Binding data to a single document from multiple custom controls - xpages

I have an Xpage with multiple custom controls that make up a form. When I click the submit button I get a multiple documents saving the multiple custom control data as a separate document.
I have the data sources configured at the custom control level.
How can I make it that all the custom control save the data to one single document?

Just put them on the XPage. If you use a variable name (e.g. for a datasource, a dataContext etc), the runtime will just look outwards from the current component in the hierarchy to find the relevant object. If you're having problems thinking of the XML source code in a three-dimensional way, the Outline view is good for this.
So from within a Custom Control, you can reference a datasource on the XPage, as long as it is defined in an ancestor of the custom control on the XPage or is a previous sibling. So in the structure below, document1 will be accessible from anywhere in the ccFriends custom control.
<xp:view xmlns:xp=""
<xp:dominoDocument var="document1" formName="Profile">

You can also pass the data source object as a custom property to the custom control if you can't follow Paul's suggestion of keeping the same variable name for your data source.


How do I properly use a Custom Control's "Datasource Picker editor"?

I'm passing a doc datasource into a Custom Control using a property defintion named docDatasource and set to a datatype Just by chance I stumbled upon an editor type named "Datasource Picker". Sounded promising, so I set it to use for m prop definition.
Upon binding the CC into my Xpage - where my doc DS is defined - I indeed can use the picker to choose my datasource ,just as I had expected. But then building the Xpage code I receive an error saying
The value of the property docDatasource cannot be primitive.
So obviously the datatype and the editor don't go along well. There's no harm done really, but I'm curious to learn what else this editor could be used for.
What to do with name of the data source passed to custom control parameter: retrieve its object by simple binding #{requestScope[compositeData.docDatasource]}.
That will return your data source and you can use this binding where needed. Or store it inside local variable and use it instead.
I dont know where you went wrong.
Here is xpage source:
<xp:dominoDocument var="document1" formName="asdf" action="openDocument" documentId="08f6"/>
<xc:doccc dds="#{javascript:document1}"/>
and custom control:
<xp:label id="label1">
with custom control property named dds, type and editor DataSourcePicker.

Why DominoDocumentData.setConcurrencyMode has no effect for Domino document data source?

I used to save the current DominoDocument of the XPage in some way like:
UIViewRootEx2 view=(UIViewRootEx2) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot();
DominoDocumentData ddd=(DominoDocumentData) view.getData().get(0);
DominoDocument dominoDoc=(DominoDocument) ddd.getDataObject();
To use the concurrencyMode property of the data source to avoid conflicts, I add the following line.
I expect this behaves the same as setting the property in the XPage:
<xp:dominoDocument var="document1" formName="Test" computeWithForm="onsave" concurrencyMode="force"></xp:dominoDocument>
But it fails. It always uses the value set in the XPage source and ignores the value set in the code. Anybody knows the reason? Thanks.
I would say: works as designed. During one of the jsf phases the design is read and the value overwritten.
In JSF and thus XPages you don't mess from "Controller Code" (the stuff in your button) with the "View rendering" (your XPages source). You rather bind the property to your model (a scope variable is a good candidate) and let the runtime run its course.
So your code would be
<xp:dominoDocument var="document1"
viewScope.myConcurrency = "force"
Hope that clarifies it.

