Host website and server on same domain - dns

I am trying to run a server on a different host to my website. How can I set it up so that if people connect to certain ports on my domain that they connect to my server, and so my website still works.

Ports exist on the level of TCP and UDP. There is nothing DNS can do to magically change what happens, at the client or your server, on that level.
For your web site, DNS provides translation of its name to a set of IP addresses. The client's browser will then try to talk to port 80 or 443 on one of those addresses. If you want the other server to use the same name as the web site, it must answer requests on other ports on the same set of IP addresses.
If your server is for a protocol that's new and smart enough to use SRV records, you can use that to actually run the server wherever is convenient but still tell the users to connect to the web server name. Check the documentation for details.
If you can't do that, another possibility is to run a small process on the web server machine that listens to the other server's port(s) and forwards all traffic to wherever the server is actually running. The feasibility and details of doing so depends a whole lot of what server it actually is, so I can't really say any more about that.
Or you could just tell the users to use for the web site and for the server and point those names at different IP addresses. Which is by far the simplest and most robust solution.


Node server :remote-addr displayed local IP (192.X.X.X) when accessed from python-requests

I have an express server that uses nginx and monitors the X-Forwarded-For header.
The node server has the following lines of code:
app.set('trust proxy', '');
app.use(morgan(':remote-addr')); // and other info too
Normally, when users make requests, independent of the client (mobile app, scripts, etc.) the IP displayed is the remote one.
Recently, I have observed that someone tried to hack into my server using python-requests/2.22.0 and the remote IP was not his IP address, it was 192.X.X.X. I tried to reproduce this myself by accessing the server from itself, but the remote address (global server IP address) was displayed.
Can you better explain to me how this works and if this is something I should be worried about?
They never accessed your server through Nginx; check the logs. They sent a local connection header directly to the IP:port hosting your server. This could be damaging if your security policies are not set correctly, it could leak site IPs and potentially allow an attacker to have a free path into your server without response back and no limits.
As we get scarier, the user could initiate a BGP hijack and take over the relay points sending users to your server end-points; this is one to YouTube or google more about.
As we finish off, know most hosting companies allow for private networking and do give somewhat of a firewall to use but most users assume this is secure when it actually is not! These private networks connect you to the hundreds->thousands servers in a rack or zone. So if the attacker bought a server next to yours (which would likely be a bot) they could scan the private networks for some fun-time which is against TOS but the hosts don't check this good enough or secure it.
In your case, it sounds like the server is responding to the entire internet and bots are having a go at it; Try setting your Node.js server up as localhost only, at port 443 or whatever and host that through nginx. That way anytime someone inserts your IP or domain name it is forwarded by nginx to the local resource. Someone couldn't just use the IP + Node.js port and play games. If you do this, a user may still send the header with fake IP but it won't result to IP Leak, or anything bad unless that IP had super powers on your site, which no filter on your site should say 192.168.x.x gets ADMIN mode. You can feel confident.

How to expose tornado websocket from local machine

I have built a d3.js dashboard that ties into a tornado websocket. Everything works perfectly locally. I now would like to have the ability to share the websocket with a few friends, nothing production. Is there a way to do this without a big deployment on Heroku or other similar service? I've googled and can't seem to find an answer. Thanks
Not specific to Tornado. This is more of a networking question.
What you want to do is:
Run your server on your computer.
Connect to the internet.
Note down your public IP address.
Give your IP address to your friends.
Certain things you need to take care of:
Run your server on a higher, non-standard port (e.g. 8000 would be good) because ISPs block traffic to port 80 and other standard ports.
The IP address assigned to you by your ISP will most probably be dynamic. That mean, every time you diconnect and reconnect to the internet, your IP address will change.
Turn off your computer's firewall to let in the traffic at whichever port your server is running.
Finally, you'll need to configure port forwarding on your router. What that means is all the incoming HTTP requests will arrive at your router at your public IP address. But your computer where you'll be running your server will have an internal IP address assigned by your router. So, you'll need to forward incoming requests to your computer's internal IP.

Redirecting subdomains to certain ports

I am the proud owner of my very first server(registered with GoDaddy).
This machine, like most, has an IP. Let's pretend my server IP is
I wish to host multiple servers on this tower: Minecraft, TeamSpeak, Feed the Beast, Garry's Mod, and my website. (Don't worry, I don't get much traffic.)
What I would like is a setup as such:
|Service |Subdomain |Actual IP |
|Website | | |
|Minecraft | ||
|FTB | | |
|TeamSpeak | | |
|Garrys Mod| ||
How would I do this with DNS, or other GoDaddy domain manager options?
BLUF: You can't manipulate port traffic like that through DNS
As far as I know, you can not do this with DNS. DNS is for name to ip mapping. To specify a port like you are trying to do, that happens on the application that are trying to connect to your server. For example, someone connecting to your minecraft server would have to know to connect on port 25565 at that IP address (which can be set on the minecraft client connecting in). If you are going to want to do this through DNS, then you are going to have to have multiple IP addresses (which I'm assuming you are not wanting to do this).
I'm not a boundary device guy but maybe, MAYBE some kind of port redirection on your end with your firewall to your server (network firewall, not host) based on the provided URL. Or have a web service on the server to create a connection back to the client based on URL provide. Just spit balling here. I'm not sure how that would (if it would) work.

