Creating new user with home directory linux - linux

I am having some trouble with creating a new linux user using a script which should be basic, but its doing my head in as i am trying to figure out how it works
This is the code
cd home
echo "Enter Username"
read username
echo "Enter Password"
read password
useradd -m $username
usermod -a -G myGroup $username
grep myGroup /etc/group
I fixed the issue with the username, but I don't know how to store the password to the username
I am in root when this script is executed
All input appreciated!

cd home
echo "Enter Username"
read username
echo $username
useradd -m $username
usermod -a -G myGroup $username
passwd $username
grep myGroup /etc/group
Note: I don't think that adding users in this way is recommended practice and I am assuming that you are sudo'ing this script.
This should get you close to what you are after

I more succinct answer if you don't like the one above:
echo "Enter Username"
read username
adduser --gecos "" --ingroup myGroup $username


Add one user and give it the same password for many servers

I made a script to add one same user with one same password to many servers:
password=`cat /root/scripts/password`
for i in `cat /root/scripts/LIST_TEST.txt`
printf "Serveur : $i \n"
ssh -tt -o PasswordAuthentication=no $i
adduser newuser
yes `echo $password` | passwd newuser
exit 0
Also I'm in root when using this script, it seems that the user is created but the password doesn't get changed, as I cannot login when I try ssh newuser#server.
What is bothering me is that when I manually log into the server as root, and do the command yes `echo $password` | passwd newuser and then logout and try again newuser#server, it works...
The script looks like this now it is a bit clearer but it still doesn't add the right password, I don't know what it gives as a new password...
password=`cat /root/scripts/password`
for i in `cat /root/scripts/LIST_TEST.txt`
printf "Serveur : $i \n"
ssh $i 'adduser newuser; yes $password | passwd newuser'
echo $password
Try to create a script which will be changing the passwords and execute that in the remote machine like this:
Change your fist script:
password=`cat /root/scripts/password`
for i in `cat /root/scripts/LIST_TEST.txt`
printf "Serveur : $i \n"
#Password is passed as $1 to the next script
cat ./ $passwd | ssh $i #Command to excecute the script
echo $password
And will be:
adduser newuser
yes $1 | passwd newuser #Password is passed as $1
Note that this assumes:
You will create a user named: 'newuser' with the same name in ALL servers
He will have the same password for all servers
You are using the same name to login yourself to all those servers to run the script, which the username you have on the computer you are currently executing this script.

Useradd script in linux without using passwd

I have to write a useradd script which adds a new user and sets for him a home directory.
echo "Name:"
read name
echo "Password:"
read password
echo "Group:"
read group
useradd -m -G $group -s /bin/bash -p $password $name
Everything works as intended but I have problems with the password in the following line -
useradd -m -G $group -s /bin/bash -p $password $name
It does not work so I need to use later in terminal passwd command.
How can I rebuild my script so I won't need to use passwd to setup password correctly? I have read that you can use stdin but I was not able to do this correctly.
If you prefer to pipe the user's password from STDIN, use chpasswd utility which is quick and simple.
as suggested by #Ardit.
This script should work for your purpose, assuming you meet the following conditions-
You are interacting as the root user
You have an existing group created for the purpose of your new user
echo "Name:"
read name
echo "Password:"
read password
echo "Group:" # group must exist
read group
# add new user, set group, create new home directory
useradd -G $group -m $name
# update new user password by piping from STDIN
echo ""$name":"$password"" | chpasswd
# change the default user shell to bash
chsh -s /bin/bash $name
First we execute useradd command to create the new user and assign it to an existing group.
Then we pipe the name and password into chpasswd. If you're wondering why wrap those variable expansions with double quotes, check this answer out .
Finally chsh utility is used to update the user shell.
Why not execute everything in a single statement?
I prefer subdividing a problem into smaller tasks for easier understanding.

