is boiling at this point.
It's sort of the same with monads: there is this peculiar mathematical object, and at some point somebody noticed that it's very good for expressing the order of computation, so we appropriated monads for that. But then it turns out that all kinds of things can be made to look like monads, mathematically speaking. No way around it, it just is.
And so we have all these funny instances. And the do notation still works for them, because they're monads (mathematically speaking), but it's no longer about order. Like, did you know that lists were monads too? But just like with functions, the interpretation for lists is not "order", it's nested loops. And if you combine lists with something else, you get non-determinism. Fun stuff.
But just like with different kinds of numbers, you can learn. You can build up intuition over time. Do you absolutely have to? See part 1.
Any long do chains can be re-arranged into the equivalent binary do, by the associativity law of monads, grouping everything on the right, as
do { A ; B ; C ; ... }
do { A ; r <- do { B ; C ; ... } ; return r }.
So we only need to understand this binary do form to understand everything else. And that is expressed as single >>= combination.
Then, treat do code's interpretation (for a particular monad) axiomatically instead, as a bunch of re-write rules. Convince yourself about the validity of those rules for a particular monad just once (yes, using possibly extensive >>=-based re-writes, once).
So, for the Reader monad from the question's linked entry,
(do { S f }) x === f x
(do { a <- S f ; return (h a) }) x === let {a = f x} in h a
=== h (f x)
(do { a <- S f ; === let {a = f x ;
b <- S g ; b = g x} in h a b
return (h a b) }) x === h (f x) (g x)
and any longer chain of lets is expressible as nested binary lets, equivalently.
The last one is liftM2 actually, so an argument could be made that understanding a particular monad means understanding its particular liftM2 (*), really.
And those Ss, we end up just ignoring them as noise, forced on us by Haskell syntax (well, that question didn't use them at all, but it could).
(*) more precisely, liftBind, (do { a <- S f ; b <- k a ; return (h a b) }) x === let {a = f x ; b = g x } in h a b where (S g) x === k a x. (specifically, this, after the words "the long version")
And so, your attitude of "When I see the do notation I simply translate it to a bunch of >>=. I don't see it as a separate way of understanding code" could actually be the problem.
do notation is your friend. Personally, I first hated it, then learned to love it, and now I see the >>=-based re-writes as its (low-level) implementation, more and more.
And, even more abstractly, do can equivalently be written as Monad Comprehensions, looking just like list comprehensions!
#chepner has already included in his answer quite a lot of what I would have said, but I wish to emphasise another aspect, which I feel is quite pertinent to this question: the fact that do notation is, for most developers, a much easier and more easily understandable way to work with any monadic expression which is at least moderately complex.
The reason for this is that, in an almost miraculous way, do blocks end up very much resembling code written in an imperative language. Imperative style code is much easier to understand for the majority of developers, and not only because it's by far the most common paradigm: it gives an explicit "recipe" for what a piece of code is doing, whereas more typical Haskell expressions, particularly monadic ones involving nested lambdas and >>= everywhere, very easily become difficult to comprehend.
In saying this I certainly do not mean that one should code in an imperative language as opposed to Haskell. The advantages of the pure functional style are well documented and seemingly well understood by the OP, so I will not go into them here. But Haskell's do notation allows one to write code in an imperative-looking "style", which therefore is explicit and easier to comprehend - at least on a small scale - while sacrificing none of the advantages of using a pure functional language.
This "imperative style" of do notation is, I feel, more visible with some monads than others, and I wish to illustrate my point with examples from a couple of monads which I find suit the "imperative style" well. First, IO, where I can give this simple example:
greet :: IO ()
greet = do
putStrLn "Hello, what is your name?"
name <- readLine
putStrLn $ "Pleased to meet you, " ++ name ++ "!"
I hope it's immediately obvious what this code does, when executed by the Haskell runtime. What I wish to emphasise is how similar it is to imperative code, for example, this Python translation (which is not the most idiomatic, but has been chosen to exactly match the Haskell code line for line).
def greet():
print("Hello, what is your name?")
name = input()
print("Pleased to meet you, " + name + "!")
Now ask yourself, how easy would the code be to understand in its desugared from, without do?
greet = putStrLn "Hello, what is your name?" >> readLine >>= \name -> putStrLn $ "Pleased to meet you, " ++ name ++ "!"
