What can we do with Alternative but cannot do with Monoid? - haskell

I read Why MonadPlus and not Monad + Monoid? and I understand a theoretical difference, but I cannot figure out a practical difference, because for List it looks the same.
mappend [1] [2] == [1] <|> [2]
Yes. Maybe has different implementations
mappend (Just "a") (Just "b") /= (Just "a") <|> (Just "b")
But we can implement Maybe Monoid in the same way as Alternative
instance Monoid (Maybe a) where
Nothing `mappend` m = m
m `mappend` _ = m
So, can someone show the code example which explains a practical difference between Alternative and Monoid?
The question is not a duplicate of Why MonadPlus and not Monad + Monoid?

Here is a very simple example of something one can do with Alternative:
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Foldable
data Nested f a = Leaf a | Branch (Nested f (f a))
flatten :: (Foldable f, Alternative f) => Nested f a -> f a
flatten (Leaf x) = pure x
flatten (Branch b) = asum (flatten b)
Now let's try the same thing with Monoid:
flattenMonoid :: (Foldable f, Applicative f) => Nested f a -> f a
flattenMonoid (Leaf x) = pure x
flattenMonoid (Branch b) = fold (flattenMonoid b)
Of course, this doesn't compile, because in fold (flattenMonoid b) we need to know that the flattening produces a container with elements that are an instance of Monoid. So let's add that to the context:
flattenMonoid :: (Foldable f, Applicative f, Monoid (f a)) => Nested f a -> f a
flattenMonoid (Leaf x) = pure x
flattenMonoid (Branch b) = fold (flattenMonoid b)
Ah, but now we have a problem, because we can't satisfy the context of the recursive call, which demands Monoid (f (f a)). So let's add that to the context:
flattenMonoid :: (Foldable f, Applicative f, Monoid (f a), Monoid (f (f a))) => Nested f a -> f a
flattenMonoid (Leaf x) = pure x
flattenMonoid (Branch b) = fold (flattenMonoid b)
Well, that just makes the problem worse, since now the recursive call demands even more stuff, namely Monoid (f (f (f a)))...
It would be cool if we could write
flattenMonoid :: ((forall a. Monoid a => Monoid (f a)), Foldable f, Applicative f, Monoid (f a)) => Nested f a -> f a
or even just
flattenMonoid :: ((forall a. Monoid (f a)), Foldable f, Applicative f) => Nested f a -> f a
and we can: instead of writing forall a. Monoid (f a), we write Alternative f. (We can write a typeclass that expresses the first, easier-to-satisfy constraint, as well.)


Is there an efficient, lazy way to fuse foldMap with traverse?

