Common list among web role - azure

I have 2 web roles. Each maintains a Concurrent Dictionary which it updates. Is there a way to make sure that changes made by one is visible to others.
Or in other words, for N number of web role instances there should be only 1 copy of data (Collection or Object not DB Table).

Each instance of a web role is a separate VM. So... whatever technique you'd use between two computers would be viable with two VMs.
You mentioned no databases, so that rules out quite a bit. You simply cannot share collections or objects because, again, you're talking about synchronization across two completely separate VMs.
Note that Cloud Services have a Cache Role as well, which you can consider for sharing content between your instances (and this is certainly not the ultimate answer; I'm simply pointing out what Cloud Services provide out-of-the-box).


Does SOA require a new instance of a webserver for each microservice?

Let's say I want a simple set of web services off of one domain:
User authentication
Projects datastore
Does this mean I would create 2 different databases, with 2 different instances of express/flask/etc, with 2 different servers running on 2 different ports?
In short no it does not require it, however you can do it like that if this is what you require.
Remember microservices allows you to create services in a polyglot fashion. For example you could host the user authentication in C++ and the projects in Java. However most developers feel that hosting every microservice on a different technology is overkill.
Microservices will typically share a persistent storage of some sort i.e. a common SQL/NoSQL database back end. They are typically hosted on the same server as well though they would be in a different process space potentially allowing you to make the services come and go without affecting the whole.
The micro part really refers to the business context and has nothing to do with technical side of things. So having every service on a separate database and server does not make it a "microservice".
A service that does both employee registration and customer registration is probably not a microservice if one considers that customers and employers are two entities that have life cycles of their own. An employee might be assigned to a customer but they should not share a service context.
Remember there is no right or wrong decisions in this. Just successful and unsuccessful SOA implementations.

Azure - Multiple roles in a single Cloud service Vs Multiple Cloud services

After going through several similar questions I am still not entirely sure about the pros and cons of the two approaches; hence this question.
Based on my understanding it is possible to have
Multiple roles (Web and/or Worker) in a single Cloud service.
Alternatively we can have these roles separated in their own Cloud
service (our current approach).
What are the benefits of either approach over the other and particular use cases where either one should be preferred/avoided.
Also how do they compare to each other when it comes to scalability and availability?
When do I choose which? My understanding at the moment is both offer the same except maybe the pricing.
if you did not see that Azure Multitenancy Guidance, i highly recommend to take a look, because they wrote it using Cloud Services as an example and the link above discusses some of the architecture decisions you are asking of.
IMO, it is difficult to say that first approach is better then the second somehow, it depends on what is the scenario in your project.
I would say that one of the important things are the limits of one Cloud Service. If you have the project that has instances that should be unique for the customer, then it can be more difficult to isolate your users if the solution is in the same CS, etc. A lot of decisions - mostly depends on the project specifics.
One difference between the two approaches is in deployment. Cloud services are deployed with all their web roles and worker roles together. If you need to have separate deployment schedules for some of your roles, separating them into different cloud services will allow you to do that.
As for pricing, I don't think there is a difference as cloud services are billed on a "per (role) instance" basis and this does not change between the two options you described.

Do I need other roles than Worker Role for a web site and service layer in Azure?