It's not particularly difficult, granted - but I hope you agree that it's much more "noisy" than the do block above. I can't speak for others, but I very much doubt I'm alone in saying that the latter version might take me 10-20 seconds or so to fully comprehend, whereas the do block is instantly comprehensible. And this of course is an extremely simple action - anything more complicated, as found in many real-world applications, makes the difference in comprehensibility much greater.
I have chosen IO for a reason, of course - I think it's in dealing with IO in particular that it's most natural to think in terms of "do this action, then if the result is that then do the next action, otherwise...". While the semantics of the IO monad fits this perfectly, it's much easier to translate the code into something like that when written in quasi-imperative notation than it is to use >>= directly. And the do notation is easier to write, too.
But although IO is the clearest example of this, it's certainly not the only one. Another great example is the State monad. Here's a simple example of using it to find the sum of a list of integers (and I know you wouldn't actually do that this way, but it's just a very simple example of some not-totally-trivial code that used this monad):
sumList :: State [Int] Int
sumList = go 0
where go subtotal = do
remaining <- get
case remaining of
[] -> return subtotal
(x:xs) -> do
put xs
go $ subtotal + X
Here, in my opinion, the steps are very clear - the auxiliary function go successively adds the first element of the list to the running total, while updating the internal state with the tail of the list. When there is no more list, it returns the running total. (Given the above, the function evalState sumList will take an actual list and sum it.)
One can probably come up with better examples (particularly ones where the calculation involved isn't trivial to do in other ways), but my point is hopefully still clear: rewriting the above with >>= and lambdas would make it much less comprehensible.
do notation is, in my opinion, why the often-quoted quip about Haskell being "the world's finest imperative language", has more than a grain of truth. By using and defining different monads one can write easily understandable "imperative" code in a wide variety of situations - while still having guarantees that various functions can't, for example, change global state. It's in many ways the best of both worlds.
Haskell pattern matching is often head strict, for example,f (x:xs) = ...
requires input list to be evaluated to (thunk : thunk). But sometimes such evaluation is not needed and function can afford to be non-strict on some arguments, for example f (x:xs) = 3.
Ideally, in such situations we could avoid evaluating arguments to get the behaviour of const 3, which could be done with irrefutable pattern: f ~(x:xs) = 3. This gives us performance benefits and greater error tolerance.
My question is: Does GHC already implement such transformations via some kind of strictness analysis? Appreciate it if you could also point me to some readings on it.
As far as I know, GHC will never make something more lazy than specified by the programmer, even if it can prove that doesn't change the semantics of the term. I don't think there is any fundamental reason to avoid changing the laziness of a term when we can prove the semantics don't change; I suspect it's more of an empirical observation that we don't know of any situations where that would be a really great idea. (And if a transformation would change the semantics, I would consider it a bug for GHC to make that change.)
There is only one possible exception that comes to mind, the so-called "full laziness" transformation, described well on the wiki. In short, GHC will translate
\a b -> let c = {- something that doesn't mention b -} in d
\a -> let c = {- same thing as before -} in \b -> d
to avoid recomputing c each time the argument is applied to a new b. But it seems to me that this transformation is more about memoization than about laziness: the two terms above appear to me to have the same (denotational) semantics wrt laziness/strictness, and are only operationally different.
I'm working on this tool where the user can define-and-include in [config files | content text-files | etc] their own "templates" (like mustache etc) and these can reference others so they can induce a loop. Just when I was about to create a "max-loops" setting I realized with runghc the program after a while just quits with farewell message of just <<loop>>. That's actually good enough for me but raises a few ponderations:
how does GHC or the runtime actually detect it's stuck in a loop, and how would it distinguish between a wanted long-running operation and an accidental infinite loop? The halting problem is still a thing last I checked..
any (time or iteration) limits that can be custom-set to the compiler or the runtime?
is this runghc-only or does it exist in all final compile outputs?
will any -o (optimization) flags set much later when building releases disable this apparent built-in loop detection?
All stuff I can figure out the hard way of course, but who knows maybe someone already looked into this in more detail.. (hard to google/ddg for "haskell" "<<loop>>" because they strip the angle brackets and then show results for "how to loop in Haskell" etc..)
This is a simple "improvement" of the STG runtime which was implemented in GHC. I'll share what I have understood, but GHC experts can likely provide more useful and accurate information.
