Cassandra keyspace disappeared leading to data loss - cassandra

I was adding a node (cassandra-03) to my Cassandra 2.1.8 cluster (2 existing nodes, cassandra-01 and cassandra-02, 160+GB each, 1 keyspace), following
At stage #3 (after restarting each nodes), I realized that on my existing nodes (cassandra-01 and cassandra-02), my keyspace disappeared, but the data are still on the filesystem.
nodetool status gives the expected output (3 nodes cluster), except on the data column (I was expecting 160GB on cassandra-01 and cassandra-02), where I only have a few KB.
I moved forward on step #4 and ran nodetool cleanup on cassandra-01. It worked in a few seconds, but my keyspace is still missing.
I re-created my keyspace via cqlsh, hoping cassandra will use the data sitting on the filesystem, with no luck.
Nothing weird on the logs, as far as I can tell.
How could I get my keyspace data back?

I wasn't able to use the SSTable files in my new keyspace (created with the same name as the original one), so I used sstableloader tool to reinject my data into my newly created keyspace (with all the tables created):
$ sudo mv /var/lib/cassandra/data/mykeyspace /otherlocation/mykeyspace
$ sstableloader -d <host> -f /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml -v /otherlocation/mykeyspace/tablename-<token>;


Data Inconsistency in Cassandra Cluster after migration of data to a new cluster

I see some data inconsistency after moving data to a new cluster.
Old cluster has 9 nodes in total and each has got 2+ TB of data on it.
New cluster has same set of nodes as old and configuration is same.
Here is what I've performed in order:
nodetool snapshot.
Copied that snapshot to destination
Created a new Keyspace on Destination Cluster.
Used sstableloader utility to load.
Restarted all nodes.
After successful completion of transfer, I ran few queries to compare(Old vs New Cluster) and found out that the new cluster is not consistent but the data I see is properly distributed on each node (nodetool status).
Same query returns different sets of results for some of the partitions and I get zero rows first time, second time 100 rows,200 rows and eventually it becomes consistent for few partitions and record count matches with old cluster.
Few partitions have no data in the new cluster where as old cluster has data for those partitions.
I tried running queries on cqlsh with CONSISTENCY ALL but the problem still exist.
Did i miss any important steps to consider before and after?
Is there any procedure to find out the root cause of this?
I am currently running "nodetool repair" but I doubt if that could solve as I tried with Consistency ALL.
Highly Appreciate your help!
The fact that the results eventually becomes consistent indicates that the replicas are out-of-sync.
You can verify this by reviewing the logs around the time that you were loading data, particularly for dropped mutations. You can also check the output of nodetool netstats. If you're seeing blocking read repairs, that's another confirmation that the replicas are out-of-sync.
If you still have other partitions you can test, enable TRACING ON in cqlsh when you query with CONSISTENCY ALL. You will see if there are digest mismatches in the trace output which should also trigger read repairs. Cheers!
[EDIT] Based on your comments below, it sounds like you possibly did not load the snapshots from ALL the nodes in the source cluster with sstableloader. If you've missed loading SSTables to the target cluster, then that would explain why data is missing.

Cassandra drop keyspace, tables not working

I am starting with cassandra and have had some problems. I create keyspaces and tables to go playing, if I delete them and then run a describe keyspace they keep appearing to me. Other times I delete them and it tells me they don't exist, but I can't create them either because it says it exists.
Is there a way to clear that "cache" or something similar?
I would also like to know if through cqlsh I can execute a .cql file that is on my computer.
[cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 3.11.0 | CQL spec 3.4.4 | Native protocol v4]
This may be due to the eventually consistent nature of Cassandra. If you are on a small test cluster and just playing around you could try doing CONSISTENCY ALL in cqlsh which will force the nodes to become consistent.
You should always run delete or drop command manually with CONSISTENCY ALL so that it will reflect all the nodes and DCs. Also you need to wait for a moment to replicate into the cluster. Once replicated you will not get deleted data else you need to run a repair in the cluster.