How to share web application on linux?

I host a web application on my laptop and I access it using 'localhost:9080/' and lets assume my IP is ''
Now, I want my colleague to access this web application from his system 'web browser' by typing in ''
As laptop is owned by 'company' I cannot install (or) use any third party softwares
How can I manage this on RHEL 6?
Assuming you're on the same network (LAN) then a client who connects to should have no problems (assuming the web aplication also listens to requests other than localhost).
If is just an "alias" you set up in your hosts file then no other person than yourself will be able to use to connect to, unless they have the same alias in their hosts file.
If you purchased a domain and set up it up to redirect to it should work. But usually there are delays associated with updating a DNS so the time it takes for to be updated can take even a day.
Now if you have your colleagues on a different network (for example they want to connect from their homes when the laptop is connected to the internet at your place) it won't work with a bit of fiddling. Basically, when they try to connect the router gets a request from the client to connect to port 9080, but the router doesn't know what to do with it so nothing happens. You have to set up port forwarding in your routers settings so that all incoming traffic on port 9080 gets sent to
And when they try to connect that way, they can not use the ip adress, because it always refers to a adress on the local network. They have to use your external ip adress (google what is my ip adress).

Accessing Websites through a Different Port? [closed]

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I am wanting to access a website from a different port than 80 or 8080. Is this possible? I just want to view the website but through a different port. I do not have a router. I know this can be done because I have a browser that accessing websites through different ports, Called XB Browser by Xero Bank.
Thanks for the answers. So, if I setup a proxy on one computer, I could have it go from my computer, to another computer that then returns the website to me. Would this bypass logging software?
A simple way is to got to, and you will be entering through a different port.
If your question is about IIS(or other server) configuration - yes, it's possible. All you need is to create ports mapping under your Default Site or Virtual Directory and assign specific ports to the site you need. For example it is sometimes very useful for web services, when default port is assigned to some UI front-end and you want to assign service to the same address but with different port.
You can use ssh to forward ports onto somewhere else.
If you have two computers, one you browse from, and one which is free to access websites, and is not logged (ie. you own it and it's sitting at home), then you can set up a tunnel between them to forward http traffic over.
For example, I connect to my home computer from work using ssh, with port forwarding, like this:
ssh -L 22222:<target_website>:80 <home_computer>
Then I can point my browser to
And this request will be forwarded over ssh. Since the work computer is first contacting the home computer, and then contacting the target website, it will be hard to log.
However, this is all getting into 'how to bypass web proxies' and the like, and I suggest you create a new question asking what exactly you want to do.
Ie. "How do I bypass web proxies to avoid my traffic being logged?"
No, as the server decides what port it is run on. Perhaps you could install a proxy, which would redirect the port, but in the end the connection would be made on port 80 from your machine.
You can run the web server on any port. 80 is just convention as are 8080 (web server on unprivileged port) and 443 (web server + ssl). However if you're looking to see some web site by pointing your browser to a different port you're probably out of luck. Unless the web server is being run on that port explicitly you'll just get an error message.
It depends.
The web server on the other end will be set to a certain port, usually 80 and will only accept requests on that specific port. Something along the chain will need to be talking to port 80 to the website.
If you control the website, then you can change the port, or get it to accept requests on multiple ports.
If the website is already talking on a different port, you can just use the colon syntax to reference another port (eg: for port 1234).
If you want to use a different port on your client end, but you want to talk to port 80 at the web server end, you'll need to route traffic from port x to port 80. A common way to get this up and running is to use Port Fowarding. ssh can do this for you, see here for a Unix/technical overview or here if you're on Windows.
Hope that helps.
when viewing a website it gets assigned a random port, it will always come from port 80 (usually always, unless the server admin has changed the port) there's no way for someone to change that port unless you have control of the server.
If website server is listening to a different port, then yes, simply use http://address:port/
If server is not listening to a different port, then obviously you cannot.
Unless you're browsing through a proxy, the web servers hosting the sites you want to access must be configured to listen to a port other than 80 or 8080.
Perhaps this is obvious, but FWIW this will only work if the web server is serving requests for that website on the alternate port. It's not at all uncommon for a webserver to only serve a site on port 80.
You can only access a website throught the port that is bind with the http server.
Example: i hava a web server and it is listening for connections on port 123, the you only can get my pages connecting to my 123 port.
To clarify earlier answers, the HTTP protocol is 'registered' with port 80, and HTTP over SSL (aka HTTPS) is registered with port 443.
Well known port numbers are documented by IANA.
If you mean "bypass logging software" on the web server, no. It will see the traffic coming from you through the proxy system's IP address, at least. If you're trying to circumvent controls put into place by your IT department, then you need to rethink this. If your IT department blocks traffic to port 80, 8080 or 443 anywhere outbound, there is a reason. Ask your IT director. If you need access to these ports outbound from your local workstation to do your job, make your case with them.
Installing a proxy server, or using a free proxy service, may be a violation of company policies and could put your employment at risk.