GHC compiles to an intermediate language called Core, after having done several optimizations. You can see it using ghc -ddump-simpl ...
Very roughly, in Core, an unevaluated binding (like let x = 1+y+x in f x) creates a thunk. Some memory is allocated somewhere to represent the closure, and x is made to point at it.
When (and if) x is forced by f, then the thunk is evaluated. Here's the improvement: before the evaluation starts, the thunk of x is overwritten with a special value called BLACKHOLE. After x is evaluated (to WHNF) then the black hole is again overwritten with the actual value (so we don't recompute it if e.g. f x = x+x).
If the black hole is ever forced, <<loop>> is triggered. This is actually an IO exception (those can be raised in pure code, too, so this is fine).
let x = 1+x in 2*x -- <<loop>>
let g x = g (x+1) in g 0 -- diverges
let h x = h (10-x) in h 0 -- diverges, even if h 0 -> h 10 -> h 0 -> ...
let g0 = g10 ; g10 = g0 in g0 -- <<loop>>
Note that each call of h 0 is considered a distinct thunk, hence no black hole is forced there.
The tricky part is that it's not completely trivial to understand which thunks are actually created in Core since GHC can perform several optimizations before emitting Core. Hence, we should regard <<loop>> as a bonus, not as a given / hard guarantee by GHC. New optimizations in the future might replace some <<loop>>s with actual non-termination.
If you want to google something, "GHC, blackhole, STG" should be good keywords.
When running hlint over my program it reported an error for
\x -> [x]
and suggested the alternative form
(: [])
What is there erroneous according to hlint about the first form, and thus why should I use the (less readable) second option?
(added hlint explicitly to the question)
My question lies not so much with what the difference is (I do understand both of them) in lexical point of view. My problem is that I do not understand why hlint is marking it as an error. Is there for example a difference in laziness? Furthermore why is the previous thought of as erroneous by hlint while \x -> Just x raises only a warning.
A common question, to which I've just added an answer in the HLint manual. It says:
Every hint has a severity level:
Error - for example concat (map f x) suggests concatMap f x as an "error" severity hint. From a style point of view, you should always replace a combination of concat and map with concatMap. Note that both expressions are equivalent - HLint is reporting an error in style, not an actual error in the code.
Warning - for example x !! 0 suggests head x as a "warning" severity hint. Typically head is a simpler way of expressing the first element of a list, especially if you are treating the list inductively. However, in the expression f (x !! 4) (x !! 0) (x !! 7), replacing the middle argument with head makes it harder to follow the pattern, and is probably a bad idea. Warning hints are often worthwhile, but should not be applied blindly.
The difference between error and warning is one of personal taste, typically my personal taste. If you already have a well developed sense of Haskell style, you should ignore the difference. If you are a beginner Haskell programmer you may wish to focus on error hints before warning hints.
While the difference is personal taste, sometimes I change my mind. Looking at the two examples in this thread, (:[]) seems a relatively "complex" hint - you are breaking down the syntactic sugar of [x] to x:[], which in some ways is peeling through the abstraction of a list as a generic container, if you never pattern match on it. In contrast \x -> Just x to Just always seems like a good idea. Therefore, in HLint-1.8.43 (just released) I have made the first a warning, and the second an error.
There is no real difference. HLint concerns itself with style issues; ultimately, they are just hints on how to make your code look better.
In general, using a lambda with a constructor or function like that is redundant and makes the code harder to read. As an extreme example, take a constructor like Just as an example: compare Just to \ x -> Just x. These are equivalent but the second version certainly makes things more confusing! As a closer example, most people would choose (+ 1) over \ x -> x + 1.
In your particular case, it's a different story because lists have special syntax. So if you like the \ x -> [x] version better, just keep it. However, once you become used to operator sections, it's likely you'll find the (: []) version as easy--if not easier--to read, so consider using it even now.
I might consider using return or pure for this:
ghci> return 0 :: [Int]
ghci> import Control.Applicative
ghci> pure 0 :: [Int]
I needed to include the type annotation (:: [Int]) because I was working in GHCi. In the middle of a bunch of other code you probably wouldn't need it.