Restore Cassandra snapshot to new keyspace in same cluster

I've found documentation on restoring a keyspace snapshot to the same keyspace and also restoring it to a new cluster. However, I'm trying to make a copy of a keyspace in Cassandra and cannot find how to restore a snapshot to a new keyspace. Does anyone know if this is possible or have other recommendations on how to make a copy of the keyspace?
Step 1:
In your new keyspace, redefine the column families the same way as they were defined in the old keyspace. You can get the list of commands by running this cql:
Note that here, your keyspace replication factor, etc shall remain the same.
Step 2 (do this on each node):
Under the old keyspace folder inside Cassandra data directory, there should be a snapshot folder per ColumnFamily. Copy the SSTables directly from the snapshot folders to the relevant ColumnFamily folders of the new keyspace inside Cassandra directory.
Step 3:
Do a rolling restart, and run repair on each node.

Cassandra system.hints table is empty even when the one of the node is down

I am learning Cassandra from I am trying the Replication and Consistency demo on local machine. RF = 3 and Consistency = 1.
When my Node3 is down and I am updating my table using update command, the SYSTEM.HINTS table is expected to store hint for node3 but it is always empty.
Do I need to make any configurational changes for hints to work or the defaults are ok?
surjanrawat$ ccm node1 nodetool getendpoints mykeyspace mytable 1
surjanrawat$ ccm status
Cluster: 'mycluster'
node1: UP
node3: DOWN
node2: UP
node5: UP
node4: UP
cqlsh:mykeyspace> select * from system.hints ;
target_id | hint_id | message_version | mutation
(0 rows)
Did you use the exact same version of Cassandra to create the cluster? Since version 3+ the hints are stored in the local filesystem of the coordinator. I ask this because the exact same thing happened to me during that Datastax demo (I used 3.0.3 instead of 2.1.5) I replayed the steps but with 2.1.5 and the hints where there in the table just as expected.
Came across this post as I ran into the same issue. Latest versions of cassandra don't store the hints in system.hints table. I am using cassandra 3.9 and the hints are stored in the file system.
It is configured in cassandra.yaml file.
# Directory where Cassandra should store hints.
# If not set, the default directory is $CASSANDRA_HOME/data/hints.
# hints_directory: /var/lib/cassandra/hints
In my case I was using ccm and I was able to find the hints at
where mycluster is my cluster name and node1 is my node name. Hope this helps someone.
In order to understand why no hints are being written you need a good grasp on how Cassandra replicates data.
A replication factor of 2 means two copies of each row, where each
copy is on a different node. All replicas are equally important; there
is no primary or master replica.
With a replication factor of 3 and 5 nodes in the cluster you could lose another node and still not store hints because your data replication strategy is still valid. Try killing two more nodes and then check the hints table.

Cassandra: Migrate keyspace data from Multinode cluster to SingleNode Cluster

I have a keyspace in a multi-node cluster in QA environment. I want to copy that keyspace to my local single-node cluster. Is there any direct way to do this? I can't afford to write some code like SSTableLoader implementation at this point of time. Please suggest the quickest way.
Make sure you have plenty of free disk space on your new node and that you've properly set replication factor and consistency levels in your tests/build for your new, single node "cluster"
First, restore the exact schema from the old cluster to your new node. After that the data can be loaded in two ways:
1.) Execute the "sstableloader" utility on every node in your old cluster and point it at your new node. sstableloader is token aware, but in your case it will end up shipping all data to your new, single node cluster.
sstableloader -d NewNode /Path/To/OldCluster/SStables
2.) Snapshot the keyspace and copy the raw sstable files from the snapshot folders of each table in your old cluster to your new node. Once they're all there, copy the files to their corresponding table directory and run "nodetool refresh."
# Rinse and repeat for all tables
nodetool snapshot -t MySnapshot
cd /Data/keyspace/table-UUID/snapshots/MySnapshot/
rsync -avP ./*.db User#NewNode:/NewData/Keyspace/table-UUID
# when finished, exec the following for all tables in your new node
nodetool refresh keyspace table
Option #1 is probably best because it will stream the data and compact naturally on the new node. It's also less manual work. Option #2 is good, quick, and dirty if you don't have a direct line from one cluster to the other. You probably won't notice much difference since it's probably a relatively small keyspace for QA.