A recent proposal on the Haskell libraries mailing list led me to consider the following:
ft :: (Applicative f, Monoid m, Traversable t)
-> (b -> m) -> (a -> f b) -> t a -> f m
ft f g xs = foldMap f <$> traverse g xs
I noticed that the Traversable constraint can be weakened to Foldable:
import Data.Monoid (Ap (..)) -- Requires a recent base version
ft :: (Applicative f, Monoid m, Foldable t)
-> (b -> m) -> (a -> f b) -> t a -> f m
ft f g = getAp . foldMap (Ap . fmap f . g)
In the original proposal, f was supposed to be id, leading to
:: (Applicative f, Monoid m, Foldable t)
-> (a -> f m) -> t a -> f m
--foldMapA g = getAp . foldMap (Ap . fmap id . g)
foldMapA g = getAp . foldMap (Ap . g)
which is strictly better than the traverse-then-fold approach.
But in the more general ft, there's a potential problem: fmap could be expensive in the f functor, in which case the fused version could potentially be more expensive than the original!
The usual tools for dealing with expensive fmap are Yoneda and Coyoneda. Since we need to lift many times and only lower once, Coyoneda is the one that can help us:
import Data.Functor.Coyoneda
ft' :: (Applicative f, Monoid m, Foldable t)
=> (b -> m) -> (a -> f b) -> t a -> f m
ft' f g = lowerCoyoneda . getAp
. foldMap (Ap . fmap f . liftCoyoneda . g)
So now we replace all those expensive fmaps with one (buried in lowerCoyoneda). Problem solved? Not quite.
The trouble with Coyoneda is that its liftA2 is strict. So if we write something like
import Data.Monoid (First (..))
ft' (First . Just) Identity $ 1 : undefined
-- or, importing Data.Functor.Reverse,
ft' (Last . Just) Identity (Reverse $ 1 : undefined)
then it will fail, whereas ft has no trouble with those. Is there a way to have our cake and eat it too? That is, a version that uses only a Foldable constraint, only fmaps O(1) times more than traverse in the f functor, and is just as lazy as ft?
Note: we could make liftA2 for Coyoneda somewhat lazier:
liftA2 f m n = liftCoyoneda $
case (m, n) of
(Coyoneda g x, Coyoneda h y) -> liftA2 (\p q -> f (g p) (h q)) x y
This is enough to let it produce an answer to ft' (First . Just) Identity $ 1 : 2 : undefined, but not to ft' (First . Just) Identity $ 1 : undefined. I don't see any obvious way to make it lazier than that, because pattern matches on existentials must always be strict.
I don't believe it's possible. Avoiding fmaps at the elements seems to require some knowledge of the structure of the container. For example, the Traversable instance for lists can be written
traverse f (x : xs) = liftA2 (:) (f x) (traverse f xs)
We know that the first argument of (:) is a single element, so we can use liftA2 to combine the process of mapping over the action for that element with the process of combining the result of that action with the result associated with the rest of the list.
In a more generic context, the structure of a fold can be captured faithfully using a magma type with a bogus Monoid instance:
data Magma a = Bin (Magma a) (Magma a) | Leaf a | Nil
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Semigroup (Magma a) where
(<>) = Bin
instance Monoid (Magma a) where
mempty = Nil
toMagma :: Foldable t => t a -> Magma a
toMagma = foldMap Leaf
We can write
ft'' :: (Applicative f, Monoid m, Foldable t)
=> (b -> m) -> (a -> f b) -> t a -> f m
ft'' f g = fmap (lowerMagma f) . traverse g . toMagma
lowerMagma :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Magma a -> m
lowerMagma f (Bin x y) = lowerMagma f x <> lowerMagma f y
lowerMagma f (Leaf x) = f x
lowerMagma _ Nil = mempty
But there's trouble in the Traversable instance:
traverse f (Leaf x) = Leaf <$> f x
That's exactly the sort of trouble we were trying to avoid. And there's no lazy fix for it. If we encounter Bin l r, we can't lazily determine whether l or r are leaves. So we're stuck. If we allowed a Traversable constraint on ft'', we could capture the result of traversing with a richer sort of magma type (such as one used in lens), which I suspect could let us do something more clever though I haven't found anything yet.

Every monad is an applicative functor — generalizing to other categories

I can readily enough define general Functor and Monad classes in Haskell:
class (Category s, Category t) => Functor s t f where
map :: s a b -> t (f a) (f b)
class Functor s s m => Monad s m where
pure :: s a (m a)
join :: s (m (m a)) (m a)
join = bind id
bind :: s a (m b) -> s (m a) (m b)
bind f = join . map f
I'm reading this post which explains an applicative functor is a lax (closed or monoidal) functor. It does so in terms of a (exponential or monoidal) bifunctor. I know in the Haskell category, every Monad is Applicative; how can we generalize? How should we choose the (exponential or monoidal) functor in terms of which to define Applicative? What confuses me is our Monad class seems to have no notion whatsoever of the (closed or monoidal) structure.
Edit: A commenter says it is not generally possible, so now part of my question is where it is possible.
What confuses me is our Monad class seems to have no notion whatsoever of the (closed or monoidal) structure.
If I understood your question correctly, that would be provided via the tensorial strength of the monad. The Monad class doesn't have it because it is intrinsic to the Hask category. More concretely, it is assumed to be:
t :: Monad m => (a, m b) -> m (a,b)
t (x, my) = my >>= \y -> return (x,y)
Essentially, all the monoidal stuff involved in the methods of a monoidal functor happens on the target category. It can be formalised thus†:
class (Category s, Category t) => Functor s t f where
map :: s a b -> t (f a) (f b)
class Functor s t f => Monoidal s t f where
pureUnit :: t () (f ())
fzip :: t (f a,f b) (f (a,b))
s-morphisms only come in if you consider the laws of a monoidal functor, which roughly say that the monoidal structure of s should be mapped into this monoidal structure of t by the functor.
Perhaps more insightful is to factor an fmap into the class methods, so it's clear what the “func-”-part of the functor does:
class Functor s t f => Monoidal s t f where
puref :: s () y -> t () (f y)
puref f = map f . pureUnit
fzipWith :: s (a,b) c -> t (f a,f b) (f c)
fzipWith f = map f . fzip
From Monoidal, we can get back our good old Hask-Applicative thus:
pure :: Monoidal (->) (->) f => a -> f a
pure a = puref (const a) ()
(<*>) :: Monoidal (->) (->) f => f (a->b) -> f a -> f b
fs <*> xs = fzipWith (uncurry ($)) (fs, xs)
liftA2 :: Monoidal (->) (->) f => (a->b->c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2 f xs ys = fzipWith (uncurry f) (xs,ys)
Perhaps more interesting in this context is the other direction, because that shows us up the connection to monads in the generalised case:
instance Applicative f => Monoidal (->) (->) f where
pureUnit = pure
fzip = \(xs,ys) -> liftA2 (,) xs ys
= \(xs,ys) -> join $ map (\x -> map (x,) ys) xs
That lambdas and tuple sections aren't available in a general category, however they can be translated to cartesian closed categories.
†I'm using (,) as the product in both monoidal categories, with identity element (). More generally you might write data I_s and data I_t and type family (⊗) x y and type family (∙) x y for the products and their respective identity elements.

