Cassandra 2.1 system schema missing - cassandra

I have a six node cluster running cassandra 2.1.6. Yesterday I tried to drop a column family and received the message "Column family ID mismatch". I tried running nodetool repair but after repair was complete I got the same message. I then tried selecting from the column family but got the message "Column family not found". I ran the following query to get a list of all column families in my schema
select columnfamily_name from system.schema_columnfamilies where keyspace_name = 'xxx';
At this point I received the message
"Keyspace 'system' not found." I tried the command describe keyspaces and sure enough system was not in the list of keyspaces.
I then tried nodetool resetlocalshema on one of the nodes missing the system keyspace and when that failed to resolve the problem I tried nodetool rebuild but got the same messages after rebuild was complete. I tried stopping the nodes missing the system keyspace and restarted them, once the restart was completed the system keyspace was back and I was able to execute the above query successfully. However, the table I had tried to drop previously was not listed so I tried to recreate it and once again received the message Column family ID mismatch.
Finally, I shutdown the cluster and restarted it... and everything works as expected.
My questions are: How/why did the system keyspace disappear? What happened to the data being inserted into my column families while the system keyspace was missing from two of the six nodes? (my application didn't seem to have any problems) Is there a way I can detect problems like this automatically or do I have to manually check up on my keyspaces each day? Is there a way to fix the missing system keyspace and/or the Column family ID mismatch without restarting the entire cluster?
As per Jim Meyers suggestion I queried the cf_id on each node of the cluster and confirmed that all nodes return the same value.
select cf_id from system.schema_columnfamilies where columnfamily_name = 'customer' allow filtering;
I then ran ls on my data directory and can see that there are multiple entries for a few of my tables
My application dynamically creates tables at run time (always using IF NOT EXISTS), seems likely that the application issued the same create table command on separate nodes at the same time resulting in the schema mismatch.
Since I've restarted the cluster everything seems to be working fine.
Is it safe to delete the extra file?
i.e. customer-72bc62d0ff7611e4a5b53386c3f1c9f9

1 The cause of this problem is a CREATE TABLE statement collision. Do not generate tables dynamically from multiple clients, even with IF NOT EXISTS. First thing you need to do is fix your code so that this does not happen. Just create your tables manually from cqlsh allowing time for the schema to settle. Always wait for schema agreement when modifying schema.
2 Here's the fix:
1) Change your code to not automatically re-create tables (even with IF NOT EXISTS).
2) Run a rolling restart to ensure schema matches across nodes. Run nodetool describecluster around your cluster. Check that there is only one schema version. 
3) Check your filesystem and see if you have two directories for the table in question in the data directory.
4)Identify from schema_column_families which cf ID is the "new" one (currently in use). 
cqlsh -e "select * from system.schema_column_families"|grep
5) Move the data from the "old" one to the "new" one and remove the old directory. 
6) If there are multiple "old" ones repeat 5 for every "old" directory.
7) run nodetool refresh
No further action is needed.
Schema collisions will continue to be an issue until - CASSANDRA-9424
Here's an example of it occurring on Jira and closed as not a problem CASSANDRA-8387

When you create a table in Cassandra it is assigned a unique id that should be the same on all nodes. Somehow it sounds like your table did not have the same id on all nodes. I'm not sure how that might happen, but maybe there was a glitch when the table was created and it was created multiple times, etc.
You should always use the IF NOT EXISTS clause when creating tables.
To check if your id's are consistent, try this on each node:
In cqlsh, run "SELECT cf_id from system.schema_columnfamilies where columnfamily_name ='yourtablename' allow filtering;
Look in the data directory under the keyspace name the table was created in. You should see a single directory for the table that looks like table_name-cf_id.
If things are correct you should see the same cf_id in all these places. If you see different ones, then somehow things got out of sync.
The other symptoms like the system keyspace disappearing I don't have a suggestion other than you hit some kind of bug in the software. If you get a lot of strange symptoms like this then perhaps you have some kind of data corruption. You might want to think about backing up your data in case things go south and you need to rebuild the cluster.


