configurable product show 0 price - configurable-product

I'm new in configurable products.
when i try to change product material attribute in front end it shows me 0 price
i use wp_simple_products_generator to generate simple products
here is my data and configuration
the attribute استیل is 20 units more expensive than default price(70.00)
thank you :)
it show correctly in the cart!
is it bug?


DirectAdmin | custom_domain_items.conf | how to change limit custom items

I've custom scripts in directadmin:
nano /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/custom_domain_items.conf
enter image description here
Sample code:
wooplpetmarket=type=checkbox&string=Install Template WP Pet Market&desc=Automatically install Pet Market for this domain&checked=no
I've total 7 custom items codes like above, but in DirectAdmin dashboard display only 5 items. I think there is any limit to display up to max 5 custom items.
I try check configuration it:
nano /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf
but nowhere do i see a similar option to change this limit. Can anybody help?

Evaluate discount promotion in Product Detail Page

Scenario :
I've been trying to implement something like Amazon has on their product pages in, where the non promoted price is crossed, and the promoted price is highlighted.
I have the PROMOTIONS product option selected in the controller, and
it is returning the potencialPromotion, but it doesn't have the value
of the discount in that structure only the message (as on the
Accelerator it appears the message).
I'm in Hybris 6.6 and I looked up the DefaultPromotionEngineService.evaluate method because it is used in the Cart, and for the cart it returns the promotion actions, but the equivalent method for the product isn't returning anything.
Has anybody done this? Seems like a pretty convencional request although I know it goes against the flexibility of promotion engine.
I can use a Regex against the message to get the discount, but it's a road I don't want to take because it will end badly....
Please suggest.
Thank you
Since you haven't mentioned it before, I have answered based on Legacy Promotion, not the Promotion Engine. I'll update answer if there is a way to do the same in Promotion Engine.
It's true, OOTB there is no service which gives you the discount price on PDP.
I think what you can do,
Override PromotionsPopulator to get the discount value and set it to promotionData.
if (fixedPricePromotion instanceof ProductFixedPricePromotionModel)
PromotionPriceRowModel promotionPriceRowModel = ((ProductFixedPricePromotionModel)source).getProductFixedUnitPrice();
//TODO: covert promotionPriceRowModel to promotionPriceData
//TODO: set to promotionData
ProductPromotionsPopulator internally calls the above populator to convert ProductPromotionModel to data.
I think we can achieve this using the price row. We can create one more price row and display the logic correctly based on the discount price.

How do I modify the Magento Search to check child skus?

Currently, the site search will search all of the skus of the items marked as being visible in search. This is all well and good.
The problem arises when the customer knows a sku of the individual child item. So, let's say a product comes in both a 20 foot and 25 foot variation. We would put those into a configurable product and have a single product page where a customer could then choose which of those two lengths.
What happens is, a customer invariably knows that the sku of the 20 ft variation is RDB-20, while the other is RDB-25. A search for RDB-25 then, comes back with no results since the simple product is not visible in search - it doesn't realize there is a match.
How do I get the search to search an item with visibility "Not Visible Individually", when it's parent is visible in search?
The desired effect is that, if a child SKU is searched for, the parent should show up in the results.
There really is no good way of doing it without extending the default search, but at that point you might as well look for other options.
Here's a workaround that might be doable depending on how you manage your products and it worked for me until I moved on from the default search.
Rather than altering the search, try adding an attribute to all products and make it hidden concatenating all the skus into this field. The search should find the text attribute and show the configurable.
Its a bit of a workaround but works for me.
This is untested, but I did a bit of perusing in our attributes and I think I found something that might help.
Currently since our child products don't show up in our search, we have the parent populate with the children product's attributes.
However, things like brand, taxable amount, description, populate for every child product while our SKU does not.
The only difference I can see between the two attributes is under manage attributes -> click on attribute -> and then under properties go to frontend properties and select
Use In Search Results Layered Navigation: YES
Used in Product Listing: YES
Use In Layered Navigation: Filterable (with results)
I'm not sure which of these do what, but in the population of the fulltext search data table, somewhere it is being told to populate for the children and I believe that the admin panel is where.
I hope this helps!

SSAS Dynamic Dimension Security based on another dimension attribute

In my project I have to apply security based on a dimension attribute.
I think the best way to explain my scenario is with an example, if you need more info please request me and I'll love to told you if it will help me find a solution.
I have some main dimension, the dimcustomer, dimseller, fact, data and geographic.
The fact table are related with dimseller ids, the dimcustomer is related to the dimseller based on one dimseller specific attribute(CNPJ)(another dimensions that i didnt described are related the same way).
So my goal is to apply a role security based on the dimseller CNPJ, so then when the user related with that seller trys to browse data he will be allowed to view only the data that are related to his seller CNPJ.
Table example:
DIM Seller: DIM Customer FactTable
id name cnpj id name dimseller.cnpj dimcustomerid measure
1 ME 1234 1 guest1 1234 1 1 50,00
2 you 5678 2 guest2 5678 2 2 100,00
So if i login as ME i will be able to se that i have the customer guest1 with one sold product that was sold by 50 bucks.
Got my point?
What is the best way of doing it?
For now I'm considering the following guide: Claim Authentication with dynamic dimension security, but at that way I should define it attribute by attribute.
Is there a way that i can define this security need? I can easy filter the data using sql statements, but i have no ideia how i can apply this kind of security in the ssas.
Thank you guys anyway!
To apply security within a dimension, you need to use roles. For each roles, you can then specify which element in the cubes/dimensions that are available to that role. So, what you got to do is to create a role by CNPJ that will be able to view only their CNPJ.

Drupal Views display newest content per taxonomy limit to one node

I want to create a view where all 5 of my taxonomy terms are displayed and it then displays the latest node published but this is limited by 1. For Example:
Tax Term 1
Latest node published
Tax Term 2
Latest node published
etc etc
Currently I'm grouping by taxonomy term so it's displaying all nodes published then sorted by published date desc. I can't quite figure out how to limit the nodes to only show one item per taxonomy term.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is possible with Views 3. I've tested this on D7, but should work on D6 also.
Add a new view of type - Taxonomy terms
Add relationship - Taxonomy term: Representative node
Other - Use aggregation: Yes
Add field - Content: Title. Change Aggregation settings to Group results together
It's not great if you have a lot of nodes, but I've done this in other cases by using a filter for "Promoted to front page" - then you simple make sure you only promote one node at a time.
I'd suggest to use a combination of panels ans views.
First, create a (or use the default) view for nodes which takes a taxonomy term as argument. Second, create a panels page containing five regions. Each region is to be filled with a view (in fact it's going to be the same view from step one, but with different arguments). Within panels ui you can restrict the number of shown entries of each view, set this value to one to have only one article be shown per term.
I'd recommend checking out the Views Group By module.
The tutorial listed above actually describes almost exactly what you are trying to do.
