replace tab in an enclosed string in a tab delimited file linux - linux

I have a tab delimited txt file in which third column contains enclosed string that might also has a tab. Because of this extra tab i am getting 5 columns when i try to read this tab delimited file. So i want to replace the tab with space.
Following is the sample file.
col1 col2 col3 col4
1 abc "pqr xyz" asd
2 asd "lmn pqr" aws
3 abc "asd" lmn
I want the output like this
col1 col2 col3 col4
1 abc "pqr xyz" asd
2 asd "lmn pqr" aws
3 abc "asd" lmn
Here is what i have tried
awk -F"\t" '{ gsub("\t","",$3); print $3 }' file.txt
after that i am getting following output
Please help

Having GNU awk (gawk) you can use the following expression:
gawk '{gsub("\t"," ",$3)}1' OFS='\t' FPAT='"[^"]*"|[^\t]*' file
The key here is the FPAT variable. It defines how a field can look like instead of just specifying the field delimiter.
In our case a field can either be an sequence of non-double-quote chars enclosed in double quotes "[^"]*" or a sequence of zero or more non tab characters [^\t]*. (zero, to handle empty fields properly)
Since we are specifying the sequence of non quote characters first it has a precedence.


linux: extract pattern from file

I have a big tab delimited .txt file of 4 columns
col1 col2 col3 col4
name1 1 2 ens|name1,ccds|name2,ref|name3,ref|name4
name2 3 10 ref|name5,ref|name6
... ... ... ...
Now I want to extract from this file everything that starts with 'ref|'. This pattern is only present in col4
So for this example I would like to have as output
I thought of using 'sed' for this, but I don't know where to start.
I think awk is better suited for this task:
$ awk '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++){if ($i ~ /ref\|/){print $i}}}' FS='( )|(,)' infile
FS='( )|(,)' sets a multile FS to itinerate columns by , and blank spaces, then prints the column when it finds the ref pattern.
Now I want to extract from this file everything that starts with
'ref|'. This pattern is only present in col4
If you are sure that the pattern only present in col4, you could use grep:
grep -o 'ref|[^,]*' file
One solution I had was to first use awk to only get the 4th column, then use sed to convert commas into newlines, and then use grep (or awk again) to get the ones that start with ref:
awk '{print $4}' < data.txt | sed -e 's/,/\n/g' | grep "^ref"
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/\(ref|[^,]*\),/\n\1\n/;/^ref/P;D' file
Surround the required strings by newlines and only print those lines that begin with the start of the required string.

Linux bash script: how to search on a column but return full row?

I have a tab-delimited file with data like this:
col1 col2 col3
I wrote a bash script that allows the file to be searched using this code:
echo -en "Search term: "
read search
data=`cat | egrep -i "$search"`
This works great for searching the entire file, but I'm now wanting to search only on a specific column (which the user can choose).
I am aware of the cut command and can search on a column using this:
cat | cut -f$col | egrep -i "$search"
But then only that column is outputted, so if I use this method then I somehow need to get the rest of the row back.
How can I search on a column in the file, but return the full rows for the results?
You can pass two variables to awk: the column number and the search term.
awk -vcol="$col" -vsearch="$search" '$col ~ search'
If the value of $col is 2, then $2 in awk will correspond to the second column. The ~ operator is used to do a regular expression pattern match. The line will be printed if the column matches the regular expression.
Testing it out:
$ cat
col1 col2 col3
$ col=2
$ search=l2
$ awk -vcol="$col" -vsearch="$search" '$col ~ search'
col1 col2 col3
$ search=l3
$ awk -vcol="$col" -vsearch="$search" '$col ~ search'
# no output
If you want to do case-insensitive pattern matching, you have two options: convert everything to upper or lower case (tolower($col) ~ tolower(search)), or if you are using GNU awk, set the IGNORECASE variable:
$ search=L2
$ awk -vIGNORECASE=1 -vcol="$col" -vsearch="$search" '$col ~ search'
col1 col2 col3
awk is easier for this:
data=$(awk -v col=$col -v term="$term" 'toupper($col)==toupper(term)' file)
col - column number
term - search term
You could also pass field separator with -F if needed.

insert values of a column into other column

I have a tab-delimited .txt file with two columns and long list of values in both columns
col1 col2
1 a
2 b
3 c
... ...
I want to convert this now to
So that he insert the values from column 2 into column 1 at the correct location.
Is there any way to do this, maybe using awk, or something else through the command line?
You can ask awk to print first column and then second column. By using print for each case, you ensure you have a new line in between them:
awk -F"\t" '{print $1; print $2}' file
Or the following if you just want to print the 1st column on the first line:
awk -F"\t" 'NR==1 {print $1; next} {print $1; print $2}' file
The second command returns the following for your given input:
this should do:
awk -F"\t" -v OFS="\n" '{$1=$1}7' file