Granted a traversable F-Algebra, is it possible to have a catamorphism over an applicative algebra?

I have this F-Algebra (introduced in a previous question), and I want to cast an effectful algebra upon it. Through desperate trial, I managed to put together a monadic catamorphism that works. I wonder if it may be generalized to an applicative, and if not, why.
This is how I defined Traversable:
instance Traversable Expr where
traverse f (Branch xs) = fmap Branch $ traverse f xs
traverse f (Leaf i ) = pure $ Leaf i
This is the monadic catamorphism:
type AlgebraM a f b = a b -> f b
cataM :: (Monad f, Traversable a) => AlgebraM a f b -> Fix a -> f b
cataM f x = f =<< (traverse (cataM f) . unFix $ x)
And this is how it works:
λ let printAndReturn x = print x >> pure x
λ cataM (printAndReturn . evalSum) $ branch [branch [leaf 1, leaf 2], leaf 3]
My idea now is that I could rewrite like this:
cataA :: (Applicative f, Traversable a) => AlgebraM a f b -> Fix a -> f b
cataA f x = do
subtree <- traverse (cataA f) . unFix $ x
value <- f subtree
return value
Unfortunately, value here depends on subtree and, according to a paper on applicative do-notation, in such case we cannot desugar to Applicative. It seems like there's no way around this; we need a monad to float up from the depths of nesting.
Is it true? Can I safely conclude that only flat structures can be folded with applicative effects alone?
Can I safely conclude that only flat structures can be folded with applicative effects alone?
You can say that again! After all, "flattening nested structures" is exactly what makes a monad a monad, rather than Applicative which can only combine adjacent structures. Compare (a version of) the signatures of the two abstractions:
class Functor f => Applicative f where
pure :: a -> f a
(<.>) :: f a -> f b -> f (a, b)
class Applicative m => Monad m where
join :: m (m a) -> m a
What Monad adds to Applicative is the ability to flatten nested ms into one m. That's why []'s join is concat. Applicative only lets you smash together heretofore-unrelated fs.
It's no coincidence that the free monad's Free constructor contains a whole f full of Free fs, whereas the free applicative's Ap constructor only contains one Ap f.
data Free f a = Return a | Free (f (Free f a))
data Ap f a where
Pure :: a -> Ap f a
Cons :: f a -> Ap f b -> Ap f (a, b)
Hopefully that gives you some intuition as to why you should expect that it's not possible to fold a tree using an Applicative.
Let's play a little type tennis to see how it shakes out. We want to write
cataA :: (Traversable f, Applicative m) => (f a -> m a) -> Fix f -> m a
cataA f (Fix xs) = _
We have xs :: f (Fix f) and a Traversable for f. My first instinct here is to traverse the f to fold the contained subtrees:
cataA f (Fix xs) = _ $ traverse (cataA f) xs
The hole now has a goal type of m (f a) -> m a. Since there's an f :: f a -> m a knocking about, let's try going under the m to convert the contained fs:
cataA f (Fix xs) = _ $ fmap f $ traverse (cataA f) xs
Now we have a goal type of m (m a) -> m a, which is join. So you do need a Monad after all.

Why does Tuple not have a Monad instance?

One thing I noticed was that Tuple does not have a Monad instance.
Tuple does however have an Applicative instance:
instance Monoid a => Applicative ((,) a)
Which already extremely heavily restricts what we can make the Monad instance be.
Lets look at the type signature we would get for join:
instance Monoid a => Monad ((,) a)
join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a
join :: Monoid a => (a, (a, b)) -> (a, b)
We can also look at the Monad laws:
join $ f <$> pure x == f x
join $ f <$> (mempty, x) == f x
join (mempty, f x) == f x
join (mempty, (a, b)) == (a, b)
join $ pure <$> x = x
join $ pure <$> (a, b) = (a, b)
join (a, (mempty, b)) = (a, b)
At this point we know that combining mempty and x in either way results in x. And the only type information we have about x is that it is a Monoid. So basically the only two implementations are:
join (a, (b, x)) = (a <> b, x)
join (a, (b, x)) = (b <> a, x)
And the second one of those makes ap and <*> not the same.
So now we know that the only valid Monad instance for ((,) a) is:
instance Monoid a => Monad ((,) a) where
(a, c) >>= f = let (b, c') = f c in (a <> b, c')
So why is that not currently the case?
Well it seems like the answer to this question is that I just have to use ghc-8.0.1, which does give Tuple a Monad instance. Credit to #Michael for pointing this out.

