FMU FMI simulation, no evaluation of some equations after initialization - openmodelica

I believe my problem is somehow related to this previous question but I was not able to fix my problem with their advices.
Here is a minimal non working example. I have a simple electrical circuit with a commutating switch in it (developed in openModelica). I want to modify the value of switch.control depending on the value of an input Parameter. To do that I have the following:
model MinimalNonWorkingExemple
parameter Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput openclose;
Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealCommutingSwitch switch;
Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Ground G;
connect(switch.p, G.p);
connect(switch.n2, G.p);
connect(switch.n1, G.p);
switch.control = if openclose > 0.5 then true else false;
end MinimalNonWorkingExemple;
Note: I tried many combination between parameter, input, etc...
I want to make an iterative simulation (for instance simulate 60 seconds of the system but with 60 consecutive simulations of 1 second). This is to be able to change the input value (openclose) according to another FMU simulation.
As a result I can modify the value of the input from pyFMI. (when I read it, the changed is taken into account). However, the "new value" is not taken into account neither in my equations.
Here is my pyfmi script:
# Import the load function (load_fmu)
from pyfmi import load_fmu
import numpy as np
from pylab import *
def simulate(model, res, startTime,finalTime, initialState):
if res == None:
for s in initialState:
res = model.simulate(start_time = startTime, final_time=finalTime, options=opts)
return res
#main part
model = load_fmu('MinimalNonWorkingExemple.fmu')
switchClose = ['openclose', [0.0]]
switchOpen = ['openclose', [1.0]]
#Simulate an FMU
res = simulate(model, None, 0, 50, [switchOpen])
v = res["openclose"]
v2 = res["switch.control"]
res = simulate(model, res, 50, 100, [switchClose])
v = np.concatenate((v,res["openclose"]))
v2 = np.concatenate((v2,res["switch.control"]))
res = simulate(model, res, 100, 200, [switchOpen])
v = np.concatenate((v,res["openclose"]))
v2 = np.concatenate((v2,res["switch.control"]))
print v
print v2
Basically I simulate during 50 units of time then I change the value of the openclose variable, then simulating again, switching again and re-simulating. As a result I obtained:
openclose: [ 1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
switch.control: [ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
Actually, only the set made before the first call to model.simulate(...) propagates its value in the system.
I tried to understand the annotation(Evaluate = false) proposed here but it did not work. I'm not sure if it is related since I can actually change my value. The problem is that the equations based on this parameter seems only evaluated during initialisation :-/
Any idea/help would be very welcome...

As far as I can understand, the FMI standard says that after you initialize the model your changes to the parameters will not affect the model anymore. So, one has to use reset and re-initialize the model so the changes are picked up again.
It seems to work fine with this code:
# Import the load function (load_fmu)
from pyfmi import load_fmu
import numpy as np
from pylab import *
def simulate(model, res, startTime,finalTime, initialState):
if res == None:
for s in initialState:
res = model.simulate(start_time = startTime, final_time=finalTime, options=opts)
return res
#main part
model = load_fmu('MinimalNonWorkingExemple.fmu')
print model.get_description()
switchClose = ['openclose', [0.0]]
switchOpen = ['openclose', [1.0]]
#Simulate an FMU
res = simulate(model, None, 0, 50, [switchOpen])
v = res["openclose"]
v2 = res["switch.control"]
res = simulate(model, res, 50, 100, [switchClose])
v = np.concatenate((v,res["openclose"]))
v2 = np.concatenate((v2,res["switch.control"]))
res = simulate(model, res, 100, 200, [switchOpen])
v = np.concatenate((v,res["openclose"]))
v2 = np.concatenate((v2,res["switch.control"]))
print v
print v2
The result is:
[ 1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
[ 1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
You can see also the discussion here:
It might work also if you make openclose an input (no parameter) and then give an input object to the simulation (openclose, time, value) as in the example here:
However, I haven't tried it so it might not work.


Appending to numpy array within a loop

I really hope to not have missed something, that had been clarified before, but I couldn't find something here.
