Nodemon stopped working - node.js

I use nodemon to work with node.js. All is fine. Today I typed nodemon app.js and it doesn't know the command.
I reinstalled with npm install -g nodemon.
It reinstalled without any error.
It still doesn't work.
I removed all files depending nodemon.
Again I reinstalled but it still doesnt know the command. What happend and what to do?
Windows 8.1

Open and run the command line window as administrator and run the command npm install -g nodemon


nodemon command not found in git bash

I am trying to run my node.js app in Git bash terminal. It worked before every time I type nodemon server.js. Recently, I upgrated my node.js and npm. If I try to run my app on Git Bash again, an error of
C:\Users\PC\AppData\Roaming\npm/node_modules/node/bin/node: line 1: This: command not found
Shows up.
I tried uninstalling and installing nodemon with npm install -g nodemon, and reinstalled git, the error still persists. Although, nodemon works fine on windows cmd terminal.
It would be nice to make it work on Git Bash terminal.
it actually comes down to the place you installed the Nodemon tool.
most people will install it in their working directory but i found that this way is not a safe bet. you should install it in the root directory as it will not cause trouble once you try to use it in another project.
Also facing the same issue! But I found a way around using npx nodemon script.js
Although I found the problem. Git bash is trying to execute nodemon from this directory: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\npm/node_modules/node/bin/node
But in this path nodemon doesn't exist.
The path should be C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nodemon

npm and other modules commands not working

Note: I am on Windows 10 64 bit running the latest LTS Node build.
It all started when I tried running the command npm i -g create-react-app and I get a message saying that npm is not a command.
I checked my PATH and I believe I have the proper directories in there.
I navigated to the directory of npm and tried running the command again, but it still didn't work. I found that the command npm.cmd worked in any directory. So tried running npm.cmd i -g create-react-app and that worked! I also had to use the the command create-react-app.cmd my-app, instead of create-react-app my-app. I thought I was set and I could just use those .cmd commands for the things I needed to do; however, when I tried to run the command create-react-app.cmd my-app and got this as a result:
I have looked in the file that is ran when using this command create-react-app.cmd my-app and there is no sign of npm being called. Turns out Node is being called in that file with the command below. I know this because when I run it by itself and I get the same output to the console seen in the previous image.
"node" "C:\Users\Allen\AppData\Roaming\npm\\node_modules\create-react-app\index.js" my-app
it was called in the create-react-app.cmd file like this "%_prog%" "%dp0%\node_modules\create-react-app\index.js" %*
I am at a loss. I could continue down this rabbit hole and try and find the node file that is calling npm and change it to npm.cmd but I would rather find a way to get the npm and create-react-app commands working as they are suppose to. At the very least I can just spin up a VM and work in that. It is just annoying that I can't get Node to work properly for me.
Use the command npx create-react-app my-app this will help you create react projects.
Also check the documentation :
First check that you have npm installed on your machine and the version. You can just type npm version. Since npm version 5.2.0 npx is pre-bundled with npm, which is a CLI tool whose purpose is to make it easy to install and manage dependencies hosted in the npm registry. So try using npx create-react-app app-name. You can confirm that you are able to use npx by running which npx. If it is not available then you can install it by running npm install -g npx.

nodemon bin/www works, nodemon app doesn't and throws error

When I run nodemon bin/www inside my app, it works perfectly, when I try to run nodemon app, it throws this error:
'\"node .\bin\www\"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I believe this happened after I received a notification from nodemon today to run npm install -g nodemon to update the nodemon library, after the installation, I got this error:
Please try running this command again as root/Administrator.
I tried to run the cmd as administrator, again, the same problem. Any solution?
step 1: run npm install -g nodemon
step 2: verify installation npm list -g nodemon
Now you can run the app by two ways
nodemon ./server.js localhost 8080
Any output from this script is prefixed with [nodemon], otherwise all output from your application, errors included, will be echoed out as expected.
2nd just type nodemon
If you have a package.json file for your app, you can omit the main script entirely and nodemon will read the package.json for the main property and use that value as the app.
With a local installation, nodemon will not be available in your system path. Instead, the local installation of nodemon can be run by calling it from within an npm script (such as npm start) or using npx nodemon.
It turns out that you don’t have to run the command again as
Administrator, and doing so won’t fix the problem. Try
npm cache clean first.
check this for more detail
command against as root administrator
I think you are getting this error because you did not install it as a global module. Try to install nodemon using the -g flag.
$ npm install -g nodemon
Install the nodemon module globally using
npm install -g nodemon
Also install the module in the package in your project where the package json is present using
npm install nodemon -save
Check if the nodemon is present in the json list.
Now run the js file using any of the following
nodemon app.js
nodemon app
Use the following command line in an windows environment (1st cd to your apps root directory):
nodemon ./bin/www

