I am using stack for my Haskell development and Syntastic for my error checking when editing in Vim. I have not installed the haskell-platform, instead, I use a stack build --install-ghc to get my environment up and running using the supported GHC, cabal and lts packages.
Normally, I use a cabal sandbox and syntastic works well with this. I see when I do a let g:syntastic_debug=3 in Vim, syntastic runs a cabal configure which checks if the project dependencies are installed and then goes ahead and does some hlint, hdevtools and ghc-mod magic to give me some warnings and/or error messages.
Now, here is my problem. Since my cabal setup (installed from stack) doesn't know about my dependencies installed at .stack-work or .stack (not sure), it complains that I am missing necessary packages and blows up when syntastic runs in my Vim instance.
Trying to run a stack exec -- cabal configure returns the following error:
Use of GHC's environment variable GHC_PACKAGE_PATH is incompatible with Cabal. use the flag --package-db to specify a package database (it can be used multiple times).
I haven't found out how to pass the --package-db option with the correct database. Nothing seems to work there.
So, the quetion - will successfully running a stack exec -- cabal configure, avoiding the GHC_PACKAGE_PATH issue get me to a working setup? Can anyone give me some direction here?
hdevtools works. See here: http://seanhess.github.io/2015/08/05/practical-haskell-editors.html
I'm planning on keeping that up to date as new tools come out (like stack-ide).
This blogpost gives a nice introduction as well. Things change quickly in the haskell world and ghc-mod seems to be working well with stack now. The setup from the post requires neovim though.
The setup from the post worked perfectly fine for me and found all dependencies within the current stack project.
I code haskell of poor quality in december each year. This year my environment is broken for some reason.
When I try to run my old scripts with
runhaskell .\myCode.hs
I get
Could not find module `Data.List.Split'
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
This question has a comment in one of the answers:
Maybe he doesn't even use a .cabal or .yaml file and only wants to write a stand-alone Haskell script for runhaskell.
That is exactly what I'm after, but the comment thread does not provide an answer. It worked 2016-2018 and I do not remember this issue, and I've never had the setup that is written about here or here("hidden modules").
Anyone have an idea how to fix this?
Edit: I tried the guide here which says to download the package, extract it and run:
runhaskell Setup configure
runhaskell Setup build
runhaskell Setup install
But I just get an error which says:
$ runhaskell Setup configure
Configuring split-
Setup: Encountered missing dependencies:
base <4.12
And I do have a Haskell\8.6.3\lib\base- in the installation.
Data.List.Split is not part of "base", the core libraries that are distributed with Haskell. It is part of an external package named "split". If you want to use it, you must get that package somehow. This is typically done with cabal or stack. Perhaps there is a way to do this that runhaskell understands; I don't know anything about runhaskell.
Ok so after following the instructions to do things manually, I double checked that I had the latest split package. The web page says the package requires base (<4.14) but it still complains Setup: Encountered missing dependencies: base <4.12 when I try to run runhaskell Setup configure
But then after I've tried and failed to install an older 'base', seemed like a long shot anyway, I simply followed the 'Installing packages using cabal' part of the guide.
cabal update
cabal install split
I ran those two commands and ignored the warnings that it was part of the legacy v1 cabal usage. It worked and it installed split so the runhaskell command could access it.
Installing Idris on Windows 10 using instructions to:
Install Haskell following this
Replaced , with ; in multiline paths of config files as reported by #gergelybat in this
c:\Users\me\cabal update
c:\Users\me\cabal install idris
Several dependency errors arise, I follow Idris' instructions to apply with blind faith the following further flags
Progress is made things begin to be built, we get all the way to building a temp directory with something called idris-1.3.1\…\setup.exe
Then we crash with following error:
C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\cabal-tmp-26128\idris-1.3.1\dist\setup: removeDirectoryRecursive:
…": unsatisfied constraints (The directory is not empty.)
Googling this I find this same error happens across cabal installs and logged as issues on oodles of GitHub projects. Theories are all over the map and no solutions provided. The Haskell documentation on removeDirectoryRecursive offers a clue ending with the remark that this fails on Windows if the directory is a symbolic-link.