The task seems easy, but I fail. I want to continuously append a numpy array to another one while in a for-loop:
step_n = 10
steps = np.empty([step_n,1])
for n in range(step_n):
step = np.random.choice([-1, 0, 1], size=(1,2))
#steps.append(step) -> if would be lists, I would do it like that
a = np.append(steps,step)
#something will be checked after each n
The output should be ofc of type <class 'numpy.ndarray'> and look like:
[[-1. 0.]
[ 0. 0.]
[-1. -1.]
[ 1. -1.]
[ 1. 1.]
[ 0. -1.]
[-1. 1.]
[-1. 0.]
[ 0. -1.]
[ 1. 1.]]
However the code fails for some (most probably obvious) reasons.
Can someone give me a hint?
import numpy as np
step_n = 10
steps = np.random.choice([-1, 0, 1], size=(1,2))
for n in range(step_n-1):
step = np.random.choice([-1, 0, 1], size=(1,2))
steps = np.append(steps, step, axis=0)
#something will be checked after each n
One of the problems is that your steps variable that is initialized outside the for loop has a different size than each step inside. I changed how you initialized the variable steps, by creating your first step outside of the for loop. This way, your steps variable already has the matching size. But notice you need to reduce 1 iteration in the for loop because of this.
Also, you want to update the steps variable in each for loop, and not create a new variable "a" inside it. In your code, you would just end up with the steps array (that never changes) and only the last step.

how to fix an 'invalid value encountered in power' error?

I am writing a function to evaluate and return a non linear system of equations, and give the jacobian. I then plan to call the function in a while loop to use the newton method to solve the system of equations.
I used the numpy package and read over its documentation, tried to limit the number of iterations, changed the dtype in the array and searched online to see if someone else had a similar problem.
This function is meant to solve a neoclassical growth model (a problem in macroeconomics) in finite time , T. The set of equations include T euler equations, T constraints, and one terminal condition. Thus the result should be an array of length 2T+1 containing the values of the equations, and a (2T+1)x(2T+1) jacobian matrix.
When I try to run the function for small array (arrays of length 1, and 3) it works perfectly. As soon as I try an array of length 5 or more, I start encountering RuntimeWarnings.
import numpy as np
def solver(args, params):
b,s,a,d = params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3]
guess = np.copy(args)
euler = guess[:len(guess)//2]**(-sigma) - beta*guess[1:len(guess)//2+1]**(-sigma)*(1-delta+alpha*guess[len(guess)//2+1:]**(alpha-1))
#Budget Constraint
kzero_to_T = np.concatenate(([k0], guess[len(guess)//2+1:]))
bc_t = guess[:len(guess)//2] + guess[len(guess)//2+1:] - kzero_to_T[:-1]**alpha - (1-delta)*kzero_to_T[:-1]
bc_f = guess[len(guess)//2] -kzero_to_T[-1]**alpha - kzero_to_T[-1]*(1-delta)
bc = np.hstack((bc_t, bc_f))
Evals = np.concatenate((euler, bc))
# top half of the jacobian
jac_dot_5 = np.zeros((len(args)//2, len(args)))
for t in range(len(args)//2):
for i in range(len(args)):
if t == i and len(args)//2+(i+1)<=len(args):
jac_dot_5[t][t] = -sigma*args[t]**(-sigma-1)
jac_dot_5[t][t+1] = sigma*beta*args[t+1]*(1-delta+alpha*args[len(args)//2+(t+1)]**(alpha-1))
jac_dot_5[t][len(args)//2+(t+1)] = beta*args[t+1]**(-sigma)*alpha*(alpha-1)*args[len(args)//2+(t+1)]
# bottom half of the jacobian
jac_dot_1 = np.zeros((len(args)//2, len(args)))
for u in range(len(args)//2):
for v in range(len(args)):
if u==v and u>=1 and (len(args)//2 + u+1 < len(args)):
jac_dot_1[u][u] = 1
jac_dot_1[u][len(args)//2+(u)] = 1
jac_dot_1[u][len(args)//2+(u+1)] = -alpha*args[len(args)//2 + (u+1)]**(alpha-1) -(1-delta)
jac_dot_1[0][0] = 1
jac_dot_1[0][len(args)//2 +1] = 1
# last row of the jacobian
final_bc = np.zeros((1,len(args)))
final_bc[0][len(args)//2] = 1
final_bc[0][-1] = -alpha*args[-1]**(alpha-1) -(1-delta)
jac2Tn1 = np.concatenate((jac_dot_5, jac_dot_1, final_bc), axis=0)
point = coll.namedtuple('point', ['Output', 'Jacobian', 'Euler', 'BC'])
result = point(Output = Evals, Jacobian = jac2Tn1, Euler=euler, BC=bc )
return result
The code for implementing the algorithm:
p = (beta, sigma, alpha, delta)
for i in range(20):
k0 = np.linspace(2.49, 9.96, 20)[i]
vars0 = np.array([1,1,1,1,1], dtype=float)
vars1 = np.array([20,20,20,20,20], dtype=float)
Iter2= 0
while abs(solver(vars1,p).Output).max()>1e-8 and Iter2<300:
inv_jac1 = np.linalg.inv(solver(vars0,p).Jacobian)
vars1 = vars0 - inv_jac1#solver(vars0,p).Output
if Iter2 == 100:
I expect the output to be vars1 containing the updated values. The actual output is array([nan, nan, nan, nan, nan]). The way the function has been written, it should be able to give the output for inputs of arbitrary guesses of length 2T+1, where T is number of periods of time.
