Can't understand reason for syntax error in rails 4.2 - ruby-on-rails-4.2

I have below piece of code:
params.require(:posting_status).permit(:email, :craig_password, :mail_password, :posting_id, post_to:[])
this line doesn't give syntax error, but when i do like:
params.require(:posting_status).permit(:email, :craig_password, :mail_password, post_to:[], :posting_id)
this gives syntax error, Can't find the reason.

In the first case you used symbol at the beginning and (implicit!) hash at the end.
In the second case implicit hash not at the end.
Explicit hash solves the problem.
params.require(:posting_status).permit(:email, :craig_password, :mail_password, {post_to:[]}, :posting_id)
Source code of 'permit' method:
File actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb, line 325
def permit(*filters)
params =
filters.flatten.each do |filter|
case filter
when Symbol, String
permitted_scalar_filter(params, filter)
when Hash then
hash_filter(params, filter)
unpermitted_parameters!(params) if self.class.action_on_unpermitted_parameters


kdb/q: How to apply a string manipulation function to a vector of strings to output a vector of strings?

Thanks in advance for the help. I am new to kdb/q, coming from a Python and C++ background.
Just a simple syntax question: I have a string with fields and their corresponding values
pp_str: "field_1:abc field_2:xyz field_3:kdb"
I wrote an atomic (scalar) function to extract the value of a given field.
get_field_value: {[field; pp_str] pp_fields: " " vs pp_str; pid_field: pp_fields[where like[pp_fields; field,":*"]]; start_i: (pid_field[0] ss ":")[0] + 1; end_i: count pid_field[0]; indices: start_i + til (end_i - start_i); pid_field[0][indices]}
show get_field_value["field_1"; pp_str]
show get_field_value["field_3"; pp_str]
Now how do I generalize this so that if I input a vector of fields, I get a vector of values? I want to input ("field_1"; "field_2"; "field_3") and output ("abc"; "xyz"; "kdb"). I tried multiple approaches (below) but I just don't understand kdb/q's syntax well enough to vectorize my function:
/ Attempt 1 - Fail
get_field_value[enlist ("field_1"; "field_2"); pp_str]
/ Attempt 2 - Fail
get_field_value[; pp_str] /. enlist ("field_1"; "field_3")
/ Attempt 3 - Fail
fields: ("field_1"; "field_2")
get_field_value[fields; pp_str]
To run your function for each you could project the pp_str variable and use each for the others
Kdb actually has built-in functionality to handle this:
q){#[;x](!/)"S: "0:y}[`field_1;pp_str]
q){#[;x](!/)"S: "0:y}[`field_1`field_3;pp_str]
I think this might be the syntax you're looking for.
q)get_field_value[; pp_str]each("field_1";"field_2")

AutoHotKey: read of two underscore keys

One part of my AutoHotKey script should recognize if __ is typed.
Following the AutoHotKey documentation, I've tried:
tooltip,hi world
and got this error:
Line Text: ~__::
Error: Invalid hotkey.
this shows no errors, but works only for one underscore:
tooltip,hi world
this shows no errors, but it just clears the __:
tooltip,hi world
this shows error Error: Invalid hotkey.:
tooltip,hi world
this shows no errors, but does nothing (Doku: Executehotstring) :
tooltip,hi world
Here are 4 potential solutions. I have left one working, comment out/uncomment hotkey labels by adding/removing leading semicolons as appropriate.
The 2 blocks of code are functionally equivalent, and for the 2 alternatives, within each block, b0 prevents automatic backspacing, i.e. the underscores that you typed are not deleted.
;:*?:__:: ;deletes the underscores
:b0*?:__:: ;does not delete the underscores
;note: the X option requires AHK v1.1.28+
;:X*?:__::SoundBeep ;deletes the underscores
;:Xb0*?:__::SoundBeep ;does not delete the underscores
This AutoHotKey recognize if __ is typed:
countUnderscore :=0
if(countUnderscore == 2){
tooltip, %countUnderscore% = countUnderscore
countUnderscore := 0

Groovy complains unexpected token when evaluating relational operator on decimal values without leading zeroes