Nodemon installed but can't be found

I've tried uninstalling and and reinstalling nodemon several times both locally and globally with:
npm install -g nodemon
(tried it both with and without sudo)
and it seems to install no problem, and gives me:
/usr/local/bin/bin/nodemon -> /usr/local/bin/lib/node_modules/nodemon/bin/nodemon.js
└── nodemon#1.11.0
but whenever I run
nodemon server.js
in my app, I get;
-bash: nodemon: command not found
Like I mentioned, I've tried the same process but installing locally to my app dependancies, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. What's going on here? I followed the same process on a different machine, and it worked no problem.
Googling around, I came across some posts that mentioned changing/adding the PATH? But it's not clear to me if that's or the problem or what that means.
Also, other globally installed npm modules run just fine
nodemon is not being found by bash.
Edit your ~/.bash_profile file and add:
Start a new shell to see it work, or run source ~/.bash_profile to have it apply to the current session.
Instead of using sudo switched as root and then just run:
$ npm install -g nodemon
sudo su -
export PATH=$PATH:/home/USER/npm
npm install -g --force nodemon
npm install -g --force node-inspector

I can´t install nodemon globally, "nodemon" not recognized

I want to use nodemon for monitoring my node.js app's, then I execute the next line command:
npm install -g nodemon
npm install nodemon -g
When I move to my app folder and try to to
nodemon app.js
The system tells to the next:
"nodemon 'is not recognized as an internal or external command, program or batch file.
Since node prefix is not in the PATH ENV variable , any of the globally installed modules are not getting recognized.
Please try this.
Open cmd prompt
npm config get prefix
append the resulting path to PATH env variable.
Now you should be able to run nodemon from any location.
This is what i have done on my local machine
C:\>npm config get prefix
C:\>set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\npm;
31 Jul 22:30:29 - [nodemon] v0.7.8
31 Jul 22:30:29 - [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
31 Jul 22:30:29 - [nodemon] watching: C:\
31 Jul 22:30:29 - [nodemon] starting `node `
^CTerminate batch job (Y/N)? Y
I also got same error as you with this command:
$ sudo npm install -g nodemon
I just really switched as "root" and then just ran:
$ npm install -g nodemon
I think npm has a bug to not work with sudo, but it works fine when you are really "root".
Single line solution
In terminal
npm install -g --force nodemon
There is a problem with integrated terminal of vs code. when I try in external terminal nodemon works. But in integrated terminal, it gives bash: nodemon: command not found error.
so here is my solution
install nodemon as development dependency
npm install --save-dev nodemon
and change package.json of the project
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"nodemon": "./node_modules/.bin/nodemon"
to run nodemon type into terminal in project folder
npm run nodemon
Mine was I went to Control Panel and Repair the NodeJS app and tried to install again with npm install -g nodemon and now it works. Maybe you mixed up or something with Node.
check out here :-
npm install -g nodemon
and then run
$nodemon server.js
You won't need to install nodemon anymore, since Nodejs has finally introduced its --watch feature which restarts the process when an imported file is changed.
node --watch index.js
Linux users: I would highly suggest not using sudo or root user to install npm packages. This could become a security problem especially on a production system. I would also suggest not trying to hack permissions as I have hosed an Ubuntu system by not reading the warning on the npmjs procedure.
It would be better to configure npm to use a folder owned by the current user. Simplest approach
wget -q -O - | bash
npm install -g nodemon
Or get the code script on github to see how it works
See details on the npmjs website
On Windows, I was having issues installing nodemon directly from the Command line. Downloaded Cygwin and I was able to npm install nodemon instantly.
You can add path to node packages in System Path variable.
Add "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\npm".
Even after adding path to System Path variable it did not work for me using nodemon. Then i used npm run serve to run the server. now it is up and running. Btw i am a windows user
This command worked for me.
If your global installation didn't work then install it in your
development dependency.
npm install --save-dev nodemon
After Path settings we also need to type in the following commands
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
what this command enables running scripts on the system
I think some of us can't reach global environments without admin privileges.
If you tried everything and it's still not working, try running VSCode as administrator. It worked out for me.
had the same problem otherwise was just working fine a day ago.
Very simple fix
first check if nodemon exists on your system globally or not
To check
npm list -g --depth=0
If you don't see then install
it npm install -g nodemon (g stands for globally)
If you see it still doesn't work then you need to configure environment variable
I use Windows OS. On Windows navigate to
Control panel>System>Advanced System Settings>Environment Variables>double-click on PATH
Now check if you have this PATH C:\Users\yourUsername\AppData\Roaming\npm
If not, you will see some existing paths, just append to it separating with semicolon. That's it! Worked for me.
For me node was installed in C:..\Roaming\npm and for you if the PATH is different, you will put in whatever applcable.