I get three error messages during the execution of the loop:
C:\Users\Peter\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in power
C:\Users\Peter\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in power
C:\Users\Peter\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
I tried to code my issue from scratch and I couldn't make it any shorter- I need both, the evaluations of the equations and the jacobian to implement the algorithm. From my testing it looks like at some point the equation results (the solver(vars0,p).Output entry) become nan, but I am not sure why that would happen, the array should get close to 0, per the condition abs(solver(vars1,p).Output).max()>1e-8 and then just break out of the loop.

Finding more indices in a list close to zero

I have a list of values, which represents a damping function when this is plotted (so a form of a sinusoide). This function passes the y=0 thus several times until it levels out on y=0. I need to find the index at the moment when the function passes zero for the third time.
All values are floats, so I have a function that finds the index closest to zero:
def find_index(list_, value):
array = np.asarray(list_)
idx = (np.abs(array - value)).argmin()
return idx
Where 'list_' is the list and 'value' is zero.
This function does work, but it can only retrieve the index of the first moment the damping function (and thus the list) is closest to zero. Meaning that it will show an index of zero (because the damping function starts at zero). However, I need the index of the third time when it is closest to zero.
How can I obtain the index of the third time it will be closest to zero, instead of the first time?
You are looking for a change in the sign.
import numpy as np
x = np.array([10.0, 1.0, -1.0, -2.0, 1.0, 4.0])
y = np.sign(x) # -1 or 1
>>> [ 1. 1. -1. -1. 1. 1.]
If you calculate the difference between consecutive elements using np.diff it will be either -2 or 2, both are boolean True.
>>> [ 0. -2. 0. 2. 0.]
Now get the indices of them using np.nonzero, which returns a tuple for each dimension. Pick the first one.
idx = np.nonzero(np.diff(y))[0]
>>> [1 3]

How to make space for stitching multiple images in OpenCV - Python3 [duplicate]

I'm trying to stitch 2 images together by using template matching find 3 sets of points which I pass to cv2.getAffineTransform() get a warp matrix which I pass to cv2.warpAffine() into to align my images.
However when I join my images the majority of my affine'd image isn't shown. I've tried using different techniques to select points, changed the order or arguments etc. but I can only ever get a thin slither of the affine'd image to be shown.