I've deployed web sites and services to the cloud before but it was a while ago and I wanted to revisit my approach to inventorize my skills. During the research, I've been told to use a worker role but I'm not sure in what constellation to apply it.
The image presents my choices. I'll be setting up two things (preferably on the same base URL).
1. A web site (ASP.NET, most likely MVC powered by Razor)
2. A service layer (guessingly WCF, as there's not much else to pick from today)
So, in my naive ignorance, I added ASP.NET Web Role for the former and WCF Service Web Role for the latter. Then, according to the hint, I also added Worker Role. And this is where I got humble and started to suspect that my ignorance was rather an arrogance...
Do I need all the three of them? Or is it perhaps so that Worker Role covers the others? Or are the others sufficient and I need to Worker Role? Or am I totally confusing the concepts here?
I've tried to google those but I realize that I haven't reached the threshold of learning by doing in this area yet. I get more confused and headacheish the more I read. Admittedly, my problem might lie in the wrong choice of search words and/or linguistic misconception. If so, my apologies...
The answer is, it depends...
A web role is essentially a Worker role with IIS installed + configured. You could host a WebApi/MVC, WCF AND process events all from the same web role if you really wanted to, reducing costs.
Remember that each role is a separate VM that you have to pay for, so adding extras roles to keep everything separate may not always be the best idea.
In one of our projects for example, we use a web role to host a WebApi. A Worker role to process internal events, and a worker role to host WCF services (you can also use a web role for this). We split them because they take very different workloads and perform separate functions, so being able to scale them independently made sense.
There's no right answer to how many roles to use in a cloud service. But it's important to understand exactly what those roles are.
Adding a bit to #Peter's answer: Each role is a definition of a VM (its contents) - think of it as a VM template. And for each role (template), you must have a minimum of one instance (VM) running. If you have one role, your minimum footprint will be one VM (of whichever size you specify for that role). If you have three roles, you'll have minimum 3 VMs running.
Whether you have one role or many depends on how you want to scale your application. Each role defines not only what goes in it, but also the size of the VMs uses by the role instances. By having different roles for different parts of your architecture, you can choose to scale those parts differently. For example, you might only need low-resource instances to handle your web tier, but maybe more CPU power for your service tier. And maybe your web tier scales dynamically based on user traffic, but you're able to handle, say, your service tier with just one or two instances. Of course, you can put everything in one role definition, and scale everything together. It's totally up to you.

Web and worker roles in Azure

Iam relatively new to Cloud Computing and azure. I was wondering whether you can have more than one web and worker role in an Azure application. If so what advantages can I get using multiple roles and where do they apply?
Yes, you can have more than 1 web or worker role in an Azure Cloud Service. You can have up to 25 different roles per deployment I believe in any mix of Web and Worker roles. See the Azure Subscription and Service Limits, Quotas and Constraints link for more information.
The advantage of having the roles within the same cloud service is simply that within that cloud service they can see all the other roles and instances easily (unless you configure them otherwise). They will all be relatively close to each other within a data center because a cloud service is assigned to a stamp of machines and controlled by a Fabric Controller assigned to that stamp. You can watch this video by Mark Russinovich which sheds more light on the inner workings of Azure and talks a bit about stamps I think. A cloud service is a security boundary as well, so you get some benefits from that encapsulation if you need to do a lot of inter machine communication that ISN'T going across a queue for some reason.
The disadvantage of batching a whole bunch of roles together is that they are tied pretty closely together at that point. You can certainly scale them separately, and you can do updates that target only a single role at a time. However, if you want to deploy changes to multiple roles you may end up having to do a full deployment to all roles (even those that haven't changed) or do updates to single roles one at a time until all the ones you need updated are, which can take some time. Of course, it could be argued that having them in separate cloud services would still have you doing updates concurrently depending on your architecture and/or dependencies.
My suggestion is to group only roles that REALLY belong together in the same solution. These are role that have workloads that are interrelated. Even then, there's nothing stopping you from separating these as well into separate deployments (though you may benefit from the security boundaries that being within the same cloud service). Think about how each role will be updated, and if they would generally be updated together or not. There are many factors in thinking about how to package roles together.

How Windows Azure Platform scales instances and balances workload?

The Windows Azure Platform allows an application to be deployed to one or more instances. The fabric controller then balances your application's workload across those instances.
Can the number of instances be scaled up/down based on demand or are the number of instances static? If instances can be dynamically started how much control do I have over how this happens?
How does Azure balance workload amongst my application instances and do I have any control over how this happens?
I just want to add that by commercial launch (November), we'll have an API that lets you programmatically modify the number of instances. (So you can scale based on whatever logic you want.)
This question has lots of good information, including a 3rd party tool (AzureWatch) that I use that can scale up/down based on load.
Azure platform: scalling instances up and down
The number of instances for Azure roles is specified in an xml configuration file. Currently, you must manually change the instance count in this config file. When you do so, the fabric controller will automatically adjust the number of running instances for you.
For web roles, incoming TCP connections are balanced across your instances. For worker roles, the load is generally distributed across all instances picking up work assignments from a message queue. The fabric doesn't really get involved for worker roles.
I know this is an old question, but I just thought that I'd highlight the free Windows Autoscaling Application Block, which was released since the question was first asked.
