IntelliJ IDEA Scratch File: JSF xmlns URI not registered - jsf

From the Intellij website:
Scratch Files, a very handy feature that helps you experiment and prototype. With this feature you can sketch something really quick right in the editor, without modifying your project or creating any files.
You can open an infinite number of Scratch Files and easily switch between them. IntelliJ IDEA will provide all of its coding assistance features for these files according to the type you will select for them in a status bar widget.
However, when I create a facelet scratch file the "URI is not registered" error appears, none of the tags are recognized, and tab-completion of tags as I type does not happen.
I create the new facelet scratch file as follows:
Tools -> New Scratch -> XHTML file
When the mouse hovers over one of the red-highlighted xmlns lines a balloon pops up: URI is not registered (Settings | Project Settings | Schemas and DTDs). When the mouse hovers over the h:outputLabel tag a balloon pops up: Cannot resolve symbol: 'h:outputLabel'. However, in my project there are no such errors in any of my Facelet files.
According to Jetbrains, "IntelliJ IDEA will provide all of its coding assistance features for these files according to the type you will select for them in a status bar widget." Is this just a broken feature or is there a way to resolve this problem? It's completely not useful to have a XHTML scratch file that does not provide coding assistance.
Changing to namespace does not resolve the issue:

I've fixed this issue on IntelliJ. In "settings > plugins", install "Jakarta EE:Server Faces(JSF)" or enable it


Error - Android failed linking resource on androidx CardView widget

All the XML files are ok, I have checked and they have no errors, this error started soon after I copied my card-view code to various xml files, the card-view code was once working perfectly in one file, before
I generated other layouts from it
On all these XML files the needed resources are grayed out, see below
Please check whether the cardview tag is closed properly
if yes, can you add full .xml file

Custom page template not showing up when using a pagebuilder theme (mostly Elementor)

I've installed a theme (that i bought) that's mainly made with Elementor.
Since I've been running into some issues with customizing this theme, (and still refuse to also pay money for Elementor Pro) I decided it would be easier to create a custom template myself.
I have done this before when I used a custom theme I made myself from scratch (I thought I was saving myself some time this time around...).
So my problem: I saved this template called page-home.php to my Child theme (that I made of the purchased Theme) in a folder called page templates.
It is not showing in the drop down menu when creating a new page.
I then just copied it to the main theme, activated that...and still not showing.
Is this because the Theme is using a page builder like Elementor?
Or do you think the creator of the theme somehow disabled this option?
Thanks in advance for any help.
As far as I know Elementor ignores the most of the standard theme file. It does so i.e. with the header.php for sure. The question is what do you want to put in a theme file what you couldn't do with Elementor. Have a look at the
"Hello Theme" - it's a plain theme.
If you don't want to pay for Pro, I recommand the plugin "Elementor – Header, Footer & Blocks Template" (and for better editor handling: "Flexible Elementor Panel")

Why am I seeing only decompiled source for an official android class?

Please note that I have previously installed Documentation for Android SDK via AS 3.5.2 SDK manager
Consider the following inconsistent behavior whilst editing java source code ...
import; // Deprecated!
If I hover over Fragment I get extensive, beautifully-formatted JavaDoc help. Furthermore, at the bottom of the Documentation window there is an option External documentation for Fragment that links to a local file:
Now, moving to androidX ...
import androidx.constraintlayout.motion.widget.MotionLayout;
If I hover over Fragment I get an abbreviated help which directs me to the 'framework' documentation. (Less elegant but acceptable)
But if I hover over MotionLayout I get nothing except a reference to
Gradle: androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.0-beta3#aar
If I go to the declaration I get decompiled source and whenever I try to code a method I have to search the internet for the parameters. All attempts to Choose or Download sources while viewing the decompiled source have failed.
I consider this unacceptable - good documentation exists and I would like to get to it easily!
I appreciate that MotionLayout was a comparatively recent (2018) announcement but it is not an isolated case.
Why is this happening? Why is Android Studio unable to find official Android source code?
Determine if the source .jar was shipped with the .aar:
Assumes External Library: Gradle: androidx.fragment:fragment:1.1.0#aar
EITHER Right-click the external library (from Project view) --> Library Properties ...
OR Navigate to :
Expand the subfolders and confirm something like
Example: androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout
Assumes External Library: Gradle: androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.0-beta3#aar
By using the above method, you will rapidly determine that no sources.jar exists. (You will only see the .aar and the .pom)
Establishing why not is beyond the scope of this question.
Until some-one provides a more satisfactory answer, you may like to try this grubby hack.
Update 21Nov2019:
If your problem relates to ConstraintLayout or MotionLayout please star this known issue.

openNtf debugToolbar UI is overridden by extLib's Bootstrap3 theme

This relates to an Xpages project using openNtf's Extension Library for Domino 9.0.1 V 16 (2016-01-28). There is a custom theme applied that extends extLib's Bootstrap3 theme.
Now I also applied Mark Leusink's debugToolbar Plugin (V 4.0.1, 2014-03-10).
Unfortunately all tables that are display inside the toolbar are partially "destroyed", as in this example:
Debugging the resulting html I see that the "label" cells of the debug table are assigned class="label" or class="label wide". Unfortunately bootstrap.css applies a display: inline style to a .label selector.
Currently I solved this by applying my own custom css file to reset toolbar styling; but I wonder whether there might be a more elegant way, maybe some kind of property that I simply missed out here. Or is this something that have to be done within the toolbar's source code?
Please add this as a defect on the project, so the contributor is aware and can resolve.
Alternatively, download the source code from, contribute the fix and make a pull request.
Hopefully Paul's and my entries at github and within the project will help resolving this issue. Meanwhile my workaround seems to be the only option here;
As I mentioned above I created a custom styleSheet with just one line in it:
div.dBar table.grid td.label{display:table-cell;}
Then I created a cusom control as a container for the debug toolbar so that I could link my custom style sheet as a resource. The debug custom control finally is added to all the xpages where I want to have the toolbar.
Maybe this can help others, too.

Solpart menu is ripping my soul apart!!! Not opening up in DNN

Please, someone tell me if there is a replacement for the rubbish Solpart menu, the menu with the small arrow to administer a module in DotNetNuke?
I have been using DNN for some time now and I would love to know if there is not a better way to get this menu working. I cannot believe DNN would let something as buggy as that out!
You can use any menu for that drop down. You'd just swap out the solpartmenu for the one you want in the container you create. Here is a blog post outlining some of the menu options available. I'd suggest taking a look into each one of these and see which would be a good fit for you.
New Navigation Options in DotNetNuke 5.x Designers Should Know
Below is one (slightly updated) example from How to use RadMenu instead of the default solpartactions menu
Open an existing container for edit (a Default DNN container will work fine).
Register the RADMENUACTIONS tag by adding the following line of code: <%# Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="RADMENUACTIONS" Src="~/DesktopModules/RadMenu/RadMenuActions.ascx" %>
Replace <dnn:ACTIONS ... /> with <dnn:RADMENUACTIONS ... />
Set additional properties for RadMenu if desired. For example you can set the Skin property: <dnn:RADMENUACTIONS runat="server" id="dnnRADMENUACTIONS" Skin="CssGreen" />