How does one get past this problem to finish an install?
This is mostly to record the steps that worked, thanks to Michael Sonyman for the major tip.
Steps to follow.
Install Haskell (with Stack) following this
Replace , with ; in multiline paths of config files as reported by #gergelybat in this
Check that you have a version of make by checking stack exec -- which make
if you get no make then install GnuWin32,
ensure that the install directory for (e.g. c:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin is added to your system path (follow "set environment variables").
Restart PowerShell/Command prompt, retry step 3, you should see a make found, if not recheck your steps.
Run stack install --resolver lts-12.26 idris … this may be very slow. It ends by copying the Idris compiler and other items to C:\Users\you\AppData\Roaming\local\bin:
Test by typing idris at prompt, it should load the Idris REPL.
Enjoy dependent typing for the rest of your programming life.
You could try using cabal new-build or cabal new-install, but I am not sure if that will work.
I am trying to learn Haskell from the book Learn You a Haskell by Miran Lipovača. Both the book and haskell.org recommends installing the Haskell Platform but there is no download for Manjaro Linux (Arch based) which I use.
I found this guide from 2014 and decided to install the packages from Manjaro's repository. This worked fine until I wanted to use haskell-mode in Emacs. I troubleshooted this and found out that it was a problem with the packages (Stack mainly).
Looking for ways to fix this I found this Reddit thread, which describes ways to install Haskell (not the Platform), and problems with the packages. I followed one of the comments and ended up installing Stack (and GHC) with the script as described here:
wget -qO- https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh
stack setup
stack update
My questions are related to this:
Is this the recommended starter way to install a functioning Haskell (Platform) on Linux (Manjaro) in 2018? If not: what is the/a way to do it?
Haskell Platform contains: GHC, Cabal, Stack, and some packages. GHC and Stack are installed, how do I install Cabal through Stack?
Do I need Cabal (Stack seems to have overlapping functionality)?
Looking at the packages of the Haskell Platform, what, if anything, am I missing by installing Stack as described above? Looking in $HOME/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-tinfo6-nopie-8.2.2/lib/ghc-8.2.2 many of these seems installed already.
Here's a (long) alternative answer. Note that I used to recommend Stack for beginners, too, but I've since changed my mind.
TL;DR: Either Haskell Platform or a pure Stack installation can provide you with everything you need, and you won't be "missing" anything by choosing one or the other. You'll probably find it easiest to skip Stack and install Haskell Platform using the "Generic" Linux installer, because it comes with everything you need and the setup will more closely matched what's described in the LYAH book. You can install Stack later when you're doing more serious development on multiple projects. If you prefer to stick with a pure Stack installation, I'd suggest starting with a "global project only" workflow. Either way, you can use "haskell-mode" with some configuration fixes suggested below (including a key setting that will be required if you're working in the global project of a Stack-only installation).
Here's the long answer...
Stack vs. Platform vs. Cabal
The LYAH book pre-dates Stack, which is certainly the main reason it doesn't mention it. At haskell.org, they recommend using either a minimal installer, Stack, or the Haskell Platform. All three methods are perfectly reasonable ways in 2018 to set up a working Haskell environment. They differ both in the ways they choose to isolate different versions of the compiler and/or libraries into "sandboxes" for development work, and in how much they install initially, but there's nothing "missing" from any one of them that can't be installed on demand. Depending on which you choose, there will be some differences in your workflow (see below).
Both Stack and Cabal are combined package managers and build tools. (Stack has the added ability to actually bootstrap an entire Haskell installation, which is why it's also an installation method in its own right.) While you're working through LYAH, you won't actually be using the "build tool" functionality directly on your own projects. (The built-in build facilities of GHC are more than adequate for building small, multi-module projects.) You'll just need the package manager functionality to install additional libraries.
Since Stack and Cabal manage their packages separately, if you're using Stack, you'll have no particular need to use Cabal directly. You can install it if you want (and in fact, Stack makes use of Cabal for some esoteric functionality, like "stack solver", and will require it to be installed in those cases):
$ stack install cabal-install
But, even though this will put "cabal" into "$HOME/.local/bin" (and you'll want to make sure this is in your path), you'll find that you need to jump through hoops to run it:
$ stack exec --no-ghc-package-path cabal -- list
and it doesn't really do anything useful as far as your Stack environment is concerned.
