Set up cocos2d-x-3.6 with eclipse on linux - linux

I installed cocos2d-x-v3.6 and want to use it with an kubuntu repository version of eclipse (v3.8).
Although I added the path to cocos to the project's 'Path and Libraries > Includes' settings, I get a lot of errors of the sort:
Method '...' could not be resolved.
Function '...' could not be resolved.
Type '...' could not be resolved.
This is already true for the example code, see pictures.
This seems to be the case for mostly functions/variables in cocos namespaces, because basic classes, like 'Scene' are recognized.
What do I have to change in my settings so that also the members for this third-party framework are recognized?

Got it.
I started from scratch, installing cocos and all dependencies following these instructions - including android setup. (Before that, I followed the linux instructions and tried eclipse on that.)
I then used the cocos command line tool to build a new app skeleton, as described here.
Afterwards, I imported the subfolder into eclipse as an android project, as is described here for the cpp-tests example project shipped with cocos2d-x. (Importing libcocos2dx seemed not to be necessary at this point.)
All symbols, functions, methods where resolved by eclipse.
I had a look at the C++ Path and Libraries > Includes settings and there was a lot going on, many cocos subfolder are referenced.
However, autocompletion was still not working. I checked all checkboxes in the preferences at C++ or Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced and this did the trick, see screenshots.


How do I open android projects using emacs ede

The emacs documentation mentions that global-ede-mode supports android projects.
It mentions a function to declare the android sdk location, which I cannot find in emacs.
It also mentions that ede includes tools to interface with android tools, such as build and run emulators. These tools I cannot find either.
Has anybody had any luck using emacs built in ede mode to access android projects?
Currently running lubuntu 14.04 with emacs 24.3.1
The Android support for EDE is part of the CEDET project at, but that part wasn't included during the last merge from the CEDET repository into Emacs. Apparently that support wasn't removed form the manual. :)
If you download the sources from bzr, you will discover lisp/cedet/cedet-android.el, and lisp/cedet/ede/android.el which is the the support you found described in the manual.
In theory, you might be able to pull those two files down from bzr and just add to your own lisp repository, though it is always safest to download the entirety of the CEDET code and use it's install mechanism to ensure everything works correctly.
Once installed, you will find that the Development menu as project and target options that list things like starting up the debugger, or easily navigating between different .xml sources and your java source.

Project is targeting frameworks not installed or are included as part of future updates to Visual Studio

I am attempting to convert the Microsoft.Health C# class library that is installed as part of the HealthVault SDK, using instructions provided here. After following these instructions, I get the following error when attempting to load the project into Visual Studio 2013.
"The project is targeting frameworks hat are either not installed or
are included as part of future updates to Visual Studio. See"
Visiting the link takes me to .NET SDKs and Downloads. Once there, I have no clue on what needs to be done.
I do realize that one will have to leverage the Portable Class Library Contrib project to fill in some missing bits, especially code related to System.Security. This, I will deal with later.
Any one run into a similar problem?
Maybe so late but for those who have the same problem.
I had the same error in a project which was working perfect before updating VS2013 and finally after 3 hours looking for the source of the error I found that the error is about TargetFrameworkProfile.
In my case I sloved it like so:
Right click in the unloaded project in your solution and click Edit.
Find the TargetFrameworkProfile tag and set it as below:
At a guess, this is because you need to specify the TargetFrameworkVersion and TargetFrameworkProfile properties in the project file. Compare the .csproj you are trying to create to a newly created PCL project file, and make sure that everything that's not specific to your project matches.
I ran into the same issue and got it resolved by installing the latest Visual Studio Update

How do I determine which eclipse sdk is being used?

I have multiple eclipse SDKs installed on my linux notebook. They are in different directories and I do not remember which is the last one I installed. The command 'which eclipse' gets me /usr/bin/eclipse. /usr/bin/eclipse is a shell script that (among other things) sets ECLIPSE=/usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse. /usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse is a real executable (not a link) that was copied in from elsewhere.
The command 'eclipse' brings up a functioning eclipse. My question is: If I want to expand the capabilities of this eclipse, which SDK do I need to make changes to - ie which SDK do I insert add-ons? That is, given an executing eclipse, how do I find the sdk?
On the Help > About Eclipse dialog click Installation Details for lots of details about the installation. The Configuration tab contains the paths of what is being used.
Adding to Eclipse is generally done using Help > Install New Software and you don't normally need to know where the Eclipse install is for this!

Eclipse CDT indexer lost after system update

I am using Eclipse on Ubuntu for C++ development. After updating from Ubuntu 11.04 to Ubuntu 11.10, Eclipse indexer no longer is able to find my C/C++ system headers and annoys me filling the whole editor view with small bugs symbols, one for every line with an #include or symbol it does not recognizes.
Downloading and unpacking a brand new Eclipse CDT package will not solve the problem. Creating the Hello World sample project will not solve it either. I have tried to add by hand all system paths to the indexer configurations, and it partially solved the problem to that specific project, but only standard C headers and installed libraries were indexed (i.e. I was unable to make it work with standard C++ headers like iostream).
I believe there must be some configuration hidden in my system messing with Eclipse's indexer...
How can I make Eclipse to have its old behavior, automatically finding system headers when I create a new Hello World project, and specially, when working on my existing projects?
Found the problem explanation in Eclipse CDT forum:
To solve it locally for a project, open the project "Properties" window, under "C/C++ Build"→"Environment" add a new variable:
- Name: LC_ALL
- Value: C
This will make the compiler to issue its messages in English.

Easy way of installing Eclipse plugins on Ubuntu

I'm running Eclipse (versions 3.6 and 3.5) on Ubuntu and I'm having trouble installing Eclipse plugins.
There is an easy way to install eclipse plugins in Eclipse, but this doesn't work for me on Ubuntu! This way only works properly under Windows and Mac OSX.
Just like in the tutorial, I create a folder inside my eclipse SDK folder that is named Links.
In this folder, I create a file eclipse-cpp-helios-linux-gtk.lnk or that contains this line:
and save it, but when I start Eclipse doesn't recognize the plugin!
How can I resolve this problem?
With Eclipse Galileo (3.5) or Helios (3.6), I would rather recommend an external directory called 'mydropins' (for instance), which you can reference from your eclipse.ini, with the option:
This is called a shared dropins folder.
See in this SO answer an example of plugin deployment in this shared dropins folder.
(Your link refers to the previous provisioning mechanism, pre-p2.
P2 is the new provisioning system introduced late in Eclipse3.4, refined (debugged?) in eclipse 3.5 and 3.6.
See the supported dropins formats to check how you can organize your own personal dropins folder (that you can reuse between several eclipse installations)
You said you are using:
That means, under /home/taher/opt/eclipse/Third-party-eclipse-links, you:
won't have any .link file
will copy:
Note: the structure within eclipse-cpp-helios-linux-gtk should be the one describe above, for p2 to pick it up.
