How to do environment setup for jhipster for java development - jhipster

I am new to JHipster.I have gone through all the steps for JHipster SetUp in Windows.
First Issue :
Unable to create Jhipster Project
I have followed the below steps.
1.Install Java from the Oracle website.
2.Install Maven (recommended). If you prefer to use Gradle instead, don't install it, as JHipster ships with the Gradle Wrapper.
3.Install Git from We recommend you also use a tool like SourceTree if you are starting with Git.
4.Install Node.js from the Node.js website. This will also install npm, which is the node package manager we are using in the next commands.
5.Install Yeoman: npm install -g yo
6.Install Bower: npm install -g bower
7.Depending on your preferences, install either Grunt (recommended) with npm install -g grunt-cli or Gulp.js with npm install -g gulp.
8.Install JHipster: npm install -g generator-jhipster.
But i am getting errors while creating JHipster project using command prompt.
Second Issue :
How we can import the existing project from JHipster git to eclipse
I downnloaded a sample JHipster project fro git and while trying to import the same project in to workspace i am facing an error like:
jdt apt pluging is not getting in eclipse to build that project....

Rather than Juno, I would suggest using Spring Tool Suite -
It's an Eclipse distribution that bundles a comprehensive set of plugins enabling one to work with Spring projects.
I found Eclipse to be weak when working with Javascript and HTML. I switched to Intellij almost a year ago and am very happy with the decision.


Yeoman dependencies for AngularJS project

Using Yeoman and the AngularJS generator I could previously follow their tutorial and install all the necessary packages and tools (bower, gulp, grunt,...) to get up and running. Per their website:
npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli gulp
then added the angularJS project 'generator':
npm install -g generator-angular
created a folder locally, and run
yo angular
in that folder in order to prepare a sample AngularJS project with all the necessary tools and scaffolding generated by Yeoman.
The command:
grunt serve
Launched the sample application successfully, allowing me to start learning about AngularJS (which I'm very new to).
The problem: I have repeated these steps again, (3 months later), and, admittedly, I have potentially taken on updates to some of the installed packages.
Now, when I create a new project and invoke 'grunt serve' I get:
Running "concurrent:server" (concurrent) task
Warning: Running "compass:server" (compass) task
Warning: Command failed: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "compass.bat --versio
'compass.bat' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
and the site does not launch...
Researching this problem, some responses say that I now need to install yet another tool - Ruby, followed by the 'compass' gem.
Is this really necessary ?? (I'm hesitant because the Yeoman website does not require this to get started using the angular generator).
Is there perhaps another solution ?
It seems like compass is necessary by default.
It also seems that the only solution here is to go ahead and download Ruby (if you do not already have it), in order to install compass. These instructions cover how:
Download Ruby here: and install.
Install the compass library: gem install compass
Yes compass is necessary.
Download and install ruby
and run gem install compass in ruby command prompt to install compass.
now it will work!!!.

npm/grunt: is it possible to install grunt without npm?

I am having so much problems with the proxy system of my entertprise
I was changing parameter using npm config set changing the variable proxy and http-proxy.
I installed in my .npmrc next lines
npm config set proxy http://my_user:my_password# -g
npm config set https-proxy http://my_user:my_password# -g
What I have in my mind it is try to install grunt in VS2012 without using npm, maybe like nuget.
Is it possible?
I am getting this error page when I am using npm install -g grunt-cli:
Yes it is possible, you can download grunt and run it in your node.js environment, if your only problem is proxy or firewall but you have working node.js environment then just download it from the github.
You can download any npm package which is published also on the github and then copy it manually to you node_modules folder. Just beware that those packages may have dependencies on their own. SO that means you should run npm install in those downloaded folders and if it doesn't work do it manually for every dependency recursively until you are finished.
No, it is not possible.
This is from the Grunt getting started guide:
Grunt and Grunt plugins are installed and managed via npm, the Node.js
package manager. Grunt 0.4.x requires stable Node.js versions >=
0.8.0. Odd version numbers of Node.js are considered unstable development versions.

Error while installing ionic framework

I have looked at the other questions and answers but still my issue is not solved.
I have successfully installed node.js
Node version: 0.12.7
NPM version: 2.11.3
Now when I install Cordova, there are some warnings but it does get installed.
After that when I try to install ionic, it shows all errors and doesn't install.
I am on a Windows machine... so I am not using the 'sudo' in the command.
I haven't also tried to install the JDK, Apache Ant and Android SDK. Are they needed while installing?
Please let me know if you want screenshots.
Thank you
In windows system there is no need to write sudo,we can use npm install -g ionic to install ionic framework
Steps to work Ionic Framework
1)you have to install nodeJS
2)you have to install Java and configure it's path in environmental variables.
3)you have to install Apache-ant
4)you have to install Android-sdk and configure it's path in environmental variables
for reference please see these links Install Ionic Framework, Ionic frameowrk on windows7,8
For any queries reply
Try running command prompt as an administrator before running the commands, that always fixed it for me.

Issue getting started with Google Web Starter Kit

What you need to know:
I have Node, NPM, Ruby, SASS all installed and at lastest stable realeases. (ruby isn't at it's lastest stable but the lastest stable does not have the sass gem):
I updated npm by using the command line and following the guide on troubleshooting updating npm on windows I USED OPTION 3
I then went back to google's instructions for setting up the starter kit:
$ cd web-starter-kit
$ npm install
$ npm install gulp -g
I scrolled down and followed the steps to "Set Up Your Web Starter Kit Project" keep in mind that i renamed the folder from "web-starter-kit" to "google web" in this case for convenience
So i navigated to the starter kit folder using cmd (with admin rights) and typed
npm install
here are the results:
See link to google drive
I still decided to go ahead and still tried to install gulp using
npm install gulp -g
within the starter kit folder heres the results:
See link to google drive
Who ever helps me rectify this will receive my praise forever...I really want to be using this starter kit to start my projects.
Be sure to reference the for the GWSK git repo.
Looking at your install steps above, you are running npm install before installing Gulp. In the doc I referenced, it's Node.js, Gulp, then run the npm install inside of your project root.
I had errors when using the zipped version of GWSK that I downloaded from GitHub. When I cloned the repo with git, I had a error free clean install and no problems at all.
Cheers - D
OK, here is a step by step on the command line...
First I would have downloaded and installed node.js
Then I would have installed gulp (npm install --global gulp)
I'd then go to my web folder and clone the starter kit into a new project folder: "git clone my_new_project"
The I cd into my new project folder and run: "npm install"
You should now be ready to work. While still in your new project folder run "gulp serve". That will start your web server, you can make all your changes in the app folder.
HTH - Don

install cordova failed with node.js command prompt

what is my problem? is it successfully installed or failed? It doesn't seem right for me.
Cordova was installed successfully. You are looking at the dependency tree, so don't worry.
Bear in mind that you have installed the CLI tools. You have to actually create a cordova project with the command before you will see a cordova project.
cordova create <Your project name>