Update: A note on the "$HOME/.local/bin" path. It looks like the installation script from https://get.haskellstack.org/ may install Stack itself to /usr/local/bin/stack by default if there's no existing installation. However, it should display a warning to put $HOME/.local/bin in your path. If you upgrade Stack in the future with stack upgrade, it'll install the new version of stack there, and that directory will also be used if you install packages that include binaries. For example, stack install hlint will install the Haskell Lint program hlint to that directory. So, it's a good idea to have it in your path and somewhere before /usr/local/bin.
What's Missing with Stack
I think that covers your first three questions. For your last, the main thing you're missing having installed Stack instead of the Haskell Platform is that, by design, Stack doesn't really install anything globally other than "stack" itself. So, all your Haskell work including running the Haskell interpreter ("ghci") or compiler ("ghc"), all needs to be done within a Stack environment, either using a specific corresponding Stack command:
$ echo 'main = putStrLn "Hello, world!"' > Hello.hs
$ stack ghc -- Hello.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Hello.hs, Hello.o )
Linking Hello ...
$ ./Hello
Hello, world!
or else using "stack exec" to run a generic program within an appropriate Stack environment. For example, it can sometimes be helpful to run a Bash shell under stack, after which things behave sort of like a globally installed Haskell Platform environment:
$ stack exec bash
$ ghci
GHCi, version 8.2.2: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Prelude> :quit
$ ghc -O2 Hello.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Hello.hs, Hello.o ) [flags changed]
Linking Hello ...
$ exit
$ ghc
The program 'ghc' is currently not installed. ...
The other thing you're missing is that the Haskell Platform installs a whole bunch of common libraries by default, while a fresh Stack environment starts with almost nothing (not even the compiler, before you run stack setup). While working through LYAH, you may find you need to periodically install additional libraries. For example, in the Input and Output chapter, the examples using random numbers (module System.Random) will require you to run:
$ stack install random
and restart your interpreter.
Recommendation to Use Haskell Platform
Because Stack is a little complicated and you won't really need the facilities it provides at the beginning, you may find the Haskell Platform easier to use when you're starting out. (The "Generic" installer should work fine on your distribution.) It comes with everything installed, and the way you use it will more closely match the way things are described in LYAH. Together with haskell-mode, you should have a pretty decent Haskell environment.
In general, there should be no issue having Stack and the Haskell Platform installed side-by-side (as evidenced by the fact that Haskell Platform actually includes Stack). Stack will maintain everything separately under the "$HOME/.stack" subdirectory, so there will be no interference between compilers or packages or anything. Note that in this setup, you'll use cabal to manage the packages installed on the Platform side of things, and stack -- obviously -- to manage packages on the Stack side.
Beginner Workflow for a Pure Stack Installation
If you want to stick with your pure Stack installation, I might suggest the following workflow when you're starting out:
You will see references to Stack projects, created with "stack new" or "stack init". Avoid these at the beginning, and stick with the stack "global project". This is the implicit project that will be in effect when you run "stack" in a directory that doesn't have a "stack.yaml" file (directly or in a parent directory):
$ cd
$ stack path --project-root
When you're working in the global project (i.e., not somewhere under a stack.yaml file), you can invoke the interpreter and compiler with:
$ stack exec ghci
$ stack ghc -- -O2 Hello.hs
and they will both have access to any additional libraries (packages) you've installed using commands like:
$ stack install random
Updated: A note on the difference between stack ghci and stack exec ghci. The former is intended to run GHCi within the context of a local project (i.e., working under a stack.yaml file). It passes some additional flags to hide globally installed packages and to automatically make available modules from your package. When working in the global project, I don't think there's any practical difference except that stack ghci generates a warning; and no matter which you use, you'll need to load your own modules explicitly with :load Whatever.hs. There's a little more info on the difference on this Stack documentation page, particularly at the bottom where it tries to explain the difference.