Cassandra fails to start after schema changed

I'm using Cassandra 3.11.6 on Centos 7 with a 3 node cluster, I ran some schema changes, drop tables/materialized views, alter tables, etc, after that one of the materialized views was failing with this error:
org.apache.cassandra.schema.SchemaKeyspace$MissingColumns: No partition key columns found in schema table for my_keyspace.my_materialized_view.
I wanted to replace that materialized view with a table, with the same name though, that might be why it's failing
I ran nodetool describecluster and found the schema version was different, I tried to run a repair, it didn't work, I restarted the nodes, but they didn't start.
This is the error that is showing up in cassandra.log
ERROR [main] 2020-12-09 10:13:15,827 - No partition columns found for table my_keyspace.my_materialized_view in system_schema.columns. This may be due to corruption or concurrent dropping and altering of a table. If this table is supposed to be dropped, run the following query to cleanup: "DELETE FROM system_schema.tables WHERE keyspace_name = 'my_keyspace' AND table_name = 'my_materialized_view'; DELETE FROM system_schema.columns WHERE keyspace_name = 'my_keyspace' AND table_name = 'my_materialized_view';" If the table is not supposed to be dropped, restore system_schema.columns sstables from backups.
org.apache.cassandra.schema.SchemaKeyspace$MissingColumns: No partition key columns found in schema table for my_keyspace.my_materialized_view
at org.apache.cassandra.schema.SchemaKeyspace.fetchColumns( [apache-cassandra-3.11.6.jar:3.11.6]
at org.apache.cassandra.schema.SchemaKeyspace.fetchTable( [apache-cassandra-3.11.6.jar:3.11.6]
at org.apache.cassandra.schema.SchemaKeyspace.fetchTables( [apache-cassandra-3.11.6.jar:3.11.6]
at org.apache.cassandra.schema.SchemaKeyspace.fetchKeyspace( [apache-cassandra-3.11.6.jar:3.11.6]
at org.apache.cassandra.schema.SchemaKeyspace.fetchKeyspacesWithout( [apache-cassandra-3.11.6.jar:3.11.6]
at org.apache.cassandra.schema.SchemaKeyspace.fetchNonSystemKeyspaces( [apache-cassandra-3.11.6.jar:3.11.6]
at org.apache.cassandra.config.Schema.loadFromDisk( [apache-cassandra-3.11.6.jar:3.11.6]
at org.apache.cassandra.config.Schema.loadFromDisk( [apache-cassandra-3.11.6.jar:3.11.6]
at org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.setup( [apache-cassandra-3.11.6.jar:3.11.6]
at org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.activate( [apache-cassandra-3.11.6.jar:3.11.6]
at org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.main( [apache-cassandra-3.11.6.jar:3.11.6]
I tried starting Cassandra with -Dcassandra.ignore_corrupted_schema_tables=true and it doesn't work
It looks like you've either made concurrent updates to your schema or at least made multiple DDL statements close to each other to cause a schema disagreement in your cluster.
You are supposed to wait for a single DDL change to propagate through the cluster and check that the schema is in agreement before making the next DDL change to prevent disagreement.
My suggestion is to attempt to start the node where you were performing the schema changes and leave the other nodes down temporarily. Hopefully it's also a seed node.
Remove the ignore_corrupted_schema_tables and see if you can bring it back online. If it does, then proceed to the next node and watch the startup sequence (do a tail -f on the system.log). Keep going until all nodes are back online.
The issue is that depending on the state of the schema on each node, it will be difficult to "unscramble the egg". Good luck!

Is there a way to view data in 2 replicas in Cassandra?