Change the primary and secondary group of a user using a script

So what I am trying to do is run a script, that can only be run from Root, and it creates new usernames and passwords. The script checks to see if that username and password already exist, and if it does, it will not create the new username. All of that works fine, but now, if a new user is created, I want to be able to add this new user to a group.
For example, lets say I want the primary group to be alpha and the secondary group to be beta. How would I be able to:
Set a user to just the primary group
Set a user to primary and secondary group
Set a user to only the secondary group
The following is my script:
# Creating a script that creates a new user and password, runs in Root, accessible # in any shell, ADD USER TO SPECIFIC GROUPS NOW (itar and bfe already created)
ROOT_UID=0 #Root has $UID 0
E_NOTROOT=65 #Not root
#Run as root, and this checks to see if the creater is in root. If not, will not run
if [ "$UID" -ne "$ROOT_UID" ]; then
echo "Sorry must be in root to run this script"
if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
grep -q "$username" /etc/passwd
#Checking if the username and password already exists
if [ $? -eq $SUCCESS ]; then
echo "User $username already exists"
echo "Please choose another username"
#Creating the new username and the new password:
useradd $username -d /home/$username -m ;
echo $passwd | passwd $username --stdin;
echo "The new user account is setup"
#Adding the user to group bfe or itar
echo "Which group will this user be in?"
read x more
#If the person does not give the correct number of arguments
echo "This program needs 2 arguments and you have given $#"
echo "You have to call the script and provide a username and password"
#if [ \"$x\" -eq "bfe" ]; then #echo "First word was \"$x\""
# usermod -g bfe $username
#if [ \"$x\" -eq "itar" ]; then
# usermod -g itar $username
exit 0
Any help would be appreciated! Still learning the ropes so please take it easy on me.
Use -G option for useradd.
-G, --groups GROUP1[,GROUP2,...[,GROUPN]]]
A list of supplementary groups which the user is also a member of.Each
group is separated from the next by a comma, with no intervening
The groups are subject to the same restrictions
as the group given with the -g option.
The default is for the user to belong only
to the initial group.
Then rearrange part of your script, something like this
#Adding the user to group bfe or itar
echo "Which group will this user be in?"
read x
# Check if group exists
grep -q "$x" /etc/group || echo "Group doesn't exist"
#Creating the new username and the new password:
useradd "$username" -d "/home/$username" -m -G "$x" ;
echo "$passwd" | passwd "$username" --stdin;
echo "The new user account is setup"
You can use -G to assign more than one group to the user.

How to check if a group exists and add if it doesn't in Linux Shell Script

this is a summary of what i want my code to do:
if (group exists)
(add user to group)
(create group)
(add user to group)
I am using the Ubuntu virtual machine but all of the results i have found on similar sites do not work.
The grep statement in the solution of rups has some flaws:
E.g. grepping for a group admin may return true ("group exists") when there is a group lpadmin.
Either fix the grep-query
grep -q -E "^admin:" /etc/group
or use
if [ $(getent group admin) ]; then
echo "group exists."
echo "group does not exist."
This script may help you:
read -p "enter group name: " group
if grep -q $group /etc/group
echo "group exists"
echo "group does not exist"
Grepping /etc/group works, but only on a machine where /etc/nsswitch.conf has:
group: files
meaning that only /etc/group is consulted when determining available groups. Use either of these (by name or by gid):
getent group <groupname>
getent group <groupid>
for a more generic solution, checking the exit status: 0 means "exists", non-zero means "does not exist". For example, to check to see if group 'postgres' exists, and create it if it does not (assuming bash shell, running as a user able to create new groups) run:
/usr/bin/getent group postgres 2>&1 > /dev/null || /usr/sbin/groupadd postgres
I've found it more useful, to compose andiba's solution into a proper function:
function grpexists {
if [ $(getent group $1) ]; then
echo "group $1 exists."
echo "group $1 does not exist."
This can for e.g be invoked into your environment by including this function in your /etc/bash.bashrc*, such that you can then check for the existence of a group, using the following spell:
grpexists group_name
Which should then return one of:
group group_name exists.
group group_name does not exist.
Single line:
$getent group <-groupname-> || groupadd <-groupname->
Here are 3 commands which should work:
grep -qw ^$group /etc/group || groupadd $group
usermod -aG $group $USER
Or one, when you use -f/--force (exit successfully if the group already exists):
groupadd -f mygroup && usermod -aG mygroup $USER
$ groupadd --help
Usage: groupadd [options] GROUP
-f, --force exit successfully if the group already exists,
and cancel -g if the GID is already used
So you can do simply:
groupadd -f some_new_grp
Geeks great solutions and guidance, thanks for sharing here are my 2 cents to make our lives simpler or lazier :-) I could use to complement an useradd script I have to add several users at once. I'm wondering how it would look like inside a for
in loop for several groups: group1, group2, group3...group6
Then useradd to the system something like this?
for g in $( cat fewgroups.txt ); do
groupadd $g
echo "Group:" $g "Exist not added moving on"
echo "Group:" $g "added successfully!"
# Then create the users
for u in $( cat 100sofusers.txt ); do
useradd -m -g group1 -G group2,wheel -d /home/$u -c "Just anothe SiFiGeek" -s /bin/bash $u
echo "userID:" $u "added successfully!"
echo $u:$randompw | chpasswd
echo "Password for userID:" $u "changed successfully"