Eventually, you may switch to a workflow that uses Stack projects. This will involve using stack new to create a new Stack project directory, stack setup to install/link a private compiler version into that directory, and then modifying the project's xxx.cabal file (and possibly its stack.yaml file) to indicate which additional packages are required, instead of using stack install. It's all a little complicated when you just want to get started writing code.
You may also see reference to Intero, an Emacs mode designed specifically for Stack. Intero is very nice, but it doesn't work very well when working on files in the global project. It'll tend to want to start up the interpreter in the directory "~/.stack/global-project", which is pretty useless. (I use Intero, but I've patched it to behave better in this respect.)
Configuring Haskell-Mode (for Either Platform or Stack)
It's probably best to stick with "haskell-mode" instead, and think about Intero when you start using non-global projects. I'd suggest installing "haskell-mode" from MELPA as per the instructions, but adding the following to your .emacs file instead of what's suggested in the documentation:
(require 'haskell)
;; add capability to submit code to interpreter and mark errors
(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'interactive-haskell-mode)
;; add missing keybindings for navigating errors
(define-key interactive-haskell-mode-map (kbd "M-n") 'haskell-goto-next-error)
(define-key interactive-haskell-mode-map (kbd "M-p") 'haskell-goto-prev-error)
(define-key interactive-haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-c M-p")
;; merge this with your existing custom-set-variables
;; NOTE: include following line to work around haskell-mode
;; bug if using GHC >= 8.2.1.
;; See: https://github.com/haskell/haskell-mode/issues/1553
'("--ghci-options=-ferror-spans -fshow-loaded-modules"
"--no-build" "--no-load"))
;; some options suggested in the haskell-mode documentation
'(haskell-process-auto-import-loaded-modules t)
'(haskell-process-log t)
'(haskell-process-suggest-remove-import-lines t)
;; make sure "stack ghci" is used, even in the global project
'(haskell-process-type 'stack-ghci))
I've tested this with a pure Stack installation using "haskell-mode-20171022.26", and it seems to work fine. I can load a new Haskell file in the global project, submit it to an interactive session with "C-c C-l", and browse highlighted errors in the source file with "M-n" and "M-p". (The errors appear in the mini-buffer.)
If you decide to use the Haskell Platform instead, I think all of this "haskell-mode" configuration will still apply, except you should remove the very last customization line. (The default haskell-process-type of auto will pick something appropriate.)
Hope that helps!
You have three choices.
Haskell Platform
It is a possibility but not a popular choice for many reasons which you will discover in due time if you choose to go this way. You will have a much better experience and get much better support with either Stack or Nix. Which of those two people use seems to be mostly about personal preference. They are different beasts but to a beginner the differences will not be immediately obvious so there's little hope that you will be able to make an "informed decision". Just pick one and reevaluate later.
This is what I would suggest to anyone (not familiar with Nix) wanting to get started with Haskell quickly. Period. You do not need to separately install anything, Stack will handle all the Haskell stuff for you. You don't normally ever use cabal directly with Stack. stack build uses cabal internally but you don't need to worry about that. One thing to note, Stack is not a package manager. It's a build tool. It doesn't normally install anything. It does however fetch all the dependencies that it needs and stores them in ~/.stack together with other things.
This is what I use personally so I may be biased but I think this is the best solution overall in the long term. The caveat is that there is a rather steep learning curve and you are given many chances to shoot yourself in the foot when starting out.
I highly recommend starting with Stack but keeping an open mind about Nix as your journey with Haskell continues.
There are several things I'm confused about here, so I'll try to explain each of them as clearly as I can.
I've been trying to install the diagrams package for haskell, using cabal. I've seen it suggested to install packages using sandboxes, so that's what I did. Something that's not clear to me is exactly what a sandbox is - I understand that I can initialise one with cabal sandbox init and install packages inside of it with cabal install, but I don't see how to use those packages once they're installed.
I then tried to compile a test-script using ghc, which resulted in the following error:
Could not find module 'Diagrams.Prelude'
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
With a similar error for another module that the script was supposed to load. These modules are definitely both included in the diagrams package, and cabal seems happy that the package is installed correctly. I expect there's something simple I just don't understand, but I don't know what it is.
