How to deal with loop in NodeJS - node.js

I have a question some general because I have problems with. I'll take an example to show you, I have an application with a loop to connect two accounts.
for each{
Login informations
Make connect
But in this situation, the first loop are going to make the connect and going immediately to the second loop with new login informations. So the second account is the only one connected.
Edit :
Thanks per advance!

You use 'expired' i in your asynchronous callbacks.
It's often error.
Write a function to process each row and call it in each loop iteration:
function processRow(row){
// process row
for(var i in rows) processRow(rows[i]);


Mongoose js batch find

I'm using mongoose 3.8. I need to fetch 100 documents, execute the callback function then fetch next 100 documents and do the same thing.
I thought .batchSize() would do the same thing, but I'm getting all the data at once.
Do I have to use limit or offset? If yes, can someone give a proper example to do it?
If it can be done with batchSize, why is it not working for me?
I thought it would print 20 each time, but its printing whole count.
This link has the information you need.
You can do this,
var pagesize=100;
where n is the parameter you receive in the request, which is the page number client wants to receive.
Docs says:
In most cases, modifying the batch size will not affect the user or the application, as the mongo shell and most drivers return results as if MongoDB returned a single batch.
You may want to take a look at streams and perhaps try to accumulate subresults:
var stream = Dummy.find({}).stream();
stream.on('data', function (dummy) {

javascript variable value in asynchronous function called simultaneously by multiple clients

I am putting up a web server in node.js,
in particular I am developing a module for orders management.
the module is wrapped inside an anonymous function
if the "insertOrder" function I declare the variable order like this:
var order = {
user_id: '',
address_id: '',
payed: false,
accepted: false,
shipped: false
Then it gets populated with the values "returned" from the asynchronous functions i am calling that interact with the database.
This application is going to be used simultaneously by multiple clients.
Now, assuming that two users want to make an order, is the variable going to be re-initialized to the starting object every time the function get's called, overwriting the changes made during the first execution? Or is a context going to be spawned every time a client makes a call to the server?
I know this is not the case for node.js but still can't figure this one
is the variable value of the previous iteration gonna be kept somehow and used until the end of the first function call or lost as soon as the function gets called again?
Thank you very much.
EDIT: further explaination of the problem.
The user_id is is going to be used to retrieve the address that the order is going to be shipped to. A wrong user_id is going to result in the item shipped to the wrong address
If var order = { ... } is inside the insertOrder function, then every time the insertOrder function is called order will be reinitialized. The scope is isolated, so there should not be any mingling of local variables even in an asynchronous situation.

How to perform multiple nightmare function without it hanging up

I'm trying to scrape a webpage with nightmareJS and got stuck.
In my program i pass to the function an array on links which i need to the same data from all of them
The list can be very long (over 60) and if i try to do a
async.each(Links, function (url, callback) {
var nightmare = Nightmare(size);
Only the first couple few instances actually return a value , others just hang up and wont load (blank page).When i try to do only three it work perfectly.
How can i fix it? How can i redistribute the work , for example three in parallel and only when all done it will do the next set? One more thought maybe use the same instance and repeat the steps for all the links?
There are two possible solutions:
using eachSeries which waits until one operation is done before launching the other one.
Or in async.eachpass another argument which limits how many operation are running in the same time.

Optimization callbacks in MeteorJS

I dont know how to ask my question correctly, but for example I have some structure like this
request("", Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
$ = Cheerio.load(body);// get HTML of
$(".someclass").each(function() {
if (!somedata_doesnt_exist_in_Mongo) {
request(nexturl, Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(error, response, body)
//... logic
Main idea is that I get data from many sites like agregator and have a lot of methods like this. And it'a a lot of time. So I have 2 questions
1 - for Meteor guys. When I use this.unblock() this ensures that my method will work without taking time with customers, like work in other thread ?
2 - How can I optimaze code stucture like above ?
Sorry if it's not in StackOverflow format but
I am waiting for any help !
this.unblock is relevant only to each client individually. It
allows subsequent method calls from client A to run without
having the previous method calls from that client A to finish.
It is like working in a new thread asynchronously in the sense that
the previous method calls are not blocking for client A for this
function using this.unblock. If you have client B, his/her
method invocation wouldn't be blocking A's regardless of whether
you use this.unblock.
I recommend using this.unblock whenever you are sure subsequent method calls will not rely on the result of the function you use this.unblock in. Sending out emails is the most common example. Subsequent method calls will not need the emails to finish sending before doing its job. For your example, I think it should be good to use this.unblock, but of course it depends on what you plan to do with the results following the execution of code after this.unblock.

How to think asynchronously with nodejs?

I just started developing nodejs. I'm confused to use async model. I believe there is a way to turn most of SYNC use cases into ASYNC way. Example, by SYNC, we load some data and wait until it returns then show them to user; by ASYNC, we load data and return, just tell the user data will be presented later. I can understand why ASYNC is used in this scenario.
But here I have a use case. I'm building an web app, allowing user to place a order (buying something). Before saving the order data into db, I want to put some user data together with order data (I'm using document NoSql db by the way). So I think by SYNC, after I get order data, I make a SYNC call to database and wait for its returned user data. After I get returned data, integrate them together and ingest into db.
I think there might be an issue if I make ASYNC call to db to query user data because user data may be returned after I save data to db. And that's not what I want.
So in this case, how can I do this thing ASYNCHRONOUSLY?
Couple of things here. First, if your application already has the user data (the user is already logged in), then this information should be stored in session so you don't have to access the DB. If you are allowing the user to register at the time of purchase, you would simply want to pass a callback function that handles saving the order into your call that saves the user data. Without knowing specifically what your code looks like, something like this is what you would be looking for.
function saveOrder(userData, orderData, callback) {
// save the user data to the DB, function(rec) {
// if you need to add the user ID or something to the order...
orderData.userId =; // this would be dependent on your DB of choice
// save the order data to the DB, callback);
Sync code goes something like this. step by step - one after other. There can be ifs and loops (for) etc. all of us get it.
Think of async programming with nodejs as event driven. Like UI programming - code (function) is executed when an event occurs. E.g. On click event - framework calls back registered clickHandler.
nodejs async programming can also be thought on these lines. When db query (async) execution completes, your callback is called. When order data is updated, your callback is called. The above code goes something like this:
function nodejsOrderHandler(req,res)
var orderData;
db.queryAsync(..., onqueryasync);
function onqueryasync(userdata)
// integrate user data with order data
db.update(updateParams, onorderudpate);
function onorderupdate(e, r)
// handler error
write response.
javascript closure provides the way to keep state in variables across functions.
There is certainly much more to async programming and there are helper modules that help with basic constructs like chain, parallel, join etc as you write more involved async code. but this probably gives you a quick idea.