I am a newbie to Cassandra.I have created a keyspace in Cassandra in NetworkTopology Strategy with 2 replicas in one datacenter. Is there a cql command or some other way to view my data in two replicas?
Like SELECT * FROM tablename in replica1 / replica2
Whether there is another way such that I can visually see the data in two replicas?
Thanks in advance.
So your question is not real clear "See the data in 2 replicas". If you ever want to validate your data, you can run some commands to visually see things.
The first thing you'd want to do is log onto the node you want to investigate. Go to the data directory of the interested table -> DataDir/keyspace/table. In there you'll see one or more files that look like *Data.db. Those are your sstables. Data in memory is flushed to sstables in certain scenarios. You want to be sure your data is flushed from memory to disk if you're validating (as you may not find what you're looking for otherwise). To do that, you issue a "nodetool flush" command (you can use the keyspace and table as parameters if you only want to flush the specific table).
Like I said, after that, everything in memory would be flushed to disk. So you'd be able to see your sstables (again, *Data.db) files. Once you have those sstables, you can run the "sstabledump" command on each sstable to see the data that resides in them, thus validating your data.
If you have only a few rows you want to validate and a lot of nodes, you can find which node the rows would reside by running "nodetool getendpoints" with the keyspace, table, and partition key. That will tell you every node that will have the data. That way you're not guessing which node the row(s) should be on. Unfortunately, there is no way to know which sstable the rows should exist in (and it could be more than one if updates/deletes, etc. occurred). You'll have to go through each sstable on the specific node(s).
Hope that helps answer your question?
Good luck.
You can for a specific partition. If you are sure host1 is a replica (nodetool getendpoints or from query trace), then if you make your query with CL.ONE and explicitly to that host, the coordinator will always pick local first. So
Statement q = new SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE key = X");
Where host1 owns X.
For SELECT * FROM tablename its a bit harder because you are looking over entire data set and coordinator will send out multiple queries for each part of ring. If you do some queries with CL.ONE it will still only go to one node for each part of that range so if you set q.enableTracing() you can see what node answered for each range. You have no control over which coordinator picks so may take few queries.
If you just want to see if theres differences you can use preview repair. nodetool repair --preview --full.

Cassandra not starting due to unknown Column Family

After adding/removing tables and views to a keyspace a got problems with inconsistency and error referring to tables previous deleted. We tried to restart cluster nodes, only resulting in the nodes not starting due to java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown CF.
The current error is thrown from a View that refers to a non existing table (The table do exist but has a new id). Is it possible to some how fix this when Cassandra is not running?
It may be that you have a schema mismatch. Verify first that you're running the same schema versions nodetool describecluster and make sure all nodes are reachable.
The only other time i've seen something like this is when you have corrupt data on a node. In which case you'll want to nodetool removenode the appropriate node and provision a new one.
As an asside MATERIALIZED VIEWS are deprecated in 3.11 and will not be supported going forward. I would suggest that you roll your own.

how to solve error like partition's table metadata are out of sync for table

Recently i've faced a memsql leaf hardware error and we ended up missing partitions and their data due to the fact that we run a replication-1 memsql cluster.
Then we started noticing errors like:
"Java.sql.SQLException: Leaf Error (10.XXXX:3306): Partition's table metadata are out of sync for table"
despite having recreated the missing partitions.
Is there a way to approach this issue? Or i will have to drop data in all affected tables and import that from other sources ?
It sounds likely that the imported tables had mismatching table metadata, because the metadata changed at some point in between. You can try:
Recreate the tables. This can be done by insert-selecting the data into a newly created table (it may not be possible if no select queries work) or reloading the data from an external source.
Check the table schemas on the recreated partition vs the other partitions and see if you can find the mismatch - you could diff the show create tables. Then it may be possible to manually alter on the leaf partitions to correct them, or recreate the formerly missing partition with matching schemas.

Altering a column family in cassandra in a multiple node topology

I'm having the following issue when trying to alter cassandra:
I'm altering the table straight forward:
on a single-node environment, both under EC2 server and on localhost everything work perfect - select, delete and so on.
When I'm altering on a cluster with 3 nodes - stuff are getting massy.
When I perform
I'm getting the following exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: is_black is not a column defined in this metadata
at com.datastax.driver.core.ColumnDefinitions.getAllIdx(
at com.datastax.driver.core.ColumnDefinitions.getFirstIdx(
at com.datastax.driver.core.ArrayBackedRow.getIndexOf(
at com.datastax.driver.core.AbstractGettableData.getString(
Apparently I'm not the only one who's having this behaviour:
p.s - drop creating the keyspace is not a possibility for me since I cannot delete the data contained in the table.
The bug was resolved :-)
I issue was that DataStax maintains in memory cache that contains the configuration of each node, this cache wasn't update when I alter the table since I used cqlsh instead of their SDK.
After restarting all the node, the in memory cache was dropped and the bug was resolved.