I typed ghc --make diagramstutorial.lhs to compile it
That will make GHC use the regular user package database (that is, not the sandbox one). Use cabal exec -- ghc --make diagramstutorial.lhs instead, so that GHC runs in the context of your sandbox.
You can also use GHCi within the sandbox with cabal repl. And naturally, if/when you start preparing a cabal package, all cabal commands (cabal build, etc.) will use the sandbox if you are within its directory.
Something that's not clear to me is exactly what a sandbox is
A set of packages with an accompanying database local to the directory. Beyond the cabal.sandbox.config configuration file there is also a hidden directory .cabal-sandbox, in which diagrams and the other packages you installed lie.
Find the sandbox directory, and locate the packages.conf.d file.
For example, /home/user/.cabal-sandbox/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.8.4-packages.conf.d
Rerun your GHC commands with the package-db flag:
ghci -package-db /home/user/.cabal-sandbox/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.8.4-packages.conf.d --make diagramstutorial.lhs
Everything should now work
I'm currently trying out web development frameworks for haskell and I recently came across yesod. It seemed pretty interesting so I installed it using cabal, however I'm not able to run the development server. Following their getting started instructions here's the result:
$ yesod init
$ cd mysite
$ yesod devel
Configuring mysite-0.0.0...
Testing files...
Rebuilding app
yesod: bind: resource busy (Address already in use)
Preprocessing library mysite-0.0.0...
Preprocessing executables for mysite-0.0.0...
Building mysite-0.0.0...
Could not find module `Data.Dynamic':
It is a member of the hidden package `base'.
Perhaps you need to add `base' to the build-depends in your .cabal file.
It is a member of the hidden package `base-'.
Perhaps you need to add `base' to the build-depends in your .cabal file.
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Testing files...
Testing files...
^^ above line just keeps repeating...
I'm assuming it has something to do with the Data.Dynamic module but I don't know how to go about fixing it.
Additional Info
Running Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick
ghc version:
$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.12.1
I haven't run into this specific issue, but the error message looks like it's a simple question of GHC being unable to find version the package "base." This version has been buildable since GHC 6.9, so you should have it. Try running the following command:
ghc-pkg check
This will tell you if there is something wrong with your packages. Cabal can be a bit of a nightmare for dependencies -- partly, it seems, because a lot of Haskell developers underestimate the extent to which their underlying libraries will shift in the future. So they will define a dependency as ">= [version of package x]" without limiting the max version to the one presently available. Or they just leave out version-limiting altogether.
Yesod, I'm happy to say, doesn't fall into this trap. But several of the libraries it depends on do. When you start developing in Haskell, learn this lesson: never assume that future versions of a library won't break your code. They will. A lot.
If ghc-pkg comes up with broken packages, you may need to clean up/uninstall/reinstall these packages until they are either cleaned up or hidden. (Just do ghc-pkg hide [package name] to tell ghc to ignore that package.
Your next problem is that hidden base package. Try the following:
ghc-pkg list | grep base
If you see brackets around the library, that means it's hidden. The package base- might show up as hidden (although that's a bit unlikely, as that's where the backward-compatible Prelude lives). If it is hidden, try to unhide it with the following command:
ghc-pkg expose base-
Now try re-running yesod devel and see how it goes. Best case scenario is that it works. If not, let us know.
According to the Yesod in Five Minutes guide, you appear to be missing the a call to the command "cabal install" between your "cd mysite" and "yesod devel". It may need to install further packages based on what your responses were during "yesod init", such as which database you want to use.
Also, you may want to check that the port is not currently being used, as you have the "Address already in use" shown in your transcript.
First, it would be a good idea to resolve any broken packages reported by ghc-pkg check, by removing/reinstalling/upgrading them.
Next, can you manually cabal build the mysite app without trouble ? If your mysite.cabal actually does not specify base in the build-depends list, you should follow the suggestion to add that.
The repeating Testing Files message is normal for current yesod devel, it is polling your source files.