I am facing an issue with the execution of following Groovy Script snippet.
GroovyShell sh = new GroovyShell();
sh.evaluate("\"abcd\".length() >= .34");
I am getting the following exceptions. The entire stack trace is mentioned below.
Exception in thread "main" org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
Script1.groovy: 1: unexpected token: >= # line 1, column 17.
"abcd".length() >= .34d
If I change .34 to 0.34, it works. However, because of some limitation, I won't be able to change the script content.
Any help to overcome will be appreciated.
I am getting the following exceptions
Exception in thread "main" org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
Script1.groovy: 1: unexpected token: >= # line 1, column 17.
"abcd".length() >= .34d
1 error
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.ErrorCollector.failIfErrors(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.ErrorCollector.addFatalError(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.ErrorCollector.addError(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.ErrorCollector.addError(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit.addError(
at org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.AntlrParserPlugin.transformCSTIntoAST(
at org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.AntlrParserPlugin.parseCST(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit.parse(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit$
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.applyToSourceUnits(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.doPhaseOperation(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.processPhaseOperations(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.compile(
at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.doParseClass(
at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.parseClass(
at groovy.lang.GroovyShell.parseClass(
at groovy.lang.GroovyShell.parse(
at groovy.lang.GroovyShell.evaluate(
at groovy.lang.GroovyShell.evaluate(
at groovy.lang.GroovyShell.evaluate(
at groovytest.Testtest.main(
Your Groovy snippet is incorrect - Groovy does not support notation without leading zero in case of decimal numbers smaller than 1.0. If you try to compile following expression directly using groovyc:
"abcd".length() >= .34
compilation will fail with error like:
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
test.groovy: 2: Unexpected input: '.' # line 2, column 20.
"abcd".length() >= .34
1 error
Java supports such notation, however Groovy from 2.x up to 3.0.0-alpha-3 version does not support it.
Solid solution
Fix the input Groovy code snippet to contain only a valid and compile-ready code. Any invalid Groovy statements or expressions will lead to failures and compilation errors.
Workaround: add leading zeros with replaceAll() method
The only way to compile such incorrect snippet is to replace all .\d+ (dots followed by at least one space and ended with a number) with 0.$1. Consider following example:
def snippet = "\"abcd\".length() >= .34; \"efgh\".length() >= .22; \"xyz\".length() >= 0.11;"
println snippet.replaceAll(' \\.(\\d+)', ' 0.$1')
It adds 0 to all decimal numbers where leading zero is missing. Running this example prints following output to the console:
"abcd".length() >= 0.34; "efgh".length() >= 0.22; "xyz".length() >= 0.11;
If you pass such modified snippet to GroovyShell.evaluate() method it will run with no errors.
Of course this is not a rock-solid solution and it is just a way to automatically fix some of the syntax errors introduced in the code snippet. There are some corner cases where this workaround may cause some side effects, you have to be aware of it.

Ignore the comment sign (%) in m-file within a string

In my code I have the following line:
fprintf(logfile,'Parameters: Size: %d\tH: %.4f\tF: %.1f\tI: %.3f\tR: %d\tSigma: %d\tDisp: %.1f\r\n',parameter_sets(ps,:));
which is too long, so I want to break it to:
fprintf(logfile,'Parameters: Size: %d\tH: %.4f\tF: %.1f\tI: %.3f\tR: ...
%d\tSigma: %d\tDisp: %.1f\r\n',parameter_sets(ps,:));
However, since the brake is within a string, MATLAB see the formatting %d sign in the second line as a start of a comment, and ignore this line (and produce an error...).
So I tried to make it clearer with a [] that warp the string:
fprintf(logfile,['Parameters: Size: %d\tH: %.4f\tF: %.1f\tI: %.3f\tR: ...
%d\tSigma: %d\tDisp: %.1f\r\n'],parameter_sets(ps,:));
but no help, it still interpret the second line as a comment. I also tried with and without the ellipsis (...) in different places, with no success.
So how can I write a line in a formatted way (i.e. a reasonable length) if it has a % sign in it?
Divide it in two lines like this:
fprintf(logfile,['Parameters: Size: %d\tH: %.4f\tF: %.1f\tI: %.3f\tR:', ...
'%d\tSigma: %d\tDisp: %.1f\r\n'],parameter_sets(ps,:));
% notice the apostrophe and comma(',) before ellpsis(...) at the end of first line
% and apostrophe(') at the start of the second line

Add data into prolog with text

setup :-
write('data read'),
read_data :-
process(A) :- A == end_of_file.
process(A) :-
A \== end_of_file,
and the text are
the result is coming out
?- setup.
* Syntax Error
* Syntax Error
* Syntax Error
* Syntax Error
* Syntax Error
data read
What happens? What did I do wrong?
You are reading with read/1 which expects valid Prolog text as input. However, your data is
which is invalid. Write something like
instead. Most often, people do not read in such data manually. Instead, they load the file with [''] or other commands.