What would be the "distinct method" that Traversable has in addition to Foldable?

Foldable is a superclass of Traversable, similarly to how Functor is a superclass of Applicative and Monad.
Similar to the case of Monad, where it is possible to basically implement fmap as
liftM :: Monad m => (a->b) -> m a -> m b
liftM f q = return . f =<< q
we could also emulate foldMap as
foldLiftT :: (Traversable t, Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldLiftT f = fst . traverse (f >>> \x -> (x,x))
-- or: . sequenceA . fmap (f >>> \x -> (x, x))
using the Monoid m => (,) m monad. So the combination of superclass and methods bears in both cases a certain redundancy.
In case of monads, it can be argued that a “better” definition of the type class would be (I'll skip applicative / monoidal)
class (Functor m) => Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
join :: m (m a) -> m a
at least that's what's used in category theory. This definition does, without using the Functor superclass, not permit liftM, so it is without this redundancy.
Is a similar transformation possible for the Traversable class?
To clarify: what I'm after is a re-definition, let's call it,
class (Functor t, Foldable t) => Traversable t where
skim :: ???
such that we could make the actual Traverse methods top-level functions
sequenceA :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => t (f a) -> f (t a)
but it would not be possible to make generically
instance (Traversable t) => Foldable t where
foldMap = ... skim ...
data T
instance Traversable T where
skim = ...
I'm not asking because I need this for something particular; it's a conceptual question so as to better understand the difference between Foldable and Traversable. Again much like Monad vs Functor: while >>= is much more convenient than join for everyday Haskell programming (because you usually need precisely this combination of fmap and join), the latter makes it simpler to grasp what a monad is about.
Foldable is to Functor as Traversable is to Monad, i.e. Foldable and Functor are superclasses of Monad and Traversable (modulo all the applicative/monad proposal noise).
Indeed, that's already in the code
instance Foldable f => Traversable f where
So, it's not clear what more there is to want. Foldable is characterized by toList :: Foldable f => f a -> [a] while Traversable depends ultimately on not only being able to abstract the content as a list like toList does, but also to be able to extract the shape
shape :: Functor f => f a -> f ()
shape = fmap (const ())
and then recombine them
combine :: Traversable f => f () -> [a] -> Maybe (f a)
combine f_ = evalStateT (traverse pop f_) where
pop :: StateT [a] Maybe a
pop = do x <- get
case x of
[] = empty
(a:as) = set as >> return a
which depends on traverse.
For more information on this property see this blog post by Russell O'Connor.
Super hand-wavy because it's late, but the extra power that Traversable has over Foldable is a way to reconstruct the original structure. For example, with lists:
module MyTraverse where
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
data ListRec f x = ListRec
{ el :: f (Endo [x])
instance Applicative f => Monoid (ListRec f x) where
mempty = ListRec (pure mempty)
mappend (ListRec l) (ListRec r) =
ListRec (mappend <$> l <*> r)
toM :: Functor f => f b -> ListRec f b
toM this = ListRec $ (Endo . (:)) <$> this
fromM :: Functor f => ListRec f b -> f [b]
fromM (ListRec l) = flip appEndo [] <$> l
myTraverse :: Applicative f => (a-> f b) -> [a] -> f [b]
myTraverse f xs = fromM $ foldMap (toM . f) xs
I think this myTraverse behaves the same as traverse, using only the classes Applicative, Foldable, and Monoid. You could re-write it to use foldr instead of foldMap if you wanted to get rid of Monoid.
lists are easy because they're a flat structure. However, I strongly suspect that you could use a Zipper to get the proper reconstruction function for any structure (since zippers are generically derivable, they should always exists).
But even with a zipper, you don't have any way of indicating that structure to the monoid/function. Notionally, it seems Traversable adds something like
class Traversed t where
type Path t :: *
annotate :: t a -> [(Path t, a)]
fromKeyed :: [(Path t, a)] -> t a
this seems to overlap heavily with Foldable, but I think that's inevitable when trying to associate the paths with their constituent values.