What is the meaning of exceptions in Haskell? The only usage I see is to put in undefined or error in my code to stop programs from running. Otherwise I consider programming with exceptions as a logical design flaw. But Haskell has an advanced exception module Control.Exception which is used by Prelude. I read that the reason for exceptions in C++ was to prevent a lot of "call function, then check status"-lines in code. But such things can be abstracted away in Haskell. The only other reason I can see for exception handling in Haskell is with FFI, to handle foreign exceptions, but only for internal use in a Haskell function wrapping the call.
In my humble opinion, exceptions mean "you broke the contract of a function". I'm not talking about the type contract, I'm talking about the stuff you generally find in comments.
-- The reciprocal is not defined for the value 0
myRecip :: Fractional a => a -> a
myRecip x | x == 0 = throw DivideByZero
| otherwise = 1 / x
Of course you could always provide this functions the "safe" way:
safeRecip :: Fractional a => a -> Maybe a
safeRecip x | x == 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ 1 / x
Perhaps we should even abstract this pattern
restrictInput :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> Maybe b)
restrictInput pred f x = if pred x then Just (f x) else Nothing
safeRecip' = restrictInput (/= 0) myRecip
You could imagine similar combinators for using Either instead of Maybe to report failure. So since we have the ability to handle these things with pure functions, why bother with the impure exception model? Well, most Haskellers will tell you to stick with purity. But the dark truth is, it's just a pain to add that extra layer. You can no longer write
prop_recip x = x == (recip . recip) x
Because now the result of recip x is in a Maybe. There are useful things you can do with (a -> a) functions that you can no longer do. Now you have to think about composing Maybes. This, of course, is trivial if you are comfortable with monads:
prop_recip 0 = (safeRecip >=> safeRecip) 0 == Nothing
prop_recip x = (safeRecip >=> safeRecip) x == Just x
But therein lies the rub. Newbies generally know next to nothing when it comes to monadic composition. The Haskell Committee, as many on the #haskell irc channel will quickly tell you*, has made some rather wonky decisions regarding language design in order to cater to newbies. We want to be able to say "you don't need to know monads in order to start making useful things in Haskell". And I generally agree with that sentiment.
A few quick answers to the question: What is an exception?
a dirty hack so we don't have to make our functions entirely safe
a "try/catch" control flow mechanism for the IO monad (IO is a sin bin, so why not throw try/catch in the list of sins as well?)
There may be other explanations.
See also Haskell Report > Basic Input/Output > Exception Handling in the IO Monad
*I actually asked on #haskell irc if they approved of this statement. The only response I got was "wonky" :) so it is obviously proven true by absence of objection.
[Edit] Note that error and undefined are defined in terms of throw:
error :: [Char] -> a
error s = throw (ErrorCall s)
undefined :: a
undefined = error "Prelude.undefined"
The "error" function is for when a function receives invalid input, or when something internal happens that is supposed to never happen (i.e., a bug). In short, calling "error" represents a bug - either in the caller or callee.
The "undefined" constant is more for values which aren't supposed to be used - generally because they're going to be replaced with something else, or because they're phantom values used to get a specific type. (It's actually implemented as a call to "error".)
So why do we have Control.Exception with all its fanciness then?
Basically, "because I/O operations can throw exceptions". You could be happily talking to an FTP server over a TCP socket, and suddenly the connection breaks. The result? Your program throws an exception. Or you could run out of RAM, or the disk might fill up, or whatever.
Notice that almost all of these things are not your fault. If you can anticipate a specific thing going wrong, you should use things like Maybe and Either to handle it in a pure way. (E.g., if you're going to invert a matrix, well, the matrix could be non-invertible, so you'd better return a Maybe Matrix as the result.) For things that you can't reasonably anticipate (e.g., some other program just deleted the file you're trying to work on), exceptions are the way.
Note that Control.Exception contains lots of stuff for handling exceptions as well as just defining lots of different types. I don't care if the code I called did something which is incorrect and therefore a bug; I'd still like to be able to tell the client I was just talking to that the connection is about to be closed, log a description to a log file somewhere, and do other cleanup stuff, rather than just have my program suddenly, you know, stop.
Exceptions are a legitimate form of flow control. It's not clear to me why, when given a tool, programmers insist that it is "only for" certain cases and rule out other possible uses.
For example, if you are performing a backtracking computation, you can use exceptions to backtrack. In Haskell it would probably be more common to use the list monad for this, but exceptions are a legitimate way to go.
It seems that this question actually was discussed here:
I don't know if this question was actually answerable, as pointed out.