Could somebody tell me whether my approach is a valid one and suggest where I might be making an error? Any guesses as to what could be causing the problem would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
This is the final result that I get. Here are the original images (1, 2) and the code that I use:
EDIT: Here's the results of the variable trans
array([[ 1.00768049e+00, -3.76690353e-17, -3.13824885e+00],
[ 4.84461775e-03, 1.30769231e+00, 9.61912797e+02]])
And here are the here the points passed to cv2.getAffineTransform: unified_pair1
array([[ 671., 1024.],
[ 15., 979.],
[ 15., 962.]], dtype=float32)
array([[ 669., 45.],
[ 18., 13.],
[ 18., 0.]], dtype=float32)
import cv2
import numpy as np
def showimage(image, name="No name given"):
cv2.imshow(name, image)
image_a = cv2.imread('image_a.png')
image_b = cv2.imread('image_b.png')
def get_roi(image):
roi = cv2.selectROI(image) # spacebar to confirm selection
crop = image_a[int(roi[1]):int(roi[1]+roi[3]), int(roi[0]):int(roi[0]+roi[2])]
return crop
temp_1 = get_roi(image_a)
temp_2 = get_roi(image_a)
temp_3 = get_roi(image_a)
def find_template(template, search_image_a, search_image_b):
ccnorm_im_a = cv2.matchTemplate(search_image_a, template, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED)
template_loc_a = np.where(ccnorm_im_a == ccnorm_im_a.max())
ccnorm_im_b = cv2.matchTemplate(search_image_b, template, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED)
template_loc_b = np.where(ccnorm_im_b == ccnorm_im_b.max())
return template_loc_a, template_loc_b
coord_a1, coord_b1 = find_template(temp_1, image_a, image_b)
coord_a2, coord_b2 = find_template(temp_2, image_a, image_b)
coord_a3, coord_b3 = find_template(temp_3, image_a, image_b)
def unnest_list(coords_list):
coords_list = [a[0] for a in coords_list]
return coords_list
coord_a1 = unnest_list(coord_a1)
coord_b1 = unnest_list(coord_b1)
coord_a2 = unnest_list(coord_a2)
coord_b2 = unnest_list(coord_b2)
coord_a3 = unnest_list(coord_a3)
coord_b3 = unnest_list(coord_b3)
def unify_coords(coords1,coords2,coords3):
unified = []
unified.extend([coords1, coords2, coords3])
return unified
# Create a 2 lists containing 3 pairs of coordinates
unified_pair1 = unify_coords(coord_a1, coord_a2, coord_a3)
unified_pair2 = unify_coords(coord_b1, coord_b2, coord_b3)
# Convert elements of lists to numpy arrays with data type float32
unified_pair1 = np.asarray(unified_pair1, dtype=np.float32)
unified_pair2 = np.asarray(unified_pair2, dtype=np.float32)
# Get result of the affine transformation
trans = cv2.getAffineTransform(unified_pair1, unified_pair2)
# Apply the affine transformation to original image
result = cv2.warpAffine(image_a, trans, (image_a.shape[1] + image_b.shape[1], image_a.shape[0]))
result[0:image_b.shape[0], image_b.shape[1]:] = image_b
cv2.imwrite('result.png', result)
Sources: Approach based on advice received here, this tutorial and this example from the docs.
July 12 Edit:
This post inspired GitHub repos providing functions to accomplish this task; one for a padded warpAffine() and another for a padded warpPerspective(). Check out the Python version or the C++ version.
Transformations shift the location of pixels
What any transformation does is takes your point coordinates (x, y) and maps them to new locations (x', y'):
s*x' h1 h2 h3 x
s*y' = h4 h5 h6 * y
s h7 h8 1 1
where s is some scaling factor. You must divide the new coordinates by the scale factor to get back the proper pixel locations (x', y'). Technically, this is only true of homographies---(3, 3) transformation matrices---you don't need to scale for affine transformations (you don't even need to use homogeneous coordinates...but it's better to keep this discussion general).
Then the actual pixel values are moved to those new locations, and the color values are interpolated to fit the new pixel grid. So during this process, these new locations get recorded at some point. We'll need those locations to see where the pixels actually move to, relative to the other image. Let's start with an easy example and see where points are mapped.
Suppose your transformation matrix simply shifts pixels to the left by ten pixels. Translation is handled by the last column; the first row is the translation in x and second row is the translation in y. So we would have an identity matrix, but with -10 in the first row, third column. Where would the pixel (0,0) be mapped? Hopefully, (-10,0) if logic makes any sense. And in fact, it does:
transf = np.array([[1.,0.,-10.],[0.,1.,0.],[0.,0.,1.]])
homg_pt = np.array([0,0,1])
new_homg_pt =
new_homg_pt /= new_homg_pt[2]
# new_homg_pt = [-10. 0. 1.]
Perfect! So we can figure out where all points map with a little linear algebra. We will need to get all the (x,y) points, and put them into a huge array so that every single point is in it's own column. Lets pretend our image is only 4x4.
h, w = src.shape[:2] # 4, 4
indY, indX = np.indices((h,w)) # similar to meshgrid/mgrid
lin_homg_pts = np.stack((indX.ravel(), indY.ravel(), np.ones(indY.size)))
These lin_homg_pts have every homogenous point now:
[[ 0. 1. 2. 3. 0. 1. 2. 3. 0. 1. 2. 3. 0. 1. 2. 3.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3.]
[ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]]
Then we can do matrix multiplication to get the mapped value of every point. For simplicity, let's stick with the previous homography.
trans_lin_homg_pts =
trans_lin_homg_pts /= trans_lin_homg_pts[2,:]
And now we have the transformed points:
[[-10. -9. -8. -7. -10. -9. -8. -7. -10. -9. -8. -7. -10. -9. -8. -7.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3.]
[ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]]
As we can see, everything is working as expected: we have shifted the x-values only, by -10.
Pixels can be shifted outside of your image bounds
Notice that these pixel locations are negative---they're outside of the image bounds. If we do something a little more complex and rotate the image by 45 degrees, we'll get some pixel values way outside our original bounds. We don't care about every pixel value though, we just need to know how far the farthest pixels are that are outside the original image pixel locations, so that we can pad the original image that far out, before displaying the warped image on it.
theta = 45*np.pi/180
transf = np.array([
[ np.cos(theta),np.sin(theta),0],
trans_lin_homg_pts =
minX = np.min(trans_lin_homg_pts[0,:])
minY = np.min(trans_lin_homg_pts[1,:])
maxX = np.max(trans_lin_homg_pts[0,:])
maxY = np.max(trans_lin_homg_pts[1,:])
# minX: 0.0, minY: -2.12132034356, maxX: 4.24264068712, maxY: 2.12132034356,
So we see that we can get pixel locations well outside our original image, both in the negative and positive directions. The minimum x value doesn't change because when an homography applies a rotation, it does it from the top-left corner. Now one thing to note here is that I've applied the transformation to all pixels in the image. But this is really unnecessary, you can simply warp the four corner points and see where they land.
Padding the destination image
Note that when you call cv2.warpAffine() you have to input the destination size. These transformed pixel values reference that size. So if a pixel gets mapped to (-10,0), it won't show up in the destination image. That means that we'll have to make another homography with translations which shift all pixel locations be positive, and then we can pad the image matrix to compensate for our shift. We'll also have to pad the original image on the bottom and the right if the homography moves points to positions bigger than the image, too.
In the recent example, the min x value is the same, so we need no horizontal shift. However, the min y value has dropped by about two pixels, so we need to shift the image two pixels down. First, let's create the padded destination image.
pad_sz = list(src.shape) # in case three channel
pad_sz[0] = np.round(np.maximum(pad_sz[0], maxY) - np.minimum(0, minY)).astype(int)
pad_sz[1] = np.round(np.maximum(pad_sz[1], maxX) - np.minimum(0, minX)).astype(int)
dst_pad = np.zeros(pad_sz, dtype=np.uint8)
# pad_sz = [6, 4, 3]
As we can see, the height increased from the original by two pixels to account for that shift.
Add translation to the transformation to shift all pixel locations to positive
Now, we need to create a new homography matrix to translate the warped image by the same amount that we shifted by. And to apply both transformations---the original and this new shift---we have to compose the two homographies (for an affine transformation, you can simply add the translation, but not for an homography). Additionally we need to divide by the last entry to make sure the scales are still proper (again, only for homographies):
anchorX, anchorY = 0, 0
transl_transf = np.eye(3,3)
if minX < 0:
anchorX = np.round(-minX).astype(int)
transl_transf[0,2] -= anchorX
if minY < 0:
anchorY = np.round(-minY).astype(int)
transl_transf[1,2] -= anchorY
new_transf =
new_transf /= new_transf[2,2]
I also created here the anchor points for where we will place the destination image into the padded matrix; it's shifted by the same amount the homography will shift the image. So let's place the destination image inside the padded matrix:
dst_pad[anchorY:anchorY+dst_sz[0], anchorX:anchorX+dst_sz[1]] = dst
Warp with the new transformation into the padded image
All we have left to do is apply the new transformation to the source image (with the padded destination size), and then we can overlay the two images.
