Is there an alternative to use Cassandra without PHP-driver? - cassandra

I know about the Cassandra PHP driver being in BETA. But I strongly believe DataStax offers the best solutions as far as PHP drivers go for Cassandra.
What I would love to try is to see if it's possible to get cassandra data into my PHP application using CQLSH and PHP shell commando's. (both Cassandra and PHP script run on the same server. )
Anyone ever tried this?
Would there be a method to get CQLSH return json or a different output instead of columns fit for my console?
Thanks for your insights.

cqlsh is built using the DataStax python driver. That being said, I would not recommend system calls to cqlsh using OS system calls from php. Not only is it impractical from a data format perspective, it is also hacky, I would not expect it to perform well, and it would be adding a lot of complexity and failure scenarios to your application.
For scalability, if you ever need to move your application to a different machine, you would not be able to. These are just a few of the downsides that I can think of from the top of my head.
You are better off using the beta PHP driver from DataStax or waiting for a stable version. RC1 is due to drop soon.


Is there a simple Jmeter performance test case for Cassandra

We are creating Jmeter performance benchmarking for our Cassandra installation.
For which we have been referring to the default Cassandra plugin mentioned in the site
This plugin does not take any Cassandra server connection parameter for the "put", no much help is also present to how to use this plugin.
Some can help me with this plugin if any one knows how to configure Cassandra connection
Hence we switched to an article to test Cassandra with Groovy. (Link here)
This site calls to add multiple jar some are bundles and cannot find the exeat JAR
Can some help me with some simpler test perform on Cassandra ?
For correct performance testing of Cassandra it's better to use specialized tools, like NoSQLBench that was developed specifically for that task. Generic tools won't give you the real performance numbers. Please read NoSQLBench documentation on how to correctly test Cassandra to take into account things like compaction, repairs, etc.
Have you tried to read documentation which mentions CassandraProperties configuration element where you can define your connection server parameters:
If you want to have the full control and not only be limited to what other guys implemented you can consider following instructions from Cassandra Load Testing with Groovy article

NPGSQL Drivers and Azure Database for SQL - Hyperscale Citus compatibility

We are migrating our Postgresql v10 (Linux) database to Azure and due to the timeframe involved would prefer not to change our current use of the npgsql driver in our apps.
Has anyone had any experience here? Can we utilize our use of that driver with very little or no changes to our code?
The one thing I'm aware of is that queries must use the shard column to help the Citus coordinator distribute to the right node. Anything else?
Thank you!
I have no personal experience with Citus, but as far as I know, Citus is supposed to be extremely compatible with PostgreSQL - definitely at the wire protocol level - and so general PostgreSQL drivers (like Npgsql) are supposed to work fine with it.
You may definitely need to change the way you're doing things at a higher level (e.g. sharding), but at the low-level database driver level Npgsql should be OK.

stubbed cassandra for data storage

I need an embedded cassandra for my project and I was wondering if I can use Stubbed Cassandra for data storage. Because I need a system to simulate CQL requests and responses.
Thanks everyone.
You cant use it as a real datastore. Use real cassandra as a real cassandra datastore. check out ccm which is probably more what your looking for.
There are wrappers for it in dtests (python) and the java driver uses it for testing and has a java wrapper.
I don't really have any experience at all with SCassandra but I worked on several projects using Apache Cassandra and there are some use cases like multidatacenter infrastructure to experiment and I don't think SCassandra can do it. So if you plan to do simple tests, that's fine, But advanced use cases really need to be tested in a real cassandra distribution.
As others have mentioned, you will need the real Cassandra for data storage. However, if you want to test CQL requests/responses then you can use this library:
It runs an actual embedded Cassandra and also can simulate failures for inserts/selects. This helps you test your app's behaviour in failure cases. I wrote the library to address this specific use case.

How can I realize a solution where data from a running Labwindows/CVI program gets stored in a Cassandra database?

I am using (or at least trying to use) the free DataSax distribution for Windows, and I found the C++ driver, but the only video/description I found was for VisualStudio. Is it possible to use Cassandra with Labwindows/CVI?
Since that product is a C IDE, I think your best bet would be to use the DataStax C++ driver for Apache Cassandra. There are binary distributions for Windows, as described here.

Which Cassandra version is more stable for Production deployment? And which Cassandra driver is better?

In My organisation we are planning to use Cassandra and these days we are running some experimental tests against Custom Configuraiton to check the better and stable verison of Cassandra. And we are using DataStax drivers.
We are running tests, INSERT into and Select * from CQL statements in very tight loop with higher load like 10K qps.
So any one has any experience on which Cassandra version is better and stable and which drivers shall be used?
Thanks in advance.
You cannot go wrong with the latest 2.0 release (2.0.9). You can get that version from either the Apache Cassandra project or DataStax. The Apache Cassandra download page also has links for the latest release candidates (RC5 is the latest) of 2.1, but those are still in development, so consider that before installing them.
As for the driver, there are drivers available for more than a dozen languages. Chances are that you probably know or use one of them. There is no one driver (at least that I am aware of) that significantly out-performs all of the others. So pick the driver for the language that either:
You have the most thorough knowledge of.
Complies with the usage standards of your team.
For instance, you could make an argument for using Java. After all, Cassandra is written in Java and all of the examples on the original DataStax Academy are done with the Java CQL Driver. But that argument loses ground quickly if you have never done Java before. Or if your team is a .Net shop, and there's nobody else who understands Java. InfoWorld's Andrew Oliver put it best when he wrote:
The lesson to be learned here is: Don't solve a simple problem with a
completely unfamiliar technology and apply it to use cases it isn't
especially appropriate for.
Again, you cannot go wrong with using a "DataStax Supported Driver" from their downloads page.
“You should not deploy a Cassandra version X.Y.Z to production where Z <= 5.”
Hence go with 2.0.x . Currently its 2.0.10