Linux Script to find string containing specific formatting & manipulate the data

I need to create a linux script to search for lines in a file that are formatted like this:
so 6 text/number strings divided by 5 semicolon
For example:
I want to treat the semicolon as column divider
I then want to rearrange the data like so:
Column1:Column3:Column4:Column2 discarding column5 & column6
For example:
I then want to replace semicolon with underscore, remove leading Zeros from each column & convert to UPERCASE
For example:
End Result
in file1, an entry like this
will be converted to this:
Please note also, there are 100's if not 1000s of these 3 line entries in file1
kent$ awk -F: -v OFS="_" 'NF==6{for(i=1;i<=4;i++){sub(/^0*/,"",$i);$i=toupper($i)};print $1,$3,$4,$2;next}7' file
you may want to know that, in awk:
sub(pat, rep,input) will do replacement;
toupper(string) will change string into upper case (yes, there is tolower() too)
print $1,$2 will print col1 and col2 separated by OFS
the command much more important than the above one-liner:
man gawk
a solution using sed:
sed -r 's/^0*([a-f0-9]+):0*([a-f0-9]+):0*([a-f0-9]+):0*([a-f0-9]+):[a-f0-9]+:[a-f0-9]+$/\1_\3_\4_\2/'
see DEMO
With sed:
sed -r 's/^0*([[:alnum:]]+):0*([[:alnum:]]+):0*([[:alnum:]]+):0*([[:alnum:]]+):0*([[:digit:]]+):0*([[:digit:]]+)$/\U\1_\3_\4_\2/' foo

Conditional Awk hashmap match lookup

I have 2 tabular files. One file contains a mapping of 50 key values only called lookup_file.txt.
The other file has the actual tabular data with 30 columns and millions of rows. data.txt
I would like to replace the id column of the second file with the values from the lookup_file.txt..
How can I do this? I would prefer using awk in bash script..
Also, Is there a hashmap data-structure i can use in bash for storing the 50 key/values rather than another file?
Assuming your files have comma-separated fields and the "id column" is field 3:
awk '
NR==FNR { map[$1] = $2; next }
{ $3 = map[$3]; print }
' lookup_file.txt data.txt
If any of those assumptions are wrong, clue us in if the fix isn't obvious...
EDIT: and if you want to avoid the (IMHO negligible) NR==FNR test performance impact, this would be one of those every rare cases when use of getline is appropriate:
awk '
while ( (getline line < "lookup_file.txt") > 0 ) {
map[f[1]] = f[2]
{ $3 = map[$3]; print }
' data.txt
You could use a mix of "sort" and "join" via bash instead of having to write it in awk/sed and it is likely to be even faster:
key.cvs (id, name)
data.cvs (name,animal,owner,age)
Now, you need to sort both files first on the user id columns:
cat key.cvs | sort -t, -k1,1 > sorted_keys.cvs
cat data.cvs | sort -t, -k3,3 > sorted_data.cvs
Now join the 2 files:
join -1 1 -2 3 -o "2.1 2.2 1.2 2.4" -t , sorted_keys.cvs sorted_data.cvs > replaced_data.cvs
This should produce:
-o "2.1 2.2 1.2 2.4"
Is saying what columns from the 2 files you want in your final output.
It is pretty fast for finding and replacing multiple gigs of data compared to other scripting languages. I haven't done a direct comparison to SED/AWK, but it is much easier to write a bash script wrapping this than writing in SED/AWK (for me at least).
Also, you can speed up the sort by using an upgraded version of gnu coreutils so that you can do the sort in parallel
cat data.cvs | sort --parallel=4 -t, -k3,3 > sorted_data.cvs
4 being how many threads you want to run it in. I was recommended 2 threads per machine core will usually max out the machine, but if it is dedicated just for this, that is fine.
There are several ways to do this. But if you want an easy one liner, without much in the way of validation I would go with an awk/sed solution.
Assume the following:
the files are tab delimited
you are using bash shell
the id in the data file is in the first column
your files look like this:
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
1 col2 col3 col4 col5
2 col2 col3 col4 col5
3 col2 col3 col4 col5
4 col2 col3 col4 col5
5 col2 col3 col4 col5
I would use awk and sed to accomplish this task like this:
awk '{print "sed -i s/^"$1"/"$2"/ data"}' lookup | bash
what this is doing is going through each line of lookup and writing the following to stdout
sed -i s/^1/one/ data
sed -i s/^2/two/ data
and so on.
it next pipes each line to the shell (| bash), which will execute the sed expression. -i for inplace, you may want -i.bak to create a backup file. note you can change the extension to whatever you would like.
the sed is looking for the id at the start of the line, as indicated by the ^. You don't want to be replacing an 'id' in a column that might not contain an id.
your output would look like the following:
one col2 col3 col4 col5
two col2 col3 col4 col5
three col2 col3 col4 col5
four col2 col3 col4 col5
five col2 col3 col4 col5
of course, your ids are probably not simply 1 to one, 2 to two, etc, but this might get you started in the right direction. And I use the term right very loosely.
The way I'd do this is to use awk to write an awk program to process the larger file:
awk -f <(awk '
BEGIN{print " BEGIN{"}
{printf " a[\"%s\"]=\"%s\";",$1,$2}
END {print " }";
print " {$1=a[$1];print $0}"}
' lookup_file.txt
) data.txt
That assumes that the id column is column 1; if not, you need to change both instances of $1 in $1=a[$1]