Write script to create multiple users with pre-defined passwords

So I would like to make a script that create users from users.txt running
useradd -m -s /bin/false users_in_the_users.txt
and fill the password from passwords.txt twice (to confirm the passwords)
This is the script
# Assign file descriptors to users and passwords files
exec 3< users.txt
exec 4< passwords.txt
exec 5< passwords.txt
# Read user and password
while read iuser <&3 && read ipasswd <&4 ; do
# Just print this for debugging
printf "\tCreating user: %s with password: %s\n" $iuser $ipasswd
# Create the user with adduser (you can add whichever option you like)
useradd -m -s /bin/false $iuser
# Assign the password to the user, passwd must read it from stdin
passwd $iuser
The problem is, it does not fill the passwords. And 1 more thing, I want the script to fill the passwords twice.
Any suggestions?
You have to supply the password on stdin. Replace:
passwd $iuser
passwd "$iuser" <<<"$ipasswd
or, as suggested by mklement0:
passwd "$iuser" <<<"$ipasswd"$'\n'"$ipasswd"
The incantation <<< creates a here-string. The string that follows the <<< is provided as standard in to the command which precedes the <<<. In this case we provide the two copies of the password that the passwd command wants.
(The script reads these passwords from a plain text file. I will assume that your situation is some special case for which this is not as dangerous as it normally would be.)
John1024's answer is the correct one - his warning about reading passwords from plain-text files bears repeating.
Let me show the solution in context, without the file-descriptor acrobatics (exec 3<, ...):
# NOTE: Be sure to run this script with `sudo`.
# Read user and password
while read iuser ipasswd; do
# Just print this for debugging.
printf "\tCreating user: %s with password: %s\n" $iuser $ipasswd
# Create the user with adduser (you can add whichever option you like).
useradd -m -s /bin/false $iuser
# Assign the password to the user.
# Password is passed via stdin, *twice* (for confirmation).
passwd $iuser <<< "$ipasswd"$'\n'"$ipasswd"
done < <(paste users.txt passwords.txt)
paste users.txt passwords.txt reads corresponding lines from the two files and puts them on a single line, separated with \t.
The result is piped to stdin via a process substitution (<(...)).
This allows read to read from a single source.
$\n is an ANSI C-quoted string that produces a (literal) newline.
#! /bin/bash
for i in {1..100}
`sudo mkdir -p /root/Desktop/userm$i`
`sudo useradd -m -d /root/Desktop/userm$i -s /bin/bash userm$i`
echo "userm$i:userm$i" | chpasswd
this will create 100 users. user name will be (userm1-userm100). home directory will be /root/Desktop/(userm1-user100)
password will be (userm1-userm100)
Instead of using this line:
useradd -m -s /bin/false $iuser
Try this one:
useradd -m -s /bin/false -p $ipasswd $iuser
You don't actually need this:
passwd $iuser <<< "$ipasswd"$'\n'"$ipasswd"
Kindly run the below script.
#purpose: bash script to create multiple users with pre-defined passwords at once.
#Read_Me: The import file should be in two columns, first users name and second passwords.
#author: Bablish Jaiswal
read -p "Kindly import/type Users Name-password file with location:- " creation_info
cat $creation_info |while read i p
( useradd $i && echo -e "${p}\n${p}" | passwd $i ) > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo $user ${i} created and password is ${p} || echo ${i} failed