Show custom controls on webpage in other order than layed out in DDE - Xpages

I have a number of custom controls layed out on an xpage. I want these controls to be displayed in the order of a setting in a notes document
So my xpage might look like this in DDE
but when the custom control is displyed on the webpage the custom controls should be displayed in the following order (based on the setting document)
anyone have any ideas how to accomplish this (server side)
You can use the xp:switchFacet in combination with a xp:repeat to calculate the order at runtime like this:
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:var arr = ["Control1","Control3","Control2"];return arr;}]]></xp:this.value>
<xp:panel xp:key="Control1">Control1</xp:panel>
<xp:panel xp:key="Control2">Control2</xp:panel>
<xp:panel xp:key="Control3">Control3</xp:panel>
Instead of the Array arr you can use data based on a document or xsp.propertie. The Output of this code is Control1 Control3 Control2 and in your Designer you have your controls inside switchFacet in following order: Control1 Control2 Control3.
Without knowing the real pain of your project I can only assume that the individual position needs to be defined at runtime, or something like that.
In general: controlling a page's layout is a pure CSS job. On the resulting page almost anything can be positioned almost anywhere within the page's range, and it doesn't matter where it was placed at design time. So, if you enclose your custom controls within their own containers (panels / divs) then you should be all set. You might define positioning classes in CSS and then have some SSJS code decide which class is assigned to what div.
If for example you have a custom control for each day of the week, and you always want to have the current day at the top-most position, then you could define 7 css classes as in ".today", ".todayPlus1", ".todayPlus2" ... ".todayPlus6". Write your positioning rules for each class. And finally compute each panel's styleClass property based on the current week day.

xpages dynamically change xpage acl?

I have a basic workflow app, and I am having diffiulty.
In the db ACL, I have all the people and groups involved set to Editor.
In an XPage acl, I am trying to enter a computed value for the name. (a field I have called nextApprover, which is stored on the form/document associated with the xpage.
I've tried
both create a runtime error executing the Javascript computed expression.
All I am trying to do is allow the nextApprover the rights to edit the document when it is in their "box" and allow the rest of the users the ability to read it at that particular time. I've looked around for a while now.
Any suggestions?
You can't access the datasource document1 in XPages ACL name calculation because the ACL is first calculated and only later the datasource. That's why you get the JavaScript runtime error.
Here is an alternative to XPages ACL:
Define your datasource document1 with action="openDocument"
... />
That will open the document by default in READ mode.
Then switch in beforePageLoad event to EDIT mode with context.setDocumentMode("edit") if the current user name is in your field nextApprover:
if (document1.getItemValue("nextApprover").get(0).equals(session.getEffectiveUserName())) {
You might have to change the if clause depending on what is really in your field nextApprover.
You get better security by using Authors-items on documents instead of XPage ACL.
Try this (if document1 is datasource name):
If it does not work with this and you still want to use XPage ACL please post your error and XPage XML source for the ACL part.

Dynamically add custom control on Xpage

how can I add custom control on the basis of sessionScope variable. I try include page container control but no luck:
<xp:text escape="true" id="computedField1">
<xp:panel xp:key="facetMiddle">
<xp:include id="include1">
The above code give me error Error 404 HTTP Web Server: Item Not Found Exception. But when I hardcode the viewname that is ccViewAll.xsp instead of sessionScope.get("viewName"), its work fine.
You can use the dynamic content control or the switchFacet control if you have the ExtLib for XPages. The Teamroom template (demo application that comes with the ExtLib) uses these in the "allDocuments" Xpage or the "allDocsAllTab" custom control, these are good examples to look at.
If you don't have the ExtLib you could use the loaded / rendered property of a custom control to decide which one gets loaded.
<xp:panel key="MiddleColumn">
<xc:customControl1 loaded="${javascript: if(viewScope.control == "customControl1")}"></xc:customControl1>
<xc:customControl2 loaded="${javascript: if(viewScope.control == "customControl2")}"></xc:customControl2>
loaded = false means that nothing will be done for this control.
rendered = false means that the control will be created but hidden, you can change this later to show it.
use rendered if its going to change for example when a button is clicked and loaded when its decided at start up and won't change while the user is logged in.
If you are using this to show a different view in the domino database based on some other selection that I would suggest looking at the Extension Libraries 'Dynamic View Panel' control.
Using this control means you won't need to create different custom controls for each view that you want to use, just a single page with this control and point it to the correct view to display via a scope variable.
If you need to customize how each view displays you can create a viewControl bean to set additional properties based on the view that it is showing.
Something worth to mention is that if you don't use the ExtLib - If you're using Partial Refresh then you HAVE to use the rendered property, since the loaded property only can be calculated on pageLoad.
From my understanding this means that every custom control will be computed by the server and that's probably not something you want. (Added overhead, for one thing.)