warped = cv2.warpPerspective(src, new_transf, (pad_sz[1],pad_sz[0]))
alpha = 0.3
beta = 1 - alpha
blended = cv2.addWeighted(warped, alpha, dst_pad, beta, 1.0)
Putting it all together
Let's create a function for this since we were creating quite a few variables we don't need at the end here. For inputs we need the source image, the destination image, and the original homography. And for outputs we simply want the padded destination image, and the warped image. Note that in the examples we used a 3x3 homography so we better make sure we send in 3x3 transforms instead of 2x3 affine or Euclidean warps. You can just add the row [0,0,1] to any affine warp at the bottom and you'll be fine.
def warpPerspectivePadded(img, dst, transf):
src_h, src_w = src.shape[:2]
lin_homg_pts = np.array([[0, src_w, src_w, 0], [0, 0, src_h, src_h], [1, 1, 1, 1]])
trans_lin_homg_pts =
trans_lin_homg_pts /= trans_lin_homg_pts[2,:]
minX = np.min(trans_lin_homg_pts[0,:])
minY = np.min(trans_lin_homg_pts[1,:])
maxX = np.max(trans_lin_homg_pts[0,:])
maxY = np.max(trans_lin_homg_pts[1,:])
# calculate the needed padding and create a blank image to place dst within
dst_sz = list(dst.shape)
pad_sz = dst_sz.copy() # to get the same number of channels
pad_sz[0] = np.round(np.maximum(dst_sz[0], maxY) - np.minimum(0, minY)).astype(int)
pad_sz[1] = np.round(np.maximum(dst_sz[1], maxX) - np.minimum(0, minX)).astype(int)
dst_pad = np.zeros(pad_sz, dtype=np.uint8)
# add translation to the transformation matrix to shift to positive values
anchorX, anchorY = 0, 0
transl_transf = np.eye(3,3)
if minX < 0:
anchorX = np.round(-minX).astype(int)
transl_transf[0,2] += anchorX
if minY < 0:
anchorY = np.round(-minY).astype(int)
transl_transf[1,2] += anchorY
new_transf =
new_transf /= new_transf[2,2]
dst_pad[anchorY:anchorY+dst_sz[0], anchorX:anchorX+dst_sz[1]] = dst
warped = cv2.warpPerspective(src, new_transf, (pad_sz[1],pad_sz[0]))
return dst_pad, warped
Example of running the function
Finally, we can call this function with some real images and homographies and see how it pans out. I'll borrow the example from LearnOpenCV:
src = cv2.imread('book2.jpg')
pts_src = np.array([[141, 131], [480, 159], [493, 630],[64, 601]], dtype=np.float32)
dst = cv2.imread('book1.jpg')
pts_dst = np.array([[318, 256],[534, 372],[316, 670],[73, 473]], dtype=np.float32)
transf = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts_src, pts_dst)
dst_pad, warped = warpPerspectivePadded(src, dst, transf)
alpha = 0.5
beta = 1 - alpha
blended = cv2.addWeighted(warped, alpha, dst_pad, beta, 1.0)
cv2.imshow("Blended Warped Image", blended)
And we end up with this padded warped image:
![[Padded and warped1]1
as opposed to the typical cut off warp you would normally get.

Euler beam, solving differential equation in python

I must solve the Euler Bernoulli differential beam equation which is:
w’’’’(x) = q(x)
and boundary conditions:
w(0) = w(l) = 0
w′′(0) = w′′(l) = 0
The beam is as shown on the picture below:
The continious force q is 2N/mm.
I have to use shooting method and scipy.integrate.odeint() func.
I can't even manage to start as i do not understand how to write the differential equation as a system of equation
Can someone who understands solving of differential equations with boundary conditions in python please help!
