for Azure websites, do you need to keep the awverify DNS records? - azure

I managed to get my custom subdomain name assigned to my Azure website, following this (very carefully):
link to azure custom domain name instructions
Is it necessary to keep the "awverify" DNS records after the custom domain names linkage has been established?
I deleted the awverify DNS record for the test subdomain, and was able to add another subdomain pointer to my azurewebsites test site.
Maybe I did not wait long enough. Does anyone else have any experience with this, to say one way or the other?

Not sure if I understand the issue you are running into... but the CNAME entry with the 'awverify' subdomain is used to "prove" to Azure that you own that domain when you are wiring up a custom domain name. Once that is established, you no longer need that.


Firebase template domain verification and firebase hosting at the same time seems to fail

I'm after having associated a custom domain for firebase hosting and firebase dynamic links, I was trying to setup a custom domain for authentificatio email templates. However verification for the authentification fail.
I'm using Namecheap for the DNS configuration.
Is it because the cname and # directive conflict one with each other ? I chose a subdomain for the authentification template mail:
Information is DNS servers is public information. Trying to answer what is wrong is very hard when you hide the information required.
Go to Google Domains Is your domain verified in Google Domains? If not complete that step first.
The CNAME resource records appear correct.
Most likely the last two TXT records are wrong. I am guessing that you are using something like The managed zone is The host is app. Your TXT records should only have *app without the managed zone
After you modify DNS server resource records be prepared to wait. Firebase will say up to 48 hours.
If my answer does not solve your problem you will either need to disclose your DNS server resource records or find someone that understands DNS to help you.

Azure Migrating Website Hostnames

I am trying to set up a secondary azure website in a different subscription.
When creating the Custom Hostname for the new site location, I am forced to validate the hostname.
Azure complains that the hostname is registered against a different CNAME and prevents me from adding it.
This is true, but I don't care, I want this to swap over from the old website to
the new one when the DNS records propagate.
I the old IIS world, I'd have just added the hostname to two servers and when the dns pointed to the correct one, it worked.
Now in Azure it validates that the Azure Hostname I am pointing it to is correct and that the cname record already exists, it isn't 'valid' until I change the DNS.
I have to disassociate the current cname, then add to my new site.
I'm sure the only issue here is the "validation", there is no reason why I can't have the name in two places, dns decides which it goes to, not the end point web site.
I'd like to be able to set this alias, whether valid or not, so that when it becomes valid, it works.
The result I get is validation prevent me adding the hostname.
- I have to ask the client to change the DNS Record
- when they manage to do that, they will tell me
- only then I can go in to Azure and add the hostname to make my site work.
There is documentation for this exact scenario:
You can create a TXT record with host:
and value:
This verifies domain ownership without directing traffic to it.

Azure WebApps custom domain - CNAME pointed to azurewebsite must exist?

We are trying to migrate sites from AWS to Azure WebApps.
The CNAME of the existing site points to Imperva. Imperva then points to AWS Site.
The CNAME of the existing site points to Imperva. Imperva then points to Azure WebApp Site.
When I try to add the custom domain to azure Web Apps website, it complains with the error that the existing Site MUST have CNAME pointing to Azure Website.
see example below:
This means that as part of cutover, we need to do below:
1. Quicky update CNAME to point to azure web app
2. Once custom domain is setup in azure
3. Change the CNAME back to Imperva.
This sounds bit hacky.
Is above right approach or am I missing anything here?
The part that you're missing is the direction of the CNAME. What Azure wants to do is to ensure that you do actually have authority over that domain name. So they want you to create a CNAME that points from to
Once that record is created Azure will looking that record and ensure that it redirects to This has no impact on any existing configuration (unless you just happen to have awverify sub domain in uswe already!) will still work in exactly the same way as before until you are ready to move that name to Azure.

Azure CNAME / A record confusion

I've set up my first site on Azure. Let's call it ''. I've uploaded the files to Azure as a shared Azure website. It's accessible at ''. Now I want to test it out by pointing a live subdomain to it, so basically I want it to resolve with the URL ''. I've read the documentation and it says that before I can add an A record to my domain to do this, I need to create a CNAME record. The instructions it gives are:
The DNS record for '' that points to
'' could not be located. If you
want to configure an A record, you must first create a CNAME record
with your DNS provider for
'' that points to
''. First allow the
resource record to propagate, and then create the A record.
Okay, so I've logged into the Plesk control panel of the current host (where the DNS is controlled) and added a CNAME record with 'host': and 'value': I did this more than 24 hours ago so it should have propagated by now, but when I try to add the domain in the Azure portal it still tells me there's no verification CNAME record. Similarly when I ping it doesn't resolve (surely it should if it's set up right, as it's a new record, so it shouldn't rely on DNS propagation time?).
To be on the safe side I've also created a CNAME with host: and value: and that too isn't working. In fact when I add these CNAME records Plesk tells me:
Unable to resolve the canonical name
Anyhow, I'm a little bit stuck. I thought I'd followed the documentation pretty closely but obviously something isn't right.
If anyone has any pointers I'd be most grateful.
It must have been a propagation issue oddly, as 48 hours later it works when I add the domain to Azure.

Naked domain support for Azure Websites

From the looks of it the new Azure Websites Feature still does not support hosting them under a naked domain such as instead of Am I missing something?
Azure Websites have now released support for naked domains. Websites that are run on Shared or Reserved instances does support naked domains through an A record. Domain management is available through the Azure management portal.
Update 2012-10-21:
I previously stated that free instances could rely on CNAME to redirect a subdomain to their free Azure-website, but this appear to be incorrect, at least at the moment. Doing a CNAME to your Azure-website will result in an HTTP 404, as reported by MemeDeveloper in his comment.
However, if you run your website on a Free instance, you are still limited to CNAME, so for those websites naked domains are not possible.
As MemeDeveloper suggest in his comment, there are web services you can use that will take your naked-domain and redirect it to for you. For your www subdomain you could then have a CNAME to your Azure-URL.
Not as clean as a simple A record that is available for your paid websites, but a workaround for your free sites.
The conversations above are a bit dated. This entry however, comes up at the top of the list when folks are hunting/searching for Azure Naked Domain support.I'd update the answer.
Azure now supplies an IP in shared and > plans, and you can configure a naked domain.
Check out the following articles for more info:
Azure does not support naked domain, because this requires to map definitively an IP address to the domain name. To map a naked domain name, you need a 1 record in the DNS. So, in this case, services like load balancing are more difficult to put in place.
Most registrars provide a way to redirect a naked domain request to another name, through HTTP redirect mechanism. For instance, you could redirect to
There seems to be some confusion about this. I don't know what the deal with Websites is, but normal Azure Web Roles provide a virtual IP address that is guaranteed not to change unless you delete a webrole deployment.
You can bind a domain name A-record to that VIP, as described here.
In practice, that means that when I want to update my website, I have to do a staging deployment first; and then switch it with the production deployment, and finally delete the staging deployment. The only caveat that I've been aware of, is that you can't do this if you switch your endpoint configuration (not even names).
I'm currently looking if there are same kinds of guarantees for websites, but haven't found appropriate documentation yet.
