I am trying to display following text using freemarker
My *.ftl file ahs following content:
I see that entire line is missing when content is processed by template engine.
Blank line is displayed.
Is OVERREAD a built key word in Freemarker. I don't understand why I cant display that simple text.
Thanks for help in advance.
I need to add some Pages to our Oracle Apex Application, which have to work as sort of an Instruction for new people in the Team. When I add a Static Content, to the page, I can add some text to it. But when I start a new line in the Source Box, this new line does not show up in Apex.
Do I need to use something different for text, or?
Kind Regards
The help section in the page builder shows that this region expects html. It's perfectly possible to put in plain text without any html but as you state, newlines aren't guaranteed.
Basic example of text with a line break as region source for static content region:
Depending on the requirement, it's possible to use any html element, css (inline or defined in page header), javascript etc
I selected text and made that text link using "ep_embedded_hyperlinks2". Now I want to get all content that is in pad. Trying with /pads/getHTML api.
This returns all text but no link/url which I made. Is there any way I can get that link/anchor along with all content from etherpad.
Thanks in advance
I have such html
<h1 id="1"><i>2</i>sample contents</h1>
I know by using the following work to get only text perfectly without html
response.xpath('//*[#id="1"]/text()').get() # sample contents
response.xpath('//*[#id="1"]/text()').extract_first() # sample contents
but if I assign into a variable then want to get only the text without html after?
For example
header = response.xpath('//*[#id="1"]')
# the below will get text WITH html tags
What I want is if i assigned to header and I want to get text only, how am I able to do that?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions and help.
By testing Moein's answer, somehow what I get in return is "\r\n \r\n " spacings instead
You can continue your XPath address by calling xpath on header variable:
Any idea why my page title is displaying twice? I am running a vanilla mean.io on openshift wih minor modifications other than basic modifications to a few values from default to custom (app name, meta tags such as keywords and description). Thanks in advance.
6: {{appName}} - {{title}}
FYI - I simply deleted "{{appName}} -" from line 6 of
It appears that the tag is populated with the value of line 40 from
I am trying to display an image using <s:formattedText value="#{image}"/>. Image value actually corresponds to image="<h:graphicImage value=\"/img/bird.png\"/>". Now while formatting seam throws a warning message
[UIFormattedText] Seam Text parse error: invalid element 'h'
How to resolve this?
What are you trying to achieve? s:formattedText is designed to display text in a rich-text format, not display images, which is what you're asking it to do.