Thanks :)
The shooting method
To solve the fourth order ODE BVP with scipy.integrate.odeint() using the shooting method you need to:
1.) Separate the 4th order ODE into 4 first order ODEs by substituting:
u = w
u1 = u' = w' # 1
u2 = u1' = w'' # 2
u3 = u2' = w''' # 3
u4 = u3' = w'''' = q # 4
2.) Create a function to carry out the derivation logic and connect that function to the integrate.odeint() like this:
function calc(u, x , q)
return [u[1], u[2], u[3] , q]
w = integrate.odeint(calc, [w(0), guess, w''(0), guess], xList, args=(q,))
We are sending the boundary value conditions to odeint() for x=0 ([w(0), w'(0) ,w''(0), w'''(0)]) which calls the function calc which returns the derivatives to be added to the current state of w. Note that we are guessing the initial boundary conditions for w'(0) and w'''(0) while entering the known w(0)=0 and w''(0)=0.
Addition of derivatives to the current state of w occurs like this:
# the current w(x) value is the previous value plus the current change of w in dx.
w(x) = w(x-dx) + dw/dx
# others are calculated the same
dw(x)/dx = dw(x-dx)/dx + d^2w(x)/dx^2
# etc.
This is why we are returning values [u[1], u[2], u[3] , q] instead of [u[0], u[1], u[2] , u[3]] from the calc function, because u[1] is the first derivative so we add it to w, etc.
3.) Now we are able to set up our shooting method. We will be sending different initial boundary values for w'(0) and w'''(0) to odeint() and then check the end result of the returned w(x) profile to determine how close w(L) and w''(L) got to 0 (the known boundary conditions).
The program for the shooting method:
# a function to return the derivatives of w
def returnDerivatives(u, x, q):
return [u[1], u[2], u[3], q]
# a shooting funtion which takes in two variables and returns a w(x) profile for x=[0,L]
def shoot(u2, u4):
# the number of x points to calculate integration -> determines the size of dx
# bigger number means more x's -> better precision -> longer execution time
xSteps = 1001
# length of the beam
L= 1.0 # 1m
xSpace = np.linspace(0, L, xSteps)
q = 0.02 # constant [N/m]
# integrate and return the profile of w(x) and it's derivatives, from x=0 to x=L
return odeint(returnDerivatives, [ 0, u2, 0, u4] , xSpace, args=(q,))
# the tolerance for our results.
tolerance = 0.01
# how many numbers to consider for u2 and u4 (the guess boundary conditions)
u2_u4_maxNumbers = 1327 # bigger number, better precision, slower program
# you can also divide into separate variables like u2_maxNum and u4_maxNum
# these are already tested numbers (the best results are somewhere in here)
u2Numbers = np.linspace(-0.1, 0.1, u2_u4_maxNumbers)
# the same as above
u4Numbers = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, u2_u4_maxNumbers)
# result list for extracted values of each w(x) profile => [u2Best, u4Best, w(L), w''(L)]
# which will help us determine if the w(x) profile is inside tolerance
resultList = []
# result list for each U (or w(x) profile) => [w(x), w'(x), w''(x), w'''(x)]
resultW = []
# start generating numbers for u2 and u4 and send them to odeint()
for u2 in u2Numbers:
for u4 in u4Numbers:
U = []
U = shoot(u2,u4)
# get only the last row of the profile to determine if it passes tolerance check
result = U[len(U)-1]
# only check w(L) == 0 and w''(L) == 0, as those are the known boundary cond.
if (abs(result[0]) < tolerance) and (abs(result[2]) < tolerance):
# if the result passed the tolerance check, extract some values from the
# last row of the w(x) profile which we will need later for comaprisons
resultList.append([u2, u4, result[0], result[2]])
# add the w(x) profile to the list of profiles that passed the tolerance
# Note: the order of resultList is the same as the order of resultW
# go through the resultList (list of extracted values from last row of each w(x) profile)
for i in range(len(resultList)):
x = resultList[i]
# both boundary conditions are 0 for both w(L) and w''(L) so we will simply add
# the two absolute values to determine how much the sum differs from 0
y = abs(x[2]) + abs(x[3])
# if we've just started set the least difference to the current
if i == 0:
minNum = y # remember the smallest difference to 0
index = 0 # remember index of best profile
elif y < minNum:
# current sum of absolute values is smaller
minNum = y
index = i
# print out the integral for w(x) over the beam
sum = 0
for i in resultW[index]:
sum = sum + i[0]
print("The integral of w(x) over the beam is:")
print(sum/1001) # sum/xSteps
This outputs:
The integral of w(x) over the beam is:
To print out the best profile for w(x) that we found:
which outputs something like:
# w(x) w'(x) w''(x) w'''(x)
[[ 0.00000000e+00 7.54147813e-04 0.00000000e+00 -9.80392157e-03]
[ 7.54144825e-07 7.54142917e-04 -9.79392157e-06 -9.78392157e-03]
[ 1.50828005e-06 7.54128237e-04 -1.95678431e-05 -9.76392157e-03]
[ -4.48774290e-05 -8.14851572e-04 1.75726275e-04 1.01560784e-02]
[ -4.56921910e-05 -8.14670764e-04 1.85892353e-04 1.01760784e-02]
[ -4.65067671e-05 -8.14479780e-04 1.96078431e-04 1.01960784e-02]]
To double check the results from above we will also solve the ODE using the numerical method.
The numerical method
To solve the problem using the numerical method we first need to solve the differential equations. We will get four constants which we need to find with the help of the boundary conditions. The boundary conditions will be used to form a system of equations to help find the necessary constants.
For example:
w’’’’(x) = q(x);
means that we have this:
d^4(w(x))/dx^4 = q(x)
Since q(x) is constant after integrating we have:
d^3(w(x))/dx^3 = q(x)*x + C
After integrating again:
d^2(w(x))/dx^2 = q(x)*0.5*x^2 + C*x + D
After another integration:
dw(x)/dx = q(x)/6*x^3 + C*0.5*x^2 + D*x + E
And finally the last integration yields:
w(x) = q(x)/24*x^4 + C/6*x^3 + D*0.5*x^2 + E*x + F
Then we take a look at the boundary conditions (now we have expressions from above for w''(x) and w(x)) with which we make a system of equations to solve the constants.
w''(0) => 0 = q(x)*0.5*0^2 + C*0 + D
w''(L) => 0 = q(x)*0.5*L^2 + C*L + D
This gives us the constants:
D = 0 # from the first equation
C = - 0.01 * L # from the second (after inserting D=0)
After repeating the same for w(0)=0 and w(L)=0 we obtain:
F = 0 # from first
E = 0.01/12.0 * L^3 # from second
Now, after we have solved the equation and found all of the integration constants we can make the program for the numerical method.
The program for the numerical method
We will make a FOR loop to go through the entire beam for every dx at a time and sum up (integrate) w(x).
L = 1.0 # in meters
step = 1001.0 # how many steps to take (dx)
q = 0.02 # constant [N/m]
integralOfW = 0.0; # instead of w(0) enter the boundary condition value for w(0)
result = []
for i in range(int(L*step)):
x= i/step
w = (q/24.0*pow(x,4) - 0.02/12.0*pow(x,3) + 0.01/12*pow(L,3)*x)/step # current w fragment
# add up fragments of w for integral calculation
integralOfW += w
# add current value of w(x) to result list for plotting
print("The integral of w(x) over the beam is:")
which outputs:
The integral of w(x) over the beam is:
Now to compare the two methods
Result comparison between the shooting method and the numerical method
The integral of w(x) over the beam:
Shooting method -> 0.000135085272117
Numerical method -> 0.00016666652805511192
That's a pretty good match, now lets see check the plots:
From the plots it's even more obvious that we have a good match and that the results of the shooting method are correct.
To get even better results for the shooting method increase xSteps and u2_u4_maxNumbers to bigger numbers and you can also narrow down the u2Numbers and u4Numbers to the same set size but a smaller interval (around the best results from previous program runs). Keep in mind that setting xSteps and u2_u4_maxNumbers too high will cause your program to run for a very long time.
You need to transform the ODE into a first order system, setting u0=w one possible and usually used system is
This can be implemented as
def ODEfunc(u,x): return [ u[1], u[2], u[3], q(x) ]
Then make a function that shoots with experimental initial conditions and returns the components of the second boundary condition
def shoot(u01, u03): return odeint(ODEfunc, [0, u01, 0, u03], [0, l])[-1,[0,2]]
Now you have a function of two variables with two components and you need to solve this 2x2 system with the usual methods. As the system is linear, the shooting function is linear as well and you only need to find the coefficients and solve the resulting linear system.
